44 Absolutely Adorable Photos Of Animals Staring Hungrily At People’s Plates
Interview With ExpertFor many of us, our pets are part of the family. They get to ride in our cars, sleep on our beds, and, in some instances, even accompany us to work. And who can resist those puppy dog eyes when they beg for a morsel of mom’s meatloaf at the family table?
One digital community posts pics of pets looking lovingly at their human’s food in the hopes of getting a scrap and, with 27K members, we’d say the theme is pretty popular. So, without further ado, here’s a collection of our favorites.
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Cheeky Chonky Restaurant Cat
Just remember that some ingredients are toxic or poisonous to pets! Make sure they don't suffer because of you! 👍
Miss Talula
You Eat But Didn’t Invite Me
While you may be tempted to give Fido a bite off your plate the next time he’s giving you and your meal the side eye at the dinner table, take a moment to consider how far pet food has come since we first started spending quality time with our fluffy, furry companions.
The evolution of pet food is a fascinating journey that mirrors societal changes, scientific advancements, and shifting perceptions of animal companionship. From table scraps to specialized diets, the history of pet food reflects our growing understanding of animal nutrition and the deepening bond between people and their pets.
My Best Buddy, Bo, Who Was Laid To Rest Last Night, Loved His Birthday Steaks
I'm Prepared This Time
He Didn’t Get Any Of Our Food, And He Is Being Really Dramatic About It
In ancient times, domesticated animals like dogs and cats primarily subsisted on leftovers from human meals or even hunted their own food. This practice continued for centuries, with little distinction between human and animal diets. Pets were often fed raw meat, bones, and kitchen scraps, reflecting a utilitarian approach to animal care.
The mid-19th century marked a significant turning point in pet nutrition, though. In the 1860s, James Spratt, an American entrepreneur, observed stray dogs in England scavenging for food. Seeing a gap in the market, he developed the first commercial dog biscuit, known as "Spratt's Patent Meat Fibrine Dog Cakes." These biscuits combined wheat meals, vegetables, beetroot, and beef blood, and were a convenient alternative.
Willow Has Her Sights Set On Pizza
That pizza is cat death :x Visible onions, and the sauce itself probably contains onion powder and garlic powder. Please be careful when giving even some of the crust to your catto or doggo - the inner dough should be safe, but sometimes the outer parts of the crust can be seasoned.
Nothing Is Safe From Loki
We Didn't Let Him Eat A Steak
Following Spratt's success, other companies got in on the game. In the early 20th century, canned pet foods arrived, primarily using horse meat, which was abundant and inexpensive. In 1922, the Chappel Brothers introduced "Ken-L Ration," a canned dog food made which gained widespread popularity. This period also saw the introduction of commercial cat foods, as more households began keeping kitties as indoor pets.
As the pet food industry grew, so too grew the need for regulation. In 1909, the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) was established to oversee animal feed quality and safety. By 1917, they’d included specific language for pet food, setting standards for ingredients and labeling and, in 1969, they established the definition for "complete and balanced" pet food, ensuring products met the nutritional needs of pets.
Gimli Would Feel So Much Better If He Had A Little Taste Of Peanut Butter Toast
Even if he eats all your toast, he'll claim that it still only counts as one.
Patience Is A Virtue
Looking At Food Is My Cats' Favorite Hobby
The fifties brought with them dry kibble as a convenient and shelf-stable pet food option. Advancements in technology allowed pet food manufacturers to produce dry, palatable kibble in various shapes and sizes. These innovations coincided with the post-World War II economic boom, leading to increased pet ownership and a demand for more convenient pet care solutions.
In recent decades, there has been a shift towards natural, organic, and raw feeding practices. Pet owners, increasingly conscious of their pets' health and wellness, seek out diets free from artificial additives and preservatives. The raw food movement advocates for diets consisting of uncooked meats, bones, and vegetables, aiming to mimic the ancestral diets of dogs and cats.
Can You Tell She Really Wanted Some Tacos?
Perfect For This Subreddit
I Was Told That This Was The Place For This Pic
Bored Panda reached out to Cindy Teubes, Chief Barketing Officer at Vondi's to get some insights on who's leading the way in pet nutrition - canned food and kibble manufacturers, or the raw diet movement.
According to Damian Stafford, Vondi's nutrition expert, "We now know that kibble and canned food produced using high-heat factory treatments are not the best options for pet nutrition. The modern pet food market has several competing approaches. One delineation lies between raw and cooked dog food."
