This Russian Girl Takes The Riskiest Selfies Ever (Don’t Try This Yourself)
Meet Angela Nikolau – a Russian self-taught photographer who takes the most dangerous selfies ever.
Angela is always looking for new challenges and adventures, and while she’s at it – she doesn’t forget to take a selfie (or ask someone to photograph her). From standing on the edge of a skyscraper to laying down on the edge of a high-rise building’s rooftop – all of her pictures are both beautiful and cringe-worthy at the same time. You can follow her adventures on Instagram.
WARNING: Don’t try this yourself if you’re not an experienced climber, it is extremely dangerous.
More info: Instagram (h/t: demilked)
Share on FacebookThat's in Russia a popular extreme sport for adrenaline junkies. I watched a documentary about it. And these are not necessarily professional climbers, but thrill seekers, who try to outdo each other in their quest to get to the highest and most dangerous spots. Without any secure ropes or any safety measures. And also they are not authorised to climb the buildings or bridges. So it a good bunch of cases it is illegal. In German media this sport is called "Roofing" and several "Roofers" have already fallen to their deaths. The photos may be impressive, but I still find them questionable, because I find the price to pay for this sort of attention gathering and adrenaline kick very questionable.
I can't even figure out how someone would even begin to climb up some of these things!
Load More Replies...I think I watched the same documentary. It's really gotten out of hand and give this people the attention they crave for is counterproductive (just my point of view). Thanks for the great comment, it's important to raise awareness that too much risk for sensationalism leads to deaths which could have been avoided.
My thoughts exactly, i felt a sense a dread looking at these photos, that this beautiful, lively and intelligent young woman will soon be dead.
And, for example, have a look at this: https://rutube.ru/video/89359f1790d284ab073f3596751a2730/
forgot to tell - legal\illegal - who cares except COPs? we don't give a damn about things being illegal))
Well, I am ukrainian and I can tell you that this is very very stupid from my perspective. I totally agree that this type of activity comes from lack of real live only. All of those people are young, dumb and full of come. They do that all the time to look cool around their social group - this is typical for their age. Me, myself used to speed during time attack races between cities averaging 180km\h(no joke) - but I do understand now that I could kill myself of someone else because of fatal error or any uncontrollable circumstances, now I am riding a bicycle and want to buy something efficient and not that fast as I used to have. Long story short - she is not that pretty to have all of men's attention she wants, that is why she doing that. Confronting her kissing her coocoo BF who doing the same is just the tell tell sign of that insecurity in her. He might just doing that por a pussy and nice sex:) Not worth it. period.
I'm sorry to be a bit of a nitpicker, but the majority of these aren't selfies.
Agreed. Still admire her guts; I feel sick just looking at the pics.
Read the description, it says she takes selfies or has someone photograph her.
roof-climbing-girl-dangerous-selfies-angela-nikolau-russia (in article adress) This Russian Girl Takes The Riskiest Selfies Ever (Don’t Try This Yourself) (the header) Meet Angela Nikolau – a Russian self-taught photographer who takes the most dangerous selfies ever.(first sentence) Angela is always looking for new challenges and adventures, and while she’s at it – she doesn’t forget to take a selfie ( almos mentioned in second sentence) so that makes this misleading.
Next article will be of her last selfie when a gust of wind knocks her off a ledge. Smh just encouraging others to do stupid risky things like this for a picture!
i think i read some where she died afte the 7th picture somewhere....
Load More Replies...Apparently another girl has died but not this one …http://hoaxoffame.tumblr.com/post/114550509789/fake-no-explanation-this-is-often-shared-as
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. Man without Jesus Christ is that a natural BEAST
Yep,agree,other girls,esspecially who thinks that they have to become the queens of the world and be better than everybody else.
I have bungee jumped and skydived ... but for some reason these pictures give me severe anxiety.
I dont think this "sport" is cool. It really reminds me of Those People who jumps on trains. I Think we need som text for each pic.
I was frightened looking at them. I hope she does not die tragically from this whim of hers.
I just keep thinking how if they fall the people beneath the building are going to suffer...
Stupid waste of energy, many have died doing such acts and for what?? Try doing something good in this world and take a picture of that, then I would be impressed.
I'm sorry but while I find these impressive (more for the amazing skylines and sights), they all strike me as just reckless. They endanger their own lives, lives of others below, and risk putting their family and friends in pain. And I keep thinking about the poor worker who'll have to scrape them off the pavement if they fall.
