It probably goes without saying that helmets are a good idea, but screw it, we're going to say it anyway: HELMETS ARE A GOOD IDEA!
Don't take our word for it though. Check out these pictures, compiled by Bored Panda, for a sobering list of reasons why you should always wear helmet. It doesn't matter how awesome a rider you think you are. It doesn't matter if helmets make your head sweat. It doesn't matter if it ruins your hair style. The only thing that matters is that it might very well save your life one day, or at the very least prevent your face from getting mangled beyond recognition. Scroll through the pictures below and imagine what your head might look like if you hadn't been wearing a helmet. Not a pretty sight, is it?
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And This, Kids, Is Why You Wear A Freakin Helmet
Someone correct me if im wrong, but i think this is a glassfiber helmet. Designed so that if it hits the ground it won't bounce around, but instead stay in contact with the ground/concrete and be shredded as the wearer slides a distance on the ground. Less chance of neck injury ^^
Load More Replies...Ground skid burn. An unbelievably common injury in motor bike accidents. This also happens to your limbs!!!! The best form of protection is full thick leathers. I've nursed many motorcyclists with missing limbs due to them being shredded off whilst skidding across tarmac at speed. I cringe every time I see a young motorcyclist in shorts and T shirt!!!!!
This image should always be shown to those who underestimate the importance of a helmet.
This happened to me while riding my BICYCLE. I was not even going fast, but the impulse made me skid. My helmet had a puppy version of that. I was do glad I was wearing it.
Many helmets are designed to absorb the impacts of a crash, and also act as a physical barrier to scuffs and scrapes that would otherwise kill a person
This isn't necessarily caused by downward impact force, but instead by sliding friction. Perhaps worse as it tears the skin, and bone away... :(
Load More Replies...I've been on scene for three accidents in the last 12 months. I don't claim to know everything. BUT this looks like a belt sander, to an already damaged helmet
Exactly... this is what a crashed helmet looks like. Crashed-He...7a2d2b.jpg
I'll add another. My head bounced off the road after getting hit by a car. It's doubtful that I would have survived without a helmet. helmet-bus...d95008.jpg
Thanks for sharing. Very Informative and Impressive. I like it. best-motorcycle-protective-gear
Hello everyone I'm Anna from Canada, this is my testimony about the good work of a man who helped me. My life is back!! After 2 years and 3 months of marriage, my husband left me with our 2 kids. I felt like my life was about to end,and was falling apart. Thanks to a spell caster called Dr Ogun who i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I was searching for a good spell caster that can solve my problems. I came across series of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. There was one particular testimony I saw, it was about a woman called Christina testified about how Dr Ogun brought back her Ex lover in less than 72 hours and at the end of her testimony she drop Dr Ogun e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give Dr Ogun a try I contacted him via solutiontemple01@gmail
Angle grinder- This was done indoors, purposely, and has been floating around for years but won't die. Look at other rider's helmets after an accident, and you'll never see one that looks like this. Google "crashed motorcycle helmet" and you'll see. Crashed-He...2b89c7.jpg
BS... somebody took a belt sander to it. At that angle the road rash would be the least of his worries, his neck would be broken.
Nothing can stop all possible scenarios from becoming lethal. but helmets do a whopping job of stopping most. I was thrown from my motorcycle in a fluke accident on a freeway that resulted in my -rolling- rather than -sliding- which meant my head impacted the road surface multiple times front/back/left/right as I went over a dozen times with such force I literally could not hold my arms into my body hard enough to stay tucked. So WHAM_WHAM_WHAM_WHAM_WHAM etc and I ended up with...a broken wrist and hand and a concussion. My body armor was shattered. The helmet was a mess. And the trauma room doc at the hospital where the ambulance took me could not believe I had been in a motorcycle accident until he saw my gear.
Load More Replies...Must have fallen on an industrial belt sander and stayed perched there for a few minutes
This is faked. My helmet didn't loom like this after my motorcycle crash
This REALLY does happen to helmets (heads, arms, legs, etc) when motorcyclists skid across tarmac or concrete!!!! The effect really is the same as if you took an angle grinder to it!!! There is no need to fake this.
