The history of humanity knows many cases when literally one person ruined everything good for all other people. Whether it's a traitor opening a hidden gate in a besieged impregnable castle, a coward who abandons formation, rallying against a cavalry charge, or a kicker who misses a decisive field goal in the final seconds of the Super Bowl...
A distinctive feature of such situations is that they are remembered, cut into the public memory no less than a cavalry wedge bursting into a gap in the infantry monolith of Roman legionnaires, or, for example, the desperate commentator’s cry: "It goes wide!" And then in threads like this one by the user u/KeanKho, netizens eagerly bring up this and many other similar stories. And we, Bored Panda, then collect for you a selection of the best...
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The guy who claimed vaccines caused autism has some serious blood on his hands.
Maybe this isnt a single persons fault. But, i feel like for those of us with chronic pain from major accidents (or syndromes or diseases), the people who abused opioid use has made it hard for everyone with legit problems.
I broke my neck, hip, and 20 other bones in a car accident. My drugs are so tightly regulated, that if theres a hang up of even 12 hours, i can run out of meds. And im not even taking heavy pain meds just enough to work. I feel like im the lucky one vs stories i hear of cancer patients, people with longer term issues, or diseases. Between the pill mills and the pharmacies, those with real issues were f****d.
And don’t even get me started on ADHD meds. Every single time, I must be a drug seeker because I have ADHD and StiMuLaNtS bAd
That executive at HP who said, "You know, people love our printers. They are tough and reliable and work for decades. We should make them suck, break constantly, license the ink, make it all internet-linked so the printer won't even work when the wifi is down."
In fact, traditions and precedents play a big role in such stories. After all, if something unpleasant happened once, then it definitely can happen again and then over and over. And if so, it should be prevented. And it is not in vain that they say that every line of the army charter is written in blood - this is absolutely true, just to ensure that one person does not later ruin everything this exact way. And it actually works... or that guy ruins everything in another way. That happens as well, you know.
The religious fruitcake mother who said that Halloween was satanic so that ended the kindergarten costume parade.
The guy who attempted to smuggle a bomb in his shoe in 2001
Now we all have to suffer taking our shoes off at airport security every damn time we fly
A man wearing a cow costume tried to smuggle a bomb in his cow shoe. It was a Moo Shoe Guy Plan.
The American bastard who said “all cashiers must stand for their entire shift because that’s good customer service”
Because OBVIOUSLY when you’ve got a s****y worker that treats customers like c**p, you blame the damn seat. Now get back out to the front of your register Samantha, I don’t care that you’re recovering from foot surgery, if I gave you a chair, I’d have to give everyone a chair and that’s not good customer service.
It's so wild that I never even thought about it before until I started seeing questions about sitting vs standing on BP. And I was a cashier for years (in the US). I think it's part of our "it's a privilege to work" and "you can't just work, it has to also look hard" type of attitude. Sitting down is associated with lazinessness in non office jobs. It would be cool to see it change.
What can I say, after all, we all know one story about two people who ruined everything for literally everyone on Earth. As Paul Anka sang, “there was a story I'm sure you all know, I'm sure you remember and I know you believe - the story of Adam and Eve!” And if the whole of human history, at least according to one of the common versions, began with something like this, what can we expect from the humble and imperfect descendants of Adam and Eve?
My primary school used to do relatively frequent trips to a local zoo, until one boy decided to vault the fence and punch a penguin.
I wish I was joking.
There is a beach on the West Coast, near Cambria, (Pismo Bob is correct, it is just north of San Simeon/Heast Castle)that has elephant seals, which like to bask in the sun. One girl was there with her family and she was throwing small rocks at one of the seals. Her family said nothing so I had to yell " CAN YOU PLEASE NOT DO THAT ! " to get her to stop.
Other firefighters constantly ruin any sort of appreciation restaurants give out. We had a BBQ restaurant that would give a flat 10$ off your meal. If you didn't spend 10$ it was basically free. One guy ruined it on an 8$ order by demanded the 2$ be given to him as well.
Had people going in uniform on days they didn't work. Had one guy have a family reunion at a local restaurant then made a big issue they wouldn't give his entire party the discount.
I don't understand how out of touch people can be.
