16 Not The Brightest People Who Are Against The Quarantine Holding Some ‘Interesting’ Signs
Anti-lockdown protests continue to gather momentum across the U.S. as people flood the streets, ignoring social distancing rules. Even though some states are beginning to ease restrictions, most of the country remains under some form of stay-at-home order, which is making protestors call for America to 'reopen' immediately.
Some critics think Donald Trump is to blame. Last week, the President posted a series of tweets, urging everyone to 'liberate' Minnesota, Michigan, and Virginia and said the 2nd Amendment's under siege.
Protests have erupted in over a dozen states from coast to coast. Here are some of the signs that were spotted there.
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Demonstrations have occurred in Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, Minnesota, Utah, Virginia, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Oregon, Maryland, Idaho, Texas, Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Washington, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania. These states are led by both Republican and Democratic governors.
The crowds have varied in size quite a bit: from a few dozen protesters in Virginia and Oregon to thousands of people in Michigan and Washington state. The latter saw one of the largest demonstrations, with about 2,500 protesters gathering at the capital in Olympia. The state was the early epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States.
In some places, these anti-lockdown demonstrations spawned counter protests. For example, in Colorado, healthcare workers blocked traffic at crossroads.
Reportedly, the organizers of these protests have largely been conservative, pro-Trump and pro-gun activists. Many of these demonstrations have been described as reminiscent of Trump campaign events, carrying pro-Trump banners, t-shirts, and signs. Some of them were even calling for freedom over tyranny and comparing governors to dictators.
However, it looks like the protests represent just a small fraction of people. Last week, a Pew poll found that 66% of US adults say their greater concern is that state governments will lift restrictions too quickly, rather than not quickly enough.
Also, US public health experts and many state leaders have continued to highlight the importance of social distancing, arguing in favor of the measures protesters have taken issue with.
Political things aside, it's normal that some feel as if the quarantine is becoming an increasingly heavier burden. Counselor and psychotherapist Tati Silva told Bored Panda that the pandemic can bring a sense of loss: "People feel unstable because they don't know what is going on, panic and fear come to place." Silva warned that this might lead to people developing depression, panic attacks, and anxiety.
If that is the case, it's important one takes care of their mental wellbeing during these difficult times. "Exercise if you can," Silva advised. "It will boost your mood. Set up buddy groups -- friends or family to do regular checking in with people. Distract yourself -- writing down your thoughts and feelings can help offload any worries and fear you may have."
And remember to be kind to yourself. "Don't overload yourself, thinking that you should be taking all the courses available online, learning 2 to 3 languages, and reading one book a day. That will make you feel overwhelmed. I also suggest that you pick one new thing every week to do, so your brain can get excited about the week to come."
But the vaccine won't be ready for at least a year... so how is that a current 'campaign' against anti-vaxxers? When COVID-19 kills someone this ignorant woman actually cares about, I think she'll sing a different tune.
Can't argue with the basic principle of this one... though trusted, legitimate media sources are exempted.
There is a grain of truth here, One UK national newspaper, who I will not name, are doing their very best to try and scare the s**t of people by publishing some very questionable material.
And by the look of this couple, also possibly voting quite against their own best interests.
Load More Replies...I had one of these idiots behind me in a line—he’d been to 3 protests so far, and claimed the media was blowing it all out of proportion. He didn’t know what to say when I told him my husband works for the Indiana Department of Health in the labs for over 30 years and this is the worst he’s ever seen.
Someone told her to say that. She's too young to know any better.
Well, yeah. Let's hope so. We need that news to go viral! And your point is???
What is "The Media"? The idea that "The Media" is one large entity is completely simple minded.
Since you asked, "the media" is plural for "the medium". This sign uses the wrong tense of verb for a plural, but referring to the media as an "it" is well-entrenched in the vernacular. Nitpickers don't seem to have such a problem when terms such as "Hollywood" or "Big Pharma" are used, do they?
Load More Replies...Media are not inventing news, they are reporting news - facts, truth. Why aren't you concerned about social media, where every hateful moron can post any absolutely false statements and made up accusations? By the way, major media and news papers are owned by big corporations.
Load More Replies...So happy to be getting this little bit of attention. What a bunch of pathetic whiners.
... like really?? I mean it’s kind of spot on.. but has no real relevance.. so WTF??
Media Does not tell truth. Why would everyone be wearing masks before us? Stupidity. Where is Free contraceptives at and ' sterilize all these stupid people
Yes you can: early childhood education for critical thinking skills.
Load More Replies...I guess some people will say anything for attention. Don’t think they won’t run to the hospital when they come down with it
Yes it can: early childhood education for critical thinking skills.
Load More Replies...Vitamin D deficiency is the real pandemic. Haven't you ever wondered why flu season is always during the winter? Haven't you ever wondered why I DON'T EVER GET SICK.
The world is starting to see the stupidity that is the new Trump America
No your jeans is the real virus and that Dora the explorer haircut....also you look funny....hmmmm....I'm gonna call ICE on you lmaoooo
How can it be worse than death? For those who died, it had the mortality rate of 100%. Those people wouldn't have died without Covid-19. We don't need this virus on top of the seasonal flu and pneumonia. It is very distasteful to belittle the number of deaths.
Load More Replies...This is Exactly what's wrong in so many discourses! The data is out there, you just have to look it up. In the time that it took to make that sign, she could have looked up the data. This happens so much, think of anti global warming protesters or people saying there's no gender pay gap. The data is there folks, but we don't feel like catering to your laziness, look it up yourselves.
But the off button on your respirator should be... (I feel bad for the doctors who will have to treat dumb*asses like this guy who they will feel obligated to treat under their swearing of the Hippocratic Oath).
True communism is about working together for the greater good. You, however, are free to die... I just wish you wouldn't take others with you and tax the health care system.
This makes me so angry. I'm an American and I'm embarrassed for my country and because of these idiots I'm afraid for the health and safety of my children. I say, if they get sick fine f**k 'em and don't help them. They've been warned, the numbers are there to prove that this virus is not to be taken lightly and health care workers are literally begging them to see sense. If they all die off it'll give the people with common sense a chance to survive.
Luckily I have not even HEARD of anything like this in my state (New Jersey). So far a majority are adhering to the pandemic rules (whatever you call them). The virus isn't terrifying for the people above because they don't know anyone who is sick or dying from Covid-19 (and they need haircuts). I don't know what the coronavirus situation is on their end, but a hell lot of people are dying here. My family friend is in quarantine because his brother is practically on his death bed right now. I just wish we could move all of these protesters to one state and let the rest of us try to fight this thing properly. Their stupidity is going to get innocent people killed. I get people have to work and it is a major issue right now, but people have to survive this thing. That is our top priority right now. Running around like idiots is not going to slow this down.
Load More Replies...On behalf of my fellow Americans who are following the rules and staying indoors, I'm sorry my nation has people like this. We are not all like that. I've been quaranteening for over a month with my family in nyc and I know many others who are, too. The behavior of these protesters baffles me... please don't see it as how everyone in the US is. :/
We understand and I personally hope that all you good, responsible people are ok, and all the retards slim down their numbers at their choice because of their selfish idiocy.
