Folks Online Open Up About 34 Acts Of Revenge That Hit The Victim Way Harder Than Expected
The impulse of revenge is not uncommon and is a part of human nature. It is often a product of anger and wanting to get even with someone. Of course, vengeance can be petty, but not all retaliation is against the whole world. Although, petty or not, opinions on the ethics of revenge often clash in heated debates. In philosophy, the concept of avengement is explored in the “retributive justice” concept.
In today’s story, we present you 34 stories of netizens who decided to act and took revenge for different reasons. However, their behavior didn’t end in glee as the Redditors regretted their actions shortly after.
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My bother and cousins were walking home from school. Well my brother and I were walking and my cousins were on bikes. They kept circling us and making fun of us because we didn't have bikes. One of my cousins then spits on me. Out of reflex, I blasted her with my trumpet case and she went flying, landed on the concrete and broke her arm. I felt awful, it was the first and last time I ever hit a girl.
My family believed every word of the story, knew this cousin was always a total b***h to me, and largely believed she had it coming. I still felt awful tho.
I'm still mad at myself for this.
When I was a preteen, my friend and I went to one of those day camps that picked us up in yellow school buses. One of the other kids on our bus was a younger boy I'll refer to as Eli.
Eli was a f*****g terror. He would scream and spit and hump things, make a mess, and be as annoying and insufferable as possible. Riding the bus with him was a nightmare for everyone involved most of the time.
So I came up with this idea. I found his family in the phone book, and called up pretending to be a camp counselor. I told his mom that he was misbehaving on the bus and that he would either be disciplined or kicked out of the camp if he didn't stop.
She bought it, said she would talk to him about it. I felt so f*****g smart.
Until the next day, when a quiet, sullen Eli showed up with a black eye.
EDIT: Apparently a lot of you don't believe that a preteen could convincingly sound like a camp counselor over the phone. I don't know what to tell you. Maybe the static of our connection made my fake adult voice more convincing, or Eli's parents were really gullible, or they were just looking for any old excuse to beat up their kid. I don't remember the precise details of a conversation I had like 17 years ago, but I really did call his family, and he really did show up with a black eye the next day. If I were going to lie about this, I'd have probably come up with a cooler story.
Those who grew up with siblings know that usually there are many different altercations between you, and your sister or brother. Depending on the age gap, there could be even physical escalations, although often not serious at all.
Kids are very creative, though - if they have a bigger sibling, they'll find a way to get back at them in psychological warfare. And what's better to get them riled up than deleting the file save on their favorite game?
In elementary school there was a bully kid who would make fun of me.
I had a bad bowl cut and was pretty small so it wasn't surprising, me and my friends usually just ignored him.
Anyway one day this kid from Brazil moved into the house next to mine. He was a year older, we used to play soccer together every day after school. I mentioned to him once that this kid would call me names and usually while walking home from school would follow behind me taunting me.
One day I'm leaving school and this kid is going slowly behind me on his bike shouting stuff, just dumb kid stuff you know?
Brazil kid comes out of nowhere, knocks the kid off his bike and just starts beating him, bully is on the grass crying and bleeding.
Brazil kid grabs the bike and gives it to me "you can keep this" and then walks away.
I didn't know what to do. I just layed the bike next to the kid and walked home, he wasn't at school for like a week.
Later in life I found that kid had a really crappy home situation with abusive parents, I was 10 at the time. Always felt bad for that, quit bullying me though.
I still occasionally see that Brazilian guy, don't think he even remembers it! Cool on him for helping in his way, I just think it went too far.
My older brother was always quite horrible to me as a child and my parents never really did much about it, he was also much bigger than me so I couldn’t retaliate in a physical way cause I would be swiftly cripple cross faced/walls of Jericho’d. One day I had just had enough, My revenge? He had been playing Rome total war for a good 6 hours a day for about 3 weeks. I started a new game and overwrote his save file.
Never seen fury like it.