Load More Replies...That's not concrete it's ground down fibreglass!
Load More Replies...This Is Why We Wear Helmets All The Time
My Helmet Saved My Life
My face and head took the greatest impact with the tree. I took a direct hit in the face which lead the doctor to proclaim that I was lucky to be wearing a full-face helmet. It didn't crack, the visor didn't break. My cheek bones weren't crushed or bruised, my spine was fine, my neck was only slightly sprained, my teeth were intact!
Daily Reminder To Wear A Helmet
Helmet Saved My Life Yesterday. Got Hit By A Car Turning Left And Flew Into Windshield
Whenever I see a cyclist without a helmet. My first thought is "idiot".
Orlando Police Shared This Photo On Twitter Showing Where A Bullet Struck An Officer's Helmet. The Officer's Life Was Saved Because Of The Helmet
Helmets Saved Lives
No Doubt This Helmet Saved A Friend From Serious Head Injury Or Death
Daily Reminder To Wear A Helmet On The Snow
Helmets Can Save Lives
My Friend Works In A Ski Gear Shop And This Guy Came In Yesterday
And This, Kids, Is Why We Wear Helmets When We Skateboard
I Keep Looking At This And Just.. Get A Bit Speechless Knowing How Much My Helmet Saved Me. Always Wear Your Gear
The Helmet Of Our Patient After A Bicycle Crash (into A Wall At 80km Per Hour)!
His Helmet Saved My Life When I Hit A Deer. Bike Is Gone But I'm Still Here!
I know this might be insensitive but am I the only one that sees a jack skellington face in the scratches?
This Is Why You Wear A Full Helmet. My Friend Was Hit By Someone Who Ran A Red Light. If He Had Wore A Skull Cap, He'd Have No Lower Jaw
My Helmet Just Saved My Life
Fellow Riders, My Helmet Saved My Life This Weekend. I Would Have Been Hit In The Face With A Big Chunk Of Concrete
Whoever Made The Cycle Helmet Saved Another Life Because Without It He Undoubtedly Would Have Died
Always Wear A Helmet, Folks
Your Life Isn't Worth You Wanting To Feel The Wind On Your Face
This is the result of a courier van pulling out and knocking me off and hitting a concrete reservation face first at 60 mph and having the bike (Honda vtr 1000 firestorm) landing in me and then spending the next two and a half years in and out of 5 hospitals and alot of surgery and physio and psychological care
Why Should You Wear A Full-face Helmet?
No Really, That Moment You Realize A Helmet Saved Your Life
This Is An Easy Call...helmets Save Lives!
My Friend Has A Concussion After A Bike Accident. His Helmet Saved His Life. Wear Your Helmet!
He still had a concussion with the helmet. Imagine if he hadn't been wearing one-major brain damage or even death.
My Head And Faced Crushed The Windscreen
Helmets Are Replaceable, Heads Are Not. Be Safe, Not Sorry
A Boy's Bike Helmet Saved Him From Serious Injuries After A Crash, If Not Death
No Doubt Saved My Life
Always Wear A Helmet, Folks
The Helmet That Saved My Sister’s Life
I Really Think Having A Good Helmet Saved My Life
Wear Your Helmet
So I Crashed An Atv In March Of This Year And This Helmet Saved My Life. Still Got A Pretty Bad Concussion Though
My Kbc Vr2r That Saved My Life
Helmets are our friends so wear the goddamned things they're not there for decoration
Load More Replies...I am a testimony of the helmet's life saving feature. My husband and I were on a bike trip to the sea and on our way back home, the back tire suddenly died, causing a motorcycle accident. A light one, thanks God, but equally dangerous and shocking. I remember the moment my helmet protected head hit the asphalt. I'd be literally dead without it. But with it? My husband got minor injurries and I just got light scratches and bruises. Another thing that saved me was the kind of bag that you wear around your hips. My lip balsm in the pocket was reduced to dust by the impact of the fall.
My 22 YO son refused to wear a helmet cycling all his life… until I shared this post with him today. I am so relieved that he's decided not to risk his life any longer. Outstanding public service message! Thanks, Bored Panda.
