Woman Rescues This Sable From Becoming Someone’s Coat, Decides To Keep Her As A Pet Since She’s Not Fit To Live In The Wild
When Zhenya found a picture of a wild sable online, she instantly fell in love with it and decided to learn more about it. Turns out, the wild animal has one of the most expensive kinds of fur in the world. The bloody fur industry finds it superior to that of other animals due to its silky texture and range of colors from beige to black.
In Russia, the demand for sable fur is growing as it’s used to produce items such as bedspreads and even underwear. According to reports, there are around 70 farms in the country that raise and kill wild sable and other furry animals. And that was the destiny of the beautiful animal Zhenya saw on the internet; to die and become someone else’s commodity.
More info: Instagram
“Easy choice!”
Image credits: russian_sable
Image credits: russian_sable
Image credits: russian_sable
Determined to do her part in animal rescue, Zhenya set out to help the poor critter. “Eventually, I learned that there was an opportunity to buy her out from a fur farm,” the woman told Bored Panda. “She would have died there, so I decided to save the little fella.”
Image credits: russian_sable
Image credits: russian_sable
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Image credits: russian_sable
Now, the two are living together and enjoying life to the fullest. However, Zhenya worked really hard for her exotic pet. “Umora has a difficult personality. Living in the fur farm really took a toll on her, so she’s quite emotional, sometimes even a bit hysterical. Umora is also a really playful pet – she’s cheeky and likes to steal stuff. She’s very active and smart as well.”
Image credits: russian_sable
Image credits: russian_sable
All things considered, Zhenya even advises against keeping a sable as a pet. “One has to go through a lot before they can start living with it comfortably,” she said. “It requires a lot of time and patience. It might even take a couple of years for you to begin to fully enjoy your life with it.”
Image credits: russian_sable
Image credits: russian_sable
In the wild, sables inhabit dense forests dominated by spruce, pine, larch, cedar, and birch in both lowland and mountainous terrain. Their home territories range from 4 to 30 square kilometers (1.5 to 11.6 sq mi) in size, depending on local terrain and food availability. However, when resources become scarce, they may move considerable distances in search of a bite, from 6 to 12 kilometers (3.7 to 7.5 mi) per day.
Image credits: russian_sable
Image credits: russian_sable
Sables live in burrows near riverbanks and in the thickest corners of woods. They are good climbers of cliffs and trees and primarily hunt during the hours of twilight, but become more active in the day during the mating season.
Image credits: russian_sable
Image credits: russian_sable
Image credits: russian_sable
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Image credits: russian_sable
Image credits: russian_sable
Image credits: russian_sable
The only time I agree with people wearing animal skin or fur is if the WHOLE or majority of the animal is used ie for food, tools, clothing etc like what tribes do but not as a fashion statement and certainly not farming animals for their fur. It is despicable.
This and they should be housed and killed humanly! The biggest problem with the fur industry is the deplorable living conditions and the horrible, horrible way they are killed (often skinned alive and thrown on a big pile of dying mates to just bleed to death). If you give them a good life (as good as possible) and kill them quickly and painlessly, it's not worse than killing a cow or pig.
Load More Replies...No. No they are not. Animals are euthanized properly and then set aside until their body temperature reaches a level signifying clear death before being skinned. There are numerous reasons why no fur farmer in their right mind would skin a live animal, all very, very good ones, not least of which it would be A: Dangerous, B: Much slower and C: have an extremely high risk of ruining the pelt. This is on top of being both incredibly inhumane and illegal, no-one in their right mind would commit a practice that was illegal AND damaged their profit margin. Regardless of what you think of the fur industry (I don't particularly like it myself) please think critically and properly educate yourself so you are better equipped to actually effect change.
No such thing as killing something humanely! What bloody planet are you from?!! FGS.
Using e.g. leather from a cow mainly used for meat still means that the cow as a whole will generate more revenue, and this will in greater economic terms lead to more cows being slaughtered. I have stopped using leather products, both for ethical and for ecological reasons. Sometimes, alternatives are scarce, but it is possible.
