Reporter Has No Idea His Facebook Filters Are On During A Live Report, And The Broadcast Is Hilarious
A North Carolina TV reporter just pulled a Shaukat Yousafzai. Like the Pakistani politician, WLOS ABC 13 reporter Justin Hinton went on a live broadcast with wacky Facebook filters on.
Moments before the news report, Hinton accidentally turned on the feature and was completely unaware of it. So, as he was solemnly performing his weatherman duties reporting about the snowfall near Asheville, N.C., Hinton tried on a fedora, a pair of googly eyes, cat ears, a blue wizard hat, and a few more props. At one point, he even appeared with a fake flashlight under his chin. As if he was reporting about a spooky ghost encounter instead.
More info: Facebook
This TV reporter Justin Hinton recently found himself in an unusual situation
Image credits: WLOS_13
In areas where heavy snowfalls aren’t common and drivers aren’t very familiar with slippery roads, weather reports like this one can be a useful way to remind them to remain extra careful while sitting behind the wheel. But with the added comedy on video filters? They’re priceless.
Here’s the amusing clip
When you’re trying to do a serious Facebook Live about the weather, and you accidentally tap the Mystery Mask filter. @JustinWLOS#oopspic.twitter.com/VwSAERsa8L
— WLOS (@WLOS_13) February 21, 2020
The Emmy-winning journalist found out about his animated Facebook live makeover only after reading the comments viewers left under the video on Facebook. “Wait, Misty, did I have a weird face?” a flabbergasted Hinton can be heard asking a colleague off-camera. After a long pause, he adds, “Oh, there are special effects on the phone.”
Image credits: WLOS_13
Image credits: WLOS_13
Image credits: WLOS_13
Hinton was really cool about what happened
Image credits: JustinWLOS
Image credits: JustinWLOS
Image credits: JustinWLOS
Image credits: JustinWLOS
Image credits: JustinWLOS
After the video went viral, he also took the time to further explain the situation
People found the entire thing very funny
Image credits: KyleTWN
Image credits: norrthpier
Image credits: mstryman
Image credits: Rage0923
Image credits: m_w_jones
Image credits: JustinWLOS
Image credits: OmarVillafranca
Image credits: JustinWLOS
Image credits: Bal76Alvarez
Share on FacebookThis is what LOL was invented for. Love it. Really don't care if it was planned as others have insinuated. Still funny. I don't think it was deliberate. Even funnier.
i loved it, saw the vid of this super funny and also that he didn't even know what happened.😂
This is what LOL was invented for. Love it. Really don't care if it was planned as others have insinuated. Still funny. I don't think it was deliberate. Even funnier.
i loved it, saw the vid of this super funny and also that he didn't even know what happened.😂