Load More Replies...To Strawberry Scented.... They're choreographed at hospitals b/c personnel aren't leaving the hospital. To keep other people safe. To keep their families safe. To get two hours of sleep before twelve hours of shift. And that's the janitors, nurses, doctors, even a few administrative aids who jumped in. We volunteers (like me) are trying to fill in gaps from security to registration to triage, depending on skills/etc. So, please, tell me how it's choreo'd in hospitals. On a ten-minute break in a twelve-hour shift. Go ahead. Be judgmental. AFTER you spend five days straight doing enve what I do as a volunteer with advanced first aid cert and CPR cert.
Load More Replies...These people should sign a contract saying that if they get sick, they will not seek treatment in hospital and thus threaten the lives of the nurses, doctors...
My thought exactly. Write to some official agency and suggest it :D
Load More Replies...I am AMerican. I SHAKE with RAGE seeing these fools. Come deny the danger when you have bodies that can't be buried with family present. Come preach rights at the hospital I volunteer at ----- only one in 7 counties with capacity for this sh*t ----- and tell me again how you have a RIGHT to endanger yourself, your children, your elderly loved ones, and TOTAL STRANGERS.... Please, tell me how it's your body and your choice to die when you TAKE OTHERS WITH YOU! Suicide, fine. But this means taking OTHERS and that is MURDER.
Murica, you ok over there? Like...there is a deadly virus out there that spreads very easily, killing thousands of your people and some of you take part in mass demonstrations? There are students here in Germany protesting against school openings while keeping their distance at 1,5 meters.
These Muricans think disease is caused by immorality/godlessness and that Jesus keeps them safe. They also seem to think Trump is Jesus.2, so they're out of their minds. Personally I'd be fine with them a moving to Quarantine Town, where they can live life as normal (for as long as that lasts) with no interference (or help) from the rest of us. No taxes, no public servants, no public infrastructure, no food assistance, no social security, no public education, no vaccines, no life-saving health care interventions, etc. They are welcome to wallow in their own selfish ignorance and cry about being abandoned by their country for getting exactly what they say they want.
Load More Replies...These posts are extremely disturbing! So many people across ages are refusing to believe that this fear is real. I have many questions after reading these. God help us
God doesn't help stupid people who ignore His instructions. Even the bible talks about quarantine
Load More Replies...If only there was a way to let them roam free, contract the covid-19 or whatever disease they want and let them die, without risking the life of all the essential workers who got no choice and the smarter people who chose to remain home. I am in favor of freedom and that means accepting the consequences of your actions: you don't want to confine yourself and vaccinate ? Ok, but when you are sick, don't expect the rest of society to care for you.
Omg yes. Now we know why he talked of covfefes!
Load More Replies...I'm American and I have been disappointed at my country for quite some time now. This right here doesn't surprise me at all. Ever since we've been given the right to we now protest everything right or wrong...there was even a protest over the jailing of a serial killer and the discontinuation of the "McRib"...I'm just gonna sit here in my house, which I find very enjoyable, and hope that maybe the virus might thin out the hoards of idiots we have.
fox news needs to be held accountable for spreading false information that is endangering american citizens. even stupid people deserve to be informed and protected
Load More Replies...I don't get all the "vaccine" and "forced vaccination" protests. There is no vaccine. These people are truly oblivious.
*Those* 'people?' are protesting vaccines for measles, chicken pox, etc. They crawl out from under their rotten logs at odd times to needlessly expose their children to pain and possible death. They're just using the hope for a coronavirus vaccine to push their unstable views.
Load More Replies...These protesters have forgotten about the thousands of DEATHS around the planet, over 18,000 in New York, all they care about is their own personal freedoms. The whole world is suffering, the protesters see's this as one massive conspiracy.
Bored Panda should change the title to "55 Incredibly stupid people" or "55 examples of why Donald Trump is President".
Strawberry Scented, jeez you are such a child. Why don't you go play with your building blocks, maybe stack them to say, "I'm With Stupid," with an arrow pointing to yourself?
Load More Replies...My thoughts and prayers are with these people. I am praying for each and every one of them to get a very serious and lethal case of COVID-19 that way they are finally able to prove to the world once and for all how this is all a hoax and how COVID-19 is nothing but the flu. This is not sarcasm this is my true wish, I am very sick and tired of these idiots and their b******t.
Strawberry Scented, then you have to love yourself obviously. Oh wait, not a problem for you, just read your other childish comments.
Load More Replies...I don't understand why they are protesting against the government actions, but decked out in USA t-shirts and flags...
Yes, especially since they are probably all Trump voters who got the horribly incompetent government they voted for.
Load More Replies...You guys commenting are restoring my faith in humanity and my hope that I can ever see my family again. I am immunocompromised. My body attacks my neurological system if it feels even slightly threatened by things like say, Walking. Standing too long. Existing. If I get a virus like Covid 19 on top of this I will probably die of it, since the last cold I had went to 103 f and nearly hospitalized me. There is no treatment for my condition. If I end up in a hospital with this and Covid, There will be NOTHING they can do for me except keep me comfortable and hope I live. I haven't been able to hug my parents for over five weeks. It's been that long since I touched another person. I don't want to spend the next few years like this. THANK YOU FOR WEARING YOUR MASKS. THANK YOU for not hoarding food. THANK YOU for making your relatives and friends take this seriously. I only just passed 30 and I wanted to find love and get married and travel and see my nephews and nieces grow up. Thanks!!
I come from a immunocompromised family, so I kind of understand what it's like to be sick. My father and aunt are the most immunocompromised members of my family and neither of them have left their homes for weeks now. My mother, sister, and I have to go to work, but we are doing our best to protect our family members. I want you to know that I am going to take this situation seriously not just for my family but for yours as well. You will get to see your family again someday. Stay strong. You will make it through this.
Load More Replies...Looking on the bright side: The number of MAGA caps in the pictures is quite high. So it seems that Trumps fanbase is working really hard to undermine his chances in the next election. Dead people can't vote.
unfortunately, they are going to kill innocent people.
Load More Replies...These Protests will enable Covid19 to thrive and multiply, I can see a massive increase of cases and death just because people are gunning for "their rights".
and they are infecting innocent people who they may never even know they got sick
Load More Replies...These are the same people who have been wanting us to live under a police state to protect us from terrorists for the last 19 years. But suddenly, they’ve changed their minds completely and freedom is now more important than safety!?
It's just so selfish and stupid. None of these people seem to have the ability to realize it's not about them. It's horrifying that it'll take the death of a loved one for any of these idiots to realize that. Even then though, they'll probably still just say it's a hoax. The willful ignorance in this country is a disgrace.
Send them to hospital wards without protection to deal with covid patients. if they back up - they will prove they are wrong, if they don't backup, they will save lives of janitors and nurses and the Earth will be cleaner of some idiots :)
Isn't it odd that people that pride themselves in being prepared for everything go berserk when they have to stay at home for a few weeks? What are they going to do when doomsday comes and they have to stay in their bombproof shelters with millions of bullets and hundreds of guns?
I can't scroll the rest of the article. It is just too stupid. People are ignorant. Too selfish. It is just about me, me and me over everything else.
This saddens me and makes me angry at the same time. I have a father who is very very sick and this illness could kill him. My aunt is on dialysis and can't even leave her apartment unless it is absolutely necessary and while wearing a mask and these stupid, heartless, insensitive people are protesting because they want to get their hair done or because they believe it's their right. I am an American, but I think the selfishness of these Americans is beyond anything that I can imagine. My mother, sister, and myself all have to go to work and after work my mother is going home to my father. We can't stay home all the time because we are essential workers, but you better believe that when we get off work we go home. COVID19 is a REAL and SERIOUS illness that CAN KILL people and instead of protesting and fighting to go outside think about the people that if they get this illness they will DIE. Please cut the c**p and stay home.