I sort of can see your point Foxxy, I mean - it is logical. But I have stopped buying leather shoes or bags some years ago - I don't want to generate demand.
I agree 100%, as a vegan if i knew someone was hunting or raising their own for food and to use all the other bits, that is the answer to farmed animals.
I've never seen a sable before. What a gorgeous little creature. Should be an international ban on the production and sale of fur, under CITES laws.
Absolutely! They nearly p**s themselves for stuff like decades old guitars which were built from exotic woods (that weren't endangered then, or no one cared - anyway, they were built decades ago) and demand you having a lot of paperwork if you cross a border with one ... and don't ban fur. ... but, here we see a bit of double standard again: Which animal products are bad, which are good seems ot be based on the proportion of population using them ... while none of them really is justifyable under civilized conditions.
Load More Replies...I owned a sable once. Not that great of a car but when it died I used it’s seat fabric to make a coat.
Does that mean ugly animals can be killed? Only the gorgeous ones warrant protection? Good ol' charismatic megafauna.
Why does anyone wear fur is beyond me! We don't actually need it to get warm as there are so many many options to be warm without any real fur, and those fur coats don't even look good on people. They just look stupid IMO. So many other coats without fur that look amazing, why would you ever want fur? To show how rich you are?
I understand what you mean, and personally I think wool is an excellent option over synthetics and fur. But fur coats have greater longevity and (used to be) v good quality. The warmth from plasticky coats doesn't compare to fur. Plus, a lot of warm coats these days are made with goose down, which involves extreme cruelty to birds. And of course, coats made of synthetics are part of a polluting fashion industry and have disastrous effects on the environment and indirectly cause loss of species. I don't wear fur whatsoever, but I'm just pointing out it's not so black and white. The big issue for me is breeding these animals in captivity, in gross conditions, then killing them inhumanely. Not to mention the many species extinguished for this reason already. This is vile. With wool, nothing is harmed. If flocks are.maintained properly on native ground, you literally have the most environmentally friendly material I can think of to work with. And it is more versatile than fur.
Load More Replies...I should point out that in warm countries (ie Australia) where Merino sheep are raised for wool, they are very much harmed. The climate is such that their wool becomes maggot-infested and they end up with all kinds of infections in their skin (which is wrinkled and therefore grows more wool on the surface area). There is all kinds of damage and suffering visited on those sheep. Read about it and weep.
@joChoto yes, I'm very much aware, that's why I said sheep maintained properly on native land, like the UK where we have an extraordinary variety of sheep, bred to thrive in specific areas. Merino sheep are from South West Europe and not native to Australia or NZ. The overall welfare of that region is not as high as the UK (although there are non-mulesing farms) and yet Merino wool from those areas is crushing the wool industry elsewhere. Local economy is the way forward in my opinion, and knowing where your product comes from, how it is produced, how far it has to travel, and for what purpose.
@kathleenbarlow I think my comment makes it clear I'm not advocating for it. Just explaining that a lot of clothing production involves harm to the environment and therefore, wildlife. Wool from British sheep managed holistically is the most harmless I can think of. Cotton is produced in a monoculture way which by definition, harms the soil and disrupts the ecosystem and other clothes are plastic. Fur is cruel and is less necessary. Wool looks good from where I'm standing.
If you aren't warm enough, wear another layer! There is no excuse, not one single excuse on this planet, to wear fur.
@Chu Yue Ling Fur and leather is very much polluting as well if not one of the most polluting materials for clothing. You have to take into account that for breading the animal, many resources are used as well. Food, co2 impact of the animal, water etc. When it's killed, a process called tanning uses heavy metals and polluting chemicals to treat the skin into a usable material. So yeah, while synthetics are bad for the environment, they might be even better for it than fur ( if synthetics are recycled). Just wanted to point that out :)
@ Chu Yue Ling as a sheep farmer in the UK I can tell you that no matter how high your standards are you will still get sheep with maggots. Fly strike will affect all your sheep unless you shear them. Old breeds would lose wool naturally, most breeds now do not. I have texel and Shropshire sheep and not matter how much ecofly I use I still get flystrike. Removing the wool in summer helps but there will always be ones with problems. Although you are correct that we are able to apply more care but this is due to less land and sheep rather than our actual breeds.
