Actions speak louder than words, so when Reddit user u/MrNoJokes‘ neighbors repeatedly refused to stop their dog from pooing in his yard, the man realized that the only way forward was to give them a taste of their own medicine. Or rather, a smell of their pet’s dirty business.

He started secretly sending it back to them, and when they finally found the “treasure,” he told the subreddit r/pettyrevenge all about it. What goes around comes around!


    This man asked his neighbors to stop their dog from pooping in his yard, but they didn’t do anything about it

    Image credits: Becky Wetherington (not the actual photo)

    So he started sending it back to them


    Image credits: KaterinaDalemans (not the actual photo)


    Image credits: anoldent (not the actual photo)

    Image source: MrNoJokes

    Pets are one of the most common reason why American neighbors fight each other

    Image credits: Manel Vazquez (not the actual photo)

    u/MrNoJokes isn’t alone. A study by Find Law, a popular legal information website, found that 42% of Americans say they have had a dispute with their neighbors, and pets are one of the most common reasons why.

    Here are the issues and their prevalence:

    • Noise 48%;
    • Pets and animals 29%;
    • Children’s behavior 21%;
    • Visual nuisance, property appearance, trash, etc. 18%;
    • Property boundaries 17%;
    • Suspected criminal behavior 8%;
    • Health or building code violations 4%;
    • Parking 1%.

    But most are more reasonable than this couple and engage in dialogue

    However, most people are interesting in resolving their differences. Out of those who have had a dispute with their neighbor, they addressed the issue as such:

    • Discussed the issue personally with them (49%);
    • Called the police (27%);
    • Notified neighborhood or owners’ association (15%);
    • Sent a letter, note, or email (11%);
    • Went to court (4%);
    • Went to mediation (4%);
    • Other actions (4%);
    • Took no action (14%).

    “Neighborhoods form dynamic communities with unique personalities since a group of unrelated people must live close together,” said Stephanie Rahlfs, an attorney and editor with Find Law. “Most often, neighbors are friendly, but occasionally, disputes will arise.”


    Ultimately, the best way to have good relationships with your neighbors is to be one yourself

    Image credits: Pressmaster (not the actual photo)

    Our actions affect others, and their actions affect us. In their book The Art of Neighboring, Jay Pathak and Dave Runyon wrote that, “The solutions to the problems in our neighborhoods aren’t ultimately found in the government, police, schools, or in getting more people to go to church. The solutions lie with us. It’s within our power to become good neighbors, to care for the people around us, and to be cared for by the people around us.”

    “When the people who live around each other become closer in their relationships, great things happen,” they continued. “Start now by doing the small things well, and commit to good neighboring as a lifestyle. You have been invited to begin a sacred journey, one that has the potential to change your block, your city, and possibly the world.”

    Clearly, u/MrNoJokes tried to find the best solutions. But with neighbors, it’s a two-way street. And it sounds like the couple simply wasn’t interested in that.


    People loved his revenge

    And some even shared their own similar experiences