I don't know what to say except I share your anger, I hope for the best--I wish you and your family health and I'm sending you love from here .
Load More Replies...Such dumbasses!!!! Hope they all die. None will be missed as none did anything worth anything
Even with them endangering others, and acting like the "walking dead" (braaaiiins...) I can't wish death on anyone. Also they could infect innocent non protesters and health workers
Load More Replies...This would be laughable if asymptomatic carriers weren't a thing. These idiots may well be walking around 'exercising their rights' and recklessly spreading this virus all over town.
These people are stupid, I don't want them to die or anyone else but they have it coming.
Be free, go walk around like nothing is happening but when little ole grandma catches your nasty s**t and dies all alone in a hospital car park don't cry about the way she was treated in her final lonely moments.....
I'm sorry but I have to point out that I'm pretty sure all of these people are Republicans. I don't want to start a political debate but Republicans? What's up with this? I don't understand why some of you guys don't comprehend this??
Because being a republican requires a lot of comfort with cognitive dissonance. There’s a correlation between being Republican and being uninformed and religious (I’m not talking about college-educated republicans, but those often have other issues such as believing in fantastical economic theories that appease their egos). The more comfortable one is believing things just (and only) because they WANT to, the easier it is to believe in increasingly stupid and selfish b******t over time. Cognitive dissonance is the same mental processing that allows people to be religious AND otherwise seemingly educated. Accepting conflicting ideas is required to believe in religious doctrine/dogma/myths. As a result: cognitive dissonance. Being WILLING to believe nonsense of any kind leads to comfort believing other nonsense later.
Load More Replies...In the middle of all this, I have a really hard time believing that our money hungry government would ever want to hurt our economy for shits and giggles. The SIP orders are there for a reason, not just to screw with our freedom.
Wow. Shame we can't medicate for stupidity. The world is full of idiots. It's just a percentage of folks everywhere and it's certainly not just America. But as a nation, they do seem to excel in this gung-ho, conspiracy led, I-have-my-rights-and-to-hell-with-science-or-authority mindset that I simply cannot comprehend. What goes on in an educated, developed nation to breed such breathtaking arrogance and ignorance amongst a not insignificant chunk of the population? It's truly frightening.
Please don't assume many in the US are educated, it's unfortunately not affordable. I suspect that most people only watch local news if any, and get info from word of mouth from members of insular groups. Lemmings.
Load More Replies...It's so insane that they are all waving American flags around. I can't think of anything LESS patriotic than being so extremely egotistical that you are willing to let your countrymen and -women die, just so you can live your life unencumbered.
I'm happy to see these people supporting Trump and go to rallies. They are going to die soon and we are going to get rid of a bunch of ignorants :) keep doing it please;
These people are not “patriots”. They are virus-spreading sociopaths. Soon they will be taking beds and ventilators from people who deserve them. These people are NOT patriots. It is not patriotic to violently oppose citizens of your own country. They live by a ‘every man for himself’ code, and would abandon or shoot their neighbor in a heartbeat, but somehow they believe the guy who wrote the book on that (Trump) is here to make THEIR lives better? He is for no one but himself. He’s here to win the prize, rile people up, and watch them scatter when he “commands” them to scatter. They are HYPNOTIZED. Much like Hitler controlled his masses, Trump controls his. These are the weakest, most mailable minds in the country. He can make them do whatever he wants, and that makes them dangerous. I hope he loses big in November, but know he won’t leave quietly if he does. I think there will be violence. We truly are in unprecedented times.
This is a prime example of Natural Selection. These idiots are the ones who will die off and pass off their infections to their ilk who in turn will die off shortly because of their idiot family members. It's mother nature at her best! Gotta love her!
no, they are going to kill the innocent. Mother Nature, unfortunately, feeds on the most vulnerable, not the selfish--those a******s tend to survive.
Load More Replies...What a bunch of conspiracy seeking idiots in the truest sense. Always gotta have something to complain about. I personally don't care if you get the virus. It would be your own fault if you die. What about the ones who catch it from you? The elderly, infants, sickly, etc....all their death would be on you and for that, I hope you die first.
This is INFURIATING for so many reasons! I’d like to point out that the morons shouting “my body, my choice!” are the same ones who want to ban abortions and refuse to cover birth control under insurance. I can’t decide if this is ironic, maddeningly stupid, or some kind of sick joke. In addition, the risks these selfish and ignorant people are posing to everyone around them, including the poor healthcare workers risking their lives to help save all of ours, are beyond wrong; they’re flat out f***ed up! Anyone who catches Corona from someone who’s contracted it by being careless w their life and the lives around them should be able to sue for 100% of the medical costs, and the perpetrator should be charged w criminal negligence. If, God forbid, their victim dies then the perpetrator should be charged with 3rd degree murder (manslaughter).
Everyone who wants to protest should be given a DNR card to carry in their wallet forfeiting their right to COVID related healthcare. (their children and any elderly relative who did not go out and protest exempted and given care) Own those libs. If it's all a hoax we don't need to use ventilators on you do we?
Their photo should be in a data base, whenever they go to hospital, all people get treated first then they do. I don't want to go to the hospital and Dr decide to save then instead of a old person that is since months at home protecting herself.
Really ironic to hear 'my body my choice by who are probably the same people standing outside Planned Parenthood, with posters of foetuses. Protesting the unborn babies' s right to life over the choice of a woman and her body...
These people are completely out of touch with reality and that's putting it lightly. Yeah it's Your Body, Your Choice to kill yourself and your own people...BUT YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO PUT OTHER PEOPLE'S FAMILIES IN DANGER!!! NOT ALL OF US ARE AS STUPID AS YOU PEOPLE ARE!
I’d like to see these #CovIdiots say this to doctors and scientists... 🤦🏽♀️ You’ll notice there’s ZERO protests in front of hospitals. 🤷🏽♀️ I send energy, strength and love to the #FirstResponders that will have to deal with these #CovIdiots in 2 weeks, when they get the Virus. 💕
I'm glad to be living in the UK, okay things are not perfect here but at least there are no protests, people are following the advice given, small companies are making PPE. We have our own problems here but we are DEALING WITH THEM. None of us want to be in Lockdown but we prefer to do anything to STAY ALIVE.
Now, more than ever, America proved to the world, that indeed all the presumptions about them are true. / They genuinely are the dumbest, the most brainwashed nation on the planet. The world will continue long after the Pandemic is gone and the U.S. will be left behind, quarantined by everyone, because that is one place where the virus will have a free reign. / But that is what powers that be want, an isolated nation, which can be easily controlled as it descends into Fascism. / The same way the abuser isolates its victim and does with the victim anything he wants.
Your generalization of the American people is unfair, but I can see your point in the last two sentences.
Load More Replies...Only in the USA. They should have the freedom to release us from their idiocy.
No this is not ONLY in the USA, have you seen Brazil? I know it is grand fun to pick on and feel superior to Americans on this site, but at least be correct in your insults!
