Everyone had a so-called clown in their school. You know, the one that would constantly pull pranks, misbehave, and just get detentions for their antics; well, the thing is, sometimes this kind of behavior can get completely out of control!
"Why did that one kid get expelled?" – this web user took to one of Reddit's favorite communities, inviting its members to recount tales of their classmates getting the boot.
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This wasn’t the “official” reason but this kids dad was piping down the principles wife so the faculty basically hazed this kid into getting expelled. They would make jokes about his clothes, hygiene, and home life which didn’t make sense because this kids family had a lot of moneybags he was a clean kid. The teachers bullying him finally made him crack and in the middle of a big altercation, with the principle in class, the kid yelled, “I’m glad my daddy is f****n your wife, I’m just pissed he didn’t give me a pass at her.” The whole class lost it and the principle cried.
Peeing on a teacher who wouldn’t let him go to the bathroom
Running through the cafeteria at lunch naked with a backpack on that he set on fire.
This is one of my favorite stories:
Setting: high school in a rural area many years ago
We were seniors
I'm in welding class one day and I overhear a couple kids talking at one of the welding stations(booths with concrete on 3 sides, open top, and a curtain behind you). I hear them talking about welding an object to the metal welding table. Of course I'm curious so I peak around the corner and see they are both looking at a spray bottle of pressurized axe body spray. I immediately realize this will go poorly, being a pressurized and flammable substance. So I butt in and say that's a bad idea.
Both these idiots cut me off and tell me to f off (I played football against them and their rival high school and we never got along super well) So I said whatever f you guys too and walked across the room where I can see the teacher and their booth and made myself look busy while watching these clowns. Sure enough(I didn't think they'd actually do it)I see the curtain shut, spark spark and boom! Flames shot out the top about 10 feet and this idiot comes busting out of the booth like a character in a cartoon hair back up and schinged soot all over his face and a big look of shock on his face. Teacher was red faced and yelled at this moron for a solid 5 minutes and stormed out with both these guys. Last I heard they were expelled from that school.
I will never forget that smell. Axe and burnt hair
Playing kickball in gym class kid kicked his shoe off and his bag of weed came flying out right to the teachers feet!
That's just an amateur move though. It must have been some Bobby Brown.
Load More Replies...I’m picturing this and I’m laughing so hard - even though I shouldn’t be
Thought he was funny and decided to grab the SRO (student resource officers) gun. Our SRO also happened to be part of SWAT. He did this as we all left end of day, crowded hall. I remember this vividly over 20 years later. This was also post Columbine by like a month. Kid got slammed into a wall put in cuffs. Arrested and expelled immediately
Shelly was a girl in my sister's grade when we were in high school. It was a VERY strict Christian school. Shelly and Chris got caught kissing on campus. They got expelled and all of us in junior high and high school had to congregate for a student assembly so Chris and Shelly could each publicly apologize in a speech to all of us for kissing on campus.
Years later, there was understandably a state of upset among other students as two teachers were caught French kissing on campus while others kept walking around them. And nothing bad happened to the teachers. Rules for the kids but the adults did not have to follow the same rules.
He brought a gun to school and posted it on snapchat. instantly got caught and expelled. stupidest thing anyone has ever done but also a blessing in disguise
Russian exchange student in high school. Chased a squirrel, caught it, it bit him, so he swung it by the tail against a tree.
He was expelled for having a detailed map of the school with locations where he wanted to place bombs and a list of students he wanted to kill and how he was going to do it.
He kicked my friend in the a*s so hard it broke his tail bone.
He literally broke my friend's a*s
Happened in Kindergarten. There was a kid named Dexter who had severe anger issues.
Every day a small group of kids would get certain "jobs" to do around the classroom, such as line leader, table cleaner, etc.. Dexter got the table cleaner position and he was absolutely livid since he wanted to be line leader.
What started off as a screaming fit escalated into him throwing scissors around the class, biting the teachers hand, shattering a window with his flying scissors, breaking the tank that housed the class gerbils, and just trashing the entire classroom.