In places like Siberia and other points in the far north of the world, fur is still very much needed. It keeps you warmer around your face than any synthetic could, and that is the difference between life and death of those who live there. For the vast majority of humanity, we have no reason to need fur.
What cruelty is done to birds to make down? I sometimes buy down, now I'm concerned.
There is just not a single real reason to kill an animal to maintain a body warm . We are suppose to protect our animals not to kill them for our comforts and stupid fashion
Killing for food and even for leather can be considered necessary, but problem with fur is that killing is extremely inhumane and painful, it's something I will NEVER EVER support, no matter what. At least, if you kill, do it with mercy.
I agree! A good warm knock off and leave the animals be. Bad enough we eat them ! It’s really heartbreaking when you think about it!!
That little face! Beautiful! The only heartbeat that should ever be under fur is the one belonging to the animal whose fur it is.
This little one is so cute! It's like a cat, dog, and mouse all in one.
Umora must be the luckiest sable on the planet. She is adorable. Cheers to her and Zhenya.
she was born and raised in captivity, so cannot be set free, as she does not know howto look after her self, also sh ewould possibly be trapped and killed, by hunters. So this woman is doing the best that she can, unless there are Wild Life Rescuers, who would be able to provide a more appropriate home, for that beautiful little animal, and all of the ones in the illegal For farms!
I don't understand why there are fur farms anymore. Faux can achieve almost exactly the same feeling as real fur.
When I think of the cruelty to the poor animals it just sickens me. Vanity, fashion and inhumanity to think you look fantastic in a poor animal’s skin that was ripped off them. Thank you to the lass who saved this poor soul.
Western people do not need fur! Come on! (Yes Russians too). What are you - tribesmen living in the woods? We have so many great warm fabrics now and somehow this fur stupidity continues in so many places :(
Love this story and this sable is so cute my wife and I can’t stand it!!!
I wonder how tame they can be? It’s like a kitty, puppy. So cute. There’s no need to wear real fur. Faux fur looks just as good.
What is that? A small bear? Too cute!!! How can people kill this beauty? No one needs fur!!! Period!!!
omg !! I cant believe I say this but...these are more cute than cats
Kjorn, this little sable was likely born into captivity and never knew nothing more than a tiny squalid cage before it was rescued. I highly doubt the animal would have faired well at all if it were released back into the wild. Having spent its life in a cage, it would likely lack many of the basic instincts needed to survive. The owner and rescuer of this little sable even explains that these creatures should not be kept as pets. This was a situation where she rescued the sable and is giving it a loving and caring life knowing that there is no way the creature would survive in the wild.
I tried to save a mink caught in a let trap in a creek here in the US - the police came and said they would arrest me if I released the animal as once it was caught in the trap it was legally considered the trap owners property. The traps were not properly labeled so I don’t know what the police did with it - I told the officer he had no heart or soul.
Lookit the shedding on the sofa. OMG. Teach the sable to use the hoover. :)
Mink Headbands
Are you looking for a better service of Fur Accessories service in USA at nominal price. Premium quality authentic fox fur headband. These fox fur headbands feature an extra wide band of our finest dyed fox fur. The ends of the headband attach together with Velcro which can be adjusted to fit any head size.May also be worn as a fox fur collar or scarf. And real focus on customer satisfaction. For more info visit our website today.
https://onlinefur.com/index.php/product-category/accessorize-with-the-look-feel-and-warmth-of-genuine-fur/ cropped-fu...e087cd.jpg
Mink Headbands Are you looking for a better service of Fur Accessories service in USA at nominal price. Premium quality authentic fox fur headband. These fox fur headbands feature an extra wide band of our finest dyed fox fur. The ends of the headband attach together with Velcro which can be adjusted to fit any head size.May also be worn as a fox fur collar or scarf. And real focus on customer satisfaction. For more info visit our website today. https://onlinefur.com/index.php/product-category/accessorize-with-the-look-feel-and-warmth-of-genuine-fur/
I wonder if this animal is related to what we call Fisher in Canada..... It seems to resemble it a lot? Does anyone know?