Load More Replies...Well, I knew America is f****d since they got Trump for a president, but this is a new level of insanity. I’m so grateful that we’re separated by the ocean from this mental mess.
I guarantee these are the idiots who helped spread the virus in the first place. >:(
The health care workers are healing these people that refuse to stay home thats why there going to get sick.
Exhibit A of why America has over 4 times the number of cases than the next highest country on the infection list.
Personally, I'd like to see them all sign a statement that they will not clog up our hospital if they get the virus. Stupidity should be painful!
We were going to go to Michigan for a vacation this summer, but we are reconsidering because of their protests. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/20/opinion/letters/coronavirus-protests-trump.html It says it perfectly right here by calling these protesters "selfish."
Take a good look everyone...these people are what stupidity looks like. You will also notice that there isn't a single black person in the crowd. White privilege at it's finest. And I can guarantee every one of them is probably drooling over the thought of voting the orange sociopath in again. Morons. A classmate lost her Uncle over this virus...but yeah...it's all f***ing made up to inconvenience them.
I don't know why you got downvoted, Carol. You are telling the truth on many points. A lot of this is white privilege because you don't see a single minority in the crowd protesting. I don't see how in these times where people are dying, people chose to be upset because they want to go out.
Load More Replies...They keep me entertained during this lock down. Not to mentioned the USA's president speech and how he handled the whole pandemic situation is entertaining as well..
People mistake freedom for not having any responsibility all the time. It's sad. And if they cannot oversee what is actually happening and what the effects are of their own individual actions ánd they lack trust in the authorities (which is extra sad because the toddler in Chief is in office by their own vote) they will believe that the action taken in which they do not feel happy (sitting in traffic while their grandparents are safe at home) is done solely to pester them. It's childish behavior we are in some way all guilty off by lack of capacity (I for instance do not recycle very well because I have no space in my tiny home, I could make more space, but it requires me to rearrange too many things with small children at home). For these people it's their mising brain capacity that keeps them from understanding and they were not brought up with the basic knowledge of shutting the f*ck up if it's beyond what you can grasp.
your comment "mistake freedom for not having any responsibility" is right on the nose. Unfortunately, they do not have a leader who tells them it is their responsibility to care for each other and be responsible to each other
Load More Replies...Stupid or not, this is going to get bigger and angrier. just get ready for it.
Stupidity overdose. Make sure to read a book today, to counteract having read through this post.
this week i lost a big portion of my faith in mankind. I have nothing stopping me to believe in an upcoming huge conflict when all these people will be starving and full of weapons. scary.
look at so many other parts of the world that have it right--of people caring for each other--of governors standing up to Trump, of neighbours and strangers being good to each other. Unfortunately, the US descent is terrifying, and this is what it has resulted in...distrust in the very institutions--science, reason, that were its guiding principles. This is a lesson against this kind populism. I hope the world learns from it.
Load More Replies...Sorry, but all those arseholes deserve to get infected without any health assistance. What a bunch of morons!
This is terrifying! I'm in a high risk group and I need people to think about more than just themselves to keep me safe. When did we become such a selfish, ignorant society! I know it's not all Americans (I'm a Brit) and I'm sure that for all of these idiots there are thousands who aren't this stupid,
I suggest the police to go around and get all their IDs. Nothing else, just make sure you know who they are. Then publish this somewhere (preferably publicly) and make sure that no hospital or healthcare facility will help them when they get covid-19. The list will also help make sure other, sane, people can keep their distance from these morons. It's their body, their choice, their consequences.
Sadly, it is. Sadly, even tho' it's only a few thousand idiots ----- it takes only one to give Covid19 to up to three to six other people. Every idiot is potentially, let's say, four more people infected... who can infect potentially four more... and now that one person led to 16 infections, and each of the 16 can infect 4, and each of thsoe 64 infects 4, which is 256, infecting 4, which is 1024, times 4 is 4096... so one idiot can mean 4000 infected innocents, if we stop there. When the infectious disease specialist gave us updates a month ago, this is the math he used. One idiot = 4000 infected. Assume 1 of every of those 4 = illness severe enough to need medical care. Now one idiot = 1000 hospital patients...
Load More Replies...These are the same people that try to tell others what to do with their bodies and dismiss other's rights. They don't like to be told what to do, but have no problem telling other people what to do.
This right here is why i hate human beings. These selfish know-it-alls are putting MY life at risk.. and that is NOT OK. When they get sick and are taking up all the hospital beds, and then someone like ME gets sick, there won't be any hospital beds or equipment left to SAVE ME, someone who's immunocompromised, and is only going out when absolutely necessary. ... NOT FAIR!! These protesters should be denied treatment when they catch this virus!
How shall I explain this? Okay first of all, Mask does not mean you can stand super duper close. It keeps your germs to yourself but does not keep other germs from getting to you. Also, if you wear gloves around town, switch them because not only are you bringing the germs from your home but you could be bringing germs from outside in. ( Or just don't wear gloves and wash your hands!) Why do these health care workers come out retirement for these twits? To the people who are saying 'Give me freedom/liberty or give me death' yeah, have at it bro
I’m half American and this protest rally idea going on is very stupid. For the rest of the American’s actually listening to the #Stayhome orders, thank you! I am not currently in the states but it makes me so frustrated to see all these idiots just ignoring the social distancing rules or the stay at home orders. The problem is too : one of them could be exposed to someone with Covid, take it home to a ailing family member then that person could end up in ICU. So although they find it foolish to follow orders, it’s actually better for themselves and their family if they do. However it seems that most of these protesters don’t see that..
Every "right" comes with restrictions when it affects other people. There are no absolute rights, but these neanderthals are too stupid to figure that out.
I hope these people get the virus and be gone.. people like this make me so so angry. The ignorance of people is beyond me.
#prayforamerica ..... The thick as s**t lot deserve All they get and the intelligent ones deserve all the protection possible from these twats and their stupid, dangerous behaviour
Someone may have already mentioned this in the long string of comments, but it will be interesting to see what happens when the incubation or asymptomatic period is over following the protests for these covidiotic "freedom fighters."
Based on some of the protest signs shown in the photos, I'm pretty sure I know exactly what will happen. I can only hope I'm wrong.
Load More Replies...If you live in a country where most of the health care comes from private providers, costs a bomb and you see those private providers and drugs companies getting rich, you can understand where this Big Pharma paranoia comes from. Does any other country in the world have Big Pharma paranoia?
Sigh... If only it only affected them. Its not just that they can spread it, but because chances are other people who need treatment for other things will have to wait.
This is so disrespectful to medical workers and people who are working in the frontlines to help us get through this crisis. These people calling the virus fake are essentially invalidating the work of these people and that is absolutely disgusting.
Them doing protests make us stay in quarantine longer their just f***king idiots
Turns out many if not most of these "grassroots" protests are actually astroturf events organized and funded by the usual right wing elitists with profits at stake - The Koch machine, the DeVoses, the Mercers, the Adelsons, the Heritage Institute, Americans for Prosperity, the NRA and that lot of weasels, scumbags and nutjobs. Which should surprise absolutely no one.
bro i want to go true american on them and get a gun with a mask with a flag
From Newfoundland, Canada, I'm so sorry America. We are worried about you guys. Much love for you
'murica, lol. No wonder even the chinese start to be better than you at many things, DESPITE being a dictatorship.
