40 Funny And Relatable Anti-Work Posts For Anyone Who Struggles Living In Capitalism
Work and relationships are probably inexhaustible topics that many people find relatable, especially if they’re about the anti-work movement. Not working - wouldn’t that be a dream? I guess many of us would love it if we never had to get up early to go to work again.
We love to trash and roast the companies we work for and make fun of our bosses and our equally disillusioned colleagues. So, if you’re looking for a funny meme page that does exactly that, No Hour Work Week is for you. “There’s no such thing as a dream job,” they proclaim in their bio. And here we have a selection of top-tier picks from their page for you to scroll, Pandas. So let us know which ones you like the most by upvoting them!
More info: Instagram
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Imagine A World Where We Worked To Build Beautiful Communities, Share With Our Neighbors, And Everyone Had What They Needed To Thrive
It took me a few years. Largely because job searching is no fun in the sun, either. Same with being the new person and going through training all over again, and having managers, supervisors and coworkers pissed off at you for being slow and making rookie mistakes. Ugh. It's a necessary evil, though.
Any company that has to tell you they are a family. Believe us we know if it is or not. You don't have to tell us.
The No Hour Work Week has 14k followers and a pretty clear mission. The 'I Hate My Job' profile picture is probably all you need to know about their view on the modern work culture. Yet it's not just about being funny on the Internet. The page's creator(s) seem to be pretty passionate about the anti-work movement.
They share various resources for educating yourself on it in their bio. One of the links is to Bob Black's 1985 essay 'The Abolition of Work.' In this essay, the author posits that "no one should ever work" because it's "the source of nearly all the misery in the world." The alternative isn't to do nothing; Black suggests that it's 'forced labor' and 'compulsory production' that are bad.
If You Needed A Sign To Quit Your Job…
Stop Glamorizing The Grind
The 20th Century Labor Movement Gave Us 8 Hour Days, The 21st Century Labor Movement Will Bring Us 3 Day Weekends
Need 2 stay in bed days for doing what I feel like I want to do. Not what I feel like I have to do because it was instilled in me in childhood.
So what should people do if they don't work? According to Black, it's play, which includes "festivity, creativity, conviviality, commensality, and maybe even art." But not the play as we understand it in terms of child's play. "I call for a collective adventure in generalized joy and freely interdependent exuberance," Black proclaims.
For him, the problem with modern work stems from the fact that most contemporary jobs are meaningless and just plain unnecessary. And he isn't alone in this rhetoric. The rise of the anti-work movement in recent years has similar ideas behind it. It's that many contemporary white-collar workers are asking: "What's the purpose of work?"
I Had To Wake Up Every Day At 5:30 Am To Get To High School… It’s All Part Of Our Conditioning To Be Chronically Exhausted Dutiful Workers We All Deserve Better
"Back in my day, we had to suffer so now you do too" thinking is no way for a society to progress.
Just Looking For The Least Annoying Way To Afford Food And Shelter
Leats annoying way to have money. Yep i'm into this. Cannot be a gangster that's too annoying. And not talented enought to earn money with something i like to do. So a job. Least annoying is ok.
Only Time I've Been Happy In My Entire Life
For some, this might be nothing new. If you're familiar with the r/antiwork subreddit (and our content about it), you probably already know a lot of this stuff. But still, what is the end goal for the people in the anti-work movement? It's not to abolish working altogether. Proponents believe that they should self-organize and work only as much as they need. They don't believe in creating excess capital or goods because it requires working longer hours than needed.
The Biggest Casualty Of Modern Work Is My Creative Practice
File This Under: Take All Of Your Vacation Time Commit Time Theft Do The Least Required Of You To Do Your Job
And to all my fellow perfectionists out there: be gentle with yourself! You are worth more than your productivity and output.
I got a "needs improvement" for attendance during my last performance review. Everything else was "meets" or "exceeds expectations". Seriously?!? I was told I should have more leave accumulated due to how long I've been at my job. No, I'm maximizing my time outside the office with my family and doing things I enjoy. If that's the only issue you have with me than shut it! Guess who's s not exceeding expectations anymore...
The anti-work movement, just like Black's ideas, has roots in the anarchist and socialist economic critique. The proponents argue that the modern workplace only "enforces wage slavery and deprives workers of the full value of their output," as Brian O'Connor writes for the BBC.
***relatable Content Alert*** This Is True For All Workplaces And Industries
At This Rate This Is Going We Should Be Demanding Even More Than $24
“We’re Alive Just As Nature Is Alive”
Other critics of the modern work culture opt for a different strategy. One of them is Trisha Hersey, also known as The Nap Bishop. Her book Rest Is Resistance draws from Black liberation to oppose Grind Culture, capitalism, and white supremacy. "I don't want to be under the guise of believing that I have to be productive in order to be deemed worthy," Hersey talked about the central idea behind her book to NPR.
Memes For Anyone Who Has Had To Lie When Asked “Why Do You Want This Job?”