Helmets are exceptionally important, but what about the rest of your body? Not much point having an intact brain, when the rest of you is smeared down the road after a nice long slide!
I see way too many youtube vids of people in jeans and t-shirts at ridiculous speeds. No helmet will help. Come off at those speeds, it's all over.
Here's me, in my usual kit... P4165721.jpg Looking like a Power Ranger isn't mandatory, but for the love of God, wear some leathers (or a vegetarian alternative, such as Cordura, Kevlar, Ballistic Nylon etc...) P4165721-5...5f3cb1.jpg
Barrie... I second that 100 %. I had two major motorbike crashes. The first time I was run over by a guy sending an sms. The second time I collided full frontal in a Bmw. Both times I managed to crawl to the sidewalk by myself, in disbelief, just minor injuries. And I thank the helmets and the spine protectors I wore, because now I'm alive and I can walk, whereas 1 second before the accidents I thought I would die.
Load More Replies...This needs to be a PSA everywhere, especially in areas where helmets are not required by law
Amazing post! It's such a strange- and horrible thing to see so many people simply shrugging at the importance of using a helmet. People who actually get into an accident and get injured badly do not realize that it can lead to permenant damage or even death. Especially to those who think: "Nah, an accident won't happen to me". As downside extra: it can have a big negative impact to those who saw the accident and the family of the victim. And sometimes it can be easily prevented. By JUST using a helmet.
My husband wears a helmet mowing the backyard to deflect oncoming golf balls.
Where is the photo of Michael Shumacher ? Where the helmet was responsible for smashing a camera in his head and making him a life long plant ?
So, you folks that are not going to hear a helmet or hard hat out of site/revolt against the government, your parents, your boss, or whoever -- there's an old saying about cutting off your nose to spite your face... How about bashing in your skull and dumping your brains on the floor to spite somebody? WEAR THE DAMNED SAFETY GEAR!!!!
Dang, gotta change out my keyboard --"p" key sticks, others don't work consistently.
Load More Replies...If people don't get the point or they still insist they "need to feel the wind in their hair", pray for their families. They can't have known they raised an idiot that thinks only of themselves.
disappointed no imperial stormtrooper helmets damage with a blaster.
With my full face moto helmet another plus is that I can sing in there and noby knows it, plus great accoustics. I also dig not getting chapped lips.
This reminds me of the kick to the head Crazy Joe Davola gave Kramer that ended up denting the helmet ...
crock of s**t, helmets for cycling have being proven to be detrimental not just to safety but to freedom of choice and also induces victim blaming. cycle helmets are too flimsy and don't do sick otherwise the stats would have picked this up. They simply don't, you only need look at the effects in Australia and NZ when they introduced compulsion for all ages to see the negative effects!
looks like harley davidson is more of a status symbol whether or not you can hadle riding one is not even a concern size for your ability and never never never drink and ride reaction time is hard without drinking be safe keep it on 2 wheels and upright
I'm an Aussie..its mandatory here in Oz to wear helmets when Cycling/riding/skating all of you can understand my shock/horror when l visited the States last trip and saw motorcyclist's get'n around on motorbikes wearing only singlets, thongs (flip flops) and NO BLOODY HELMETS...they really dont care about themselves and the family members who'll be caring for their vegetable state bodies after a crash..
My husband was in a motorcycle crash his helmet did not save his life. His helmet when flying off into a tree.
Just because the helmets scratched or beaten up doesn't mean you would have died if you hadn't had one on.
I have been in one really bad motorcycle accident my boyfriend at the time was driving he went to turn and bam out of no where a car hits is he flew off the bike about a foot away me I was lucky I only got a mean road rash and a broken arm his helmet and mine both saved our life's his specially if his helmet wasn't on when he hit the wall he would have been gone
I am thankful that I was wearing a helmet when I was in an accident on my motorcycle on 3/8/17. I got a broken leg, broken collar bone, 9 fractured ribs, and fractured sternum. I only received a few light scratches on my face. After seeing the damage to my helmet, I was thankful that I was wearing it because there were several signs of direct impact to my head...upper and lower front and sides. This accident happened right after I got off of work and was about 2/10mi from where I turned onto the road to head home. The vehicle I hit decided to cross traffic in front of me and from what I was told, I almost t-boned them in the driver's side.