Reminds me of the same type of garbage low life scum that spat on the Vietnam vets decades ago...malcontents, babies, the whining generation. Catch the bug and die.
Those who would Choose a little Safety in exchange foe their Freedoms, Deserve Neither. Ben Franklin (Founding Father of the US-and...total badass genius).
Franklin would have been shocked at the monitoring of American citizens in exchange for protection against terrorists, but plagues--no. You end them through quarantine. Being quarantined is not losing your freedom. it's protecting others and yourself so that you and your country recover and you can go about the business of living.
Load More Replies...siempre e creido que el norteamericano promedio no es el mas listo y tambien algo ignorante, repito el norteamericano promedio.
Sheep live in every country. Don't underestimate the power of sensationalism and money. A lot of money: https://www.salon.com/2020/04/20/astroturf-gun-rights-activists-and-prominent-gop-donors-push-protests-of-coronavirus-restrictions/
Load More Replies...About half of them are against the vaccination (and possibly mandatory vaccination). I agree with that. It's now known that if you don't get it bad enough, you have a big risk you don't make antibodies. Which means no vaccination will ever work, as that's an even weaker version of the virus. And it's rushed. The old vaccinations, that have been around for years, I'm ok with those. But I remember the also rushed HPV vaccination and how bad those girls had it that had the first version that had some "oopsies". For which of course the produces had no liability. Because that's all waived. All protected. (Good news though! A medicine that helps people not die from it has been found - it's one that has the lungs not drowning the owner as a side effect and the medicine has been around for some time and is thoroughly tested)
I guess USA really wants to be Italy in large-scale. Oh well. They had their run of existing :P
Really? The "USA" wants to be that? You got that the majority of a country with 330 million citizens "wants to be Italy on a large scale" because you see not even 1% of the country doing this foolishness? Does that sound like an intelligent assumption Michal?
Load More Replies...I'm sorry America but because of your handling of the virus, the rest of the world is going to ostracise you over this. While over 50% of you are so r****d and selfish, this is going to reach plague levels and when the rest of the world has more or less got through the pandemic, you'll be still needlessly killing yourselves for years to come. There will be no flights from anywhere allowed into the US and whereas for many of you, this is what you want, your country is going to crash and burn.
I would encourage you to also refrain from painting with broad brush strokes dehumanizing 165 million people, the cost of which you're going to allow the remaining 165 million to burn. That says more about your willingness to dehumanize and willingness to believe that the rest of the world is immune to monetary corruption. Here is a thoughtful dissection of dehumanizing and inflammatory statistics: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1233436098266726400.html
Load More Replies...it is exactly this attitude that has landed the US in the state it's in, and it is not a good one
Load More Replies...oh girl, if you are out there, you are making other people sick, you are causing the deaths of people you may never meet, and you will be responsible for the continuation of this epidemic in your country, but you'll find a way to blame others for your own stupidity.
Load More Replies...Not cool man. Find somewhere else to be rude to people
Load More Replies...This makes me so angry. I'm an American and I'm embarrassed for my country and because of these idiots I'm afraid for the health and safety of my children. I say, if they get sick fine f**k 'em and don't help them. They've been warned, the numbers are there to prove that this virus is not to be taken lightly and health care workers are literally begging them to see sense. If they all die off it'll give the people with common sense a chance to survive.
Luckily I have not even HEARD of anything like this in my state (New Jersey). So far a majority are adhering to the pandemic rules (whatever you call them). The virus isn't terrifying for the people above because they don't know anyone who is sick or dying from Covid-19 (and they need haircuts). I don't know what the coronavirus situation is on their end, but a hell lot of people are dying here. My family friend is in quarantine because his brother is practically on his death bed right now. I just wish we could move all of these protesters to one state and let the rest of us try to fight this thing properly. Their stupidity is going to get innocent people killed. I get people have to work and it is a major issue right now, but people have to survive this thing. That is our top priority right now. Running around like idiots is not going to slow this down.
Load More Replies...On behalf of my fellow Americans who are following the rules and staying indoors, I'm sorry my nation has people like this. We are not all like that. I've been quaranteening for over a month with my family in nyc and I know many others who are, too. The behavior of these protesters baffles me... please don't see it as how everyone in the US is. :/
We understand and I personally hope that all you good, responsible people are ok, and all the retards slim down their numbers at their choice because of their selfish idiocy.
Load More Replies...To Strawberry Scented.... They're choreographed at hospitals b/c personnel aren't leaving the hospital. To keep other people safe. To keep their families safe. To get two hours of sleep before twelve hours of shift. And that's the janitors, nurses, doctors, even a few administrative aids who jumped in. We volunteers (like me) are trying to fill in gaps from security to registration to triage, depending on skills/etc. So, please, tell me how it's choreo'd in hospitals. On a ten-minute break in a twelve-hour shift. Go ahead. Be judgmental. AFTER you spend five days straight doing enve what I do as a volunteer with advanced first aid cert and CPR cert.
Load More Replies...These people should sign a contract saying that if they get sick, they will not seek treatment in hospital and thus threaten the lives of the nurses, doctors...
My thought exactly. Write to some official agency and suggest it :D
Load More Replies...I am AMerican. I SHAKE with RAGE seeing these fools. Come deny the danger when you have bodies that can't be buried with family present. Come preach rights at the hospital I volunteer at ----- only one in 7 counties with capacity for this sh*t ----- and tell me again how you have a RIGHT to endanger yourself, your children, your elderly loved ones, and TOTAL STRANGERS.... Please, tell me how it's your body and your choice to die when you TAKE OTHERS WITH YOU! Suicide, fine. But this means taking OTHERS and that is MURDER.
Murica, you ok over there? Like...there is a deadly virus out there that spreads very easily, killing thousands of your people and some of you take part in mass demonstrations? There are students here in Germany protesting against school openings while keeping their distance at 1,5 meters.
These Muricans think disease is caused by immorality/godlessness and that Jesus keeps them safe. They also seem to think Trump is Jesus.2, so they're out of their minds. Personally I'd be fine with them a moving to Quarantine Town, where they can live life as normal (for as long as that lasts) with no interference (or help) from the rest of us. No taxes, no public servants, no public infrastructure, no food assistance, no social security, no public education, no vaccines, no life-saving health care interventions, etc. They are welcome to wallow in their own selfish ignorance and cry about being abandoned by their country for getting exactly what they say they want.
Load More Replies...These posts are extremely disturbing! So many people across ages are refusing to believe that this fear is real. I have many questions after reading these. God help us
God doesn't help stupid people who ignore His instructions. Even the bible talks about quarantine
Load More Replies...If only there was a way to let them roam free, contract the covid-19 or whatever disease they want and let them die, without risking the life of all the essential workers who got no choice and the smarter people who chose to remain home. I am in favor of freedom and that means accepting the consequences of your actions: you don't want to confine yourself and vaccinate ? Ok, but when you are sick, don't expect the rest of society to care for you.
Omg yes. Now we know why he talked of covfefes!
Load More Replies...I'm American and I have been disappointed at my country for quite some time now. This right here doesn't surprise me at all. Ever since we've been given the right to we now protest everything right or wrong...there was even a protest over the jailing of a serial killer and the discontinuation of the "McRib"...I'm just gonna sit here in my house, which I find very enjoyable, and hope that maybe the virus might thin out the hoards of idiots we have.
fox news needs to be held accountable for spreading false information that is endangering american citizens. even stupid people deserve to be informed and protected
Load More Replies...I don't get all the "vaccine" and "forced vaccination" protests. There is no vaccine. These people are truly oblivious.