Every Damn Day
Be Like This Person
The last company I worked for started this Highlighted Employee thing in their newsletter. It just stated info on a selected employee. Usually it was the Team Leaders and maybe a well-favoured "bottom-feeder" employee. I never participated. Got me thinking that it was just a reminder to management that they're dealing with living humans with real lives.
The first tenet of The Nap Ministry is that rest is a form of resistance against white supremacy and capitalism. But it's about so much more than just taking naps. Hersey says that the current capitalist system doesn't see people as people; it only looks for profit.
Deeply Relatable Content
That's the all point of the day. I just count hours and my only goal is to leave at time.
These Frogs Get It
They Are Called Boundaries Hunty
"We have been brainwashed by this system to believe these things about rest, about our bodies, about our worth, this violent culture that wants to see us working 24 hours a day, that doesn't view us as a human being but instead views our divine bodies as a machine," the author told NPR.
Me And My Work Bff Choosing The Same Zoom Breakout Room
Millennial Work Culture In One Email
I Felt That
However, there's a difference between the kind of rest Hersey is talking about and the rest that companies want their employees to have. Hersey is not advocating for more rest so people can then work more. "We're not resting to get ourselves more riled up to be on capitalism's clock. We are resting simply because it is our divine and human right to do so. Period," she says.
This Is The Important Distinction Most People Seem To Miss
If Your Pay Doesn’t Rise With Inflation It’s A Pay Cut
And Be Sure To Charge Your Consulting Rate
Or don't fall for the trap.... I've been in the workforce for over 30 years and this recent trend of "job tryouts", just baffle me. I've even heard of "employers" having a prospective employee, program an app or solve a problem for them....for free....of course, with no job offer. Then the "employer" rinses and repeats.
There is also much discussion about a shorter workweek. The so-called 'normal' 40-hour workweek could easily become a 21-hour workweek. In 2010, Andrew Simms, Anna Coote, and Jane Franklin laid out the arguments for it in the UK. They claimed it would help address unemployment, overwork, over-consumption, inequality, sustainability, and even high carbon emissions.
Tbh My Main Goal Is To Have As Much *autonomy* Over My Work As Possible. For Myself And For The People I Work With
Asked what I want to be doing in 5-10 years? Exactly what I am doing now, still work from home, thank you very much. I don't want to supervise, I don't want to move to another department, etc. Just let me do the job I love.
In My Experience, Managers Seem Obsessed With Bandaid Solutions Instead Of Addressing The Root Cause Of Burnout, Equity Issues, And Low Retention. Make It Make Sense
Webinar?!? I had a job where, after being called into HR for some BS and balling my fists so tight that my fingernails drew blood, I confessed that I was suicidal. When I returned to my desk, they'd left me a brochure for the "Employee Assistance" phone support. Joke was on them... 3 hours later I went on 6 months of stress leave at 100% salary. But, honestly, even with staying home it took 3 months to stop having intense daily work anxiety.
“I Hope This Email Doesn’t Find You. I Hope You’ve Escaped, That You’re Free.”
In a recent interview for Bored Panda, career and leadership coach Phoebe Gavin explained how work shouldn’t become the #1 priority in life. "If you look at interviews of people at the end of their lives, often you find that people regret working too much.”
“Very, very frequently, you find that people wish they had spent less time working and more time on other aspects of their lives. And the only way to avoid that is to be conscious and intentional about how much of your life you give to work," Gavin said.
If I’m Being Really Honest, I’d Say No One Should Work More Than 20 Hours A Week But Something Tells Me Folks Aren’t Ready To Hear That Message
Staff Retention 101
I Feel Personally Attacked
Germany is known for being pretty productive and efficient, but we also have the phrase "feeding your inner pig-dog", i.e. taking the time to enjoy being lazy. Don't forget to feed your inner pig-dog, people!
I Put “Busy” On My Calendar Before And After Zoom Meetings For This Reason
And Don’t Even Think About Asking For A Raise
23 years of Hospital here ! Can't keep the count of how many times we had to do the job with less people avalaible. Bosses don't care.
I Sure Don’t
…while The World Burns
“So Why Do You Want To Work Here?”
Poll Question
Do you believe memes like these can influence societal attitudes towards work?
Yes, they spark important conversations.
No, they're just for entertainment.
Maybe, but change requires more than memes.
Not sure.
My friend and I were discussing the views of the current generation and we described it as the "generation of disillusioned youth". We hate the government, ourselves, our fellow human beings, and our future. Looking at these memes only reinforces that belief- we figured out how rigged all this stuff is and how almost none of the higher-ups want to fix it. And then people ask why we don't want to work.
My friend and I were discussing the views of the current generation and we described it as the "generation of disillusioned youth". We hate the government, ourselves, our fellow human beings, and our future. Looking at these memes only reinforces that belief- we figured out how rigged all this stuff is and how almost none of the higher-ups want to fix it. And then people ask why we don't want to work.