Instagram Model Compares Her Life To Rice Workers, Gets Called Out For Being Insensitive In 19 Replies
Instagram influencer Natalie Schlater has 12K followers and 652 posts under her belt, but this particular one caused a lot of heat online. At first glance, this Instagram photo of Schlater in a bikini in front of a rice farm looks a lot like her other uploads. But it’s the caption that stands out. “Thinking about how different my life is from the man picking in the rice field every morning,” it read. People immediately thought that this Instagram celebrity came across as a shallow, privileged person, but the woman herself said it the whole thing was a big misunderstanding.
More info: Instagram
Image credits: natalie_schlater
Indonesia is the third-largest producer of rice in the world (the first is India and the second is China), so it’s pretty clear that rice production is an important part of the country’s economy. In fact, rice is a staple food in Indonesia as people routinely eat it. The average Indonesian can eat rice three times a day. In fact, some Indonesians don’t consider it’s eating if there’s no rice in their meal. It is the main dish for every meal, accounting for more than half of the calories in the average diet. Rice is the source of livelihood for up to 20 million households or about 100 million people.
To maintain the productivity of rice land, the supply and control of water are crucial. That means Indonesia is perfect for it as the country has a really wet climate. As the country’s population continues to grow (implying more mouths that need to be fed in the future), the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) as well as several big Indonesian companies have recently initiated partnership programs with smallholder rice farmers with the aim of increasing rice production, mainly through the use of new technologies and innovative financing programs.
People immediately started reacting to Natalie’s post
Natalie was heartbroken to see this photo turned into a different light then it was originally meant to be
Image credits: natalie_schlater
“It really breaks my heart to see this photo turned into a different light of cultural appropriation and entitlement than it was originally meant to be,” Natalie told Bored Panda. “I have always loved the Indonesian people and their culture and overall attitude towards life and the people who come to visit their country.”
“I worked extremely hard (at my normal everyday job) to save up enough money to go on that trip as I do not come from wealth as it may look like from social media (I know everything on this app is not as it seems and it’s full of unrealistic expectations). People are always entitled to their own opinions and I don’t want anyone to think that I want to be pitied, but my honest original caption really did mean that the man has worked so hard his whole life for so little and I wanted to acknowledge how we really take the things we have for granted on social media and in life.”
“I completely understand that my caption can be taken wrong because of the social climate we live in today and if I could go back in time I wish I would have just worded it differently.”
I was not aware of it, but this semi-nude posing on Instagram seems to be a trend. Do not get me wrong; I do not object nudity, but the mere purpose here seems to be publicity, also at the costs of others, if need be.
live the life you want however you want it, if you want to show it off its your body. Just don't go to places where this is totally disrespectful.
Load More Replies...That man is probably wondering why there's a woman in her underwear randomly standing beside his rice paddy.
He might be thinking about how different life he has from the girl who needs to show off her a*s to get people to notice her.
Load More Replies...The apology would be totally believable if it weren't for the fact that she's sticking her bare butt out to the camera. She doesn't care about deep thought or anyone else's feelings. She's saying "Look at my a*s..don't I have a beautiful a*s." Not when it's attached to someone as tacky as this girl. She's a Kardashian wannabe. Thinks showing off her body makes her a good person and acting privileged makes her a good person. No..it's what you do and how you treat people that makes you a good person..and I think she failed miserably.
She’s an annoying attention seeker and I hate people like that. It doesn’t excuse all the s**t shaming and body shaming that was done in response. Everyone in this scenario is an a*****e.
When I travel to a country whose people seem to work harder and earn less than I do, I do appreciate the life I have. But I don't post my thonged a*s for all the world to see WHILE I share my thoughts out loud and wonder why people react the way they do. It's called common sense and basic (emphasis on basic) awareness! And she did not "hurt anyone's feelings", rather she exposed how limited her scope of perceiving life is. THAT'S WHAT PEOPLE REACT TO!
