Pets need us, and we need them. Every single one of these critters deserves a chance at a loving family, a comfy bed, and a belly full of nutritious food. But unfortunately, there are millions of lonely animals sitting in shelters, waiting for their new heroes to open their doors (as well as their hearts!) and save them from hardship.
It’s truly amazing to see how much a little love can change the life of a neglected and abandoned pet. So our animal-loving team here at Bored Panda wants to celebrate these lovely misfits and the rescuers who invited them into their forever homes. We continue our monthly feature filled with undeniably heartwarming pictures of recently adopted companions that are bound to melt your heart away.
Let’s restore our faith in humanity and give a round of applause to pets who got the care they deserve, shall we? Enjoy scrolling through this soul-healing list and upvote the pictures you enjoyed most! Keep reading to also find an in-depth interview with Sally Chamberlain, a UK-based clinical animal behaviorist. And if you wish to catch up with the series, be sure to check out our previous pieces right over here: May, April, and March.
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Meet Potato, The Largest Greyhound Ever; He Is Getting Old And I'm Sad About It. He's Around 10yr And Has A Spinal Injury, Worn Teeth And A Sore Groin Tendon From His Abusers Before We Rescued Him. Everyone Send Him Good Vibes, He Really Needs It
I Recently Adopted A Blind, 10-Year-Old Dog. Every Morning, He And My Deaf, 19-Year-Old Cat Snuggle On The Couch
Just Rescued This Girl Today. Alone Living On Firewood, Crying For Days, Infested With Fleas. Her Comfy, Safe, Flea Free Sleep! Look At Those Teeth!
Approximately 6.3 million companion animals are up for adoption in the US every year. Not only does rescuing an abandoned pet mean giving them a second chance at life, but it also frees up the much-needed space in the shelter where organizations can actually help other animals in need. While saving more than one life is extremely fulfilling, this decision should not be something you take lightly.
To learn more about key factors people need to consider before giving a mistreated animal a new loving home, we reached out to UK-based clinical animal behaviorist Sally Chamberlain, who specializes in cats. The founder of Karma Paws Pet Care and author of Power Of The Purr explained that providing a forever home to a pet is a huge commitment.
According to her, potential adopters need to ask themselves if they can offer these animals the time, money, commitment, and knowledge of the species they’re adopting to help them get used to their new environment. "Just like any other kind of commitment, they will need to take the rough with the smooth," she added. After all, our four-legged friends can become ill and need medical care. "They also have constant needs that have to be met on a regular basis, such as a reliable routine, food, water, flea and worm treatments, grooming, a safe place to sleep and enrichment such as play and going for a walk, amongst many other things."
First Failed Foster. I've Basically Adopted A Pokemon
The Face You Make When You Change Your Name And Move To A Different City To Escape Being Put Down At The Shelter. Willow
Seeing My Formerly Neglected Rescue Dog Sleeping Soundly Just Makes My Heart Skip
Another factor to consider is whether that animal will be suited to live in a domestic home, especially a busy one with other pets and young children. "Sensitive and nervous animals may not cope with this lifestyle," Chamberlain added. "Also, animals can also experience behavior problems. When they start aging, their behavior may change and they become more susceptible to disease and require more regular veterinary check-ups. Giving a forever home to a pet can be very rewarding but there is also the emotional factor to consider because not many animals will outlive us and we have to be prepared to make difficult decisions towards the end of their lives. The welfare of the animal always needs to come first."
Kali Didn’t See The Adoption Coming, But She Definitely Heard It
Two Weeks Ago, I Rescued A Robin Hatchling That Had Fallen From The Nest. Yesterday He Left The Nest For Good!
This Poor Old Boy Had Been At The Shelter For A While And I Couldn't Take It Anymore, So I Adopted Him 2 Days Ago And He's Been Thanking Me Every Second Since
Still, Chamberlain pointed out that giving a new life to a neglected pet is a wonderful thing to do — "animals can give us so much love." But preparing to take in a new companion is far from an easy task. There are many potential pitfalls with pet ownership people may fail to anticipate. Luckily for us, they can be avoided with research that helps us ensure we become suitable parents to the pets we choose.
"Specific things to focus on are understanding why that particular pet was rescued and how their needs can now be met so that they can flourish and enjoy life again," the animal behaviorist told us. "This may mean giving them space when they first come home so that they can settle in and get used to their new living environment without too much human interaction. If they have any medical or behavioral problems, it is essential to get support for these through the vets or rescue organization. Whilst it’s important to remember any issues the pet may have because of the situation they have come from, it is also important to focus on the future and give them everything they need to start over again."
