Adopting a pet is a great way to add love and companionship to your life while helping an animal in need of a family. Below we’ve gathered some pictures that users of the r/aww subreddit submitted about their newly-adopted fuzzy friends.
Welcome to this post showcasing the excitement of adopting a furry and not-so-furry friend! Most people think of dogs or cats, but don’t worry, abandoned lizards, rodents and even horses feature here as well!
Be sure to upvote your favorites and leave some comments! And if you feel like seeing more aww-inducing animals, check out Bored Panda’s previous collections here and here!
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We Adopted Klaus Today! He Has 1 Eye, Half Of Each Ear, And A Partially Amputated Tail, But We Think He’s A Perfect Handsome Baby
Abandoned By His Owners, Rescued From A Dumpster Behind Taco New Adopted Ginger, Pancho
You are a truly good person. Unlike his previous owners. Who would do something like that? Animals are a life-long commitment.
A Family Meowed On My Door And Adopted Them
Adopting a pet from a shelter or rescue organization is a great way to save an animal's life. Most animals that we would think of as pets are pretty social and would prefer to be with a family. Some US states even have laws that prioritize shelter animals. California, for example, mandates that pet stores have to source their animals from shelters and rescues. And you don’t have to adopt to help the animals in your area! Find a shelter or rescue organization and donate to them! Many also accept pet food and other useful items. You can even volunteer with walking the animals if you want to socialize without the commitment of taking a pet home.
Meet Mochi, Our Adorable Rescue Kitty With Three Legs, No Ears, And No Tail
My Aunt Rescued A Hummingbird And Now It Won’t Leave
Adopting These 2 Rescue Dogs Together Was The Best Decision I Could Possibly Make
Adopted pets are just as loving and capable of forming strong bonds with their new owners as animals purchased from breeders or pet stores. Many shelter pets are already trained and have known personalities, making it easier to find the perfect pet for you. There is an old-fashioned myth that many of the animals in shelters, particularly dogs and cats, are mutts or mixed-breed. In fact, the recent popularity of purebred animals has unfortunately led to a situation where extremely rare breeds can be found in shelters. In US shelters, up to 25% of dogs may be purebred.
Here Is Our Velvet Hippo That We Adopted A Couple Weeks Ago. She’s Almost 10 Years Old And Her Name Is Halo! She Is A Mixed Breed Of Hippo/Manatee/Dog
We Adopted A Cat - Here’s Ava On Her First Night With Us!
Adopted This Little Sweetie
Many shelters and rescues conduct thorough evaluations and provide medical care for animals before putting them up for adoption, ensuring that you are getting a healthy pet. Adopting a pet from a shelter also ensures that your pet has been vaccinated and spayed or neutered. In fact, some places mandate it, so if you are worried about adopting, you can always call your closest shelter and ask!
Adopted This Guy A Few Weeks Ago, Hes Gone From Timid Around Me To This But I Don't Mind
Couldn't Decide Which To Adopt, So I Kept The Family Together & Adopted All 3
Excellent choice! I think it's heartbreaking to split up families. Cats are a lot more sociable than some people think.
Meet Vanya, The Catch And Release Stray I Adopted From The Alley Behind My House
Adopting an older animal has its own set of benefits, including the fact that they're often already trained and have a known personality. Older pets also tend to be calmer, making them great options for families with young children or older adults. Sometimes you can even find abandoned work animals with thoroughly impressive skill sets! As cute as they are, puppies are a lot of work! Potty training, dog school and tiny bladders mean that the first year or so can be time intensive. Older animals could fit your busy schedule better.
I Officially Adopted Bernard After Fostering Him While He Was Healing From His Amputation. One Of The Amazing Veterinarians At My Work Saved His Life After He Was Brought In As A Stray With A Severely Broken And Infected Leg
This Little Darling Was Adopted By A Friend Of Mine. What Do You Think Of Him?
I Told Her That She's Adopted
Adopting a pet can be a wonderful, life-changing experience for both the animal and the adopter. Not only do you get a new companion, but you also get the satisfaction of knowing you made a difference in an animal's life. Adopting a pet can also have many health benefits, such as reducing stress, decreasing depression, and increasing feelings of companionship. Dog owners in particular benefit from improved physical health, since frequent walks is great for stretching your muscles and getting some fresh air.