I worked at an office that had casual Fridays. One day a lady came to work on casual Friday in her gym clothes, and management was uptight and appalled by it. Instead of telling her that she couldn’t wear gym clothes to work, they abolished casual Friday for everyone. It pisses me off to this day.
“Probably, each of us has a similar story behind us, and sometimes we ourselves act as such a weak link,” says Valery Bolgan, a historian and editor-in-chief of Intent news agency from Ukraine, whom Bored Panda asked for a comment. “In any case, when we are in a hurry to stigmatize the guy who suddenly made everything bad, we need to try to put ourselves in their place. After all, in the end, it is they who often feel the worst of all, desperately trying to overcome such a burden on their soul."
“A classic example can be cited from sports. In 1994, the FIFA soccer World Cup was held in the USA, and it was marked by two dramatic stories. In the match between the Colombian and the USA national teams, the Colombian defender Andres Escobar, by coincidence, sent the ball into his own goal. Colombia lost - and a few weeks later, Escobar was shot dead in his hometown, and with each shot, the attacker hysterically shouted: 'Goal! Goal! Goal!'"
“But in the final match, another tragedy broke out, though not fatal. In the penalty shootout that determined the world champion, the best player on the planet and that tournament, the Italian Roberto Baggio, missed at the decisive moment. He was subjected to devastating criticism, but he managed to cope with nerves - and at the next World Cup, when he went out to shoot a penalty (and this happened several times), he scored every time. Therefore, when we accuse someone of causing us inconvenience - just think, how do they themselves feel at that moment?" Valery ponders.
Previous job I had used to be hybrid twice a week. One person, on their hybrid day, decided to slack off work and go out. They got a call from their manager because they were late for a virtual meeting and the manager heard a lot of background noise like they were at the mall or something. Said person eventually admitted they were not home working, got fired, and now everyone had to be in the office 5 days a week.
My third grade bully got mad because I didn’t want to include her in my version of tag game. She went to the teacher and told on me and then it had to be announced in front of the class that my game was officially banned. F**k you and your big onion head, Rayna.
I got Red Rover banned in our primary school, when I called out for the b*tch in our class who had been picking on my friends. I knew she'd run full pelt for me, trying to prove she was stronger than I was, thing was I was using my brains instead and the split second she'd connect with our arms I let go of the girl next to me so bully-b*tch went full speed into the brick wall I'd just happened to set the game up in front of. F**k you Josephine I hope it f**king hurt - 250 lines and lost breaks were worth the memory of hearing the thud of your face connecting with brick!
Be that as it may, among the stories that are collected in this list, there are both small and completely epic, global scale, sad and funny, great and petty... So please feel free now to scroll and read this selection to the very end, comment on your favorite submissions and perhaps add your own stories of how anyone ruined everything - even if it was you yourself... After all, self-irony is a great feeling inherent in truly outstanding people!
At a previous job, we got full uniforms. Shirts, pants, hats, hoodies, winter coveralls, winter coats, gloves. But we dont get shoes or boots.
Turns out a couple of years before I was hired on, they used to give boots. But one guy would take his boots and sell them, then request a replacement, then sell those. He did this about 20 times before anybody caught on because of municipal bureaucracy being slow to notice. When they caught on, they stopped giving out boots to their employees.
Edit: I worked as a park maintenance groundskeeper for Parks & Recreation
edit edit: No it is not like the show.
Why not put a limit on the number of shoes someone could get instead? Such a shame.
This is going to be buried but I have to share it in hopes someone sees this and laughs.
I used to work for state government in Alaska. I was reviewing some department policies to update and I noticed a particular statement in the employee behavioral policy about adhering to basic hygiene (expected) and wearing clothes at work (not expected). I went to my boss to ask him about that and the look on his face told me I was in for a good story.
Our department had satellite offices all over the state and in some very rural, very isolated areas, these were nothing but glorified shacks. Local fire brigade shows up to one of our shacks in middle-of-nowhere to find a department employee standing outside the burnt building, in the nude. In February. Turned out that the guy, who was the only on-site employee, happened to be a nudist. Now, no one can work naked for the state of Alaska. What a bummer. 🥲
Just exercising his right to bare arms. And bare legs, bare hips, bare shoulders, bare junk...
The Tylenol poisoner—I figure he’s directly responsible for the ridiculous amount of overpackaging in otc drugs, vitamins, etc. Plastic lid wrap seal, cap, sealed bottle, cotton…all inside another box or (shudder!) clamshell package. What a jerk.