The rest of the students had to evacuate the class while the teacher and principle attempted to restrain him. Security had to get involved. Never saw him again after that day
For spraying the fire extinguisher in the principals face after he called him short 🤣
I hope this didn't cause physical damage, those chemicals can be nasty.
He just kept s******g his pants. There was nothing wrong with him. He just kept doing it.
Same place, same time, everyday… right after recess when we lined up to go inside he’d just let loose… the fattest and wettest fart/s**t you’d ever heard, and it would echo through the silent hallway for literally everyone in the grade to hear.
At first we thought it was just embarrassing for him, but by the time week 2 came around, we were all convinced he was doing it intentionally. I have no explanation because he was kicked out after like 3 months of consistently doing it.
Edit: I nearly forgot, he would announce to everyone he s**t himself too by saying (and I quote) “….WHOOPS….. Iiii pooped myself”.
Guy grew up doing Muay Thai, boxing and wrestling. Forgot where he was during a wrestling match and threw a spinning back fist that knocked his opponent clean out. He was completely mortified once he realized what he did.
Straight A student, star athlete, and genuinely good guy. The class president even addressed it and organized protests and walk outs until he was reinstated. Even the guy that got knocked out and his parents forgave him and supported us. He did get reinstated but wasn't allowed to wrestle or box anymore. Not sure what the coaches pulled to allow him to play football. He eventually quit football too his senior year and was never really the same.
Class clown. Chemistry class. Dude caused another students experiment to react violently and blinded her. Half a dozen students saw him do it and heard him say he didn’t like her because she was smart. He was in prison 4 years later. Dead 6 years after that.
Put laxatives in a pregnant teachers coffee. She miscarried 2 days later. F****r was 12.
Or the guy who brought a shotgun to school.
Edit: Apparently, laxatives have very little correlation to miscarriages. Also, it is apparently called a stillbirth not a miscarriage, thank you for correcting me
12 years old is old enough to know better, even if it wasn't the laxatives that caused the miscarriage, it's still a s****y (pun not intended) thing to do.
So it didn’t happen to me but my friend was expelled for taking a s**t in the teachers purse.
he sprayed another student with zippo fluid and was attempting to set the student on fire when he was tackled.
He made a bomb threat online. Most of the school skipped out the day he did because they didn't want to blow up. I was one of the poor souls with no social media so I came in to school, not knowing there was a frickin' BOMB THREAT! I also had a mom who was unfazed and just told me, "You'll be fine. Go to class," when I called her.
I didn't learn until the next day that he had been apprehended and expelled. What scared me was I knew him for years and he never seemed like the kind of person to go that far. He was a class clown, but I never thought he would take that as even a joke. Apparently he did have a bomb, but it thankfully never made it to the school grounds.
EDIT: Spelling. Also, wow! I didn't imagine this would blow up like this. Thank you for the likes. However, I would like to say that while my mom made a mistake, that doesn't make her a bad parent. We have a really good relationship and I love her. She regrets the fact that she left me scared with little to no information, but she knew I would be fine. It was me who didn't know at the time.
Hey! A friend of mine had a similar threat situation but she was an intern not a student. She was working as the school counselor at this really rough high school and a bomb threat was called in. She and the student she was working with came out after their session to find the entire school empty....they made their way out to the front and found the bulk of the school chilling in the graveyard across the street (yes it was a weird setup). Upon asking the teachers what was going on the head teacher cheerfully explained that a bomb threat was called in but nobody told the counsellor because "We didn't want to interrupt your session". Threat ended up being bogus but she (understandably) complained to our uni and got reassigned. TLDR: School counsellor was left alone with her client in a school after a bomb threat was made because nobody bothered to warn her.
Broke a kids legs for no reason, i was there and the pain I felt as I watch his leg go straight to bent, he kicked his knee from the side and completely dislocated his leg, the kid is in a wheelchair now
He started a fire in some backpacks. This was in elementary school like 91-92ish and we were in like 2nd grade. After that no one was allowed to go into the hall unattended (backpacks were in a weird corridor in the hallway outside the pod of classrooms).
