Swearing is a common way for people to express their emotions and frustrations, but it can also be a source of conflict or discomfort in certain social and professional situations. For some individuals, swearing may be explicitly prohibited by their workplace, religious beliefs, or personal values. In these cases, finding alternative phrases or euphemisms can be a useful way to express oneself without risking offense or punishment.
I’m not allowed to swear so I say stuff like "freaking", "shoot" and most notably "fudgeknuckles" to avoid punishment. I’ve heard stuff like "frubida" and have recently adopted "shiitake" and I’m eager to hear what you say. I also wanted to find out what are the other alternatives people use, so I decided to ask the Bored Panda community: “What is the most ridiculous thing you say so you don’t swear?” Scroll down to see what the answers were.
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Sometimes, when I'm really pissed, I moo instead of swearing. Don't ask me why, I don't know either.
1. Mother-father
2. Dog farts
3. Got-dandruff-some-of-it-itches
4. Son of a biscuit
I would imagine someone swearing in medieval languages, like thou art a cookie or something.
fudge nuggets, gosh dang nabbit and shiitaki mudhrooms.
Dang that was supposed to say shiitaki mushrooms 🤣
Fekkin' is one of my favorites. That and "for the love of ballpoint pens".
One time I stubbed my toe in school and went "FFFFFF" and then slowly went "...fructose." The teacher was skeptical. I also really like bull-spit and just any medieval or creative curse, such as beaver dam and God Daniel it.
Idiotic brain-damaged booger pickin chicken butt! It’s one sentence.
"Monkeyface". Do you want to hear the evolution of why I say that? If not, too bad.
So, when I was little, I liked Spy Kids. The main character, Carmen, says "Oh, shiitake mushrooms" bc she can't curse. So I started saying it until my mom told me it was an actual curse word (oops).
My mom says "shmonks" when she's trying not to curse, which is a derivative of "shiitake mushrooms". So I started saying "monkeyface".And now when I stub my toe I scream:
‘Holy goodness!’, but the ‘monkeyface’ thing was cool for a while.
Dirty poodles. Worked in an animal shelter for a spell and also am certified in pet grooming. Ever try to groom a very dirty poodle?
This one was completed by accident... Wanted to say 'son of a b**ch' but it came out 'bunny snitches'. Now my go-to!
I just try to run out of momentum before I get to the swear words, so something like, "Dirty rotten lousy miserable pathetic excuse for a..." until I eventually give up.
I hug my dog instead of swearing. Don't ask why, I don't know.
aww! wish i can do that with my fish, but he a hungry boi and can bite, and tries to eat my hands. yet he de size of my thumb
Holy guacamole!
I Also say "you! You foul loathsome evil little cockroach!" when someone makes me mad To quote Hermione granger
Sweet Baby Pancakes is my "holy s**t." Also, "son of a motherless goat," which is from the Three Amigos.
You absolute- followed by any word you want. Examples are you absolute dishwasher, you absolute fridge, you absolute chicken-headed dog water. If you want actual swearwords substitutes I’m not that helpful since almost everyone just uses the actual word here.
Not really bizarre, but I say ‘What the Fred’ and ‘Holy Sharon’.
One time I stubbed my toe in school and went "FFFFFF" and then slowly went "...fructose." The teacher was skeptical. I also really like bull-spit and just any medieval or creative curse, such as beaver dam and God Daniel it.
I growl deeply. I dunno why, but I do it all the time. They aren't quiet little growls either.
My poor throat. . .
I´m doing this since my childhood - since my parents banned swearing :D
"Puppies and kittens!!!" and when that's not enough, "Puppies and kittens everywhere!".
I do this! Was always food but then stared watching A Nation an that's their word for zombies and it works well for just about any situation where cussing may be warranted lol. Confuses people too
Holy crepe
Came from my neighbors a few years ago, was friends with their kid and they didn't like it when I said c**p around them, so it became carp and then eventually crepe
Well Spit
Where didn't you learn how to drive
Go cuddle a cactus
Ahh, Fudgesicles, and Lollipops!