Yes, sables are mustelids like fishers are. Also in that family: weasels, otters, ferrets, mink and wolverines, among others.
Very courageous to take on such a task. The super duper cute pictures are not showing how difficult it must be to keep a wild animal in your home. I understand the appeal fo real fur - it does feel amazing. But, my God, the price to your soul, to enjoy that kind of suffering without needing to.
Whoa! What is that thing! Why is it not domesticated yet? That thing looks like it's shaped to just lay down! Also looks super soft! Why is that not a Household pet!? Someone answer these questions
They make really terrible pets. They steal stuff, they stink, they're very smart so they get bored and into mischief easily, they love to bite, they're escape artists - and probably a bunch of other things I don't know about. I owned ferrets for many years, they are domesticated relatives and have all the same issues in lesser degree - being wild means it's all more intense with a sable. I love my ferrets, but I'm not taking on any of their kin!
Load More Replies...They're cloning meat now so I wonder if wonder if one day they can do the same with Fur.
GAH! The cuteness! Can't...handle...cuteness! What an adorable little creature! Considering the quality of synthetics nowadays, you'd think they could do without using living creatures.
It seems nobody really knew about this until this story! not only you brought it to the attention of animal rights you also encouraged for more killing of the animals beings that you made the comments of it being the most expensive fur!
The sable is adorable,a cute face, I have read all of the comments, and agree, no need to raise animals for fur, it's time to end the cruel business, people who live in the coldest of climates, kill animals for food and use the fur, that is acceptable !!!
When my mother died I inherited her full-length sable fur coat. It's in a bedroom closet in my house. It is gorgeous, but controversial, for sure. I don't know what to do with it. It was quite expensive, and it seems like a disgrace to the animals who died to throw it away. Any ideas?
What a beautiful person to take in such a tricky animal and help it to live a better life. I have seen many programs and read about the sable , literally living with the devil 😂 then when it decides to have one over on you, and be more good, it’s actually just for food . So you are treated pretty much like a mug by them .This woman is my hero for the day .
Fur used to be necessary to keep humans warm. It's not anymore and it should be abolished. There are awesome options now, heck, my coat is good -25 to +15 and made from recycled materials and no animals were used. Unless you use the whole animal - no. (And give all animals a good life and a quick death)
What a beautiful creature that's exploited for its fur. Humans can be vile monsters when they want to achieve a fashion statement, trend or pretty much doing anything that will impact the population of the animal. Like @Foxxy says, the majority of an animal should be used if its going to be humanely slaughtered for food, tools and clothing (depending on the type of animal, ie cows), not to parade around as a fashion statement.
Looks like a weasel/ferret, but sturdier. Disney or Pixar need to do some films about the fur bearing creatures to make people realize they feel things, can enjoy life!
I will never understand those wearing these dead animals thinking they look good, when you can see the life glittering in their eyes, the joy of playing, being, living... their soul. A great set of pics to show that fur is really far out and has to stay out!
This made my day so much better. What may have seemed like a small gesture of kindness saved a creature, let him grow up and experience life, and gave him the best life possible. Good on you.
Rich black singers in America love their furs... these scumbuckets don't give a c**p about the animals. It's just a status thing
The critter is so cute! Makes you want to go and buy out all the fur farms just so you can let them loose.!
Sable fur belongs on the sable. Not on some rich person's horrible back.