Had a quick look at her Instagram (curiosity got the better of me). Her wardrobe seems to consist of 99% bikini... I
LOL. Maybe that's her normal / usual outfits and that's why she didnt realise she was too vulgar for that photo and caption xD
Load More Replies...So you post a link to the girl's instagram page so that people can go harass her? Her profile is now private because of it. She apologized and learned from it. She's probably in her early 20's. We're all oblivious at that age. I don't particularly like this trend of but if the young generation sees that they can make money off it, they will try it. Who is to blame? Her? Her parents upbringing? The followers that support it? The companies who endorse this stuff? Society is changing and young people are easily brainwashed and influenced. Not saying she has no fault in it whatsoever, but she obviously didn't foresee this outcome when posting this image and it was due to ignorance and lack of empathy. But we all f**k up at some point in our lives. The youth of today get to f**k up for the whole world to see... I'm so glad I lived my youth without it being posted all over the internet.
I agree with you on everything you said! She is sexy, has a lovely a*s in a white thong and also young and unaware of how her words, pictures and actions could be seen in a different light. She is obviously learning the hard way, the very hard way. Yes, social will get you a lot of "likes" as well as likably attention, but the opposite is also true. I too am glad my youth is not posted all over the internet.
Load More Replies...That comment could have been taken several different ways. Why ASSUME she was denigrating anyone? That's more of a reflection of the persons making the accusation than it is hers.
Its not that she's wearing a bikini, it's where she's wearing it and the comment she posted. She made herself and her behind the focus of the post, her comment would have been more believable had the focus actually been on the farmer. By putting the focus on herself, and her body, to a lot of people she comes across as narcissistic and even hypocritical.
Load More Replies...I suspect she is getting it as we speak. From what I read, her account is now private. All these young people are attracted to quick fame and attention. I think they are also seeing how the opposite is also quick to rear its ugly head.
Load More Replies...How could she think this was a good idea in the first place. She wasn’t misunderstood. She got called out!
I would 'accept' her apology if she can just explain why is she in a bikini. She's not near the coast. I doubt there is a pool in the paddy fields, so what gives? Is it really just a case of 'here's my a*s' in yet another new place
Listen I agree that she was insensitive and she owes someone an apology however, why does she have to apologize to you personally? Maybe I am missing something here? Also, although it's bizarre that her butt is out she isn't hurting anyone by exposing it.
Load More Replies...Soooo... You have to be in next to nothing to think these thoughts??? Brb, seeking attention ... Attention found - you're a twat.
Thinking about why the hell anyone would stand in a rice field wearing a bikini. She's does realize rice fields are full of bugs, snakes, leeches, amongst others.
Actually, that was what I was thinking... -Dr. M
Load More Replies..."Instagram model" or as we commoners say; talentless hag who couldn't get a photoshoot even if she paid for it herself.
Geez Louise why is there so much hate towards Instagram models? No need to call her a "talentless hag." You don't know her personally and her butt hasn't hurt you in any way either. Simply keep scrolling on to other posts people.
Load More Replies...A thot bragging about how she looks down on some people working in a rice field states: "“It really breaks my heart to see this photo turned into a different light then it was originally meant to be,” Sure...and the rest of her statement is just a repetition of polical correct clichés.
Whereas the man is thinking what on earth is that white girl doing in my field in just her underwear, she should have some respect for public decency.
I don't get the self titled influencer bs when they only deal in delusion, it's something totally different..... They're Deluders.
If this was reversed, it would literally be this rice field worker in a pair of speedos rocking up to her office building, standing at one of the cubicals taking selfies and captioning them "yo these peeps look so rich and happy oh it sucks to be me!" If that was the case in this pic, people would be like, da fuckkk is this guy doing???
I'm looking at all this, and I'm thinking that I'd rather see a modestly dressed Indonesian woman...they're beautiful! Didn't these folks invent Batik cloth?
SHE DID EXPLAIN her thoughts behind her first post. She stated that she was acknowledging her privilege and how hard the rice farmer has to work compared to her. Which was my first thought of what she meant when I first read it. If she wasn't standing there in a bikini, there wouldn't have been an issue for most people. However, the fact that she is and standing there looking at the field and farmer, emphasizes the difference in their lives. Which is what she was trying to convey. I have stood atop the same rice fields and had the same thought. The coolest thing about it is that the people in Bali work so hard for so little but are so caring. Because they have to work as they do, they appreciate life to an extent that is inspiring.
