This IG Page Is Filled With Funny Memes For Women, And Here Are 30 Of The Best
InterviewMen are from Mars and women are from Venus. This is probably why there are certain topics only we ladies can understand and relate to. These cover various aspects of life, with humor included. The 'girlzzzclub' Instagram account is on a mission to share the best memes focusing on things women find hilarious and unite a large community of other females sharing the same dilemmas, funny situations, and everyday faux pas.
If you’re one of us, you'll likely love the content we've prepared for you today. And if you're not, let's say you're a guy, this is your chance to delve into the mysteries of the woman's world and perhaps learn something new about us. Without further ado, scroll down and enjoy the selection of the best memes from girls to girls, and let us know in the comments below which one you relate to the most!
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We contacted Anoushka Rava, a comedian, actress, writer, and certified public speaking coach, to discuss comedy and the role of women in it. Initially, we asked her about the most popular topics she addresses with her audience during her comedy performances. Anoushka shared: “I talk about being French & Iranian, and how that mix of cultures has influenced me. I compare both cultures, talking about similarities and differences regarding the treatment of women in both cultures.” Rava continued: “I talk about how complicated traveling is when you have French passports but look Middle Eastern and have a first name that sounds Russian and/or Indian and an Iranian last name.”
Besides discussing topics related to her origin, Anoushka also addresses issues that resonate with women from various cultures: “I talk about the dating world in the 30s, not having kids yet. Women relate often when I talk about my dating mishaps, my exes, and how it's challenging to have a handsome father who dates women younger than me.” Lastly, she added: “I also have a set about egg freezing.”
We were also wondering if Rava has noticed any differences in how men and women respond to her comedy. The performer told us: “I haven't noticed much difference, really. I tend to cater to both female and male audiences. I like to believe my sets have universal themes. I don't put men and women against each other. I'm against that. I believe unity between men & women is the answer.”
I feel like a fraud if I go out,dressed up and my house is a mess. It happens anyway tho !
The comedian shared with us how she finds a balance between addressing serious issues affecting women and providing light-hearted entertainment in her acts: “I try to add some absurdity. In my storytelling, I find the derision in a true situation. I always ask myself: ‘If that's true, what else?’ Like in improv, I use the ‘yes and’ technique. I extrapolate situations and find the absurdity and turn them around. I try to underline the absurdity of certain situations.”
Finally, we asked Anoushka Rava what advice she'd give to other female comedians aiming to connect with their female audiences. We found out: “I believe authenticity is key. Talk about what affects you. That's when the conviction will be the most felt. Don't try to talk about what you think the audience wants to hear. They'll relate to what feels authentic.”
At a very quick first glance, I thought we were picking a flavor of jelly beans.
All the hearts and stickers and letters you'll never give! Fun times. Wish I experienced it
that last photo makes me want to cry for who ever had to experience that.
In my honest opinion, like 90% of these memes are pretty toxic, and I'm a bit concerned for the friends and loved ones of the person who made these.
I enjoyed these. Even if I don't actually do any of it. I'm really glad my eldest niece has stopped sticking her tongue out in photos though
Girly stuff belongs here but so does other stuff. In fact, feels like a page for girls, not women.
In my honest opinion, like 90% of these memes are pretty toxic, and I'm a bit concerned for the friends and loved ones of the person who made these.
I enjoyed these. Even if I don't actually do any of it. I'm really glad my eldest niece has stopped sticking her tongue out in photos though
Girly stuff belongs here but so does other stuff. In fact, feels like a page for girls, not women.