There is plenty of silky feeling faux fur. Humans don't need to kill animals for fur. Humans are so freaking greedy
I wish there was a terrorist charity I could support that bombs poachers, fur farmers and corrupt politicians
The way, they kill these animals is so sickening and evil. I wish all animal's would disappear. That way man can no longer hurt them.
at least most of cows and pigs part that slaughtered is used almost 90%. but, imagine this, sable it just raised to be killed for ONLY the fur, and the bodies is thrown away just like that (since i never seen sable as food in internet). the same with shark fin soup, the shark is caught just to have it's fin cut and left drown alive and got eaten by bottom feeder slowly. it's a waste and has no respect of lives
Load More Replies...So if I kill sables and also eat the meat you're totally okay with it? Probably not. I just don't get why it's evil to kill a sable yet it's perfectly fine to wear leather and sit on leather. Let's just be honest here: It's because sables are cute. If they were super ugly people wouldn't care anywhere nearly as much. I'm downvoted for making a salient point yet again on this site. Let me kill your family dog and then let you know that I used all of it. I'm sure you'd forgive me then. *sigh *
If an animal is bought up in captivity quite often it can’t go back into the wild because they haven’t developed the skills for survival. Whilst keeping the Sable as a pet is not ideal there is a high possibility of it not surviving long in the wild. So it’s either stay at the farm to be tortured and killed for fur, being looked after by a caring person or struggling in the wild because they lack the skills to survive.
Load More Replies...Tell me Aunt Messy, what should have happened to that Sable then? What solution can you come up with? As I said whilst being a pet is not ideal it is better than the other alternatives or do you think death for the Sable is the best option? Even the women herself advises against having a Sable as a pet.
The only time I agree with people wearing animal skin or fur is if the WHOLE or majority of the animal is used ie for food, tools, clothing etc like what tribes do but not as a fashion statement and certainly not farming animals for their fur. It is despicable.
This and they should be housed and killed humanly! The biggest problem with the fur industry is the deplorable living conditions and the horrible, horrible way they are killed (often skinned alive and thrown on a big pile of dying mates to just bleed to death). If you give them a good life (as good as possible) and kill them quickly and painlessly, it's not worse than killing a cow or pig.
Load More Replies...No. No they are not. Animals are euthanized properly and then set aside until their body temperature reaches a level signifying clear death before being skinned. There are numerous reasons why no fur farmer in their right mind would skin a live animal, all very, very good ones, not least of which it would be A: Dangerous, B: Much slower and C: have an extremely high risk of ruining the pelt. This is on top of being both incredibly inhumane and illegal, no-one in their right mind would commit a practice that was illegal AND damaged their profit margin. Regardless of what you think of the fur industry (I don't particularly like it myself) please think critically and properly educate yourself so you are better equipped to actually effect change.
No such thing as killing something humanely! What bloody planet are you from?!! FGS.
Using e.g. leather from a cow mainly used for meat still means that the cow as a whole will generate more revenue, and this will in greater economic terms lead to more cows being slaughtered. I have stopped using leather products, both for ethical and for ecological reasons. Sometimes, alternatives are scarce, but it is possible.
I sort of can see your point Foxxy, I mean - it is logical. But I have stopped buying leather shoes or bags some years ago - I don't want to generate demand.
I agree 100%, as a vegan if i knew someone was hunting or raising their own for food and to use all the other bits, that is the answer to farmed animals.
I've never seen a sable before. What a gorgeous little creature. Should be an international ban on the production and sale of fur, under CITES laws.
Absolutely! They nearly p**s themselves for stuff like decades old guitars which were built from exotic woods (that weren't endangered then, or no one cared - anyway, they were built decades ago) and demand you having a lot of paperwork if you cross a border with one ... and don't ban fur. ... but, here we see a bit of double standard again: Which animal products are bad, which are good seems ot be based on the proportion of population using them ... while none of them really is justifyable under civilized conditions.
Load More Replies...I owned a sable once. Not that great of a car but when it died I used it’s seat fabric to make a coat.
Does that mean ugly animals can be killed? Only the gorgeous ones warrant protection? Good ol' charismatic megafauna.
Why does anyone wear fur is beyond me! We don't actually need it to get warm as there are so many many options to be warm without any real fur, and those fur coats don't even look good on people. They just look stupid IMO. So many other coats without fur that look amazing, why would you ever want fur? To show how rich you are?
