Woman Explains What It Actually Means To Have ADHD In Hopes Of Eliminating Misinterpretations
Symptoms of ADHD, according to the NHS, can be categorized into two types of behavioral problems: inattentiveness; and hyperactivity and impulsiveness. As mental health experts explain, most people with this disorder fall into both of these categories. However, it’s not the same for all. For instance, some people may struggle with inattentiveness while not having problems with impulsiveness or hyperactivity. This is what psychiatrists call a form of ADHD that is also known as attention deficit disorder (ADD). Sometimes, as the symptoms of ADD can be less obvious, this disorder can go unnoticed.
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One person on Twitter explained how complex attention deficit hyperactivity disorder really is
Image credits: justin phillips
Apparently, most of us without the disorder have a hard time understanding the true complexity of it. One Twitter user has recently gone on a rant about common misconceptions about ADHD.
For this person, one of the most serious issues is a lack of recognition and consideration that ADHD is a learning disability. “Start normalizing recognizing ADHD as a serious learning disability that includes sensitivities to light & sound, depression, maladaptive daydreaming, not reading social cues, fidgeting and restlessness, not being able to do anything for no apparent reason,” they write.
“Start normalizing recognizing ADHD as a serious learning disability”
Image credits: leah_666666
Image credits: leah_666666
Image credits: leah_666666
Image credits: leah_666666
The social media user went on to explain that other characteristics fall into the disorder as well. They expressed that having a hard time with mental math and math in general is common too, among other things.
The Twitter user pointed out how tired they are of people thinking of it as being “distracted by a bird… oh look, a butterfly! Oh my god, my leg is bouncing so fast! Wow.”
“People who have ADHD have complex problems that come with this disorder,” they added.
Seemingly, health officials agree that ADHD should be considered a serious disability. In a book named “ADHD: What Every Parent Needs to Know,” the authors argue: “His or her hyperactivity and/or inattentiveness constitute a real day-to-day functional disability. That is, it seriously and consistently impedes the ability to succeed at school, fit into family routines, follow household rules, maintain friendships, interact positively with family members, avoid injury, or otherwise manage in his or her environment.”
Here’s what other people had to add to the now-viral thread
Image credits: Natalie_d_g
Image credits: adhdeef
Image credits: our__beginning
Image credits: lea_memoria
Image credits: lea_memoria
Image credits: LavendeElla
Image credits: ju_stpeachyy
Share on Facebookthis is going to be an unpopular opinion, sorry, but I have adhd, and I think people recognizing that this can be a serious disability for others, but for people like me who have a pretty mild case and take low doses of meds, people are starting to look at all of us and saying "oh they're all basically autistic" it can be kind of hurtful for everyone to think you "basically" have another disorder. my dad looks at me different since I was diagnosed 6 years ago because he's not as woke as my mom and thinks that I have something wrong with me, and these articles dont help out. sorry all of you who do have bigger cases or have adhd and autism if i've offended you. I respect all of you.
ADHD and autism are completely different diagnoses, so you’re not wrong. 👍🏼 I’m a medical student (with ADHD) and the more I look in to it, the less these two diagnoses have in common. They’re barely even cousins on the psychiatric spectrum.
Load More Replies...The sensitivity to light and sound is maddening. I sometimes genuinely feel like I am losing my mind, as I cannot filter out / ignore background noise.
I have both Autism and ADHD, the stimulation stuff is insanity. I both need stimulation and hate stimulation. I gotta send this to my mom..
Might I say, Aspergers is a nice kind on the spectrum. Even though there's almost no social interaction, it's nice to not have people that bother you. Though in the high school years you realize how lonely you are and try to get some, but everyone makes fun of you for your "preschool behavior" and then you just end up in a downwards spiral into depression...
Load More Replies...this is going to be an unpopular opinion, sorry, but I have adhd, and I think people recognizing that this can be a serious disability for others, but for people like me who have a pretty mild case and take low doses of meds, people are starting to look at all of us and saying "oh they're all basically autistic" it can be kind of hurtful for everyone to think you "basically" have another disorder. my dad looks at me different since I was diagnosed 6 years ago because he's not as woke as my mom and thinks that I have something wrong with me, and these articles dont help out. sorry all of you who do have bigger cases or have adhd and autism if i've offended you. I respect all of you.
ADHD and autism are completely different diagnoses, so you’re not wrong. 👍🏼 I’m a medical student (with ADHD) and the more I look in to it, the less these two diagnoses have in common. They’re barely even cousins on the psychiatric spectrum.
Load More Replies...The sensitivity to light and sound is maddening. I sometimes genuinely feel like I am losing my mind, as I cannot filter out / ignore background noise.
I have both Autism and ADHD, the stimulation stuff is insanity. I both need stimulation and hate stimulation. I gotta send this to my mom..
Might I say, Aspergers is a nice kind on the spectrum. Even though there's almost no social interaction, it's nice to not have people that bother you. Though in the high school years you realize how lonely you are and try to get some, but everyone makes fun of you for your "preschool behavior" and then you just end up in a downwards spiral into depression...
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