Rescued This Girl From The Animal Control Shelter One Week Ago - Her ‘Aww’ Factor Has Only Increased As We’ve Gotten To See Her Lovely, Silly, Personality Really Come Out
My Little Rescue Girl. Them Ears Though
Our Newly Adopted Blind Cat
Love how they squint like humans do when they wanna see clearer, even though they're blind
We had the honor to ask Nina Thompson from the San Diego Humane Society some questions about adopting. "Coming to a new home can be a big change for any animal, so it’s important that you give them time to adjust and feel safe in their environment. As they become more comfortable, you’ll see your companion’s personality continue to bloom! Adopting a pet is a lifelong commitment — whether you are drawn to a dog, cat, rabbit, guinea pig, bird, reptile or any other wonderful creature — and you should think about how they’ll grow with you. When you adopt a pet, you not only change that animal’s life, but make room in a shelter or rescue for another deserving animal in need of a second chance. Many shelters are at high capacity right now, so there’s never been a better time to adopt!"
Tripod - Adopted From The Mountains, Now A House Cat
The Stray Cat I’ve Been Feeding Came Into My House A Few Days Ago And Never Left
Seth Adopted A Kitty
Arrival vs. An Hour At Home (Adopted Fur Babies)
Just Adopted My First Puppy And First Pit And I’m In Love
Hello, Say Hello To Paquito, My Little Ball Of Fleas Rescued From The Street, He Currently Has Sick Eyes But Soon He Will Recover, He Is An Adorable Naughty Kitten Who Loves To Play
Adopted A Little Void Baby The First Thing She Did At The Pound Was Jump On My Shoulder
What Kind Of Cat Have I Adopted?
We Adopted This Little Sweetheart From The Shelter. I Mean, Look At Her Face!
People Always Ask Me Why I Volunteer At A Cat Shelter. It’s Because Of Pictures Like This One. This Is Réglisse, Who Was Recently Adopted, In Her Forever Home. To See Her Relax And Smiling Is So Worth All The Work
My Name Is Krypto And I Just Got Adopted. Life Is Wonderful!
My GF Just Adopted A Dog. This Is His First Time Trying Peanut Butter...he Loves It
My Rescue Rainbow Lorikeet The Day After I Adopted Him
We Adopted The Sweetest Little Man! Welcome To The Family, Gus!
Meet Vader! I Recently Adopted Him From The Shelter
Our First Cat Since We Moved Together. We Adopted Nati. She Is Very Sweet
Our New Rescue Pup, Otis!
Shortly After We Adopted This Neglected Little Cutie She Became The Happiest Little Baby Ever
Got My Two Girls Neutered Today. Adopted Them About 10 Days Ago. I Was Afraid They Would Hate Me For It And That I Lost Their Trust. This Is How They Are Recuperating 2 Hours After The Operation
They are probably happily drugged, will sleep it off and not remember a thing.
My Boyfriend And Little Rescued Ava- She Has Officially Reached Inside Cat Status
Getting Adopted Is Hard Work!
This Guy Escaped The Dog Shelter Few Days Ago Just Before His New Family Adopted Him. He Was Finally Found
What a relief! I have a very soft spot for animals who take public transport.
Look Who We Adopted!!!
Any Idea What Kind Of Cat I Just Adopted?
I would say most probably a fluffius catius- most commonly known as a floofy cat
My Senior Rescue And Puppy Rescue Are Soulmates
My son's black Sheprador, almost 5, likes to use my senior wienerdog, 15, as a pillow.
Adopted The Goodest Girl On Friday
His Reaction When I Told Him He Was Adopted …
Any Idea What Kind Of Cat I Just Adopted?
Guess Who’s Getting Adopted?
Recently Adopted This Cutie, Her Name Is Mandy! I’m A Little Concerned Tho, She Has The Worst Gas I’ve Ever Smelt In My Life. When Petting Her I’ll Suddenly Get A God Awful Whiff, They Are Always Silent. I Switched Her Food A Few Days Ago & It’s Still Happening. Should I Be Concerned?
I would talk to a vet just to be sure. Hopefully it turns out to be nothing and she's alright, but an ounce of prevention can stop a pound of trouble
Yesterday I Adopted A Toy Poodle Puppy, Meet Ginger! She’s Tiny, Adorable, Calm, Playful, And A Huge Sweetheart!
Here’s Our Newly Adopted Stray Kittens Romeo And Juliet
I cried during this list, because I remembered all our little rescue babies. All are gone now, but we have a new rescue puppy so the love continues ♡
I cried during this list, because I remembered all our little rescue babies. All are gone now, but we have a new rescue puppy so the love continues ♡