30 Times Bosses Wrote Up Their Workers For Absurd Reasons And Got Shamed For It Online
American companies are facing unprecedented challenges trying to find enough employees. According to the latest data, there are over 10 million job openings in the U.S. but only around 6 million unemployed workers.
As the country experiences a labor shortage, people are expressing their desire for livable wages, reasonable hours, remote work, healthcare, and it doesn't seem like they are asking for too much. However, some higher-ups still don't get the memo.
To show just how much some bosses are detached from reality, we at Bored Panda compiled a list of the most absurd write-ups they gave their employees. Apparently, toilet breaks and even tying up your shoelace can get you in trouble now.
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Planet Fitness
Subpoenaed As A Witness And Written Up For Obeying Court Subpoena. We Live In Hell
At the height of the pandemic, more than 120,000 businesses closed, and more than 30 million U.S. workers were unemployed. Since then, job openings have steadily increased, while unemployment has slowly declined.
Then, in 2021, employers ended up adding an unprecedented 3.8 million jobs. But at the same time, millions of Americans have left the labor force. In fact, there are more than three million fewer Americans participating in the labor force today compared to February of 2020.
My Buddy Got Written Up At Work After Some Complaints. His Supervisor Thought It Was Hilarious Though
Wearing AirPods
I Was Written Up For Being Late To Work
Right now, the labor force participation rate is 62.1% (down from 63.3% in February 2020). And there are multiple reasons why workers are sitting out.
The U.S. Chamber surveyed unemployed people who lost their jobs during the pandemic on what is keeping them from returning to work. One in three (33%) women indicated that the need to be home and care for children or other family members has made the return to work difficult or impossible. More than a quarter (28%) of men noted that their industry was still suffering and not enough good jobs were not available to return to work.
The survey also revealed some are still concerned about COVID-19 at work, indicated that pay is too low, or said they are more focused on acquiring new skills and education before re-entering the job market.
Written Up For Throwing Up At Work And Not Being Able To Afford A Doctors Note To Explain Why
You're so sick that you leave work, without pay. You can't afford a doctor's note. So naturally you get written up. Let me guess, land of the free, home of the brave.
Got Written Up
My Boss
Found On Facebook. Someone From My Town Got Written Up, Suspended For A Day For Helping Save His Family From Eastern Kentucky Flood
Enhanced unemployment benefits, stimulus checks, and not being able to go out and spend money during the lockdown all contributed to Americans collectively adding $4 trillion to their savings accounts since the start of 2020.
The extra few hundred dollars a week from enhanced unemployment benefits (which ended in Sept. 2021), specifically, led to 68% of claimants earning more on unemployment than they did while working.
Added To The Schedule 6 Minutes Before The Start Of The Shift And Got Written Up For Being Late. I'm So Done At This Point
Got Written Up While Off The Clock…
"We walk out as a team"?! I'm curious about what business would require this.
Covid Nurse
This was a problem everywhere in Healthcare. I'm a paramedic meaning locked in the back of a confined space with them for extended periods. I became a specialized critical Covid transport medic. No one got hazard pay. No medics, emts, nurses or doctors. We all got shafted. That's why every hospital and doctors office is so short staffed. Everyone quit.
In the Chamber's survey, 28% of women cited others in the family making enough money that working full-time is not as critical as the reason they have not re-entered the workforce.
For comparison, just 17% of men said the same. But overall, higher ncome and savings bolstered people's economic stability—allowing them to continue sitting out of the labor force.
Boss Couldn't Find Time To Discuss A Raise. So I Started Informing Customers Of My Low Pay. Got Wrote Up So I Stole All The Write UPS & Trashed Them, Kept Mine Because I Was Proud Of This
Not Me, But I Had To Do This To Some Other Poor Schmuck
This Was Several Years Back, But My Gm Used To Post Notes Like This All Over The Place. Yes, Employees Got Written Up For Having Water Bottles Under The Registers. He Ended Up Getting Fired For Stealing Money From The Store, Apparently
Written Up
Was a switchboard operator in a downtown law firm. Owner yelled at me in front of a roomful of attorneys for being TOO POLITE to callers. My second and LAST day 😜
Also, as of October 2021, the pandemic drove more than 3 million adults into early retirement. In all, the number of adults 55 and older being detached from the labor force due to retirement grew from 48.1% in Q3 of 2019 to 50.3% in Q3 2021.
I Got Written Up For Being 20 Minutes Late Friday (We Start At 6). From My Boss This Morning:
My Friend's Kid Dawson Is Savage. He Was Written Up At Work So He Posted It, But Not Before He Spell Checked It
TBH, I wouldn't want an an employee saying that "all the managers were in the back with d***s in their hands" in the hearing of customers / management. It's vulgar and insolent. If the employee is making a quiet complaint to a co-worker they're friends with, that's one thing. If they're saying it loud enough to be overheard, then getting a verbal warning for a first offence or a write-up if it's part of a general attitude problem is not unreasonable.
I Was "Written Up" For Very Minor Stuff
When I worked activities at an old folks home I was written up for "watching TV in the day room." I was watching TV, but it was after I had punched out and I had the time cards to prove it. I was waiting for my mom (who also worked there) to finish her shift. They tried to write me up and my 5 foot mother flattened everyone in the office with nothing but words. They tore up the paperwork.
I Got Written Up Today
Some employees who either left work or stayed unemployed opened their own businesses. Over the last two years, nearly 10 million new business applications were filed and in 2020 alone more than 4 million new businesses were started.
New Leave Policy And Yes You Get Write UPS For Unscheduled Leave
Was Late Today And Was Going To Get A Suspension Because I Had "Already Called Out Too Much For This" Due To My Finger Being Cut Open Earlier This Week.. [screw] Burger King
Well, If You Have To Be Written Up For Something
Got Written Up
Meanwhile, there has been a 'Great Reshuffle' among workers. ‘The Great Resignation’ worked its way into our vocabulary as the shift of our labor force started to become apparent—and the hashtag #quittok even went viral as social media users posted about quitting their jobs in search of more free time or better opportunities. I guess some of the people who received these write-ups may be using the same hashtag in the near future as well.
My Friend Got Written Up At Work Last Week. I Guess You Can Say They Are Pretty Laid Back There
Written Up For Saying No After Closing
Wren was borderline insubordinate. After being informed that the patient had been told by her doctor to bring the form back, Wren should have ended her little snit fit and accepted the form. She's lucky that she didn't get fired.
A Friend Got Written Up At Work The Other Day
I know a lot of employers are awful, but some employees are s***-stirrers. Sierra sounds like a pain in the butt
Written Up
I Got Written Up For Wearing The Wrong Shoes At Wendy’s. Should I Accept The Write Up, Refuse To Sign It Or Just Walk Out. I’m Thinking Of Walking Out?
Got ‘written up’ or basically dinged on a performance review for being fat. Boss’ logic was ‘you’re disabled and that causes time off but if you were not overweight you wouldn’t have these problems so refusal to lose weight is hurting the company and your coworkers’ (Yes I’m overweight. But due to my disabilities and medications there isn’t anything that I can do about it)
Got ‘written up’ or basically dinged on a performance review for being fat. Boss’ logic was ‘you’re disabled and that causes time off but if you were not overweight you wouldn’t have these problems so refusal to lose weight is hurting the company and your coworkers’ (Yes I’m overweight. But due to my disabilities and medications there isn’t anything that I can do about it)