I regretted it at the time cause cause he was so angry it scared me and it made him dislike me even more but now I praise my 13 year old self for hitting him where it clearly hurt most.
Edit: Some of you are asking how our relationship is now, it’s okay, I moved away as soon as I hit eighteen so i didn’t see much of the family for some years.
I was 11, my older brother was 16. We would fight and argue but one time I was running up the stairs away from him and he whipped the back of my legs with a long rubber chew toy. It left a pretty big, figure-8-shaped welt on my legs. I knew he was faster and stronger than me and I knew if I tried to attack him he'd stop me. So, I grabbed a flathead screwdriver and held it over the stove until it was red hot. I ran up to him and very openly went to stab him, knowing he'd stop me. He grabbed my wrist to stop my thrust (as anticipated) and I pushed the red hot head of it into his forearm as hard as I could.
Man, I was a crazy a*****e as a kid. Sorry Mike.
Edit: wow, didn't expect this much response to my weird childhood story. Yes, he had a scar for years, I will never forget the sound of his scream, I felt terrible. Good news, we are now super close, I was the best man at his wedding and am godfather to one of his kids. Everything's great between us now.
Sometimes revenge, even between children, can have serious repercussions. Especially when it is taken in the form of a physical altercation. However, in an interview published by Boston University, associate professor Peter Blake claims “Kids aren’t out to get people,” he says. “They’re sending a signal to the person, but also to the broader world that ‘I’m not a sucker.’” Disagreements between children can also be intercepted by adults, which sometimes can cause more collateral damage.
Additionally, a study on child aggression shows that children who are raised by parents inappropriately tend to display more animosity towards other children, which is not surprising.
My sister used to kick my a*s on the regular. She had mad anger problems and would go berserk over the littlest things. One time I turned the light on while she was trying to sleep, she beat me up and I ended up going to prom with bruises all over me.
All through the years, I never hit her back. I was a super sensitive kid and if I ever hit back, I ended up crying to my mom about how I loved my sister and hated to hurt her.
After I graduated, she had calmed down a bit, but she still had issues. Coming back from a small party one nite and she is back on her old b******t, just getting mad over something stupid and going totally crazy over it.
We get home and get out of the car and is say I’m driving home.
She keeps saying I’m “too drunk” even though I’d only had 2-3 mini beers. She grabs the back of my shirt and I’m so pissed off at her, I turn around really fast with my fist out to hit her arm or something.
She immediately let’s out a blood-piercing scream and drops to the ground.
Blood is spurting everywhere. She leaves a trail as she runs inside and wakes up our mom and dad.
Turns out, I broke her nose pretty f*****g bad, but my mom and dad kept saying it couldn’t be that bad because I had done it and that she must have really been f*****g with me for me to have done something like that after all these years of her beating on me.
I felt so awful, I cried and tried to say sorry, but she ended up going to the hospital.
I don’t feel so bad now because she purposely never paid the bill, thinking she could bully me into paying it, and she never lets it go. She always says I’m the reason her credit and stuff is bad and that she still has collections agencies calling her over the ER bill.
I ain’t paying that s**t. Consider it payment for the years of abuse.
It's always so nice when the parents know one sibling is abusing the other, and won't do anything about it.
Way back in elementary school a friend threw a piece of chalk that hit me square in the forehead. It was the most humiliating moment for younger me as everyone who saw that started laughing their asses off (kids are a******s).
I plotted and planned my revenge, to get back in the exact same fashion over the next couple of days. One fine day weapon in hand, I find him perfectly placed a chalk-throw away from me.
I yell out his name and quickly launch the projectile as he spins around. For some reason he had his mouth open as he looked at me and the piece of chalk flew directly into his throat. His eyes widen and he starts choking. I stood frozen in shock as he fell on his knees coughing. Luckily somebody grabbed him from behind and thumped his back, so he swallowed the piece. An adult walks in, cannot remember who it was at the time, but she looks at me and asks what happened. At this point I'm shaking realizing that I narrowly killed my friend. I say it was a mint. My friend, also shaken at this point, laughs it off saying it went straight into his throat and he didn't taste it. The adult shakes her head and says next time just hand it like a normal person and walks away.