I would never post pictures of my butt for everybody to see, not even If I had a perfect body, but that's her job and If she makes money out of it then good for her. Im That being said, am I the only one who did not ser a disrespectful meaning in ehat she said? I mean, I believe the true meaning was she DOES acknowledge she is blessed with an easier life. Why do people always have ti criticize everything?
It's because of context. If she was in her home country, where it is accepted to wear thongs and show your a*s for the world to see, then it would not be so insensitive. But she is in Indonesia, a conservative muslim country, furthermore, she probably had the funds to fly there to vacation and take pictures of her beautiful body to post online, whereas the people in the field presumably don't have such luxuries. So when you mix the two, the result is a very p**s poor, insensitive post that suggests "I am more entitled" and so sorry that the other person isn't in the same situation. Essentially "Yay me!". I don't believe she is that kind of person, but what she is, is young and does not have enough maturity to understand the implications of her pictures, words and actions.
Load More Replies...Please be kinder and not roast you for trying to get likes on insta and for trying to sounds deep. Cause that thong riding your a*s screams I respect the s**t out of the labor they are doing.
It would literally be the same as this guy in the field rocking up to her office in speedos,snalping selfies being like, yo these peeps must be so rich and happy, sucks to be me!
Load More Replies...Why on earth would anyone follow these type of people? If you want to follow someone on Twitter and actually enjoy the experience I highly recommend following @_Islamicat that s**t is hilarious. Fyi it's a funny cat Twitter account with a jihadi cat , it's all in good fun.
Rice farmer be like" how thoughtful she knows her clothes would get dirty in the field so she strips to come help me" how thoughtful bigass she is.
"Influencer" - with all the bad press these days it should be renamed - "Social Thought Leader". Naah only kidding.
Ffs just show her a*s what the f**k are you 12? As for the post such posts are a dime a dozen or more like a handful of hay in a haystack... talking like they've never been on instagram before
I hope she marries a hard-working, rich person. Otherwise, in 10 years, when the looks go and the butt droops, she's going to have to actually work for a living. And then some self-entitled, shallow 20 year old may snap a photo of her can caption it, "OMG, I just realized how different my life is from the middle aged lady's that stocking shelves at WalMart"
That chick is dumb, but you have no reason to think her body will be bad in 10 years. In 25, maybe. In 10 years she’ll be like 30. It’s not that much different if you’re used to exercising and eating decent.
Load More Replies...Could you please put away your as$ away, oh and cover your backside up too.
Censoring butt cracks now? That would be pretty nice in real life when sweaty workmen bend over for any reason.
If anyone could invent an auto-blur for plumbers'/builders' cracks, they'd be a billionaire
Load More Replies...For too many people, Instagram is a gigantic piece of the puzzle depicting why we are failing as human beings... I never thought I'd live long enough to see such degradation... Influencers? just a word created to embellish the self-empowerment some people have... And the scariest part? some other people actually believe these so-called influencers...
Degradation is the number of BP posts that have no other purpose than blame and shame. And the scariest part is that most BP readers seem to love it ...
Load More Replies...Her explanation would have been more believable if her post wasn’t such a POSE on her part. And a 90% naked one at that. I’m sure that the reactions would have been completely different if she had been clothed in her post. She’s like those influencers who took selfies at holocaust memorial sites doing “spiritual” yoga poses
notice how she never explained why she needed to be in a bikini for her post though
This is a very odd story. Her comments aside, the pic is Photoshopped. My SO is a graphic designer and immediately spotted the issues with this pic. The shadows, the odd proportions, lighting discrepancies, and the mistake the background by her left hand. I agree with the other posts here that say she's young and hopefully has learned a hard lesson here. But still not understanding why the fake pic.
I'm all for the s**t shaming. She wants that kind of attention. So tired of these mindless IG hoes.
She never knows that a rich farmer in my country may be never wear a bikini or have a fancy dinner in a five stars hotel. But they could afford a jet if they want.