*Those* 'people?' are protesting vaccines for measles, chicken pox, etc. They crawl out from under their rotten logs at odd times to needlessly expose their children to pain and possible death. They're just using the hope for a coronavirus vaccine to push their unstable views.
Load More Replies...These protesters have forgotten about the thousands of DEATHS around the planet, over 18,000 in New York, all they care about is their own personal freedoms. The whole world is suffering, the protesters see's this as one massive conspiracy.
Bored Panda should change the title to "55 Incredibly stupid people" or "55 examples of why Donald Trump is President".
Strawberry Scented, jeez you are such a child. Why don't you go play with your building blocks, maybe stack them to say, "I'm With Stupid," with an arrow pointing to yourself?
Load More Replies...My thoughts and prayers are with these people. I am praying for each and every one of them to get a very serious and lethal case of COVID-19 that way they are finally able to prove to the world once and for all how this is all a hoax and how COVID-19 is nothing but the flu. This is not sarcasm this is my true wish, I am very sick and tired of these idiots and their b******t.
Strawberry Scented, then you have to love yourself obviously. Oh wait, not a problem for you, just read your other childish comments.
Load More Replies...I don't understand why they are protesting against the government actions, but decked out in USA t-shirts and flags...
Yes, especially since they are probably all Trump voters who got the horribly incompetent government they voted for.
Load More Replies...You guys commenting are restoring my faith in humanity and my hope that I can ever see my family again. I am immunocompromised. My body attacks my neurological system if it feels even slightly threatened by things like say, Walking. Standing too long. Existing. If I get a virus like Covid 19 on top of this I will probably die of it, since the last cold I had went to 103 f and nearly hospitalized me. There is no treatment for my condition. If I end up in a hospital with this and Covid, There will be NOTHING they can do for me except keep me comfortable and hope I live. I haven't been able to hug my parents for over five weeks. It's been that long since I touched another person. I don't want to spend the next few years like this. THANK YOU FOR WEARING YOUR MASKS. THANK YOU for not hoarding food. THANK YOU for making your relatives and friends take this seriously. I only just passed 30 and I wanted to find love and get married and travel and see my nephews and nieces grow up. Thanks!!
I come from a immunocompromised family, so I kind of understand what it's like to be sick. My father and aunt are the most immunocompromised members of my family and neither of them have left their homes for weeks now. My mother, sister, and I have to go to work, but we are doing our best to protect our family members. I want you to know that I am going to take this situation seriously not just for my family but for yours as well. You will get to see your family again someday. Stay strong. You will make it through this.
Load More Replies...Looking on the bright side: The number of MAGA caps in the pictures is quite high. So it seems that Trumps fanbase is working really hard to undermine his chances in the next election. Dead people can't vote.
unfortunately, they are going to kill innocent people.
Load More Replies...These Protests will enable Covid19 to thrive and multiply, I can see a massive increase of cases and death just because people are gunning for "their rights".
and they are infecting innocent people who they may never even know they got sick
Load More Replies...These are the same people who have been wanting us to live under a police state to protect us from terrorists for the last 19 years. But suddenly, they’ve changed their minds completely and freedom is now more important than safety!?
It's just so selfish and stupid. None of these people seem to have the ability to realize it's not about them. It's horrifying that it'll take the death of a loved one for any of these idiots to realize that. Even then though, they'll probably still just say it's a hoax. The willful ignorance in this country is a disgrace.
Send them to hospital wards without protection to deal with covid patients. if they back up - they will prove they are wrong, if they don't backup, they will save lives of janitors and nurses and the Earth will be cleaner of some idiots :)
Isn't it odd that people that pride themselves in being prepared for everything go berserk when they have to stay at home for a few weeks? What are they going to do when doomsday comes and they have to stay in their bombproof shelters with millions of bullets and hundreds of guns?
I can't scroll the rest of the article. It is just too stupid. People are ignorant. Too selfish. It is just about me, me and me over everything else.
This saddens me and makes me angry at the same time. I have a father who is very very sick and this illness could kill him. My aunt is on dialysis and can't even leave her apartment unless it is absolutely necessary and while wearing a mask and these stupid, heartless, insensitive people are protesting because they want to get their hair done or because they believe it's their right. I am an American, but I think the selfishness of these Americans is beyond anything that I can imagine. My mother, sister, and myself all have to go to work and after work my mother is going home to my father. We can't stay home all the time because we are essential workers, but you better believe that when we get off work we go home. COVID19 is a REAL and SERIOUS illness that CAN KILL people and instead of protesting and fighting to go outside think about the people that if they get this illness they will DIE. Please cut the c**p and stay home.
I don't know what to say except I share your anger, I hope for the best--I wish you and your family health and I'm sending you love from here .
Load More Replies...Such dumbasses!!!! Hope they all die. None will be missed as none did anything worth anything
Even with them endangering others, and acting like the "walking dead" (braaaiiins...) I can't wish death on anyone. Also they could infect innocent non protesters and health workers
Load More Replies...This would be laughable if asymptomatic carriers weren't a thing. These idiots may well be walking around 'exercising their rights' and recklessly spreading this virus all over town.
These people are stupid, I don't want them to die or anyone else but they have it coming.
Be free, go walk around like nothing is happening but when little ole grandma catches your nasty s**t and dies all alone in a hospital car park don't cry about the way she was treated in her final lonely moments.....
I'm sorry but I have to point out that I'm pretty sure all of these people are Republicans. I don't want to start a political debate but Republicans? What's up with this? I don't understand why some of you guys don't comprehend this??
Because being a republican requires a lot of comfort with cognitive dissonance. There’s a correlation between being Republican and being uninformed and religious (I’m not talking about college-educated republicans, but those often have other issues such as believing in fantastical economic theories that appease their egos). The more comfortable one is believing things just (and only) because they WANT to, the easier it is to believe in increasingly stupid and selfish b******t over time. Cognitive dissonance is the same mental processing that allows people to be religious AND otherwise seemingly educated. Accepting conflicting ideas is required to believe in religious doctrine/dogma/myths. As a result: cognitive dissonance. Being WILLING to believe nonsense of any kind leads to comfort believing other nonsense later.
Load More Replies...In the middle of all this, I have a really hard time believing that our money hungry government would ever want to hurt our economy for shits and giggles. The SIP orders are there for a reason, not just to screw with our freedom.
Wow. Shame we can't medicate for stupidity. The world is full of idiots. It's just a percentage of folks everywhere and it's certainly not just America. But as a nation, they do seem to excel in this gung-ho, conspiracy led, I-have-my-rights-and-to-hell-with-science-or-authority mindset that I simply cannot comprehend. What goes on in an educated, developed nation to breed such breathtaking arrogance and ignorance amongst a not insignificant chunk of the population? It's truly frightening.
Please don't assume many in the US are educated, it's unfortunately not affordable. I suspect that most people only watch local news if any, and get info from word of mouth from members of insular groups. Lemmings.
Load More Replies...It's so insane that they are all waving American flags around. I can't think of anything LESS patriotic than being so extremely egotistical that you are willing to let your countrymen and -women die, just so you can live your life unencumbered.