Years later when we were moving away to another country I remind him about the incident and come clean about the whole thing. He snaps and yells "I knew it!".
Due to their developing social skills, children tend to not realize what consequences their words or actions could cause. This can result in circumstances which are unpleasant or even damaging to adults. According to Amanda Morin, a neurodiversity consultant, by the age of 11 children start to think more logically, are more introspective and prone to test out new ideas, mannerisms and more. Unfortunately, even if the children enter a new maturity level, they're still developing and their actions can be measured wrongly.
To be fair, even adults keep on developing their social skills well into adulthood. In fact, Social Skills Training (SST) is a thing for adults. It's a behavioristic approach to improve the social life of grown-ups.
A million years ago I worked in a large clothing store. This one girl I worked with would slap you on the back or pinch your arm or whatever as if it was a friendly gesture. It hurt. I dont know if she was pretending to be nice, or was simply stupid, but it was very unwelcome and I imagine I told her so but honestly don't remember anymore.
What I do remember day Im heading up the escalator and there she is ahead of me. So I walk up and as Im going past her I give her hardest "friendly " slap on the back I could. I may have gone a little overboard as she almost fell forward and definitely gasped in surprise.
I dont think she ever came within arms reach of me again.
This didn't "Turned To Bitter Regret" like the title says, but it's still amazing! Good for you!
Had a roommate who basically let his new GF move in to our house in college. She helped herself to everything in the house but never contributed. Finally she parked in my parking spot and that was my breaking point. I let all the air out of all of her tires, thinking she'd just air them back up and it would be an inconvenience. Instead she ended up buying all new tires. Whoops. Never came clean about it.
A kid on my track team would always come by and take a drink of whatever I had with me. I was sick of it and brought a root beer with me which had been spiked with 3x the recommended dose of root beer-flavored exlax. Sure enough he came by and I said you know what Tony, why don't you just take the whole thing. Well we were having a home meet that day and he was our best pole vaulter and part of the relay team.
I thought maybe he'd feel a little off and under-preform. In the midst of our warm ups, he went missing and was absent the entire meet.
I can't be the only one who was expecting that to end... ah, much more explosively after he mentioned the dude was a pole vaulter
Pulling pranks on your friends can be fun, especially if your practical jokes are harmless. Internet trends during the last decade show that "pranks" are increasingly becoming immensely obnoxious, and in some cases are harmful or even life-threatening. These "pranks" are often performed on complete strangers as well. It is not uncommon for such pranks to receive major backlash from the populous, as they are not entertaining and can often be harmful. Back in 2019, YouTube went on banning such content entirely. Their new FAQ clearly states what constitutes a prank.
In their statement, YouTube specifically noted that any pranks that would endanger any individual are strictly prohibited, which is a welcome change.
I think I have told this before, but. I think i was 15 and was in class and sat next to a friend of mine. He, for no reason, began to say: "HAHA your bald father" which I followed up with "HAHA your bald mother". He started crying and ran to the teacher. I honestly forgot his mom had cancer and was getting chemo.
Kids in my middle school were aware my dad was an alcoholic. Tried to make it my problem with taunts. By that time I'd been through enough counseling that I knew it wasn't my fault. I'm not sure what a Bronx cheer emoji likes like but nothing tears down an a$$hole like not caring what they think.
When i was in Nursery (pre-school) a kid used to constantly bully me, take toys off of me etc. One day, outside in the garden he stole a toy tractor i was riding on, he stood up on the seat and stuck his tongue out at me. Age 4 me had finally been broken, I ran and kicked the tractor which jolted it forward, he subsequently fell off and rolled down a hill into some stingy nettles and got some pretty bad cuts and bruises. I remember thinking right then and there 'wow I really didn't need to do that but that little part of me felt great :/.