The article should be corrected, to say: WARNING: Don’t try this yourself EVEN if you’re an experienced climber, it is extremely dangerous.
Dumb. This kind of article will encourage kids to do the same. You should add records how many people died while trying to do this.
Lou Wow is right. The 7th girl is Xenia Ignatyeva, a young girl who fell of that bridge.
Amazing photos but nope, not for me. I have a healthy respect for gravity :)
No No No, there is no way on this god's green earth that I would attempt this. Ps did anyone else feel their feet tingling looking at the these pictures?
So how many times did she break the law to get "the shot" and why are you promoting this?
These are so scary but so amazing at the same time! One slip and you are done!
I am more intrigued on HOW she got to those places more so that shes there.
idiot ....... one day, she will die .......... she will slip and fall or be blown off of a high perch and meet a horrible death .........Dumb, just dumb....
How does she even get access to these places? She's all over the world (based off the writings and signs in the pics) getting into supposedly super secure places?
Adrenaline junkies ??? I'd say attention hungry junkies ! Hey look I did stupid ... ooohhh no you didn't just wait ... imma do STUPIDER ! I've seen some of em die for being stupid ...it's not sad when someone dies because of doing stupid ... the "selfie" of them falling off before they die ... that's the one I wanna see ... attention hungry morons. And to top it off most of these are not even selfies smh ...
If one falls and dies, the others probably won't feel sorry for that because this is what they are looking for...a glory ending. Activities like this won't end unless the medias, or social medias stop covering it. They don't care about the beautiful views, they care about the Likes and attention they are getting
Fun fact ... I have just read 5-6 articles about photography here on bored panda. This one has the most views, upvotes and comments ... by far! Most of the comments here are like 'stupid' 'idiots' 'do not pay attention' 'not cool' ''do not encourage .................. hm? ;) :P
they love crazy things. do not repeat it. For most girls from Russia it's ok. I met lots of them on heandshetoday.com They all love a litt;e bit danger!
It's dangerous but Russians have that adventurous spirit. I like that. I met mine on heandshetoday.com and I was impressed how much she is fearless. So these things are almost normal for lots of them.
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. Man without Jesus Christ is that a natural BEAST
Pretty sure selfie no 7 isn't her..that girl died loosing her balance while taking selfies
Yeah, thank you but no thank you. She can do all that she wants, not me.
I THOUGHT SHE WAS ALREADY DIED, there r so many article that contain her photos with "selfies before death" title :'( huuuu im glad that she still alive till now, and i love her so much... brave and beauty
Sorry, but some of these pictures aren't from Angela Nikolau. Some of them died.
I have taken some pictures but never tried these types. I like them and the pretty girl helps too.
My stomach shrank after every photo. Attention seeking people risking their lifes for a photo.
She's not the only one who has taken pictures in those locations before. I've seen a lot of people take the same selfies in the same spots and some of them have died. Stupid, and posts like this make people think if they do it they can be "famous".
I don't think that Bored Panda should be promoting this type of story. People have died in their stupid pursuit of the riskiest selfie, or posing in a completely unsafe way so their friends can snap their (last) picture. Just take this story down!
I call Bulls*#t. How can this woman climb to the top of a skyscraper's radio tower in a little sleeveless sundress and sneakers? No climbing gear, shoes, or whatever (I am not a climber, obviously). As a graphic designer, I do commend her for her very good PhotoShop skills!
Many people died because of taking selfies in dangerous places. Check this link and you will see the same girl which died taking a selfie and fall from the bridge. (same picture nr. 9) http://topyaps.com/people-who-died-taking-selfies
She's good on photo shop in some images there's is no way to get up to where she is and no way of taking the photo ?
My legs are weak now..so for me.. I can just use some apps to achieve this..
The seventh one isnt her, thats a girl that fell to her death after that picture..
It's like "I will make a selfie up there" And she made it. Second time "I will make another selfie up here".And she made it. Third time "I will make one more selfie up there!".And she fell down and dided in a horrible death... :I Those ppl these times,they don't keep themselves safe :I
She's really tanned in that fourth picture. Russian girls are known for their African-like tan ????
I'd like to know how she managed to get on top of G.U.M. (the one over looking St. Basil's, it is a high end government owned Mall)
Awesome. Deadly or not at least they are doing something that is taking their breath away.
And then everybody is shocked when one of that idiots ends as a red mark on the floor...