The new trend: post pictures of them semi naked in controversial places to gain attention, well done.
These "Instagram models" always have the same pose, and they all look the same. Ha ha.
She also turned off commenting which I find a little cowardly. Answer the people who are questioning you instead of changing your heading and turning them off then going on about being kind... I bet a million dollars she is not this kind person she preaches about being
From the article, to be honest the statement is not one to immediately rebuke. She didn't say that her life was better or that the farmer's was worse, just different. Yeah he could probably say the exact same thing. As could anyone anywhere.It is the reader of the article that is automatically making assumptions about the intended mind set.
So easy to shame those models. It makes us feel superior to them. But tell me whose is to blame. It is her job, she wants followers, and she has 12 k of them, somebody click those likes, not she.
The issue was she came off very entitled. We all know women have life easier than men by default in this way. You don't see any men being thots on Instagram, but men are the ones that enable these people to make a living because sex sells.
Load More Replies...1. She is right, her life is different. 2. She does work for a living. 3. We can't say for sure that her value for the economy is less than the value of a rice farmer. We need data to make this conclusion. 4. People can wear what they want. 5. People shouldn't be bodyshamed.
I was not aware of it, but this semi-nude posing on Instagram seems to be a trend. Do not get me wrong; I do not object nudity, but the mere purpose here seems to be publicity, also at the costs of others, if need be.
live the life you want however you want it, if you want to show it off its your body. Just don't go to places where this is totally disrespectful.
Load More Replies...That man is probably wondering why there's a woman in her underwear randomly standing beside his rice paddy.
He might be thinking about how different life he has from the girl who needs to show off her a*s to get people to notice her.
Load More Replies...The apology would be totally believable if it weren't for the fact that she's sticking her bare butt out to the camera. She doesn't care about deep thought or anyone else's feelings. She's saying "Look at my a*s..don't I have a beautiful a*s." Not when it's attached to someone as tacky as this girl. She's a Kardashian wannabe. Thinks showing off her body makes her a good person and acting privileged makes her a good person. No..it's what you do and how you treat people that makes you a good person..and I think she failed miserably.
She’s an annoying attention seeker and I hate people like that. It doesn’t excuse all the s**t shaming and body shaming that was done in response. Everyone in this scenario is an a*****e.
When I travel to a country whose people seem to work harder and earn less than I do, I do appreciate the life I have. But I don't post my thonged a*s for all the world to see WHILE I share my thoughts out loud and wonder why people react the way they do. It's called common sense and basic (emphasis on basic) awareness! And she did not "hurt anyone's feelings", rather she exposed how limited her scope of perceiving life is. THAT'S WHAT PEOPLE REACT TO!
Had a quick look at her Instagram (curiosity got the better of me). Her wardrobe seems to consist of 99% bikini... I
LOL. Maybe that's her normal / usual outfits and that's why she didnt realise she was too vulgar for that photo and caption xD
Load More Replies...So you post a link to the girl's instagram page so that people can go harass her? Her profile is now private because of it. She apologized and learned from it. She's probably in her early 20's. We're all oblivious at that age. I don't particularly like this trend of but if the young generation sees that they can make money off it, they will try it. Who is to blame? Her? Her parents upbringing? The followers that support it? The companies who endorse this stuff? Society is changing and young people are easily brainwashed and influenced. Not saying she has no fault in it whatsoever, but she obviously didn't foresee this outcome when posting this image and it was due to ignorance and lack of empathy. But we all f**k up at some point in our lives. The youth of today get to f**k up for the whole world to see... I'm so glad I lived my youth without it being posted all over the internet.
I agree with you on everything you said! She is sexy, has a lovely a*s in a white thong and also young and unaware of how her words, pictures and actions could be seen in a different light. She is obviously learning the hard way, the very hard way. Yes, social will get you a lot of "likes" as well as likably attention, but the opposite is also true. I too am glad my youth is not posted all over the internet.
Load More Replies...That comment could have been taken several different ways. Why ASSUME she was denigrating anyone? That's more of a reflection of the persons making the accusation than it is hers.