Kid was a brat. OP was just standing up for him-/herself. Where were the adults when this kid was bullying his peers?
The husband of a friend of mine was teasing me incessantly at a game night. I had finally had enough and snapped at him, “You must not have had a very good mother.”
Turns out he was adopted.
I had a similar situation in 7th grade, except with me it was "You must come from a divorced family" (I had read earlier that children from divorced families are statistically more likely to have behavioral issues). Well, turns out he was and it was a sore point for him. He never bullied me again.
When I was little my friends kept pointing at the little girl on the box of the board game Operation and saying it looks like me. So I pointed at the big fat guy and said 'that's your mom' and didn't realize she was behind me.
Back in middle school a friend of mine threw a small wadded piece of paper at me. I retaliated by throwing the only thing I could find, which was mud close to my shoes. Smacked him right in the face with it. Worst part is, it turned out to be dog s**t that was at the bottom of my shoe. I still vividly remember his angry "wtf man I throw paper at you and you throw dog s**t?".
A hidden agreement between friends and co-workers on harmlessly pranking each other can be an exciting way to make your daily life more colorful, and a way to take revenge. However, even such harmless pranks can unintentionally cause damage.
What are your experiences in regards to pranks? Have you accidentally gone too far? Have you been on the recipient's end and experienced a prank which ruined your day? Let us know in the comments below.
Oh I have one for this. My grandpa was a bit old school and gave me prison yard advice for my first week of school. He said, if anyone picks on you, just deal with them right then, don't take it. First week of Kindergarten, a grade 1 kid was pushing me around, not letting me go back to class. I pushed him down against a fence and kicked him in the face 3 or 4 times, splitting his nose. ALMOST got kicked out of school, until they found out my grandpa had told me to do it. Thing is, no one messed with me after and that guy was nice to me all the way through to graduation.
That's pretty intense violence coming from a kindergartner 😶
Some girl hit my car in a hit and run. There was a witness to the crime, so the police were able to track her down. When I was asked if I wanted to press charges I went for it.
Turns out she had no license or insurance. She kept trying to fight the charges but wound up getting sued by my insurance, having to pay me restitution via the court system, and four separate charges between all her crimes, all of which included a decent fine.
She was some 18 year old single mom. I felt super bad by the end of it.
Edit to add details:
The damage wasn’t significant. There was a small dent and a large scratch. It was all cosmetic damage. My deductible was small, but the total bill to my insurance was about three grand. My car is over ten years old, and had some other scratches already. I was way more upset that someone hit me and drove off than I was about the actual damage. I wouldn’t of even bothered to get it fixed if the girl hadn’t driven off.
My pursuing her and pressing charges was 100% fueled by revenge, and her life got pretty f****d up from it. Yeah, what she did wasn’t right, but I can emphasize with her being a scared 18 year old who made a bad choice while caught up in the moment. Also, I’m not justifying her behavior because she had a kid, but it does make me feel bad for her. Being a single parent (as a woman or man) is a really expensive thing, and having a bunch of fees on top of that financial burden has got to suck.
Yea, did the right thing. I was a single mom for a while and it was tough, always had insurance for my car though. And never would have done that. It's not an excuse to be a s****y person. She was very much in the wrong and needed to take responsibility for her actions.
Had a neighbor yell at my younger brother about his weight and I took it extra personal. Didn’t know how to get him back without getting caught.
Then I figured out I could place nails just under the back of the tire so when he pulled out of the driveway he’d run over them.
Turns out he was super poor and couldn’t afford the repairs. My dad had to carpool with him to work for a month or so.
I’ve never told anyone.
Edit: Spelling.
Edit 2: If my memory is correct, I believe my brother was doing some yard work or playing and became out of breath and winded so he stopped.
The adult must have been upset and then said something along the lines of “if you were skinnier you wouldn’t have this problem”
Edit 3: I was 10 or 11, brother was 9.