I'm happy to see these people supporting Trump and go to rallies. They are going to die soon and we are going to get rid of a bunch of ignorants :) keep doing it please;
These people are not “patriots”. They are virus-spreading sociopaths. Soon they will be taking beds and ventilators from people who deserve them. These people are NOT patriots. It is not patriotic to violently oppose citizens of your own country. They live by a ‘every man for himself’ code, and would abandon or shoot their neighbor in a heartbeat, but somehow they believe the guy who wrote the book on that (Trump) is here to make THEIR lives better? He is for no one but himself. He’s here to win the prize, rile people up, and watch them scatter when he “commands” them to scatter. They are HYPNOTIZED. Much like Hitler controlled his masses, Trump controls his. These are the weakest, most mailable minds in the country. He can make them do whatever he wants, and that makes them dangerous. I hope he loses big in November, but know he won’t leave quietly if he does. I think there will be violence. We truly are in unprecedented times.
This is a prime example of Natural Selection. These idiots are the ones who will die off and pass off their infections to their ilk who in turn will die off shortly because of their idiot family members. It's mother nature at her best! Gotta love her!
no, they are going to kill the innocent. Mother Nature, unfortunately, feeds on the most vulnerable, not the selfish--those a******s tend to survive.
Load More Replies...What a bunch of conspiracy seeking idiots in the truest sense. Always gotta have something to complain about. I personally don't care if you get the virus. It would be your own fault if you die. What about the ones who catch it from you? The elderly, infants, sickly, etc....all their death would be on you and for that, I hope you die first.
This is INFURIATING for so many reasons! I’d like to point out that the morons shouting “my body, my choice!” are the same ones who want to ban abortions and refuse to cover birth control under insurance. I can’t decide if this is ironic, maddeningly stupid, or some kind of sick joke. In addition, the risks these selfish and ignorant people are posing to everyone around them, including the poor healthcare workers risking their lives to help save all of ours, are beyond wrong; they’re flat out f***ed up! Anyone who catches Corona from someone who’s contracted it by being careless w their life and the lives around them should be able to sue for 100% of the medical costs, and the perpetrator should be charged w criminal negligence. If, God forbid, their victim dies then the perpetrator should be charged with 3rd degree murder (manslaughter).
Everyone who wants to protest should be given a DNR card to carry in their wallet forfeiting their right to COVID related healthcare. (their children and any elderly relative who did not go out and protest exempted and given care) Own those libs. If it's all a hoax we don't need to use ventilators on you do we?
Their photo should be in a data base, whenever they go to hospital, all people get treated first then they do. I don't want to go to the hospital and Dr decide to save then instead of a old person that is since months at home protecting herself.
Really ironic to hear 'my body my choice by who are probably the same people standing outside Planned Parenthood, with posters of foetuses. Protesting the unborn babies' s right to life over the choice of a woman and her body...
These people are completely out of touch with reality and that's putting it lightly. Yeah it's Your Body, Your Choice to kill yourself and your own people...BUT YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO PUT OTHER PEOPLE'S FAMILIES IN DANGER!!! NOT ALL OF US ARE AS STUPID AS YOU PEOPLE ARE!
I’d like to see these #CovIdiots say this to doctors and scientists... 🤦🏽♀️ You’ll notice there’s ZERO protests in front of hospitals. 🤷🏽♀️ I send energy, strength and love to the #FirstResponders that will have to deal with these #CovIdiots in 2 weeks, when they get the Virus. 💕
I'm glad to be living in the UK, okay things are not perfect here but at least there are no protests, people are following the advice given, small companies are making PPE. We have our own problems here but we are DEALING WITH THEM. None of us want to be in Lockdown but we prefer to do anything to STAY ALIVE.
Now, more than ever, America proved to the world, that indeed all the presumptions about them are true. / They genuinely are the dumbest, the most brainwashed nation on the planet. The world will continue long after the Pandemic is gone and the U.S. will be left behind, quarantined by everyone, because that is one place where the virus will have a free reign. / But that is what powers that be want, an isolated nation, which can be easily controlled as it descends into Fascism. / The same way the abuser isolates its victim and does with the victim anything he wants.
Your generalization of the American people is unfair, but I can see your point in the last two sentences.
Load More Replies...Only in the USA. They should have the freedom to release us from their idiocy.
No this is not ONLY in the USA, have you seen Brazil? I know it is grand fun to pick on and feel superior to Americans on this site, but at least be correct in your insults!
Load More Replies...Well, I knew America is f****d since they got Trump for a president, but this is a new level of insanity. I’m so grateful that we’re separated by the ocean from this mental mess.
I guarantee these are the idiots who helped spread the virus in the first place. >:(
The health care workers are healing these people that refuse to stay home thats why there going to get sick.
Exhibit A of why America has over 4 times the number of cases than the next highest country on the infection list.
Personally, I'd like to see them all sign a statement that they will not clog up our hospital if they get the virus. Stupidity should be painful!
We were going to go to Michigan for a vacation this summer, but we are reconsidering because of their protests. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/20/opinion/letters/coronavirus-protests-trump.html It says it perfectly right here by calling these protesters "selfish."
Take a good look everyone...these people are what stupidity looks like. You will also notice that there isn't a single black person in the crowd. White privilege at it's finest. And I can guarantee every one of them is probably drooling over the thought of voting the orange sociopath in again. Morons. A classmate lost her Uncle over this virus...but yeah...it's all f***ing made up to inconvenience them.
I don't know why you got downvoted, Carol. You are telling the truth on many points. A lot of this is white privilege because you don't see a single minority in the crowd protesting. I don't see how in these times where people are dying, people chose to be upset because they want to go out.
Load More Replies...They keep me entertained during this lock down. Not to mentioned the USA's president speech and how he handled the whole pandemic situation is entertaining as well..
People mistake freedom for not having any responsibility all the time. It's sad. And if they cannot oversee what is actually happening and what the effects are of their own individual actions ánd they lack trust in the authorities (which is extra sad because the toddler in Chief is in office by their own vote) they will believe that the action taken in which they do not feel happy (sitting in traffic while their grandparents are safe at home) is done solely to pester them. It's childish behavior we are in some way all guilty off by lack of capacity (I for instance do not recycle very well because I have no space in my tiny home, I could make more space, but it requires me to rearrange too many things with small children at home). For these people it's their mising brain capacity that keeps them from understanding and they were not brought up with the basic knowledge of shutting the f*ck up if it's beyond what you can grasp.
your comment "mistake freedom for not having any responsibility" is right on the nose. Unfortunately, they do not have a leader who tells them it is their responsibility to care for each other and be responsible to each other
Load More Replies...Stupid or not, this is going to get bigger and angrier. just get ready for it.
Stupidity overdose. Make sure to read a book today, to counteract having read through this post.
this week i lost a big portion of my faith in mankind. I have nothing stopping me to believe in an upcoming huge conflict when all these people will be starving and full of weapons. scary.
look at so many other parts of the world that have it right--of people caring for each other--of governors standing up to Trump, of neighbours and strangers being good to each other. Unfortunately, the US descent is terrifying, and this is what it has resulted in...distrust in the very institutions--science, reason, that were its guiding principles. This is a lesson against this kind populism. I hope the world learns from it.
Load More Replies...Sorry, but all those arseholes deserve to get infected without any health assistance. What a bunch of morons!
