50 People Who Should Have Researched Their Tattoo Artist Better Before Getting Inked (New Pics)
InterviewForget about choosing a career path, getting married, buying a home, having children or deciding which city to settle down in. The most important decision you’ll ever make is whether or not to get that terrible tattoo you thought of in a drunken stupor. And if you haven’t yet gone through with it, allow this article to be a warning sign…
Below, you’ll find photos of painfully bad body art that have been shared on this subreddit dedicated to unfortunate tattoos, as well as a conversation with one of the group's moderators. Try not to get too much secondhand embarrassment while scrolling through, pandas, and if you’re planning on getting a piece of ink soon, please remember that it’s permanent. Maybe consider opting for a bad haircut instead?
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My Wife Doesn't Draw. She Drew Me A Camel. So I Got It Tattooed. (Tattoo Is Good, Drawing Is Debatable But I Love Her)
This tattoo does not deserve a place on this list. It's made of love.
Why Get A Haircut When You Can Get This?
I knew a guy who has completely bald and self conscious about it and he got a tattoo that made it look like he had super short hair/stubble on his head - that looked completely real and I'd have never known it was a tattoo if he hadn't told me.
Found In A Fb Group
According to the Pew Research Center, one third of adults in the United States have a tattoo, and 22% have more than one. Getting body art can be a great way for individuals to express themselves and improve their self-image, but unfortunately, they can also go wrong. One UK study found that a whopping 78% of people with multiple tattoos regret at least one of them, and 31% have even considered having one removed. And that’s why online communities sharing photos of bad tattoos are so popular…
The [Terrible] Tattoos subreddit, whose name we’ve had to censor, makes it very clear that there is no shortage of unfortunate tattoos in this world. But apparently, there’s also no shortage of people who enjoy judging tattoos either, as the community has amassed 577k members over the last 11 years. We reached out to the group's moderator team to learn even more about the group, and lucky for us, u/ReverseLazarus was happy to have a chat with Bored Panda.
Tattooed By My Girlfriend. I Love It, But Wouldn’t Disagree That It Belongs Here
Say What…?
Ain't a woman alive that wants Mama's place.
Looks like alive got edited. Also, all caps until the L in place- so I'm read P-I-A-C-E.
ReverseLazarus shared that she just recently joined the group's mod team, as the subreddit had a significant increase in subscribers a few months ago and was in need of some help moderating. "I mod several other large subreddits, so I volunteered," she explained. "I've been subscribed to this sub for years because I love seeing tattoos of all sorts, especially the ones that give me a good chuckle!"
When it comes to why there are so many unfortunate tattoos out there, the moderator says it can come down to plenty of reasons. "Some people don't want to spend a lot of money, so they turn to scratchers. Others are scratchers themselves and tattoo themselves and their friends for the hell of it," ReverseLazarus shared.
My Own S****y Tattoo By My Brother. Everyone Was Sober. I've Thought About A Cover Up But Everyone Seems To Love Him
Tried To Camouflage A Birthmark
I Can’t Be The Only One That Sees It
"Then you have those who did not expect their artist to be as bad as they were, and they're mortified with the final product," the moderator continued. "For me, those are always the most painful posts we get! I have quite a few tattoos myself, and while I know most of them do not fit the [crappy] label we give to the posts here at [this subreddit], I do have several that are 15+ years old and have aged rougher than I would have liked. I still love all of them though and would never consider them to be [bad] because they have so much meaning to me, but I cannot control the opinions of others," she added with a smile.
First Tattoo! I Wanted Something Super Meaningful And Detailed That Really Highlights My Personality. Success!
Holy S**t…this Is Terrible, Jesus Christ
Biggest Regret
ReverseLazarus also told Bored Panda that her favorite posts in the subreddit almost always involve really cool panthers. "My favorite part of this subreddit are those who post their [bad] tattoos while proudly stating how much they love it because it has so much meaning to them," she added. "[Crappy] tattoos may not always be as [unfortunate] as you think!"