Read this on a poster in a Honda dealership: "If you have a $10.00 head wear a $10.00 helmet".
How a helmet saved my life once: I used to have a girlfriend and she was a bore. I was supposed to give her a ride after work so I brought my spare helmet. She found a long hair which was clearly not hers and broke up with me. If it wasn't for this incident we should probably be married by now. Btw, hair was my mom's
How a helmet saved my life once: I used to have a girlfriend and she was a bore. I was supposed to give her a ride after work so I brought my spare helmet. She found a long hair which was clearly not hers and broke up with me. If it wasn't for this incident we should probably be married by now.
How a helmet saved my life once: I used to have a girlfriend and she was a bore. I was supposed to give her a ride after work, so I brought my spare helmet. She found a long hair which was clearly not hers and broke up with me. If it wasn't for this incident, we should probably be married by now.
I am another helmet's thankful person. The attached picture shows the helmet that saved my life.
I was hang gliding and I nobody knows what happened (nobody saw it) but the accident left me 2 weeks in coma with serious injuries. DSC_0527-5...c1c926.jpg
I never ride my big bike without a helmet. I had one accident that broke the chin and forehead of the helmet without any head injury. The latest was an accident that left me 7 broken bones, with just a scratch on my head because my helmet was removed at mid-air after the impact because it was not properly locked.
If you don't wear a helmet while riding a bicycle or motorbike in Australia, you are breaking the law.
Helmets are our friends so wear the goddamned things they're not there for decoration
Load More Replies...I am a testimony of the helmet's life saving feature. My husband and I were on a bike trip to the sea and on our way back home, the back tire suddenly died, causing a motorcycle accident. A light one, thanks God, but equally dangerous and shocking. I remember the moment my helmet protected head hit the asphalt. I'd be literally dead without it. But with it? My husband got minor injurries and I just got light scratches and bruises. Another thing that saved me was the kind of bag that you wear around your hips. My lip balsm in the pocket was reduced to dust by the impact of the fall.
My 22 YO son refused to wear a helmet cycling all his life… until I shared this post with him today. I am so relieved that he's decided not to risk his life any longer. Outstanding public service message! Thanks, Bored Panda.
Helmets are exceptionally important, but what about the rest of your body? Not much point having an intact brain, when the rest of you is smeared down the road after a nice long slide!
I see way too many youtube vids of people in jeans and t-shirts at ridiculous speeds. No helmet will help. Come off at those speeds, it's all over.
Here's me, in my usual kit... P4165721.jpg Looking like a Power Ranger isn't mandatory, but for the love of God, wear some leathers (or a vegetarian alternative, such as Cordura, Kevlar, Ballistic Nylon etc...) P4165721-5...5f3cb1.jpg
Barrie... I second that 100 %. I had two major motorbike crashes. The first time I was run over by a guy sending an sms. The second time I collided full frontal in a Bmw. Both times I managed to crawl to the sidewalk by myself, in disbelief, just minor injuries. And I thank the helmets and the spine protectors I wore, because now I'm alive and I can walk, whereas 1 second before the accidents I thought I would die.
Load More Replies...This needs to be a PSA everywhere, especially in areas where helmets are not required by law
Amazing post! It's such a strange- and horrible thing to see so many people simply shrugging at the importance of using a helmet. People who actually get into an accident and get injured badly do not realize that it can lead to permenant damage or even death. Especially to those who think: "Nah, an accident won't happen to me". As downside extra: it can have a big negative impact to those who saw the accident and the family of the victim. And sometimes it can be easily prevented. By JUST using a helmet.
My husband wears a helmet mowing the backyard to deflect oncoming golf balls.
Where is the photo of Michael Shumacher ? Where the helmet was responsible for smashing a camera in his head and making him a life long plant ?