Last EDIT I swear: My brother had been made fun of a lot in school for his weight because he couldn’t keep Up with other kids at lunch. If you’ve never been able to play with other kids because of medical problems it’s really degrading and hurts.
So when an adult pointed out his insecurities, he felt like they were real and not in his head.
In my stupid kid brain, I figured neither me or my bro should say what had happened. If my dad found out about the weight comments, it would come back around that I f****d the guy’s tires up. I realize the truth would have been best but hey, I was 10.
Really the last EDIT: to all the nice people who are saying something along the lines of “your no better, or even worse then that guy for ruining his tires and giving him financial trouble. A couple problems with that:
1. It wasn’t thought out plan my dudes. I was 10 and wanted to get simple revenge. It wasn’t a plot to uproot this man’s finances.
2. The main reddit post is literally about realizing you went to far.
3. Some people may not have a brother, or a bond with a brother that puts you instantly in attack mode when that sibling is hurt or in danger. I mean it, you hurt my brothers I’m coming down on you like bombs.
4. F**k that guy, He made his choice, I made mine. He got some mean karma for some mean words, and I’m sure as hell I got some karma from those punctures.
Wanna mess with little brothers, f**k em I say.
#3 in his last edit resonates with me XD My sister and I don't get along very well, and she's pretty much the thirdmost abusive person in my life. But I'd still DESTROY anyone who hurt her. I remember one time I walked outside our house to find her arguing with her friend (who lived with us) and her friend shoved her. I went into Hulk Mode and stomped over to them, yelling "GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF MY SISTER" in a voice about 10 octaves lower than my normal voice XD I'd have throttled her friend if she'd touched my sister again in my sight. (Sadly this didn't happen when we were kids... it happened a few years ago when I was in my late 30s, sis was in her 40s, and the friend was in her 50s.)
When I was a kid I was at a local river (a great swimming spot lots of people came to). My friend pushes me in the river and naturally I came up spluttering and a little red in the face, but it was all in good fun. For the rest of the day I planned to get her back, waiting for my opportunity to push her in, until she was at the edge of the river drying off. I pushed her, but her flailing and the slippery nature of the rocks she was on made her slip on the spot, and instead of just splashing into the water, she landed on her back hitting the rocks hard, and then fell into the water.
She was winded, but thankfully otherwise unharmed. Our parents were furious at me, and I just spent the few seconds it took to get her out (felt like a lot longer to me) just hoping I hadn't broken her back or something.
2/10 revenge. Would not do again.
Edit: Wow this really blew up! I hope we have all learned not to push people into pools and other bodies of water.
My dad left a passive aggressive note. I drew a d**k on the note. He hasn't spoken to me for 2 weeks. Used to feel bad but I'm over it.
When i was bullied by some local kids i filled the petrol tank of their family car with grass, dirt, sticks and stones, bottle caps, pretty much anything i could jam into the petrol tank.
i felt sorry for that poor car.
Drunk guy came at me on my porch. I was in college, it was welcome week. Kid was all kinds of f****d up. Tried to get him to leave and finally he came up on my my porch and swung. I ducked him and shoved him away... He was too drunk... couldn't keep his balance and bounce his face off the curb. blood, teeth it was brutal. I was afraid he was really hurt, but he came to pretty quickly. He ended up getting arrested before it was all said and done.
I wouldn't feel the slightest bit guilty about this one. If you swing on someone, you better be prepared to accept the consequences.
When I was in fifth grade my teacher gave out a s**t ton of homework one day so I got the whole class to help me write a letter to the principal. She found out and cried and s**t. I felt really horrible because she was just trying to get us ready for a test coming up...I still feel really bad every time I think about it.
Naaa, never feel bad for teachers who take away your off-school time. TBH I think this is where people get trained to have poor work-life balance.
Coworker and I had a friendly prank war spanning two years. Close to the end of our war he "iced" my car.