Add the Sudafed abusers to this. Once people started using pseudoephedrine to make meth, you couldn't get it over the counter anymore and restrictions were placed on its purchase. Sudafed PE (phenylephrine) doesn't work as well for me so I have to go to the pharmacy counter and purchase my decongestant like it's a controlled prescription medication.
The name Adolf has gotta be up there
Used to know a guy named Attila. Apparently a popular name in Hungary.
I'm going to go with red baseball caps. It's tough being a KC Chiefs or even a Limp Bizkit fan these days if you are not a conservative.
Edit to add: I should have specified MAGAt instead of conservative in general. I do know quite a few conservatives that would love to go back to supporting a sane political party. They don't wear the hats.
The elementary school I went to let 6th graders go on an overnight trip to a lodge where we could go skiing and snow tubing. My dad volunteered as a parent and was “supervising” by letting me and 5 other girls pile on top of one tube down a steep hill and we all went flying. Two of the girls busted their arms when we all landed in a pile. It looked like a cartoon. Anyway, after that no more sleep overs at the lodge and tale has it 30 years later everyone at the school still blames my dad lol.
Yeah that’s justified. Your dad shouldn’t have let you do that.
Every policy at every company I've ever worked at or owned was because of one person abusing something. So whenever you wonder "why the hell do we have to do this?", it's because of one a*****e who ruined it for everyone else.
HR HERE - that is absolutely the truth. Look at every policy. Why can't you and your SO work for the same boss? Because of physical fights that had to be broken up by leadership. Why is there a Solicitation policy? Because some idiot strong-armed his peers into buying that gross band candy, ruing Girl Scout cookie sales for the rest of us. And the list goes on.
At one of my previous workplaces, management played music as a way of promoting good mood. They played all sorts of genres so everyone got a chance to listen to something they liked. *One* person complained that *sometimes* they had to listen to music they didn't like, so they stopped playing music altogether.
That one kid in the classroom that can't just leave their f*****g phone alone. Now they're all in a box at the front of the class.
Lately, artists who are performing on stage are not having fun anymore.. why?
Because One clown threw an object that actually hurt the artist and suddenly it started happening over and over again, along with making more artists reluctant to perform or interact with the crowd...
Edit: I guess I need to clarify, I mean throwing phones, ashes and other objects directly at the artist to hurt them, not harmless things that used to be thrown like panties and bras...
When I read "throwing ashes" I was imagining someone bringing Granny's urn to the theatre...
The guy who [cut] the most isolated tree on Earth. Same with that woman who burned down the oldest tree. Imagine the history the trees lived through.
That influencer who jumped into the alligator habitat at Busch Gardens, now there's a big chain link fence and you can't see the alligators anymore
Back around the mid 2000s I was around 10 years old and I used to go to this place after school called “the Boys and Girls club”. They had an area with multiple basketball hoops on a court which we used to play all kinds of games in; one of those games being dodgeball. These were not those big rubber balls but instead the styrofoam filled balls with kind of a thin layer of plastic so otherwise… harmless. One of the kids thought it would be a good idea to shove a rock into one of the balls and throw it at someone he didn’t like; well he ended up throwing it right into that kids face and broke two of his front teeth. We never played dodgeball again.
Had a job where as a dialysis nurse where we added a position to pick up add ons and emergency cases that came in later in the day. In this role we worked noon to midnight which helped us cut down from needing a nurse on call every night to maybe once or twice a week. Whoever took this role didn’t have to take call and had weekends off. We loved rotating through this role and enjoyed taking a break from having to be on call and enjoyed having weekends off.
Then there came the nurse who went out at 7 am instead of noon, and finished at 5 pm. When there was an add-on or an emergency case she wouldn’t answer her phone, which meant which meant everyone had to go back to picking up extra patients and being on call again.
She did this every time it was her turn to go through the rotation so they eliminated the position and we went back to having to be on call all the time.
Why not just fire the b!tc# and re-clarify the hours of the position? For so many of these things there were simpler solutions available if someone had the fortitude to just punish the culprit instead of the entire population. Pure bureauocracy at its worst.