I understand what you mean, and personally I think wool is an excellent option over synthetics and fur. But fur coats have greater longevity and (used to be) v good quality. The warmth from plasticky coats doesn't compare to fur. Plus, a lot of warm coats these days are made with goose down, which involves extreme cruelty to birds. And of course, coats made of synthetics are part of a polluting fashion industry and have disastrous effects on the environment and indirectly cause loss of species. I don't wear fur whatsoever, but I'm just pointing out it's not so black and white. The big issue for me is breeding these animals in captivity, in gross conditions, then killing them inhumanely. Not to mention the many species extinguished for this reason already. This is vile. With wool, nothing is harmed. If flocks are.maintained properly on native ground, you literally have the most environmentally friendly material I can think of to work with. And it is more versatile than fur.
Load More Replies...I should point out that in warm countries (ie Australia) where Merino sheep are raised for wool, they are very much harmed. The climate is such that their wool becomes maggot-infested and they end up with all kinds of infections in their skin (which is wrinkled and therefore grows more wool on the surface area). There is all kinds of damage and suffering visited on those sheep. Read about it and weep.
@joChoto yes, I'm very much aware, that's why I said sheep maintained properly on native land, like the UK where we have an extraordinary variety of sheep, bred to thrive in specific areas. Merino sheep are from South West Europe and not native to Australia or NZ. The overall welfare of that region is not as high as the UK (although there are non-mulesing farms) and yet Merino wool from those areas is crushing the wool industry elsewhere. Local economy is the way forward in my opinion, and knowing where your product comes from, how it is produced, how far it has to travel, and for what purpose.
@kathleenbarlow I think my comment makes it clear I'm not advocating for it. Just explaining that a lot of clothing production involves harm to the environment and therefore, wildlife. Wool from British sheep managed holistically is the most harmless I can think of. Cotton is produced in a monoculture way which by definition, harms the soil and disrupts the ecosystem and other clothes are plastic. Fur is cruel and is less necessary. Wool looks good from where I'm standing.
If you aren't warm enough, wear another layer! There is no excuse, not one single excuse on this planet, to wear fur.
@Chu Yue Ling Fur and leather is very much polluting as well if not one of the most polluting materials for clothing. You have to take into account that for breading the animal, many resources are used as well. Food, co2 impact of the animal, water etc. When it's killed, a process called tanning uses heavy metals and polluting chemicals to treat the skin into a usable material. So yeah, while synthetics are bad for the environment, they might be even better for it than fur ( if synthetics are recycled). Just wanted to point that out :)
@ Chu Yue Ling as a sheep farmer in the UK I can tell you that no matter how high your standards are you will still get sheep with maggots. Fly strike will affect all your sheep unless you shear them. Old breeds would lose wool naturally, most breeds now do not. I have texel and Shropshire sheep and not matter how much ecofly I use I still get flystrike. Removing the wool in summer helps but there will always be ones with problems. Although you are correct that we are able to apply more care but this is due to less land and sheep rather than our actual breeds.
In places like Siberia and other points in the far north of the world, fur is still very much needed. It keeps you warmer around your face than any synthetic could, and that is the difference between life and death of those who live there. For the vast majority of humanity, we have no reason to need fur.
What cruelty is done to birds to make down? I sometimes buy down, now I'm concerned.
There is just not a single real reason to kill an animal to maintain a body warm . We are suppose to protect our animals not to kill them for our comforts and stupid fashion
Killing for food and even for leather can be considered necessary, but problem with fur is that killing is extremely inhumane and painful, it's something I will NEVER EVER support, no matter what. At least, if you kill, do it with mercy.
I agree! A good warm knock off and leave the animals be. Bad enough we eat them ! It’s really heartbreaking when you think about it!!
That little face! Beautiful! The only heartbeat that should ever be under fur is the one belonging to the animal whose fur it is.
This little one is so cute! It's like a cat, dog, and mouse all in one.
