This Artist Uses Only Three Instruments To Create Stunning Works Of Art Inspired By Eastern Culture And Gothic Architecture (32 Pics)
Zak Korvin is an English self-taught creator whose art is inspired by Sacred geometry found in Gothic and Eastern architecture. Every piece is made using only a couple of tools: a compass, ruler and a pen. Zak is able to inject life and soul into these patterns by carefully constructing his art by hand.
The artist used to struggle with crippling anxiety, however, his adventurous self found its peace and purpose in taking a risk in doing what he loves. From mandala coloring books to lunar calendars, Zak explores the realms that can only be seen by those who seek.
More info: Instagram | zkorvin.com | youtube.com | geometryptamine.com
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Orbit Of 12
November's Moon Phases
Seed Of Life
The Heart Chakra, Anahata
The Endless Vortex
October's Moon Phases
Architecture Mandala
September's Moon Phases
All Seeing Eye
July's Moon Phases
April's Moon Phases
The Crown Chakra, Sahasrara
Recreation Of A Byzantine Mozaic
The Throat Chakra, Vishuddha
Varahi Yantra
The Full Moon
The Gold Mandala
Heptagram Mandala
Asanoha Mandala
Wonderful! If you ever want to expand your idea get a Dictionary of Symbolism, with illustrations. You will do great with that a*s a reference.
Five-Petaled Flower
August's Moon Phases
The Sacral Chakra, Svadhishthana
The Solar Plexus Chakra, Manipura
The Root Chakra, Muladhara
Huachuma Mandala
The Third Eye Chakra, Ajna
Precise,beautiful,like ever-opening flowers. I especially like the Moon and the Sacral chakra. A time when words seem clunky and inadequate. 🦋💗
So what if "someone else does it better"? What is the point of or value in your comment? To make the person feel like s**t? Do you also s**t on digital artists or painters because "many artists only use a pen..."? You sound like I used to: critical for no reason and no constructive feedback. I have a feeling you yourself are struggling with low self-esteem. Maybe clean up your own yard before telling others to hire a landscaper.
Precise,beautiful,like ever-opening flowers. I especially like the Moon and the Sacral chakra. A time when words seem clunky and inadequate. 🦋💗
So what if "someone else does it better"? What is the point of or value in your comment? To make the person feel like s**t? Do you also s**t on digital artists or painters because "many artists only use a pen..."? You sound like I used to: critical for no reason and no constructive feedback. I have a feeling you yourself are struggling with low self-esteem. Maybe clean up your own yard before telling others to hire a landscaper.