Not one person but two people ruined my work’s break room. I work at a YMCA as a swim instructor, so two people decided to [make love] in their break room at a different Y in another city. Apparently the higher ups decided that every other YMCA in the area or state should lose their break rooms because “it could happen again.” Like yeah, it could happen again but don’t take our break rooms away, at least get rid of theirs and not ours! It’s so frustrating, now when we’re all cold and damp in between lessons, and after lessons are done, we can sit in the lobby, or sit somewhere on the pool deck which takes away spots for kids or parents. Thanks Milcreek YMCA, you guys suck, go somewhere else and have sex but don’t do it at the Y!
That's a stupid over reaction on management's part. Which really is the case in most of these posts. Zero tolerance policies are asinine.
The person who apparently choked on a lollipop at my bank and now we don't get lollipops anymore.
The guy in Texas (I think?) Who ordered a huge meal for his last meal on death row and refused to eat it. They no longer offer a last meal request because of him.
That guy is an even bigger dirt bag because he was a racist who killed a black man just because he was black.
At a certain point in US Army basic training, your platoon is givin the "opportunity" to sit and eat without having to wait for the entire company, AND with that comes the fact that if one person is finished eating, we're all finished eating.
This one trainee who happend to sit early finished his dinner before the other side of the table even got to start. He stood up, the the DS promptly made everyone else get up too, eaten or not.
This same trainee did the exact same thing the next day, except now it was breakfast, so a few people didnt get dinner OR breakfast.
I'll never forget the nasty s**t they did to his bunk and locker dude. Couldnt really feel bad for him, and you best believe NOBODY stood up early for the rest of BCT.
Edit: Wow this blew up overnight! Im gonna try to answer a couple questions I've read.
What'd they do to his bunk?
They took the used/dirty mop bucket water, pissed in it, and dumped over his bunk and foot locker. This happened on a Sunday morning which is the one day the DS will leave u alone till noon. The perpetrator was at church lol
Was it intentional?
No. The first time was a genuine mistake as it was a brand new rule. I actually watched him the second time. He started to stand and realized his mistake, but the grumpiest DS saw him do that awkward stand-sit movement and that was it for the table. Luckily I wasn't on the table that lost the breakfast, but I still felt no sympathy for him. No dinner + "whatever you can eat out the door" breakfast woulda had me join in too.
Was he stupid?
I hate the fact that so many people and places (schools, businesses, etc), will bow down to 1-2 people and cater to their wants of being anti-whatever. They don't care about the majority of people, nor will they ask those 1-2 people to leave or deal with it. Eff those anti-fun turds!
Exactly. I'm a librarian and at our branch a local church would donate a basket of water and snacks to put out on the table because we have a set of regular homeless that came in throughout the week and would use it. Well, from what I heard it only took two people to shout at the city that CHURCH and STATE should be separate and not together. And we had to tell the church they couldn't bring it any longer. I felt bad for our regulars who looked forward to that when they came in.
The a-holes who keep buying up all the Ozempic just to make a profit from the 'rich and the wide' at the expense of diabetics
Hey how are you? And do you still have the tab to open at 39 posts? It's seems to have gone for me.
Load More Replies...So many of these are cases of the people in charge deciding that they should punish everyone for what one AH did. That's one of the stupidest ways of handling problems, because it just pisses off everyone. Discipline the errant dumbass, and leave everyone else alone.
I hate the fact that so many people and places (schools, businesses, etc), will bow down to 1-2 people and cater to their wants of being anti-whatever. They don't care about the majority of people, nor will they ask those 1-2 people to leave or deal with it. Eff those anti-fun turds!
Exactly. I'm a librarian and at our branch a local church would donate a basket of water and snacks to put out on the table because we have a set of regular homeless that came in throughout the week and would use it. Well, from what I heard it only took two people to shout at the city that CHURCH and STATE should be separate and not together. And we had to tell the church they couldn't bring it any longer. I felt bad for our regulars who looked forward to that when they came in.
The a-holes who keep buying up all the Ozempic just to make a profit from the 'rich and the wide' at the expense of diabetics
Hey how are you? And do you still have the tab to open at 39 posts? It's seems to have gone for me.
Load More Replies...So many of these are cases of the people in charge deciding that they should punish everyone for what one AH did. That's one of the stupidest ways of handling problems, because it just pisses off everyone. Discipline the errant dumbass, and leave everyone else alone.