Not sure how my brain came up with it but it works.
Same. XD I swear up a blue streak. My only exceptions are when small children are close enough to hear me - I'll switch to "heck" or "darn" if I mentally catch myself in time. Otherwise, swear words are just words. Acting like they're some kind of FORBIDDEN!!!! thing is stupid.
Load More Replies...Evidently I'm not supposed to teach other people's children swear words during their English class.
Load More Replies...I say "good golly." In 2022. I'm a Millennial. I have no idea where I picked it up, but I do sound like I walked out of a black and white cartoon.
I say “excuse me sir what in the frapping dingleberries is going on here?”
Baby sat my grandson for a few years - he had a habit of repeating ad-nauseum any thing he found strange or funny - especially swear words. So my wife and I worked out swear words in advance - mine was "GUMMY BEARS" which if said real loud with a great deal of venom comes out quite well. For some weird reason my wife used "mens underpants".
I don't swear, I mostly use sounds for my displeasure. Like if I constantly drop things, I go uuuugh..or I groan. It's not because I don't like swearing or anything, I just don't do it.
"Holy Hannah", "Mother of pearl" and "sweet baby jebus" when I'm trying to keep it clean.
I swear way too much. But i also use these, among others: bun-of-a-stitch, rat farts!, oh, for farts' sake!, oh cheese and rice almighty, farg it, farg-nuggets, farg stick, a kinda borderline swear - "futhėr-muckẹr", poppies and tinkles, crąp salad sandwiches, bụtt nugget, instead of "twątwaffle" I'll say "twit-whiffle"
I swear like the stereotypical sailor (Because apparently sailors swear a lot, I guess?) but if I have to hide it, I have a few go-tos. I either swear fluently in another language or, if I really need to watch my mouth, "Mother of pearl!"
Load More Replies...My dad would shout"Schamazzel-kah-FOOT!" when he hit his thumb with a hammer while doing carpentry.
Most of my swearing comes up in traffic, I keep it to myself, but it's much better if you do it through a kazoo. You can cuss um out and cheer yourself up at the same time.
Frogging frittatas. Don’t ask why, I just blurted it out one day and it stuck
I find the concept of swearing so hilarious. Like someone just decided that certain mouth sounds are bad.
My (mormon) mum says 'Flying Flatulence!' a lot, and will just spit random things, it's funny. I swear when I can but around my family I say holy jalapeños.
So, with my kids, I took a note from "Peanuts" and substituted my curse words with "rats", which my son's friend really liked, because in his household he had heard every curse word possible by the age of 10, and occasionally had asked me what this or that word meant. ("what's a c#nt?" "is everyone forked?") When he heard me using "rats", he asked me what it meant, and I said it was just a polite way to express my frustration. He replied, "I like that. There's a lot of rats in my house." It's a moment when you know the family but worry they've rats their kid.
I say Fartnuggets, Barf, Flip, Heck, and many more. If I think of more, I’ll add them here 😂
Me: "Farts. Farts, farts, farts." Teacher: "Farts?" Me: "WELL, I CAN'T SWEAR-"
The strongest word my grandmother would say was "Land!". My sixth grade teacher would say "Goodness gracious grandaddy me sakes alive!!" and I if I am very upset in a place where I can't swear, have have borrowed that. I call people gumballs and nutbuckets and dipwads, but mostly I just swear a blue streak.
Cabbages cabbages cabbages ( from runescape original writers) Cat dirt Cat dirt every where cat dirt ( from Tamora Pierce - i forget which book ) oh my goodness gracious me. ( surprised myself with that one, when i dropped a huge tin of beetroot on my foot, channeling my grandma. )
Ffffffffiretruck, butt-faced baboon, vattene affanculo (Italian for go fúck yourself. I don’t speak Italian. My friend who also does not speak Italian taught us) I say fríck and cráp a lot and like shoot, dang it, etc.
Also “you flufferknuckle” and “oh hicklesnicklepox” I was really into that book when I was about 8
Load More Replies...Usually I just swear by I'm also known for saying 'yeesh' and 'egads' around younger- than-16 company.
