It is safe to say by now that the coronavirus pandemic has affected much more than only people’s health; it has had a major effect on our day-to-day routines too. Many venues were forced to temporarily close their doors to customers due to lockdown and experienced great loss, restaurants included. In order to salvage their businesses, some restaurants have decided to implement a small extra fee, “COVID surcharge,” upon their customers. While some customers realize what’s behind this tax and accept it quietly, some are rather furious about being charged extra.


    A huge number of restaurants worldwide were forced to close their doors to customers due to the coronavirus lockdown

    Image credits: Sarahmirk

    While some restaurants kept working during the lockdown, offering pickup and delivery, some didn’t have such opportunities and had to temporarily close their doors to customers.

    Turns out, some restaurants are implementing an extra COVID tax after reopening

    Image credits: talialikeitis

    However, some restaurant owners just couldn’t keep their business afloat without letting go of some or all of the staff.

    Some customers are completely content about the situation

    Image credits: mstinaswu

    Turns out, some restaurants that were affected particularly badly by the lockdown are now turning to their customers for help after reopening.

    And are pointing out to unhappy ones that restaurants are not living their best days

    Image credits: Br212Br

    They are implementing “COVID surcharges” upon their customers in order to cover the additional costs they’re experiencing after reopening.

    After all, they have to take in fewer customers and ensure everything’s been sanitized

    Image credits: jurekrl

    A sushi restaurant recently added just over $2 to a customer’s bill labeled as “COVID-19 surcharge.” A similar charge has been implemented at Goog’s Pub and Grub in Holland, MI.


    Some customers seem to be aware of the extra costs restaurants are facing

    Image credits: abigail_adams76


    Goog’s Pub and Grub told Fox 17 that “the ‘COVID charge’ is a way for them to be transparent about the rising costs in the restaurant industry during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

    And therefore don’t mind paying an extra $2 to “stay safe”

    Image credits: Doveshaun

    “You’re not just putting it on a plate or tray and washing that again. It’s the silverware, the boxes,” said Goog’s owner, Brad White.

    However, some people think this is the worst time to implement extra taxes

    Image credits: mr_mookie

    Restaurant owners also report that food prices are increasing as well due to the supply chains being affected by lockdown rules.


    And are saying they would refuse to pay extra if they saw that on their bill

    Image credits: taffyallen9

    Some customers seem to be aware of the hardships their favorite restaurants are currently facing and don’t show any discontentment about the charges.

    Some are even convinced these new taxes will affect tipping

    Image credits: slmaso

    However, there are some that are infuriated by the “COVID” surcharges.

    It is said by some people that extra money from the government should be enough to cover the extra costs restaurants are facing

    Image credits: CraveKate


    Some even say that they wouldn’t pay the bill if they ever saw such a charge being forced upon them.

    However, some restaurant owners disagree


    Image credits: McintireJordyn

    They argue that it’s the worst time to be charging extra when so many people have lost their jobs or experienced salary cuts due to the pandemic.

    Thus, some people are pointing out people just shouldn’t go if they’re not planning to be nice about having to pay a little extra

    Image credits: malonespeaking