This is just encouraging people to risk their lives just to take stupid selfies to be 'popular' on social media.
It's actually quite amateurish, but few people seem to have realised they were photoshopped in the first place.
Load More Replies...Amateurish? lol, is this coming from the fake photo experts? This happened, although it's not something you two could ever accomplish it still happened. Calling it photoshopped is very small...
That's in Russia a popular extreme sport for adrenaline junkies. I watched a documentary about it. And these are not necessarily professional climbers, but thrill seekers, who try to outdo each other in their quest to get to the highest and most dangerous spots. Without any secure ropes or any safety measures. And also they are not authorised to climb the buildings or bridges. So it a good bunch of cases it is illegal. In German media this sport is called "Roofing" and several "Roofers" have already fallen to their deaths. The photos may be impressive, but I still find them questionable, because I find the price to pay for this sort of attention gathering and adrenaline kick very questionable.
I can't even figure out how someone would even begin to climb up some of these things!
Load More Replies...I think I watched the same documentary. It's really gotten out of hand and give this people the attention they crave for is counterproductive (just my point of view). Thanks for the great comment, it's important to raise awareness that too much risk for sensationalism leads to deaths which could have been avoided.
My thoughts exactly, i felt a sense a dread looking at these photos, that this beautiful, lively and intelligent young woman will soon be dead.
And, for example, have a look at this: https://rutube.ru/video/89359f1790d284ab073f3596751a2730/
forgot to tell - legal\illegal - who cares except COPs? we don't give a damn about things being illegal))
Well, I am ukrainian and I can tell you that this is very very stupid from my perspective. I totally agree that this type of activity comes from lack of real live only. All of those people are young, dumb and full of come. They do that all the time to look cool around their social group - this is typical for their age. Me, myself used to speed during time attack races between cities averaging 180km\h(no joke) - but I do understand now that I could kill myself of someone else because of fatal error or any uncontrollable circumstances, now I am riding a bicycle and want to buy something efficient and not that fast as I used to have. Long story short - she is not that pretty to have all of men's attention she wants, that is why she doing that. Confronting her kissing her coocoo BF who doing the same is just the tell tell sign of that insecurity in her. He might just doing that por a pussy and nice sex:) Not worth it. period.
I'm sorry to be a bit of a nitpicker, but the majority of these aren't selfies.
Agreed. Still admire her guts; I feel sick just looking at the pics.
Read the description, it says she takes selfies or has someone photograph her.
roof-climbing-girl-dangerous-selfies-angela-nikolau-russia (in article adress) This Russian Girl Takes The Riskiest Selfies Ever (Don’t Try This Yourself) (the header) Meet Angela Nikolau – a Russian self-taught photographer who takes the most dangerous selfies ever.(first sentence) Angela is always looking for new challenges and adventures, and while she’s at it – she doesn’t forget to take a selfie ( almos mentioned in second sentence) so that makes this misleading.
Next article will be of her last selfie when a gust of wind knocks her off a ledge. Smh just encouraging others to do stupid risky things like this for a picture!
i think i read some where she died afte the 7th picture somewhere....
Load More Replies...Apparently another girl has died but not this one …http://hoaxoffame.tumblr.com/post/114550509789/fake-no-explanation-this-is-often-shared-as
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. Man without Jesus Christ is that a natural BEAST
Yep,agree,other girls,esspecially who thinks that they have to become the queens of the world and be better than everybody else.
I have bungee jumped and skydived ... but for some reason these pictures give me severe anxiety.
I dont think this "sport" is cool. It really reminds me of Those People who jumps on trains. I Think we need som text for each pic.
I was frightened looking at them. I hope she does not die tragically from this whim of hers.
I just keep thinking how if they fall the people beneath the building are going to suffer...
Stupid waste of energy, many have died doing such acts and for what?? Try doing something good in this world and take a picture of that, then I would be impressed.
I'm sorry but while I find these impressive (more for the amazing skylines and sights), they all strike me as just reckless. They endanger their own lives, lives of others below, and risk putting their family and friends in pain. And I keep thinking about the poor worker who'll have to scrape them off the pavement if they fall.
The article should be corrected, to say: WARNING: Don’t try this yourself EVEN if you’re an experienced climber, it is extremely dangerous.
Dumb. This kind of article will encourage kids to do the same. You should add records how many people died while trying to do this.
Lou Wow is right. The 7th girl is Xenia Ignatyeva, a young girl who fell of that bridge.