So, you folks that are not going to hear a helmet or hard hat out of site/revolt against the government, your parents, your boss, or whoever -- there's an old saying about cutting off your nose to spite your face... How about bashing in your skull and dumping your brains on the floor to spite somebody? WEAR THE DAMNED SAFETY GEAR!!!!
Dang, gotta change out my keyboard --"p" key sticks, others don't work consistently.
Load More Replies...If people don't get the point or they still insist they "need to feel the wind in their hair", pray for their families. They can't have known they raised an idiot that thinks only of themselves.
disappointed no imperial stormtrooper helmets damage with a blaster.
With my full face moto helmet another plus is that I can sing in there and noby knows it, plus great accoustics. I also dig not getting chapped lips.
This reminds me of the kick to the head Crazy Joe Davola gave Kramer that ended up denting the helmet ...
crock of s**t, helmets for cycling have being proven to be detrimental not just to safety but to freedom of choice and also induces victim blaming. cycle helmets are too flimsy and don't do sick otherwise the stats would have picked this up. They simply don't, you only need look at the effects in Australia and NZ when they introduced compulsion for all ages to see the negative effects!
looks like harley davidson is more of a status symbol whether or not you can hadle riding one is not even a concern size for your ability and never never never drink and ride reaction time is hard without drinking be safe keep it on 2 wheels and upright
I'm an Aussie..its mandatory here in Oz to wear helmets when Cycling/riding/skating all of you can understand my shock/horror when l visited the States last trip and saw motorcyclist's get'n around on motorbikes wearing only singlets, thongs (flip flops) and NO BLOODY HELMETS...they really dont care about themselves and the family members who'll be caring for their vegetable state bodies after a crash..
My husband was in a motorcycle crash his helmet did not save his life. His helmet when flying off into a tree.
Just because the helmets scratched or beaten up doesn't mean you would have died if you hadn't had one on.
I have been in one really bad motorcycle accident my boyfriend at the time was driving he went to turn and bam out of no where a car hits is he flew off the bike about a foot away me I was lucky I only got a mean road rash and a broken arm his helmet and mine both saved our life's his specially if his helmet wasn't on when he hit the wall he would have been gone
I am thankful that I was wearing a helmet when I was in an accident on my motorcycle on 3/8/17. I got a broken leg, broken collar bone, 9 fractured ribs, and fractured sternum. I only received a few light scratches on my face. After seeing the damage to my helmet, I was thankful that I was wearing it because there were several signs of direct impact to my head...upper and lower front and sides. This accident happened right after I got off of work and was about 2/10mi from where I turned onto the road to head home. The vehicle I hit decided to cross traffic in front of me and from what I was told, I almost t-boned them in the driver's side.
Read this on a poster in a Honda dealership: "If you have a $10.00 head wear a $10.00 helmet".
How a helmet saved my life once: I used to have a girlfriend and she was a bore. I was supposed to give her a ride after work so I brought my spare helmet. She found a long hair which was clearly not hers and broke up with me. If it wasn't for this incident we should probably be married by now. Btw, hair was my mom's
How a helmet saved my life once: I used to have a girlfriend and she was a bore. I was supposed to give her a ride after work so I brought my spare helmet. She found a long hair which was clearly not hers and broke up with me. If it wasn't for this incident we should probably be married by now.
How a helmet saved my life once: I used to have a girlfriend and she was a bore. I was supposed to give her a ride after work, so I brought my spare helmet. She found a long hair which was clearly not hers and broke up with me. If it wasn't for this incident, we should probably be married by now.
I am another helmet's thankful person. The attached picture shows the helmet that saved my life.
I was hang gliding and I nobody knows what happened (nobody saw it) but the accident left me 2 weeks in coma with serious injuries. DSC_0527-5...c1c926.jpg
I never ride my big bike without a helmet. I had one accident that broke the chin and forehead of the helmet without any head injury. The latest was an accident that left me 7 broken bones, with just a scratch on my head because my helmet was removed at mid-air after the impact because it was not properly locked.
If you don't wear a helmet while riding a bicycle or motorbike in Australia, you are breaking the law.