30 New Relatable And Funny Comics About Everyday Life With Four Cats And A Fiancé By This UK Artist
Interview With ArtistWhat do significant others have in common with cats? Well, Sarah Graley could answer that they're endless material for her comics. And there are probably even more similarities, too... In any case, they're relatable from both ends, to those who enjoy the everyday things of meaningful relationships and to those who just love cats.
Sarah and Stef have had an awesome life together for about 10 years now, and they're engaged. What more could you need? Cats, perhaps? And cats they have, a fantastic four of them, even: Pesto and Toby, who are sisters that came in a litter in 2013, and Pixel with Wilson, who are Pesto's little babies from a litter of four cats, two of whom were taken by Sarah's relatives.
More info: Instagram | sarahgraley.mybigcommerce.com | Facebook | sarahgraley.com | oursuperadventure.com
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For those of you who think that these comics seem familiar, it's because they are! Bored Panda has featured Sarah's comics two times before, for which you can find links here and here. As you may notice, a few of the comics that you see today are redraws of her older popular works, though a vast majority is completely new material. You can even buy the re-released first iteration of her comics "Our Super Adventure: Press Start To Begin," just as the second 'Our Super Adventure' collection, "Video Games and Pizza Parties," which was funded by Kickstarter.
Sarah has told us how this lockdown/pandemic period had affected them, and how they've been doing. "It’s been a weird year! We feel lucky to have each other as we haven’t really left the house much at all! We miss seeing our families—there are nephews and nieces on both sides that we haven’t seen in ages! We also miss comic conventions a lot, we normally attend around ten a year and we love getting to meet fans of the comics! When everyone is vaccinated and things are safer we’ll be excited to see them be a thing again! We did start streaming a bunch during lockdown, though, that’s been a really nice way to connect with people who like our comics and want to see us being bad at video games or drawing funny stuff."
Sarah and Stef have been busy over these past few months, and she's been kind enough to tell us what exactly were they doing. "We’ve been writing a Spider-Man comic series for IDW! It’s called Marvel Action Spider-Man and the first issue will be available in comic shops around the end of March! Stef and I wrote the story and an incredible artist called Phil Murphy drew it! We’re also still making Our Super Adventure comics on a weekly basis and also writing, drawing and lettering secret projects!" So keep your eye out, as it's March already. Can't wait to see what this fantastic couple came up with.
Any time, any place, Ill eat, just let me know and i'll be there at the speed of light😎
Okay I love these comics but did they go on a flight and leave their cats at home like I get with a sitter or someone to take care of them but it seems like not a good idea to leave your cats alone by themselves in your house they could starve
I'm sure they wouldn't leave the cats alone, and not only because they need food, they need company as well. I have someone who comes in when I go away, and he plays with the cat and pets him as well as feeding him.
Load More Replies...Okay I love these comics but did they go on a flight and leave their cats at home like I get with a sitter or someone to take care of them but it seems like not a good idea to leave your cats alone by themselves in your house they could starve
I'm sure they wouldn't leave the cats alone, and not only because they need food, they need company as well. I have someone who comes in when I go away, and he plays with the cat and pets him as well as feeding him.
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