Amazing photos but nope, not for me. I have a healthy respect for gravity :)
No No No, there is no way on this god's green earth that I would attempt this. Ps did anyone else feel their feet tingling looking at the these pictures?
So how many times did she break the law to get "the shot" and why are you promoting this?
These are so scary but so amazing at the same time! One slip and you are done!
I am more intrigued on HOW she got to those places more so that shes there.
idiot ....... one day, she will die .......... she will slip and fall or be blown off of a high perch and meet a horrible death .........Dumb, just dumb....
How does she even get access to these places? She's all over the world (based off the writings and signs in the pics) getting into supposedly super secure places?
Adrenaline junkies ??? I'd say attention hungry junkies ! Hey look I did stupid ... ooohhh no you didn't just wait ... imma do STUPIDER ! I've seen some of em die for being stupid ...it's not sad when someone dies because of doing stupid ... the "selfie" of them falling off before they die ... that's the one I wanna see ... attention hungry morons. And to top it off most of these are not even selfies smh ...
If one falls and dies, the others probably won't feel sorry for that because this is what they are looking for...a glory ending. Activities like this won't end unless the medias, or social medias stop covering it. They don't care about the beautiful views, they care about the Likes and attention they are getting
Fun fact ... I have just read 5-6 articles about photography here on bored panda. This one has the most views, upvotes and comments ... by far! Most of the comments here are like 'stupid' 'idiots' 'do not pay attention' 'not cool' ''do not encourage .................. hm? ;) :P
they love crazy things. do not repeat it. For most girls from Russia it's ok. I met lots of them on heandshetoday.com They all love a litt;e bit danger!
It's dangerous but Russians have that adventurous spirit. I like that. I met mine on heandshetoday.com and I was impressed how much she is fearless. So these things are almost normal for lots of them.
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. Man without Jesus Christ is that a natural BEAST
Pretty sure selfie no 7 isn't her..that girl died loosing her balance while taking selfies
Yeah, thank you but no thank you. She can do all that she wants, not me.
I THOUGHT SHE WAS ALREADY DIED, there r so many article that contain her photos with "selfies before death" title :'( huuuu im glad that she still alive till now, and i love her so much... brave and beauty
Sorry, but some of these pictures aren't from Angela Nikolau. Some of them died.
I have taken some pictures but never tried these types. I like them and the pretty girl helps too.
My stomach shrank after every photo. Attention seeking people risking their lifes for a photo.
She's not the only one who has taken pictures in those locations before. I've seen a lot of people take the same selfies in the same spots and some of them have died. Stupid, and posts like this make people think if they do it they can be "famous".
I don't think that Bored Panda should be promoting this type of story. People have died in their stupid pursuit of the riskiest selfie, or posing in a completely unsafe way so their friends can snap their (last) picture. Just take this story down!
I call Bulls*#t. How can this woman climb to the top of a skyscraper's radio tower in a little sleeveless sundress and sneakers? No climbing gear, shoes, or whatever (I am not a climber, obviously). As a graphic designer, I do commend her for her very good PhotoShop skills!
Many people died because of taking selfies in dangerous places. Check this link and you will see the same girl which died taking a selfie and fall from the bridge. (same picture nr. 9) http://topyaps.com/people-who-died-taking-selfies
She's good on photo shop in some images there's is no way to get up to where she is and no way of taking the photo ?
My legs are weak now..so for me.. I can just use some apps to achieve this..
The seventh one isnt her, thats a girl that fell to her death after that picture..
It's like "I will make a selfie up there" And she made it. Second time "I will make another selfie up here".And she made it. Third time "I will make one more selfie up there!".And she fell down and dided in a horrible death... :I Those ppl these times,they don't keep themselves safe :I
She's really tanned in that fourth picture. Russian girls are known for their African-like tan ????
I'd like to know how she managed to get on top of G.U.M. (the one over looking St. Basil's, it is a high end government owned Mall)
Awesome. Deadly or not at least they are doing something that is taking their breath away.
And then everybody is shocked when one of that idiots ends as a red mark on the floor...
This is just encouraging people to risk their lives just to take stupid selfies to be 'popular' on social media.
It's actually quite amateurish, but few people seem to have realised they were photoshopped in the first place.
Load More Replies...Amateurish? lol, is this coming from the fake photo experts? This happened, although it's not something you two could ever accomplish it still happened. Calling it photoshopped is very small...