Is My “Horse” S****y?
Just In Case He Forgot The Recipe
Ounces AND grams? I thought Americans were allergic to the metric system?
Found On Instagram. Atleast It's Nicely Done. But Why
Because for most children it is true. They don't get a choice.... and the complications are higher than we know.
"There are two paths for someone with a [crappy] tattoo to take," the moderator says. "Embrace the suck and learn to love it, or find a way to erase it from your body (with either a skilled cover-up artist or expensive tattoo removal). No matter what you decide, we'd love to see your [bad] tattoo!"
S****y Bird Tattoo That I Did In Fact Have Covered With A Sick A** Panther
The bird doesn't seem terrible, but... Wow. That panther tattoo is so cool!
This Piece Of Work
Finally Got My S****y Tattoo Covered Up. Must Say, Kinda Miss The Old Bone Boi
For a previous Bored Panda article featuring unfortunate tattoos, we got in touch with Richard Fullam from Tattoo Removal Experts to learn more about what it takes to eliminate a particularly bad tattoo. “To remove a tattoo, you need a course of laser treatments spaced at least 6 weeks apart,” Richard shared. “The pulses of light from the laser shatter the ink into tiny particles, enabling the body’s white blood cells to pick them up and take them to the liver where they are flushed away.”
“The tattoo will gradually fade until, in most instances, it cannot be seen,” the expert explained. “An average tattoo takes around 6-8 treatments to remove. The process is safe, and with the best technology there should be no damage to the skin. It is a bit painful, however, if you can tolerate being tattooed, then the removal process normally is not a problem.”
Oh My God
I think this is the product of a tattoo artist laughing while doing this tattoo. :D
Censored The Eyes To Protect Their Identity
You will never recognize this person on the street because we can't see the eyes, which are clearly this person's most distinguishing facial characteristic.
I believe it is, you're not insane, he is for getting that on his face
Load More Replies...Thank goodness you censored this. There's no way anyone would recognize them now...
It's supposed to be a demon Slayer tattoo of one of the demons (Kokushibo)
Damn, that's badass tbh! Honestly I have a lot of respect for people who go out and do what makes them happy even if it's considered "tacky" or "trashy" or w/e. Maybe he won't be getting a job as a hotel receptionist any time soon, but the kind of person getting this done would probably hate a job like that anyway 😁 Live your truth!
"Can you describe the perpetrator?" "Yes Officer, he had 8 eyes."
Load More Replies...Are they supposed to be eyes? Bowls of weirdly red rice? Flying saucers? Upside down hedgehogs?
I love that the eyes got censor to protect their identity, like the awful tattoos wouldn’t immediately identify them 😂
I don't think the censoring worked I'm pretty sure I'm gonna recognize that person if I seen them, lol
Good job there are not other distinguishing marks to identify them by...
"Censored eyes to protect identity" ... uhhhh, they're going to be super recognisable, eyes or not!
Kokushibo 2.0! Now with added eyes for maximum seeing capabilities!
Why censor this? Apparently, it is what they wanted on their face. Are they now ashamed of it? I think their stupidity should be shown.
Yes, It Goes All The Way Around Like A Beard…
Richard also previously shared with Bored Panda that his clinic has received an increasing number of calls recently from people who regret their tattoos on the same day they get them. “Sometimes, they watch the tattoo being inked, know they hate it, but don’t have the confidence to question the tattooist,” he shared.
A Couple I Know Got Each Others Name Tattooed. A Few Months Later Their Relationship Ended
My One Of A Kind Hand Tattoo
Wife Sent This One To Me
“There is always a reason for someone wanting a tattoo to be removed, whether it’s the design, size, position etc.,” Richard explained. “Some are just really bad ideas, like a recent client who had his ex wife’s name tattooed on his penis. If you are getting a tattoo, do your research, find a good tattooist, agree on a design, then think long and hard about whether you're going to be happy with it for the long term. Also remember, just in case, that black/gray tattoos are a lot easier to remove than multicolored tattoos.”