Another one was the only male cheerleader beat someone to a pulp for making fun of him being a cheerleader. The fight was huge, interrupted all the classes and hundreds of student watched this cheerleader in uniform just pummel this other guy. They ended up outside the school in the middle of the street. Several teachers had to step in and stop the fight. I believe the cheerleader would have killed the kid if someone didn't intervene.
He kept getting caught having sex in the gymnastic room. They literally had cameras in the room and he kept bringing girls there between classes. Got caught like 5 times before he got expelled
Walked out of English class to talk to another kid in the hall. The teacher was real lax so she didn't care he walked out to talk to this guy. Fight breaks out in the hall. Teacher runs out, other teachers come help break up the fight. One teacher asks the kid that walked out class why they were fighting and he said "He stole my weed."
Kid who left class was selling and the kid in the hall tried to walk off without paying.
Any other BS excuse would have just got him suspended.
The teacher didn't care that the kid just walked out of the classroom?!
The final straw was when he lit a cigarette in French class and refused to put it out. Smoked it all. He was 13. I see him every now and again and he’s a mess
Planned a food fight that turned into a riot with property damage and then fled from the police
Got drunk on contraband screwdrivers at lunch and went to driver's ed. Crashed into some school busses parked on the driving course.
i forgot screwdriver can be a term for a beverage and was very confused as to how one gets drunk off of tools
He told everyone what tampons are for.
When I was a high school student (2021) a middle-schooler brought a gun into her school and shot 2 students and a faculty member. Not only was the shooter a 6th grader, but she was also a girl, and this took place in rural Idaho, all of which are unheard of on their own. We were in lockdown in our first hour classes for about 4 hours before being released to go home (the middle school was next door to my high school). To the best of my knowledge, the girl is in a correctional school and will probably be there for a few years at least. There were no casualties and everyone made a full recovery, btw
I'm glad that all the victims recovered, but I'd just like to point out that there were in fact 3 casualties as you mentioned. "Casualty" means someone who is wounded or incapacitated as well as dead. Just a pet peeve of mine :3
Load More Replies...Either the kid that shot a football player three times in the hotel parking lot across the street (the guy made it but he was in the ICU for a week), or the kid that stabbed another guy in the cafeteria bathroom with a broken spoon. I have some sympathy for the second guy because he had a cognitive disability and the guy he stabbed was tormenting him constantly.
My son was grew so fast he slipped his growth plate in his hip and had to have surgery. Middle school, the kids put water on the floor so he would fall. They made fun of him because his Dad was a truck driver and he wore truck drivers hats. We had a meeting with the wimps that run the school. My husband owned the trucking company and had more than a million square feet of storage. I, of course lost it and told the principal, social worker exactly what I thought if them. From then on the teachers passed the word to the high school teachers. They hid in their classrooms when I walked in the school!
My sister was the same way with her kids. She had to butt heads with the PTA and idiot faculty too many times to mention. Daughter not allowed to carry her inhaler with her because of the school's zero-tolerance policy on drugs. Son learning about human anatomy--in Spanish, while his reading level in English was dropping. Placing him in their version of a "gifted" class--where the advanced students spent their classroom time helping students who were underperforming. Oy.
Load More Replies...In HS shops, 3 boys used a phone in class to make prank calls to a Shopper's Drug Mart, making claims one of their staff had sexually harassed or assaulted one of them. One of the employees called the school and they were caught. This was at my daughter's school. If you're wondering where the teacher was, this was during a free class, where students can catch up or just work on projects. Since it's a High School, teachers are not constantly monitoring a bunch of older teens.
It's a shop class. Health and safety reasons alone the teacher should be monitoring them.
Load More Replies...Let's see now, one kid grabbed another kid and slammed his face into a cast iron radiator until he was pulled off of him (it was a bloody mess at that point) no reason, just didn't like the kid. Another kid was stabbed for being annoying. Two who weren't expelled - grabbed the tiny French mistress and French kissed her another brought an air pistol into school, pumped it up as high as he could and shot someone in the chin point blank, the pellet had to removed by surgery from his chin. In case you're wondering UK Catholic School with a good reputation (it's gone downhill since).
Had a kid come in to high school day one wearing a bulletproof vest and he got expelled because he had connections with a gang and was expecting rivals.
