Many years ago, one of the great science fiction writers wrote that humanity is the best negotiator, because men and women have had to negotiate among themselves for thousands of years. Indeed, despite the fact that throughout the history of mankind we have lived together, how aware are the representatives of different genders today about the specific features of each other’s health and bodies?

Most recently, we shared with you a selection of the most incredible discoveries made by women about men, and today it’s time for guys to answer questions about women. Yes, it is to answer questions – in the literal sense of the word, in the style of Jeopardy, with different topics and various complexity of questions.

There is a channel on TikTok called “Roe Vs. Bros”, the authors of which set themselves the goal of finding out whether men have answers to fairly everyday and common questions for women. As of today, there are five videos on the channel that have received more than 15M views in total, so you can quite call them viral.

More info: TikTok


    This series of videos has random men answering pretty simple questions regarding female bodies and health

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    There are several topics and various difficulty levels in this show

    The scheme of each episode is quite simple – the presenter approaches random guys on the street and invites them to answer fairly simple questions about the female body and reproductive health. Men answer some questions correctly, but sometimes pretty weird answers are obtained. “Can you pee with a tampon in?” one guy repeats the question asked to him. “I don’t think it’s recommended.”

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    Among the questions in different episodes are: “Why are there different sizes of tampons?”, “How many tampons do women use for their period?”, “What is a period?”, “How long do women have to wait after giving birth to have sex again?”, “How long can a woman safely leave a tampon in?”, “Does the G-spot move?”, “Can pregnant women go swimming?” or “How much blood do women lose on their period?”

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    Image credits: roevbros


    It turns out that most of the men surveyed have a pretty poor knowledge of women, though some of them are married

    Often, the answers of men simply show that they do not even think about elementary things for women – and yet knowing such basic things is the key to mutual understanding. Most interesting, perhaps, is that many of the men surveyed are married or in a relationship, so it’s hard to say how the wrong answers can be explained – lack of proper education or simply neglecting their spouses and partners.

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    However, some people in the comments argue that men absolutely do not need to have encyclopedic knowledge about the female body, and moreover, if you ask women nearly the same questions about men, the percentage of correct answers will probably not be way higher. Anyway, perhaps in its future episodes, the channel “Roe Vs. Bros” will ask women – and it will be no less interesting.


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    It seems that modern people definitely need more knowledge about other genders as it may help them build mutual understanding

    Be that as it may, it is enough to say that both modern men and women often face a lack of knowledge about the other gender’s specifics, and just this lack of education about seemingly obvious things leads to conflicts in life together, and then family drama arises.

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    Watch on TikTok

    As you can see, despite the millennia spent together, men and women still do not know enough about each other, and this is especially true for guys. Fortunately, the modern world provides us with every opportunity to improve our knowledge, and who knows, maybe with them, mutual understanding and mutual respect between the genders will gradually increase?