35 Quirky Comics Illustrating Relatable Everyday Moments By This Artist
Interview With ArtistPreviously known as Sarahscomiclife, now under the name stewedcomics, these are bite-sized hilarious masterpieces created by an artist who goes by Damian.
Damian's comics depict situations from his own life that are either relatable, funny, stupid, or just something to think about. "I also like to keep it compact and add a little funny twist to it!" wrote Damian.
So, if you've never come across these comics or this artist's work before, you are in for a treat!
More info: Instagram
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Bored Panda reached out to Damian, who told us more about himself: “I'm Damian, 25 years old and I'm from Germany. I've always loved to draw and art in general. I'm currently working as a painter, which I think is a really creative job already, but my dream is to become a professional illustrator someday!”
We were curious about what initially drew Damian to the world of cartooning and artistry. The artist shared: “I began drawing cartoons after getting into digital art for the first time in 2017. I had fun drawing myself as a little character and decided to tell some stories of my everyday life that I thought my friends would find funny. I then started to post them on Instagram and people loved them! Everything started out with the simple idea of making people laugh and it worked.”
Literally my cousin. He had a VR and literally just goes and plays it outside😂
Damian also told us more about the creative process.
“I get the ideas for my comics mostly in unique situations, where I think to myself: 'Hey, let's make a comic about this' or in situations that happen all the time, where I think 'I can't be the only one who experiences this, let's put it in a comic'. Sometimes I get ideas out of nowhere, so I keep my notes app at hand to write everything down! From there it's just sketch - ink - color - post!” wrote Damian.
They know. They can tell by our tones of voice and our behavior. Someone who deliberately hurts a pet doesn't squeal in horror and cover the pet with kisses and tears.
We asked Damian what he hopes for people to take away from these comics.
“To all the people who enjoy my comic, I hope you're having a good laugh, or heavy nostril breathing, whatever you prefer! Maybe you even recognize yourself in these situations and find them relatable. I just want to loosen up the seriousness of life and sometimes smiling over a silly little cartoon is the way to go!”
And lastly, Damian added: “All of the support and positive feedback I've received over the past years really kept me going and believing in my dream to make art my career. I even started my own comic mystery series called The Secret of Oak Valley, which is also available to read on Instagram and already on season 3! Thank you so much for all the support! One last message: Keep doing what makes you happy!”
This reminds me of a day in Repair Cafe. This guy brought in a coffee grinder, that didn't work any more. I promised to take a look at it, while he went to buy some coffee. While he was gone I turned it upside down to get old ground coffee out and I heard something not coffee drop into the litter bin. When he godt back it worked fine again, and he was very impressed with my work. Easiest repair I have done.
"Who is that messy-haired old lady, and why is she standing so close to me?".
And when you try to scream but nothing comes out… I hate that so much, it makes me cry… 😖😖😖😥😰
I've never seen the bags on a collar before. Do some people actually do that or was it just easier to fit them in panel?
HighSchool Me: "I have a pimple, therefore I shall retreat to my cave/bedroom to live a life of celibacy, and extremely loud emo music".
If she's in Germany, and the dog slid all the way to Alaska, that's some seriously cold weather.
I mean, you can do what you want on your birthday (within reason and legality), so if you wanna sleep all day, go for it!