20 New Comics About Struggles In A Girl’s Life That You Might Relate To By “Tall N Curly”
Interview With ArtistToday, we have another batch of relatable comics for you, courtesy of none other than Cheyan Lefebvre. The artist began sharing her comic series, 'Tall N Curly,' on her blog back in 2012. Since then, the illustrator has crafted numerous strips addressing topics that resonate with many girls, especially those of above-average height. Beyond exploring themes related to height, Cheyan delves into other universal subjects inspired by her own life. Some of these themes touch upon relationships, self-acceptance, the ‘80s nostalgia, while others incorporate a dash of dark humor.
Scroll down to see the latest comics by 'Tall N Curly,' and learn more about the artist behind the series in our interview.
More info: Instagram | Facebook | tallncurly.com
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Bored Panda got in touch with Cheyan Lefebvre to ask some questions about her work. Firstly, we asked what she considers the most rewarding aspects of being a comic artist, and we learned that: “One of the most rewarding aspects of being a comic artist is the ability to bring stories and characters to life that resonate with people on a deeply personal level. There's a unique joy in seeing readers connect with your work, whether it's through laughter, empathy, or inspiration. Additionally, the relationship I've cultivated with my followers over the years is incredibly fulfilling. Many of them have been with me for more than a decade, and while we've never met in person, I feel like they're a part of my extended family. Hearing from them and knowing that my work brings light to their day is an immense source of joy and motivation.”
Asked how her style has evolved over time and what factors influenced these changes, the artist shared with us: “My art style is fluid, changing to fit each project's heart and story. 'Tall N Curly' thrives on simplicity for quick creation and easy reading. My children’s novel 'Asha and the Spiritz' offers richer visuals to match its depth. My latest project, 'Bill and Leon and Friends', features human (no AI) photomontages, presenting yet another facet of my artistic exploration. I embrace the evolution of my style as a dynamic part of my artistic journey.”
We were also wondering if Cheyan could describe the most challenging part of creating a comic. The author of “Tall N Curly” said: “I think one of the most challenging aspects of creating humorous comics is maintaining the right spirit and mindset. Life happens, and there are moments when it's not easy to find the humor and lightness necessary to inspire and uplift others. I just took a hiatus for a full year because I couldn’t produce the kind of work that resonates with my audience.”
The artist continued: “It’s okay to step back sometimes. Posting content just for the sake of consistency can feel disingenuous and diminish the quality and impact of the work. Although taking a break might lead to losing followers, I prioritize honesty and the commitment to providing the uplifting and joyful content my readers expect from me.”
Lastly, we were very curious to find out more about different projects Lefebvre is working on. The artist mentioned her new series “Bill and Leon and Friends” and was excited to share some details about it: “It’s is an artistic sitcom set in a world where the wild aspects of nature meet the wacky sides of human emotions. It's a series where each illustration acts as a unique episode, capturing the adventures and peculiarities of a diverse cast of animal characters, each bringing their own unique perspective and flavor to the storyline.”
“This project is my playful, whimsical take on the parallels between animal behavior and human emotions, portraying a collection of life's quirky, poignant, and often humorous moments. While each illustration stands on its own, telling the story of a singular, snapshot moment, together they weave a larger narrative that reveals the lovable, and sometimes less lovable, traits of each character.”
As a shorter man, I am glad you are open to dating shorter guys. Some of us (but not all) are really nice, friendly guys that are literally and figuratively overlooked by many women. Thank you!
Reframe: YOU deserve the very best, so wish them second best. King-size bed to yourself! Grab some pepper spray and know your dog has your back. Google how to fix the hole and learn a new life skill. Reconnect with your friends, and when the apps get you down, laugh about it with them. These are about to be the best times of your life.
Aww! The 'I hate being single' comics make me wish I were available... Although I would probably get my own strip in the undatables 😅
Aww! The 'I hate being single' comics make me wish I were available... Although I would probably get my own strip in the undatables 😅