A wise guy once said that "no man is an island" but boy, do some of us wish we were. Solo. In silence. Stranded out in the middle of the beautiful sea. Just me, myself and I. Peopling can sometimes get exhausting, even for the extroverted among us. But for introverts, suffering through the crowded world with unsolicited company and small talk can be pure t*****e.
If you'd rather lay low and often find yourself canceling weekend plans in favor of solitude, you're not alone. Yes, we said it... According to the Myers-Briggs Company, around 56.8% people around the world prefer introversion. Some of them can be found sipping tea while scrolling through social media.
Instagram account @diaryintroverts has more than 277,000 followers just like you. They congregate quietly, alone but together, to laugh at relatable memes and reels about life in the slow lane. Bored Panda has put together a list of our top picks from the page so you that you have something fun to do when you turn down that next social invitation.
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I started learning to play a completely new instrument. Some of the early pieces of practice music play in my head even in my dreams.
My wife and I in the kitchen - "You're in my way" ... "says the person who's in MY way!"
In high school, I had a history text book that belonged to some satanist and/or top-tier edgelord, complete with pentagrams, some Latin chants, prayers to Satan etc. I had to resist the urge to sprinkle it with holy water 😅
Nonsense. When I change my phone I get money back for returning it in good condition. Nothing says "good condition" like original packaging.
What am I supposed to do now? Start tv program dating all over again? It's stupid how much of a void this can leave sometimes.
Sometimes I wake up at 5am and think, "I'm going to get loads done today". And then I accomplish one small task, sit down and the next thing I know it's 5pm.
this is me literally every fricken day, and I hate it, but I can't change it. ):
Or communicate through glances and looks and you can both look at your phones
Along with useless pop culture trivia, nearly the entire dialogue of the 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and so many songs stored in the long term section of my brain. Also jokes, both bad and dad, puns, and somewhere in there, making himself known at the worst times, is a 13 year old's dirty sense of humor.
This hits really close to home. I was the most well behaved idiot you ever saw.
Ok, but when it's the mental health specialists who do that, it's just cruel. I suffered through 3 sessions of family therapy, I was criticised, invalidated or ignored, while parents could insult me openly. I said the abuse led me to neglect my guinea pig and she died of hunger. Parents and both therapists immediately told me guinea pigs die, rodents don't live long.
Someone, anyone, quick teach me. I live in the states and well... f**k me I think this is the only option left at this point.
I won't stop procrastinating until something bad happens because of it, but if something bad happens then I have to deal with the consequences, so the only solution is to procrastinate and not fail.🥲
My humor is very dark. I have to be careful. A lot of people don't get me.
I don't think I would resist a kidnapping most days. I'd be like "can we swing by McDonald's though?"
Poll Question
How often do you find yourself canceling plans for solitude?
it be great if people stop asociating intovert with mental illness, just becase we dont like people doesnt mean we are mentaly ill, depressed or wanted to die. Maybe extroverts need to shut the f**k up and make place more comfrotable....
It'd be great if you stopped saying that introverts don't like people, as well. An introvert doesn't inherently dislike people or being around people. We just need to make sure we get the appropriate amount of time alone. That's literally all it means.
Load More Replies...The poll at the end 'How often do you find yourself cancelling plans?' It's never for me as I don't make the plans in the first place.
I feel sorry for all people who did these "memes" and are meaning them. Some are hard to read and not funny at all. Breaks my heart 💔
it be great if people stop asociating intovert with mental illness, just becase we dont like people doesnt mean we are mentaly ill, depressed or wanted to die. Maybe extroverts need to shut the f**k up and make place more comfrotable....
It'd be great if you stopped saying that introverts don't like people, as well. An introvert doesn't inherently dislike people or being around people. We just need to make sure we get the appropriate amount of time alone. That's literally all it means.
Load More Replies...The poll at the end 'How often do you find yourself cancelling plans?' It's never for me as I don't make the plans in the first place.
I feel sorry for all people who did these "memes" and are meaning them. Some are hard to read and not funny at all. Breaks my heart 💔