First impressions can be very hard to change, but these teenagers did everything they could. Celebrating their homecoming, a group of 13-year-olds went to a restaurant. Due to their young minds, however, they didn’t reward their waiter with an appropriate tip. “Nothing more frustrating than when I get little to nothing for a tip and the customer is smiling and thanking me profusely as they exit,” he said. His attitude towards the guys changed drastically the following day.

“I’ve been serving a long time,” the waiter said. “Nothing like this has ever happened to me, or anyone [I know].” Scroll down to check out what made him to change his mind, restoring his faith in people and parenting!


    Waiter’s job is hard, especially if you’re doing the job well and customers don’t reward you with an appropriate tip

    Image credits: Ken Eckert

    This happened to one waiter who spent an evening making sure a group of teens was fully satisfied to find they left him just $3.28

    Image credits: getupstudio

    Next day, however, he received this letter:



    Here’s what he had to say to the teens:

    People also congratulated the teens on quick thinking