My Girlfriend And I Were So Bored During Lockdown, We Recreated These 18 Famous Paintings
I am a professional photographer. When the quarantine was announced for the first time, the whole world was locked down, so my reservations got canceled and I found myself staying at home with my partner and two cats.
Feeling a bit bored and suffering from a lack of cultural activities, I was looking at art online; I was really inspired by the people and their creativity during the time of world pandemic and lockdown, so I decided to give it a go myself: I recreated classic art by photography using only the things that I could find at home and with the help of my beloved ones. This is what we made!
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Anatolijus Michailovas-Klošaras "Family Portrait" (2015)
René Magritte "The Lovers" (1928)
Marc Chagall "Over Vitebsk" (1913)
Will Barnet "Woman Reading" (1965)
Gustav Klimt "Portrait Of Eugenia Primavesi" (1913)
Caravaggio "Boy Bitten By A Lizard" (1596)
Frida Kahlo "Diego On My Mind" (1943)
Firmin Baes "The Young Girl And The Cabbage" (1903)
Emma Tingard "Young Anita"
do the people who make this just have these stuff lying around the house?
Antin Losenko "Zeus And Thetis" (XVIII Century)
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi "Teasing The Cat" (1888)
Jacques-Louis David "La Mort De Marat" (1793)
Suzanne Valadon "Portrait Of Maurice Utrillo" (1921)
Henri De Toulouse "In Bed, The Kiss" (1892)
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec painted 2 women in a passionate embrace, though.
Bernardino Luini "Salome Receiving The Head Of St John The Baptist" (XVI Century)
Michelangelo Merisi Da Caravaggio "Young Sick Bacchus (Bacchino Malato)" (1593/1594)
Orazio Gentileschi "Cupid And Psyche" (1610)
Tamara De Lempicka "Portrait Of A Man Or Mr Tadeusz De Lempicki" (1928)
Would love to see this phot in black and white. It has a very early last century feel