Umora must be the luckiest sable on the planet. She is adorable. Cheers to her and Zhenya.
she was born and raised in captivity, so cannot be set free, as she does not know howto look after her self, also sh ewould possibly be trapped and killed, by hunters. So this woman is doing the best that she can, unless there are Wild Life Rescuers, who would be able to provide a more appropriate home, for that beautiful little animal, and all of the ones in the illegal For farms!
I don't understand why there are fur farms anymore. Faux can achieve almost exactly the same feeling as real fur.
When I think of the cruelty to the poor animals it just sickens me. Vanity, fashion and inhumanity to think you look fantastic in a poor animal’s skin that was ripped off them. Thank you to the lass who saved this poor soul.
Western people do not need fur! Come on! (Yes Russians too). What are you - tribesmen living in the woods? We have so many great warm fabrics now and somehow this fur stupidity continues in so many places :(
Love this story and this sable is so cute my wife and I can’t stand it!!!
I wonder how tame they can be? It’s like a kitty, puppy. So cute. There’s no need to wear real fur. Faux fur looks just as good.
What is that? A small bear? Too cute!!! How can people kill this beauty? No one needs fur!!! Period!!!
omg !! I cant believe I say this but...these are more cute than cats
Kjorn, this little sable was likely born into captivity and never knew nothing more than a tiny squalid cage before it was rescued. I highly doubt the animal would have faired well at all if it were released back into the wild. Having spent its life in a cage, it would likely lack many of the basic instincts needed to survive. The owner and rescuer of this little sable even explains that these creatures should not be kept as pets. This was a situation where she rescued the sable and is giving it a loving and caring life knowing that there is no way the creature would survive in the wild.
I tried to save a mink caught in a let trap in a creek here in the US - the police came and said they would arrest me if I released the animal as once it was caught in the trap it was legally considered the trap owners property. The traps were not properly labeled so I don’t know what the police did with it - I told the officer he had no heart or soul.
Lookit the shedding on the sofa. OMG. Teach the sable to use the hoover. :)
Mink Headbands
Are you looking for a better service of Fur Accessories service in USA at nominal price. Premium quality authentic fox fur headband. These fox fur headbands feature an extra wide band of our finest dyed fox fur. The ends of the headband attach together with Velcro which can be adjusted to fit any head size.May also be worn as a fox fur collar or scarf. And real focus on customer satisfaction. For more info visit our website today.
https://onlinefur.com/index.php/product-category/accessorize-with-the-look-feel-and-warmth-of-genuine-fur/ cropped-fu...e087cd.jpg
Mink Headbands Are you looking for a better service of Fur Accessories service in USA at nominal price. Premium quality authentic fox fur headband. These fox fur headbands feature an extra wide band of our finest dyed fox fur. The ends of the headband attach together with Velcro which can be adjusted to fit any head size.May also be worn as a fox fur collar or scarf. And real focus on customer satisfaction. For more info visit our website today. https://onlinefur.com/index.php/product-category/accessorize-with-the-look-feel-and-warmth-of-genuine-fur/
I wonder if this animal is related to what we call Fisher in Canada..... It seems to resemble it a lot? Does anyone know?
Yes, sables are mustelids like fishers are. Also in that family: weasels, otters, ferrets, mink and wolverines, among others.
Very courageous to take on such a task. The super duper cute pictures are not showing how difficult it must be to keep a wild animal in your home. I understand the appeal fo real fur - it does feel amazing. But, my God, the price to your soul, to enjoy that kind of suffering without needing to.
Whoa! What is that thing! Why is it not domesticated yet? That thing looks like it's shaped to just lay down! Also looks super soft! Why is that not a Household pet!? Someone answer these questions
They make really terrible pets. They steal stuff, they stink, they're very smart so they get bored and into mischief easily, they love to bite, they're escape artists - and probably a bunch of other things I don't know about. I owned ferrets for many years, they are domesticated relatives and have all the same issues in lesser degree - being wild means it's all more intense with a sable. I love my ferrets, but I'm not taking on any of their kin!
Load More Replies...They're cloning meat now so I wonder if wonder if one day they can do the same with Fur.