Icing involves taking the hose to the parking lot every half hour and spraying a light mist over your victims car when it's below zero out. I finished my 12 hour shift to find a car encased in 2 inches of ice.
My revenge was, I thought, both more inconvenient for him and less freezing my balls off for me. I decided to take a bed sheet, drape it over his car, and only took 4 or 5 trips out with the hose the next night.
So the next morning he finds his car with a quarter inch of ice freezing a sheet to his car. When he started peeling off the sheet he pulled his windshield wipers, arms and all off of his ratty jeep.
I got a very pissed off phone call. I felt bad, the unwritten rule was "embarassing or inconvient, no damage". I paid for repairs, and he got his revenge. He planted a dozen pieces of smoked herring throughout my car. Took me 6 months to find the last piece. Hidden under the carpet under the back window of my car. I can still smell it, I don't even own the car anymore....
Two days ago, actually, in my soccer (football I know I know...) game this one clumsy defender kept catching my ankles seconds after I would pass the ball away. So one play he was clearing the ball and I just wanted to lay the kid out. As he was on his plant foot swinging I hit him with my shoulder hard and as he was falling he grabbed me and took me down with him. I landed on his arm and it snapped like a twig between the wrist and the elbow. I feel awful.
A neighbor lady was mean to me so I went into the laundry room after her and s**t on her clothes in the washer. I was 5.
Idk what it was, but a lot of the boys in my sixth grade class thought it was hilarious to try and trip people. They’d get your a*s no matter how careful you were. Well I was pretty good at avoiding it, but when I was in gym class this kid named Joey got my a*s hard. I was dribbling down court and he nailed me. I face planted hard. So I thought about how to get him, and I got him at lunch. He was holding a lunch tray, so his hands weren’t as useful. He nailed a table and lost a tooth. I got suspended for 10 days, and a strict no tripping policy got implemented, immediate suspensions if caught. S**t sucked, my dad beat my a*s raw. Sorry, Joey.
My best friend slept with my son's father while I was pregnant. Then she got on d***s and went to prison. I found out. I had been helping her mother care for her daughters, writing her each week, visiting her twice a week, putting money on her books... everything. I wrote her, told her what I had found out, and then cut all contact. The only thing I continued to do was help care for her daughters. I cut off all emotional support when she needed it the most. Even when she was transferred into the federal system, and went states away. Returned all letters, refused all phone calls. She was released a year or so ago, I did not pick her up as originally planned. When she showed up at my house to collect her daughters, they were afraid of her. Now, I feel like I may have been to mean. She wasn't thinking properly when she decided to sleep with my son's father, and I wasn't a very good friend when it counted. Either way, we are speaking terms again, but I keep her at arms length. We mostly just communicate for her children's sake.
Edit: Just because people have asked, yes I was in a relationship with my son's father at the time. We had been dating about three years. Obviously, that ended as soon as I found out.
Some people need more self-respect. There is literally nothing to feel guilty about here.
During a rough patch with my (now ex) fiancé, he admitted to me that he had been cheating on me and was involved with someone else. At the time he was the General Manager of a company that was being sold, but none of the employees knew, as the company needed to be up and operating through the sale, at which time everyone would be out of a job, including him. But he was getting some big $$$ for his efforts. So when he came clean about the cheating, I went out and got drunk with a friend. Came home that night and called everyone's voice mail and left a message with the details of what was happening to their jobs and the company. It was a complete mutiny the next day.
Edit: from Catsarenotreptilians specifically, no he did not build the company from the start, no he did not lose a dime, no his life was not ruined. He actually made out like a bandit. I made this post because I did think "maybe I shouldn't have done that." And Catsarenotreptilians - thanks for your cutting psycho analysis, even with the spelling and grammar errors.
I was dating this girl and my friend saw her around town a few times, and humiliated her in an effort to embarrass me. I told him to stop bothering her, but he did it again.
That night I convinced him to try getting back together with his wildly insane and manipulative ex that he hadn't spoken to in years, thinking that he would just humiliate himself by trying.