My Newest Rescue Who Refuses To Leave My Boyfriends Side On The Drive Home
I Just Adopted This Baby!
Day Three After Rescue And She’s Already Claimed Her Spot
We rescued a 5-6 week old kitten, who didn’t even weigh a full pound yet, who had been dumped in our yard. She spent the first couple weeks on my shoulder in my hair during the day, and on my pillow wrapped around my head at night. So I understand.
When considering rescuing a pet, Chamberlain strongly advised against looking on social media or shady websites. Instead, she recommended doing proper research and having a support network from a reputable animal rescue charity. The professionals who work there can help people navigate the process and make sure they can offer these animals a good home.
"This will minimize the risk of taking on a sick animal or one with behavioral problems that are difficult to live with. A reputable charity will have obtained as much background information about the animal as they can and will also carry out an interview with potential adopters to ensure they can offer a suitable home for that particular animal and are ready for the commitment," Chamberlain explained.
My Twice Returned To The Shelter Rescue. Meet Snowball. I Am Not A Cat Person. I Had 3 Dogs, But For Some Reason Felt I Needed A Cat. There Was A Beautiful Turkish Angora Male Who Is Had Actually Been Returned To The Shelter 2 Times Already. Not Sure Why He Is A Wonderful Addition To My Family
I Got Adopted By A Cat, What To Do Now? She’s Asking For Nonstop Petting
My Shiny Rescue Pup, Mia!
Moreover, reliable shelters will offer post-adoption support, "especially if the animal has a known medical or behavioral problem." She added that some charities provide the opportunity for people to foster pets with a view to eventually adopting them. "[This] often leads to a successful adoption, but if things don't work out, the animal still has a good chance of being adopted into a different loving home."
Adopted This Little Rescue This Week. She Had Untreated Gum Disease So Most Her Teeth Have Been Removed, She Gave Birth To A Still Born Puppy, Has Ear Infections And Very Little Muscle Mass
Good Names That Go With Seraphina? I Adopted These Babies From My Work And The One On The Left Is Seraphina! The One On The Right Is Yet To Have A Name
How about Cherub , another class of angel to go with seraphim.
Onyx, My Rescue. Her Original Owner Didn’t Want Her Because She Was “Too” Affectionate
The animal behaviorist noted that in the UK, the main animal rescue charities are the RSPCA, Blue Cross, Cats Protection, and Dogs Trust. In the USA, the leading organization is the ASPCA (American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). Plus, you can look into the credible local charities in your area where dozens of pets are looking for a new home.
My Friend Rescued Herman Last Week. Herman Isn’t As Innocent As He Looks
Just Adopted This Little Guy From Our Local Shelter
We Adopted A Whole Family: Mom + Her Three Kids. They Were Supposed To Just Be Fosters… Worth It!
"Of course, there is the situation when an animal turns up on your doorstep or you find a sick or injured animal in the street. Depending on where you live, you might need to report this to Animal Control, but above all else, the animal will need veterinary care and attempts will need to be made to find its owner," she said, adding that someone may be missing their companion very much.
Adopted A Rescue Pup Over The Weekend. Meet Sophie!
Love This Picture I Took Of My New Rescue
I Adopted This Baby 2 Weeks Ago
If a lost animal has graced your home, Chamberlain mentioned a few things we need to know. "Most cats or dogs now have microchips so asking a vet or rescue charity to check for this will be the first step, as will looking on lost pets websites and social media pages for any matches. Asking around your neighborhood and putting up 'pet found' posters is also recommended."
However, she suggested being careful. "You must ensure that any person who comes forward is really the genuine owner of the animal. In many cases, no owner is found, and like with our own cat, Monty, you may have adopted a rescue animal without even trying."
"We never found Monty’s owner when he turned up thirteen years ago and he’s still living with us today," she continued. "If you do decide to adopt the animal directly, arranging for them to be neutered and vaccinated is essential for welfare reasons."
Adopted My First Kitty
Hi! My Name Is Walsh, But You Can Call Me Wally. I’m An 8 Week Old Beagle X Husky Mix, And My Parents Adopted And Brought Me Home Yesterday!
My Friend Recently Adopted A Kitten And Has Been Sending Me The Cutest Pics Of Him
I have the same issue. My wife wants to know why there are only 18 pictures of her on my phone but 800 pictures of my cat. See above...