I picked up "Coño!" from my Venezuelan wife. Though it means (and is as improper in some other Spanish speaking countries) the C-word, in Venezuela among her generation it's the equivalent of "Damn!" in American English. I still use it often, aware that most people don't understand it. And initially I wasn't aware of there being any limitations of its use and on my first visit to Caracas I spilled something at the dinner table and said softly, "Coño!" in front of my in-laws. My wife's siblings were immediately silent but her parents cracked up. Her father said, "We'll make a Venezuelan out of you yet!"
All depends on who is around & appropriateness ;particularly children). I curse like a trucker most of the time. Around kids, I’ve been known to pull out “OH, FFFFFFFFFFFFFF…for the love of all that is good & holy!!” When truly exasperated, “”OH COME ON!!” Is in frequent rotation. And oddly enough, as has come up with some rather painful medical procedures…”oh that is so not fun”, said very quickly, emphatically, & forcefully, much the surprise, confusion, & amusement of the med staff. I take no responsibility for what comes out of my mouth when I’m in pain. Especially that. It’s baffling to me too.
I usually just let it fly. no reservations about long strings of "foul" language (for the record i reject that there is such a thing. there is foul intent, thereby foul usage, but NOT foul language!) but for some odd reason, i will occasionally say "WHAT the FRUIT?" Or "Christ on a Cracker"
Spoot- thank you, Angry Beavers Also, "You off -brand Goldfish!". If you've ever eaten off-brand Goldfish, you understand how seriously this expresses displeasure
fudge muffin, sugar honey iced tea, flip, flippin. mother of a horse. or just gibberish
Although it is swearing but kind of isn't, I say 'Arsicles'..........however a stub of the toe and I still can't say any other word until I say "phook"
Stinky Pete! Sometimes it's not about what is being said, but how it feels when you say it.
I have a list lolo 1 Frick 2. Doggoneit! 3. Flip! 4. What the fire (With a country accent like mine, pronounced "What the far?")
Same. XD I swear up a blue streak. My only exceptions are when small children are close enough to hear me - I'll switch to "heck" or "darn" if I mentally catch myself in time. Otherwise, swear words are just words. Acting like they're some kind of FORBIDDEN!!!! thing is stupid.
Load More Replies...Evidently I'm not supposed to teach other people's children swear words during their English class.
Load More Replies...I say "good golly." In 2022. I'm a Millennial. I have no idea where I picked it up, but I do sound like I walked out of a black and white cartoon.
I say “excuse me sir what in the frapping dingleberries is going on here?”
Baby sat my grandson for a few years - he had a habit of repeating ad-nauseum any thing he found strange or funny - especially swear words. So my wife and I worked out swear words in advance - mine was "GUMMY BEARS" which if said real loud with a great deal of venom comes out quite well. For some weird reason my wife used "mens underpants".
I don't swear, I mostly use sounds for my displeasure. Like if I constantly drop things, I go uuuugh..or I groan. It's not because I don't like swearing or anything, I just don't do it.
"Holy Hannah", "Mother of pearl" and "sweet baby jebus" when I'm trying to keep it clean.
I swear way too much. But i also use these, among others: bun-of-a-stitch, rat farts!, oh, for farts' sake!, oh cheese and rice almighty, farg it, farg-nuggets, farg stick, a kinda borderline swear - "futhėr-muckẹr", poppies and tinkles, crąp salad sandwiches, bụtt nugget, instead of "twątwaffle" I'll say "twit-whiffle"
I swear like the stereotypical sailor (Because apparently sailors swear a lot, I guess?) but if I have to hide it, I have a few go-tos. I either swear fluently in another language or, if I really need to watch my mouth, "Mother of pearl!"
Load More Replies...My dad would shout"Schamazzel-kah-FOOT!" when he hit his thumb with a hammer while doing carpentry.
Most of my swearing comes up in traffic, I keep it to myself, but it's much better if you do it through a kazoo. You can cuss um out and cheer yourself up at the same time.