Some of these kids and teenagers sound like sociopaths. A lot of these were really disturbing to read...
I knew a guy who got expelled for printing up racist flyers on the school copier. Knew this kid since we were in elementary school, never saw that coming
Kid was already an a*****e and thought it was funny to do things he knew would trigger my panic attacks but what finally got him expelled was when he beat a kid up and called him the N word.
Saw the typical stoner/loner/druggy guy get expelled for having cocaine in his locker in HS. Ran into him at a reunion years later. He's a career Marine officer now.
Sold LSD to another student, and a third student, also on the varsity basketball team ratted him out.
When I was a high school student (2021) a middle-schooler brought a gun into her school and shot 2 students and a faculty member. Not only was the shooter a 6th grader, but she was also a girl, and this took place in rural Idaho, all of which are unheard of on their own. We were in lockdown in our first hour classes for about 4 hours before being released to go home (the middle school was next door to my high school). To the best of my knowledge, the girl is in a correctional school and will probably be there for a few years at least. There were no casualties and everyone made a full recovery, btw
I'm glad that all the victims recovered, but I'd just like to point out that there were in fact 3 casualties as you mentioned. "Casualty" means someone who is wounded or incapacitated as well as dead. Just a pet peeve of mine :3
Load More Replies...Either the kid that shot a football player three times in the hotel parking lot across the street (the guy made it but he was in the ICU for a week), or the kid that stabbed another guy in the cafeteria bathroom with a broken spoon. I have some sympathy for the second guy because he had a cognitive disability and the guy he stabbed was tormenting him constantly.
My son was grew so fast he slipped his growth plate in his hip and had to have surgery. Middle school, the kids put water on the floor so he would fall. They made fun of him because his Dad was a truck driver and he wore truck drivers hats. We had a meeting with the wimps that run the school. My husband owned the trucking company and had more than a million square feet of storage. I, of course lost it and told the principal, social worker exactly what I thought if them. From then on the teachers passed the word to the high school teachers. They hid in their classrooms when I walked in the school!
My sister was the same way with her kids. She had to butt heads with the PTA and idiot faculty too many times to mention. Daughter not allowed to carry her inhaler with her because of the school's zero-tolerance policy on drugs. Son learning about human anatomy--in Spanish, while his reading level in English was dropping. Placing him in their version of a "gifted" class--where the advanced students spent their classroom time helping students who were underperforming. Oy.
Load More Replies...In HS shops, 3 boys used a phone in class to make prank calls to a Shopper's Drug Mart, making claims one of their staff had sexually harassed or assaulted one of them. One of the employees called the school and they were caught. This was at my daughter's school. If you're wondering where the teacher was, this was during a free class, where students can catch up or just work on projects. Since it's a High School, teachers are not constantly monitoring a bunch of older teens.
It's a shop class. Health and safety reasons alone the teacher should be monitoring them.
Load More Replies...Let's see now, one kid grabbed another kid and slammed his face into a cast iron radiator until he was pulled off of him (it was a bloody mess at that point) no reason, just didn't like the kid. Another kid was stabbed for being annoying. Two who weren't expelled - grabbed the tiny French mistress and French kissed her another brought an air pistol into school, pumped it up as high as he could and shot someone in the chin point blank, the pellet had to removed by surgery from his chin. In case you're wondering UK Catholic School with a good reputation (it's gone downhill since).
Had a kid come in to high school day one wearing a bulletproof vest and he got expelled because he had connections with a gang and was expecting rivals.
Some of these kids and teenagers sound like sociopaths. A lot of these were really disturbing to read...
I knew a guy who got expelled for printing up racist flyers on the school copier. Knew this kid since we were in elementary school, never saw that coming
Kid was already an a*****e and thought it was funny to do things he knew would trigger my panic attacks but what finally got him expelled was when he beat a kid up and called him the N word.
Saw the typical stoner/loner/druggy guy get expelled for having cocaine in his locker in HS. Ran into him at a reunion years later. He's a career Marine officer now.
Sold LSD to another student, and a third student, also on the varsity basketball team ratted him out.