Animal behaviorist Chamberlain pointed out that the most important part of adopting a rescue animal is making sure that you are a good match. Then you can be certain you will meet their needs. "But also to try and leave a bit of emotion out of the decision and think logically.”
"The animal will need lots of love, but it is important to be realistic about what you might be taking on. A good rescue organization will talk you through this decision-making process. Taking on a sick pet or one with behavioral issues is even more of a big commitment when it comes to rescuing animals. But [if you] adopt them through the right channels, such as a rescue charity, you are setting yourselves up for success. There are no guarantees with anything, but giving a rescue animal a second chance can change your life and theirs for the better," Chamberlain concluded.
Our Newly Adopted Pittie Pebbles. Her Right Ear Doesn't Like To Stay Put
Those ears! Pit bulls are amazing, underrated, and definitely a mistreated breed of dog. They'll always be my favorites.
I Fostered This Girl And Had To Adopt Her. Meet Schlogg
Welcomed Home My One Eyed Darling, Nyx! Hard To Believe No One Wanted To Adopt A One-Eyed Black Cat, But We Were Destined For Each Other And She’s Been Absolutely Perfect Friend!
I don't understand why people don't want black cats. I think they are beautiful
I Adopted This Little Thing From The Animal Shelter A Few Weeks Ago. Even Though She’s 12 She’s The Most Loving, Gentle Cat I’ve Ever Met. Meet Meatball!
She is the most beautiful and cute meatball I've ever seen.
Just Adopted This Goofball Named Aslan, First Cat I've Had!
Guess Who Just Got Adopted By My Sister’s Family! So Welcome To The Family Maverick!
Went To Adopt A Kitten, Came Home With Two. So Happy We Didn't Separate Them
Adopted This Sweet Baby From The Humane Society Today. Everyone Meet Zhaan
The Primal Scrunge Of The Reluctantly Rescued
My Dog That I Adopted Came From An Abusive Household, He Usually Runs Away Whenever I Try To Take A Picture With Him But He Didn't This Time! I Actually Love How This Came Out And I Wanted To Show Someone!
Adopted This Little Girl Yesterday
Our New Cat Charlie That We Adopted Today!
A Trunk Full Of Puppies (Rescue Mission)
Our Adopted Boy Felix
I’m Not Sure If I Rescued A Cat? Truffles Really Likes Broccoli
We Adopted This Kitten Yesterday, And He Was Terrified Around Us. Today, He Allowed Me To Sit On An Inch Of The Office Chair
My Wife And I Adopted This Smol Criminal Today
We Adopted This Little Beauty Yesterday - Meet Lily!
I Adopted My Very First Void. Everyone, Meet Goose. He Is The Younger Cousin Of My White Kitten, Sprout
Adopted Yesterday From A Rescue In Sk, Canada. He Is Playful, Loving, Smart And Gentle. Perfect Fluff Ball. Still Thinking Of A Name!
I Adopted The 2 Most Beautiful Little Posers Today. Very Affectionate & So Precious!
So Smol, So Sleepy. Adoption Day Is Tiring!
Hi Everybody! Rescued This Cutie Yesterday, But I Can’t Think Of A Name For Him. I Already Have My Girl Shelly, And 1 Would Like An Uncommon Name For Him
I'm sorry, but this list made me more sad than anything. So many puppies and kittens. Those get adopted right away, if you really want to make a difference in an animals life adopt an elderly dog or cat. No one wants those and they are doomed to spend the rest of their life alone and in a tiny cage. When I am at a better point in my life, I will adopt my dogs (unfortunately I can't do cats, I'm highly allergic) from the shelter, but l only elderly ones. So they can live the rest of their lives happy and loved.
I agree. Rescue is a pet no one wants. Baby animals are pretty easy to find homes for.
I have a black tabby kitten about six weeks old (foster fail) with the most gorgeous eyes! I love her so much.
I'm sorry, but this list made me more sad than anything. So many puppies and kittens. Those get adopted right away, if you really want to make a difference in an animals life adopt an elderly dog or cat. No one wants those and they are doomed to spend the rest of their life alone and in a tiny cage. When I am at a better point in my life, I will adopt my dogs (unfortunately I can't do cats, I'm highly allergic) from the shelter, but l only elderly ones. So they can live the rest of their lives happy and loved.
I agree. Rescue is a pet no one wants. Baby animals are pretty easy to find homes for.
I have a black tabby kitten about six weeks old (foster fail) with the most gorgeous eyes! I love her so much.