Frogging frittatas. Don’t ask why, I just blurted it out one day and it stuck
I find the concept of swearing so hilarious. Like someone just decided that certain mouth sounds are bad.
My (mormon) mum says 'Flying Flatulence!' a lot, and will just spit random things, it's funny. I swear when I can but around my family I say holy jalapeños.
So, with my kids, I took a note from "Peanuts" and substituted my curse words with "rats", which my son's friend really liked, because in his household he had heard every curse word possible by the age of 10, and occasionally had asked me what this or that word meant. ("what's a c#nt?" "is everyone forked?") When he heard me using "rats", he asked me what it meant, and I said it was just a polite way to express my frustration. He replied, "I like that. There's a lot of rats in my house." It's a moment when you know the family but worry they've rats their kid.
I say Fartnuggets, Barf, Flip, Heck, and many more. If I think of more, I’ll add them here 😂
Me: "Farts. Farts, farts, farts." Teacher: "Farts?" Me: "WELL, I CAN'T SWEAR-"
The strongest word my grandmother would say was "Land!". My sixth grade teacher would say "Goodness gracious grandaddy me sakes alive!!" and I if I am very upset in a place where I can't swear, have have borrowed that. I call people gumballs and nutbuckets and dipwads, but mostly I just swear a blue streak.
Cabbages cabbages cabbages ( from runescape original writers) Cat dirt Cat dirt every where cat dirt ( from Tamora Pierce - i forget which book ) oh my goodness gracious me. ( surprised myself with that one, when i dropped a huge tin of beetroot on my foot, channeling my grandma. )
Ffffffffiretruck, butt-faced baboon, vattene affanculo (Italian for go fúck yourself. I don’t speak Italian. My friend who also does not speak Italian taught us) I say fríck and cráp a lot and like shoot, dang it, etc.
Also “you flufferknuckle” and “oh hicklesnicklepox” I was really into that book when I was about 8
Load More Replies...Usually I just swear by I'm also known for saying 'yeesh' and 'egads' around younger- than-16 company.
I picked up "Coño!" from my Venezuelan wife. Though it means (and is as improper in some other Spanish speaking countries) the C-word, in Venezuela among her generation it's the equivalent of "Damn!" in American English. I still use it often, aware that most people don't understand it. And initially I wasn't aware of there being any limitations of its use and on my first visit to Caracas I spilled something at the dinner table and said softly, "Coño!" in front of my in-laws. My wife's siblings were immediately silent but her parents cracked up. Her father said, "We'll make a Venezuelan out of you yet!"
All depends on who is around & appropriateness ;particularly children). I curse like a trucker most of the time. Around kids, I’ve been known to pull out “OH, FFFFFFFFFFFFFF…for the love of all that is good & holy!!” When truly exasperated, “”OH COME ON!!” Is in frequent rotation. And oddly enough, as has come up with some rather painful medical procedures…”oh that is so not fun”, said very quickly, emphatically, & forcefully, much the surprise, confusion, & amusement of the med staff. I take no responsibility for what comes out of my mouth when I’m in pain. Especially that. It’s baffling to me too.
I usually just let it fly. no reservations about long strings of "foul" language (for the record i reject that there is such a thing. there is foul intent, thereby foul usage, but NOT foul language!) but for some odd reason, i will occasionally say "WHAT the FRUIT?" Or "Christ on a Cracker"
Spoot- thank you, Angry Beavers Also, "You off -brand Goldfish!". If you've ever eaten off-brand Goldfish, you understand how seriously this expresses displeasure
fudge muffin, sugar honey iced tea, flip, flippin. mother of a horse. or just gibberish
Although it is swearing but kind of isn't, I say 'Arsicles'..........however a stub of the toe and I still can't say any other word until I say "phook"
Stinky Pete! Sometimes it's not about what is being said, but how it feels when you say it.
I have a list lolo 1 Frick 2. Doggoneit! 3. Flip! 4. What the fire (With a country accent like mine, pronounced "What the far?")