Its not that she's wearing a bikini, it's where she's wearing it and the comment she posted. She made herself and her behind the focus of the post, her comment would have been more believable had the focus actually been on the farmer. By putting the focus on herself, and her body, to a lot of people she comes across as narcissistic and even hypocritical.
Load More Replies...I suspect she is getting it as we speak. From what I read, her account is now private. All these young people are attracted to quick fame and attention. I think they are also seeing how the opposite is also quick to rear its ugly head.
Load More Replies...How could she think this was a good idea in the first place. She wasn’t misunderstood. She got called out!
I would 'accept' her apology if she can just explain why is she in a bikini. She's not near the coast. I doubt there is a pool in the paddy fields, so what gives? Is it really just a case of 'here's my a*s' in yet another new place
Listen I agree that she was insensitive and she owes someone an apology however, why does she have to apologize to you personally? Maybe I am missing something here? Also, although it's bizarre that her butt is out she isn't hurting anyone by exposing it.
Load More Replies...Soooo... You have to be in next to nothing to think these thoughts??? Brb, seeking attention ... Attention found - you're a twat.
Thinking about why the hell anyone would stand in a rice field wearing a bikini. She's does realize rice fields are full of bugs, snakes, leeches, amongst others.
Actually, that was what I was thinking... -Dr. M
Load More Replies..."Instagram model" or as we commoners say; talentless hag who couldn't get a photoshoot even if she paid for it herself.
Geez Louise why is there so much hate towards Instagram models? No need to call her a "talentless hag." You don't know her personally and her butt hasn't hurt you in any way either. Simply keep scrolling on to other posts people.
Load More Replies...A thot bragging about how she looks down on some people working in a rice field states: "“It really breaks my heart to see this photo turned into a different light then it was originally meant to be,” Sure...and the rest of her statement is just a repetition of polical correct clichés.
Whereas the man is thinking what on earth is that white girl doing in my field in just her underwear, she should have some respect for public decency.
I don't get the self titled influencer bs when they only deal in delusion, it's something totally different..... They're Deluders.
If this was reversed, it would literally be this rice field worker in a pair of speedos rocking up to her office building, standing at one of the cubicals taking selfies and captioning them "yo these peeps look so rich and happy oh it sucks to be me!" If that was the case in this pic, people would be like, da fuckkk is this guy doing???
I'm looking at all this, and I'm thinking that I'd rather see a modestly dressed Indonesian woman...they're beautiful! Didn't these folks invent Batik cloth?
SHE DID EXPLAIN her thoughts behind her first post. She stated that she was acknowledging her privilege and how hard the rice farmer has to work compared to her. Which was my first thought of what she meant when I first read it. If she wasn't standing there in a bikini, there wouldn't have been an issue for most people. However, the fact that she is and standing there looking at the field and farmer, emphasizes the difference in their lives. Which is what she was trying to convey. I have stood atop the same rice fields and had the same thought. The coolest thing about it is that the people in Bali work so hard for so little but are so caring. Because they have to work as they do, they appreciate life to an extent that is inspiring.
I would never post pictures of my butt for everybody to see, not even If I had a perfect body, but that's her job and If she makes money out of it then good for her. Im That being said, am I the only one who did not ser a disrespectful meaning in ehat she said? I mean, I believe the true meaning was she DOES acknowledge she is blessed with an easier life. Why do people always have ti criticize everything?
It's because of context. If she was in her home country, where it is accepted to wear thongs and show your a*s for the world to see, then it would not be so insensitive. But she is in Indonesia, a conservative muslim country, furthermore, she probably had the funds to fly there to vacation and take pictures of her beautiful body to post online, whereas the people in the field presumably don't have such luxuries. So when you mix the two, the result is a very p**s poor, insensitive post that suggests "I am more entitled" and so sorry that the other person isn't in the same situation. Essentially "Yay me!". I don't believe she is that kind of person, but what she is, is young and does not have enough maturity to understand the implications of her pictures, words and actions.
Load More Replies...Please be kinder and not roast you for trying to get likes on insta and for trying to sounds deep. Cause that thong riding your a*s screams I respect the s**t out of the labor they are doing.