GAH! The cuteness! Can't...handle...cuteness! What an adorable little creature! Considering the quality of synthetics nowadays, you'd think they could do without using living creatures.
It seems nobody really knew about this until this story! not only you brought it to the attention of animal rights you also encouraged for more killing of the animals beings that you made the comments of it being the most expensive fur!
The sable is adorable,a cute face, I have read all of the comments, and agree, no need to raise animals for fur, it's time to end the cruel business, people who live in the coldest of climates, kill animals for food and use the fur, that is acceptable !!!
When my mother died I inherited her full-length sable fur coat. It's in a bedroom closet in my house. It is gorgeous, but controversial, for sure. I don't know what to do with it. It was quite expensive, and it seems like a disgrace to the animals who died to throw it away. Any ideas?
What a beautiful person to take in such a tricky animal and help it to live a better life. I have seen many programs and read about the sable , literally living with the devil 😂 then when it decides to have one over on you, and be more good, it’s actually just for food . So you are treated pretty much like a mug by them .This woman is my hero for the day .
Fur used to be necessary to keep humans warm. It's not anymore and it should be abolished. There are awesome options now, heck, my coat is good -25 to +15 and made from recycled materials and no animals were used. Unless you use the whole animal - no. (And give all animals a good life and a quick death)
What a beautiful creature that's exploited for its fur. Humans can be vile monsters when they want to achieve a fashion statement, trend or pretty much doing anything that will impact the population of the animal. Like @Foxxy says, the majority of an animal should be used if its going to be humanely slaughtered for food, tools and clothing (depending on the type of animal, ie cows), not to parade around as a fashion statement.
Looks like a weasel/ferret, but sturdier. Disney or Pixar need to do some films about the fur bearing creatures to make people realize they feel things, can enjoy life!
I will never understand those wearing these dead animals thinking they look good, when you can see the life glittering in their eyes, the joy of playing, being, living... their soul. A great set of pics to show that fur is really far out and has to stay out!
This made my day so much better. What may have seemed like a small gesture of kindness saved a creature, let him grow up and experience life, and gave him the best life possible. Good on you.
Rich black singers in America love their furs... these scumbuckets don't give a c**p about the animals. It's just a status thing
The critter is so cute! Makes you want to go and buy out all the fur farms just so you can let them loose.!
Sable fur belongs on the sable. Not on some rich person's horrible back.
There is plenty of silky feeling faux fur. Humans don't need to kill animals for fur. Humans are so freaking greedy
I wish there was a terrorist charity I could support that bombs poachers, fur farmers and corrupt politicians
The way, they kill these animals is so sickening and evil. I wish all animal's would disappear. That way man can no longer hurt them.
at least most of cows and pigs part that slaughtered is used almost 90%. but, imagine this, sable it just raised to be killed for ONLY the fur, and the bodies is thrown away just like that (since i never seen sable as food in internet). the same with shark fin soup, the shark is caught just to have it's fin cut and left drown alive and got eaten by bottom feeder slowly. it's a waste and has no respect of lives
Load More Replies...So if I kill sables and also eat the meat you're totally okay with it? Probably not. I just don't get why it's evil to kill a sable yet it's perfectly fine to wear leather and sit on leather. Let's just be honest here: It's because sables are cute. If they were super ugly people wouldn't care anywhere nearly as much. I'm downvoted for making a salient point yet again on this site. Let me kill your family dog and then let you know that I used all of it. I'm sure you'd forgive me then. *sigh *
If an animal is bought up in captivity quite often it can’t go back into the wild because they haven’t developed the skills for survival. Whilst keeping the Sable as a pet is not ideal there is a high possibility of it not surviving long in the wild. So it’s either stay at the farm to be tortured and killed for fur, being looked after by a caring person or struggling in the wild because they lack the skills to survive.
Load More Replies...Tell me Aunt Messy, what should have happened to that Sable then? What solution can you come up with? As I said whilst being a pet is not ideal it is better than the other alternatives or do you think death for the Sable is the best option? Even the women herself advises against having a Sable as a pet.