This is terrifying! I'm in a high risk group and I need people to think about more than just themselves to keep me safe. When did we become such a selfish, ignorant society! I know it's not all Americans (I'm a Brit) and I'm sure that for all of these idiots there are thousands who aren't this stupid,
I suggest the police to go around and get all their IDs. Nothing else, just make sure you know who they are. Then publish this somewhere (preferably publicly) and make sure that no hospital or healthcare facility will help them when they get covid-19. The list will also help make sure other, sane, people can keep their distance from these morons. It's their body, their choice, their consequences.
Sadly, it is. Sadly, even tho' it's only a few thousand idiots ----- it takes only one to give Covid19 to up to three to six other people. Every idiot is potentially, let's say, four more people infected... who can infect potentially four more... and now that one person led to 16 infections, and each of the 16 can infect 4, and each of thsoe 64 infects 4, which is 256, infecting 4, which is 1024, times 4 is 4096... so one idiot can mean 4000 infected innocents, if we stop there. When the infectious disease specialist gave us updates a month ago, this is the math he used. One idiot = 4000 infected. Assume 1 of every of those 4 = illness severe enough to need medical care. Now one idiot = 1000 hospital patients...
Load More Replies...These are the same people that try to tell others what to do with their bodies and dismiss other's rights. They don't like to be told what to do, but have no problem telling other people what to do.
This right here is why i hate human beings. These selfish know-it-alls are putting MY life at risk.. and that is NOT OK. When they get sick and are taking up all the hospital beds, and then someone like ME gets sick, there won't be any hospital beds or equipment left to SAVE ME, someone who's immunocompromised, and is only going out when absolutely necessary. ... NOT FAIR!! These protesters should be denied treatment when they catch this virus!
How shall I explain this? Okay first of all, Mask does not mean you can stand super duper close. It keeps your germs to yourself but does not keep other germs from getting to you. Also, if you wear gloves around town, switch them because not only are you bringing the germs from your home but you could be bringing germs from outside in. ( Or just don't wear gloves and wash your hands!) Why do these health care workers come out retirement for these twits? To the people who are saying 'Give me freedom/liberty or give me death' yeah, have at it bro
I’m half American and this protest rally idea going on is very stupid. For the rest of the American’s actually listening to the #Stayhome orders, thank you! I am not currently in the states but it makes me so frustrated to see all these idiots just ignoring the social distancing rules or the stay at home orders. The problem is too : one of them could be exposed to someone with Covid, take it home to a ailing family member then that person could end up in ICU. So although they find it foolish to follow orders, it’s actually better for themselves and their family if they do. However it seems that most of these protesters don’t see that..
Every "right" comes with restrictions when it affects other people. There are no absolute rights, but these neanderthals are too stupid to figure that out.
I hope these people get the virus and be gone.. people like this make me so so angry. The ignorance of people is beyond me.
#prayforamerica ..... The thick as s**t lot deserve All they get and the intelligent ones deserve all the protection possible from these twats and their stupid, dangerous behaviour
Someone may have already mentioned this in the long string of comments, but it will be interesting to see what happens when the incubation or asymptomatic period is over following the protests for these covidiotic "freedom fighters."
Based on some of the protest signs shown in the photos, I'm pretty sure I know exactly what will happen. I can only hope I'm wrong.
Load More Replies...If you live in a country where most of the health care comes from private providers, costs a bomb and you see those private providers and drugs companies getting rich, you can understand where this Big Pharma paranoia comes from. Does any other country in the world have Big Pharma paranoia?
Sigh... If only it only affected them. Its not just that they can spread it, but because chances are other people who need treatment for other things will have to wait.
This is so disrespectful to medical workers and people who are working in the frontlines to help us get through this crisis. These people calling the virus fake are essentially invalidating the work of these people and that is absolutely disgusting.
Them doing protests make us stay in quarantine longer their just f***king idiots
Turns out many if not most of these "grassroots" protests are actually astroturf events organized and funded by the usual right wing elitists with profits at stake - The Koch machine, the DeVoses, the Mercers, the Adelsons, the Heritage Institute, Americans for Prosperity, the NRA and that lot of weasels, scumbags and nutjobs. Which should surprise absolutely no one.
bro i want to go true american on them and get a gun with a mask with a flag
From Newfoundland, Canada, I'm so sorry America. We are worried about you guys. Much love for you
'murica, lol. No wonder even the chinese start to be better than you at many things, DESPITE being a dictatorship.
Reminds me of the same type of garbage low life scum that spat on the Vietnam vets decades ago...malcontents, babies, the whining generation. Catch the bug and die.
Those who would Choose a little Safety in exchange foe their Freedoms, Deserve Neither. Ben Franklin (Founding Father of the US-and...total badass genius).
Franklin would have been shocked at the monitoring of American citizens in exchange for protection against terrorists, but plagues--no. You end them through quarantine. Being quarantined is not losing your freedom. it's protecting others and yourself so that you and your country recover and you can go about the business of living.
Load More Replies...siempre e creido que el norteamericano promedio no es el mas listo y tambien algo ignorante, repito el norteamericano promedio.
Sheep live in every country. Don't underestimate the power of sensationalism and money. A lot of money: https://www.salon.com/2020/04/20/astroturf-gun-rights-activists-and-prominent-gop-donors-push-protests-of-coronavirus-restrictions/
Load More Replies...About half of them are against the vaccination (and possibly mandatory vaccination). I agree with that. It's now known that if you don't get it bad enough, you have a big risk you don't make antibodies. Which means no vaccination will ever work, as that's an even weaker version of the virus. And it's rushed. The old vaccinations, that have been around for years, I'm ok with those. But I remember the also rushed HPV vaccination and how bad those girls had it that had the first version that had some "oopsies". For which of course the produces had no liability. Because that's all waived. All protected. (Good news though! A medicine that helps people not die from it has been found - it's one that has the lungs not drowning the owner as a side effect and the medicine has been around for some time and is thoroughly tested)
I guess USA really wants to be Italy in large-scale. Oh well. They had their run of existing :P
Really? The "USA" wants to be that? You got that the majority of a country with 330 million citizens "wants to be Italy on a large scale" because you see not even 1% of the country doing this foolishness? Does that sound like an intelligent assumption Michal?
Load More Replies...I'm sorry America but because of your handling of the virus, the rest of the world is going to ostracise you over this. While over 50% of you are so r****d and selfish, this is going to reach plague levels and when the rest of the world has more or less got through the pandemic, you'll be still needlessly killing yourselves for years to come. There will be no flights from anywhere allowed into the US and whereas for many of you, this is what you want, your country is going to crash and burn.
I would encourage you to also refrain from painting with broad brush strokes dehumanizing 165 million people, the cost of which you're going to allow the remaining 165 million to burn. That says more about your willingness to dehumanize and willingness to believe that the rest of the world is immune to monetary corruption. Here is a thoughtful dissection of dehumanizing and inflammatory statistics: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1233436098266726400.html
Load More Replies...it is exactly this attitude that has landed the US in the state it's in, and it is not a good one
Load More Replies...oh girl, if you are out there, you are making other people sick, you are causing the deaths of people you may never meet, and you will be responsible for the continuation of this epidemic in your country, but you'll find a way to blame others for your own stupidity.
Load More Replies...Not cool man. Find somewhere else to be rude to people
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