30 Epic Restaurant And Bar Design Fails That Are So Bad, People Had To Shame Them Online
Most people are oblivious to their own mistakes, but they can spot someone else doing something wrong from a faraway distance. It’s the same with restaurants: if you’re the owner, you probably think your place is great, but if you’re a customer, then you’ll most likely notice everything that’s wrong with the place in a jiffy. And sometimes restaurants mess up so badly without realizing it that customers can’t help but snap a picture and upload it to the popular ‘Crappy Designs’ subreddit.
For your perusing pleasure, here are the worst of the worst, the crème de la crème of horribly bad restaurant designs. We hope you like design fails as much as we do, so please enjoy this list in its entirety, click on the upvote button next to fails that you think are worth it, and remember to share with your friends.
You can find more of Bored Panda’s captivating lists about crappy designs and design fails here, here, here, here, here, and here. And here’s one more. So make some popcorn (and save some for us!) because there are plenty of designs to look at and make fun of!
More info: Reddit
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This Was Hanging In The Bathroom In The Restaurant I Ate At Tonight. Only In China...
Two Different Restaurants. No Affiliation. Located Just Up Ahead
Stopped In Wisconsin Today... And I’d Rather Not
Bored Panda had previously reached out to the ‘Crappy Design’ subreddit’s moderators to learn a bit more about the community.
“The original motivation for the subreddit was to point out crappy designs. Nowadays, most subscribers probably come here for entertainment,” the subreddit’s team told Bored Panda. “However, it is common to have meaningful discussion here on why or why not something is crappy design.”
I Love Eating At Restaurant Logo Here
The Wendy's Restaurant In Beaver, Utah Got A New Sign
Front Desk At Restaurant In Northern Virginia
The community’s moderators also said that “the subreddit was created 8 years ago. Currently, there are 1.7 million subscribers with over 2 million page views per month. It is very popular.” At the time of the interview, the community was indeed 1.7 million people strong; since then, however, it has grown to a whopping 1.8 million followers!
A Restaurant In Sicily That Just Ruined My Childhood
This Bowl My Friend's Dinner Came In
Saw This At A Local Mexican Restaurant... I Think I'll Wait
The Balance writes that there are several things you can do to improve your restaurant’s interior layout and design. For example, when thinking of how many seats you want to squash into your restaurant, you should aim for a golden balance between profit and atmosphere.
Seen In A Restaurant In Texas
legend has it those images only appear on the anniversary of their death
This Restaurant In London (Waiters Love It)
This place doesn't exist any more and hasn't for at least 10 years, it's now a supermarket.
This Painting Inside A Local “Fancy” Restaurant
Furthermore, some tables are naturally considered to be ‘bad’ if they’re near the main entrance, the bathrooms or the kitchen; partitions, plants or even screens can help improve the situation.
Wall Painting, That Included Shutterstock Watermark. Took This Photo In Some Cafe In Vietnam
This Image In The Restaurant Will Haunt Me Forever
Anyone Want Some Thai Food?
Cleanliness in restaurant bathrooms should be one of the top priorities, as should be good air conditioning and pleasant music to keep your customers comfortable. However, even these helpful tips might not be enough to hide serious design fails in some restaurants.
Polish Restaurant - Three Cooks...
This Sign For A New Mongolian Restaurant
French Restaurant Menu
“Lets Just Make Our Plates Look Like They Haven’t Been Washed In 4 Years”
A Bar I Go To Never Cleans The Dripped Candle Wax
They probably do that on purpose, thinking it looks cool. But I wouldn't think so.
One Of My Favorite Restaurants. I Hate To Put Them On Blast, But This Is Too Good Not To Share. The Restaurant Is Called Let’s Do Greek!”
No, This Picture Isnt Blurry... The Menu Is
This Sign Makes It Look Like Its Quoting A Fire Extinguisher
The Stylization On This Carl's Jr Makes It Look Like It Got A One Star Rating
These Images Give Me Anxiety Everytime I Visit This Cafe. There Are 4 More
This Indian Restaurant Was In A Basement, But Wanted To Created The Sense That It Wasn't. They Created An Entire Wall Of Fake Windows Looking Out Into Pictures Of A Parking Lot
This Really “Artsy” Mirror At A Fancy Restaurant
Bathroom Mirror At A Bar In Italy
When you can recognize yourself in the mirror, it's time to stop drinking
This Is The Logo For A "New York Style" Pizza Place In Ponce, Pr
All Plates At This Restaurant Have This Pattern That Resembles A Single Human Hair Stuck At The Edge
Managed all 30, Oh how I laugh and got creeped out at the same time.
Managed all 30, Oh how I laugh and got creeped out at the same time.