Well, they banged and got back together for a while. And had a baby. Now they're terrible single parents.
There was this kid as school who, I think bullied me or at least called me names I hated. I can’t really recall what he did. He didn’t physically hurt me as far as I remember...
Either way, I knew his mother had cancer and one day I snapped and just...well, just pointed it out. He actually cried. I felt a bit guilty too. Now I feel really bad everytime I think about it. I never could apologize sincerely, but I wish I did.
So once at a party, the guy working the grill at the snackbar across the street from us, who I don't know all that well but often joke around with, stood in the center of the room and announced that he got a new job
And I immediately quipped from the back of the room, *"You flipping burgers at BK now?"*
And the whole room exploded with laughter. I felt like a douche immediately. I didn't expect that reaction. It wasn't even that funny. It was bad enough that I interrupted his moment, but I just expected him to laugh and shoot a joke back my way as usual. I still cringe when I think about it and how his face dropped after waiting around uncomfortably for the whole thing to die down.
He was a cool guy. I apologized and everything afterwards. But we never joked anymore, and he started avoiding me not too long after. I still feel bad about that.
Getting even in some way with an annoying friend can be good fun, but talking your friend into getting back with his manipulative ex is a bit too far. The guy indirectly caused his friend to become a single parent. You could argue that every human being has a free will and they can control their actions, but still, this one is wild.
This one is not as serious or entertaining as most of the answers you'll find here. But when we were kids, my sister threw water at me and ran away so I picked up my glass of water and ran after her. I threw the water from the glass at her once I had her cornered. Unfortunately the glass had slipped out of my hand and it hit her right across her face. She got bruised and cut pretty bad.
My friends and I used to pull a lot of pranks on each other growing up and about 10 years ago I was helping my buddy set up a new business. He was ordering business cards and the company he was going through was offering I think 500 or so free with a large order so we decided to prank our other friend. We made business cards with his name, phone number, home address and had his job title as "Professional Creep" with the slogan "If I'm creepin, you ain't sleepin". We passed these cards out all over town. He was getting really harassing phone calls for awhile and couldn't figure out why. After about 2 years he found one of the cards on a random fridge at a party and put 2 and 2 together. He was pissed and is still getting random calls 10 years later. I feel really bad about that one...
This is not even a "petty revenge" story, it's just some a-holes being huge jerks to their friend because they thought it was funny. This is the kind of thing that can ruin someone's life.
My mom was a teacher's aide at the same high school I attended. One day one of the kids tripped her in class and she took a pretty bad fall. Mom was in her late 50s at the time, and she's lucky nothing broke. The kid and I were in the same gym class later that day. We were playing soccer and I kicked that jerk in the balls as hard as humanly possible. He dropped to the ground and puked. I got away with it because everyone knew I was awful at sports.
This wasn't really revenge, more just messing around, but one time my friend hit me on the back hard enough to make me stumble. I, of course, hit her back, but she happened to be right in front of a pole a little higher than my waist. She hit her forehead and ended up getting stitches. I felt awful and send her tons of emails while she was getting her stitches apologizing and I kept apologizing in person. She didn't blame me though, and now we're dating :)
My mom was a teacher's aide at the same high school I attended. One day one of the kids tripped her in class and she took a pretty bad fall. Mom was in her late 50s at the time, and she's lucky nothing broke. The kid and I were in the same gym class later that day. We were playing soccer and I kicked that jerk in the balls as hard as humanly possible. He dropped to the ground and puked. I got away with it because everyone knew I was awful at sports.
This wasn't really revenge, more just messing around, but one time my friend hit me on the back hard enough to make me stumble. I, of course, hit her back, but she happened to be right in front of a pole a little higher than my waist. She hit her forehead and ended up getting stitches. I felt awful and send her tons of emails while she was getting her stitches apologizing and I kept apologizing in person. She didn't blame me though, and now we're dating :)