Stafford goes on to add, "The raw diets are fizzling because they rely on misinformation about canine nutrition. Beyond optimizing the current standards for pet nutrition, the forefront of ground-breaking pet nutrition lies in sustainability without compromising the nutrients that dogs need. The future lies in integrating alternative, sustainable protein sources like insect-based protein."
Bryce And The Biscuit
Go Nuts For The Donuts
You have to go find a bakery that specializes in baked goods for dogs, then next time you get donuts for yourself you can get doggy donuts for them
Oh Boyo Oboyo Oboyo Oboyo Oboyo Oboyo Oboyo Oboyo
Toby Smells Bacon
Don't Think For A Second That I Don't Know What You're After!
The fact that there is still pizza there is a testament to this dog's self control!
The pet food industry often mirrors human dietary trends. As people gravitate towards gluten-free, grain-free, and plant-based diets, similar products have emerged in the pet food market. This alignment reflects the humanization of pets, with owners looking to provide their animal companions with diets comparable to their own.
Could you say no to a pet’s longing gaze at what’s on your plate, or would you crumble at the first loving glance? Which animals in this list could you not deny? Upvote your favorites and leave a comment on the stares that pulled on your heartstrings hardest!
So I See You're Having Some Popcorn
My yorkie Blix (RIP) loved popcorn so much. When he heard me start the popper he'd come running.
POV, You Are Holding A Sandwich
Hungry Boy
Burger Cat
Gizmo Might Be Blind, But He's Still Staring Down Our Seafood Boil
If he weren't blind, he would realize that smell is actually giant red bugs.
Buddy Why Are You Obsessed With Lemon Dill Hummus
The Look Of Envy
Awoken To The Smell Of Pizza
She Loves Food She Can’t Have
Cat be like : Why do you eat something your master cannot have?
Found In A Yelp Review Of A Local Restaurant
Buddy's New Unrequited Love: Graham Crackers
Hah! My orange idiot (the one who's afraid of bacon and mushrooms) stole a piece of graham cracker from me and then spent the next 20 minutes terrorizing his brother and racing around like a lunatic.
Want Some Fish And Chips?
"Gimme The Cheese"
Lilah Eyeing Off The Garlic Naan
Pippa Could Scarcely Resist The Urge To Lunge At My Homemade Gyoza
Wow those are beautiful! The couple of times the boyfriend and I tried our hands at gyoza, they were...not too pretty 😅 but did taste really good!
Can I Has A Bite
Never heard of the Crack Shack before (unless you count my neighbor's house).
Fuzzbert vs. Charcuterie Plate
Nice Crumpets, Shame If Something Was To Happen To Them
Sammy Looking At My Sammy Part Deux!
No Cake For Kitties
My Homemade Pizza
Poll Question
Do you let your pets taste your food?
Of course, I know what they can and can't have
Never, it’s all mine
Only on special occasions
Unfortunately, I don't even have pets!
No CORGG for corgis (or any other dog or cat): Chocolate - Onion - Raisins - Grapes - Garlic, in addition to a few other items. Xylitol will kill them. It's hard to resist those sweet faces but pet-safe treats and foods are always best. People food is for people.
I had to make a custom metal sign for my dogs' exercise pen in the backyard saying "Do NOT feed these things to the dogs!" with a list of toxic foods. I don't trust my mother or sister to not feed my dogs something toxic accidentally (or not so accidentally.) Back when I used to take my oldest cat to the family office with me to work every day, my mom would feed her pretzels and teriyaki chicken and other junk (basically whatever my mom was eating.)
So many of y'allneed to relax! Just becuase fuzzy wants doesnt mean fuzzy gets! Sometimes they dont even know what they are begging for cuase they have brains the size of pistacios. But those lil faces are super entertaining which is the entore point of these lists. We love our fur babies and know what they can and cant have.
No CORGG for corgis (or any other dog or cat): Chocolate - Onion - Raisins - Grapes - Garlic, in addition to a few other items. Xylitol will kill them. It's hard to resist those sweet faces but pet-safe treats and foods are always best. People food is for people.
I had to make a custom metal sign for my dogs' exercise pen in the backyard saying "Do NOT feed these things to the dogs!" with a list of toxic foods. I don't trust my mother or sister to not feed my dogs something toxic accidentally (or not so accidentally.) Back when I used to take my oldest cat to the family office with me to work every day, my mom would feed her pretzels and teriyaki chicken and other junk (basically whatever my mom was eating.)
So many of y'allneed to relax! Just becuase fuzzy wants doesnt mean fuzzy gets! Sometimes they dont even know what they are begging for cuase they have brains the size of pistacios. But those lil faces are super entertaining which is the entore point of these lists. We love our fur babies and know what they can and cant have.