It would literally be the same as this guy in the field rocking up to her office in speedos,snalping selfies being like, yo these peeps must be so rich and happy, sucks to be me!
Load More Replies...Why on earth would anyone follow these type of people? If you want to follow someone on Twitter and actually enjoy the experience I highly recommend following @_Islamicat that s**t is hilarious. Fyi it's a funny cat Twitter account with a jihadi cat , it's all in good fun.
Rice farmer be like" how thoughtful she knows her clothes would get dirty in the field so she strips to come help me" how thoughtful bigass she is.
"Influencer" - with all the bad press these days it should be renamed - "Social Thought Leader". Naah only kidding.
Ffs just show her a*s what the f**k are you 12? As for the post such posts are a dime a dozen or more like a handful of hay in a haystack... talking like they've never been on instagram before
I hope she marries a hard-working, rich person. Otherwise, in 10 years, when the looks go and the butt droops, she's going to have to actually work for a living. And then some self-entitled, shallow 20 year old may snap a photo of her can caption it, "OMG, I just realized how different my life is from the middle aged lady's that stocking shelves at WalMart"
That chick is dumb, but you have no reason to think her body will be bad in 10 years. In 25, maybe. In 10 years she’ll be like 30. It’s not that much different if you’re used to exercising and eating decent.
Load More Replies...Could you please put away your as$ away, oh and cover your backside up too.
Censoring butt cracks now? That would be pretty nice in real life when sweaty workmen bend over for any reason.
If anyone could invent an auto-blur for plumbers'/builders' cracks, they'd be a billionaire
Load More Replies...For too many people, Instagram is a gigantic piece of the puzzle depicting why we are failing as human beings... I never thought I'd live long enough to see such degradation... Influencers? just a word created to embellish the self-empowerment some people have... And the scariest part? some other people actually believe these so-called influencers...
Degradation is the number of BP posts that have no other purpose than blame and shame. And the scariest part is that most BP readers seem to love it ...
Load More Replies...Her explanation would have been more believable if her post wasn’t such a POSE on her part. And a 90% naked one at that. I’m sure that the reactions would have been completely different if she had been clothed in her post. She’s like those influencers who took selfies at holocaust memorial sites doing “spiritual” yoga poses
notice how she never explained why she needed to be in a bikini for her post though
This is a very odd story. Her comments aside, the pic is Photoshopped. My SO is a graphic designer and immediately spotted the issues with this pic. The shadows, the odd proportions, lighting discrepancies, and the mistake the background by her left hand. I agree with the other posts here that say she's young and hopefully has learned a hard lesson here. But still not understanding why the fake pic.
I'm all for the s**t shaming. She wants that kind of attention. So tired of these mindless IG hoes.
She never knows that a rich farmer in my country may be never wear a bikini or have a fancy dinner in a five stars hotel. But they could afford a jet if they want.
The new trend: post pictures of them semi naked in controversial places to gain attention, well done.
These "Instagram models" always have the same pose, and they all look the same. Ha ha.
She also turned off commenting which I find a little cowardly. Answer the people who are questioning you instead of changing your heading and turning them off then going on about being kind... I bet a million dollars she is not this kind person she preaches about being
From the article, to be honest the statement is not one to immediately rebuke. She didn't say that her life was better or that the farmer's was worse, just different. Yeah he could probably say the exact same thing. As could anyone anywhere.It is the reader of the article that is automatically making assumptions about the intended mind set.
So easy to shame those models. It makes us feel superior to them. But tell me whose is to blame. It is her job, she wants followers, and she has 12 k of them, somebody click those likes, not she.
The issue was she came off very entitled. We all know women have life easier than men by default in this way. You don't see any men being thots on Instagram, but men are the ones that enable these people to make a living because sex sells.
Load More Replies...1. She is right, her life is different. 2. She does work for a living. 3. We can't say for sure that her value for the economy is less than the value of a rice farmer. We need data to make this conclusion. 4. People can wear what they want. 5. People shouldn't be bodyshamed.