What I Got vs. What I Asked For
Bro 😭😭😭
My Cousin Uploaded Her Newest Tat To Fb
Has this list convinced you to rethink your next tattoo, pandas? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, of course, but if you’re unsure whether that piece you’re considering will be considered beautiful by anyone, it might be wise to hold off. Keep upvoting the pics that give you secondhand embarrassment, and feel free to share in the comments what the worst tattoo you’ve ever witnessed was. Then, if you’re interested in checking out Bored Panda’s last article featuring the same subreddit, look no further than right here!
Got A Tattoo Gun When I Was 16 😬
I Don't Know Why I Got This
Would You Call This A Sh**ty Tattoo Or Just A Dumb One?
My Buddy’s “Wolf” Tattoo He Showed Me Last Night
Been About A Year, And I Still Love It. But Be Honest, Is This A S****y Tattoo?
Do These Count
Am I Crazy Or Does The Hand Look Really Bad?
13 Year Old Me Was Happy. Thanks Mom
and that's exactly why you ALWAYS should wait with this kind of decisions until you are a little more mature
Gets Worse The Longer You Look
My Husband Made The Mistake Of Letting Our Neighbor Practice On Him
My favorite so far! This one needs its own animated series starring these characters. But they need a name...
Local Shop Posted This On Facebook
My Girlfriend Absolutely Hates This Tattoo And Calls It Ugly. Is She Wrong?
Stolen From A Facebook Group
How I Learned How Fast Memes Age
Butterfly Elephant Tree
What A Way To Remember Your Beloved Pet
I Really Don’t Understand The Appeal Of These. Is It Just Me?
My Coworker Got This, What Do We Think?
My First And Only Tattoo. It Seemed Like A Good Idea When I Was 18 (2002)
At Least It's Where She Doesn't Have To Look At It
My Buddy Got This Today
When I was a young metal head (13) my Grandad knew I was looking at tattoos and that I wanted one when I turned 18 (legal age for tattooing in the U.K.) and he gave me some good advice. Choose a tattoo you like, draw it on to paper, stick it in your pocket, later my wallet, look at it every now and again over a year, if you still like it after a year then the rest of your life will be fine. I didn’t get my first tattoo until I was 28, ten years over my target and many, many designs. Each time I knew what I didn’t like about what I’d chosen and tried to find a tattoo design that avoided what I’d got wrong. I’ve now got plenty of ‘em and regret none. Still got a collection of images (now on my phone) and I’m still giving them a year. Not impulsive or exciting but his advice was good for me! Thanks Grandad y’ wise old bird 😀🤘
that's the advice my uncle gave my older brother
Load More Replies...It's funny so many "super Christian" people get tattoos to cement their faith.. when their own book (Leviticus 19:28 as I posted under a couple of them) states they are not to mark their skin :)
Don't you dare try bringing logic and common sense into anything to do with religion.
Load More Replies...Moms advice: If you want to make a permanent change to your body, try a temporary one first to see if it looks OK. That is why I don't have tattoos, piercings and I don't wear a hat
Most of these don't fit the title of "should have researched the tattoo artist better." Most of these are just bad choices on the part of the person being tattooed.
Exactly. Probably more than half of these were talented artists tattooing stupid ideas or designs.
Load More Replies...I know it's a persons choice, but feel it should be illegal to tattoo on the face :(
Too many repeats of just a week ago. Maybe only allow 30 for each posting and put one out every wednesday.
Friend of my Uncle has a tattoo on his @ss of Emler Fudd pointing a gun at his @sshole and saying "Come out of that hole that silly Wabbit!!". Supposedly he lost a bet while he was in the Navy and was only given the choice of where the tattoo would go, not what it would be of. He thought if it was on his @ss no one would see it, so it wouldn't matter what is was and he wouldn't get into any trouble for it. Still not sure who outsmarted who on that one.
Man these tattoos all suck. Of course, in my opinion, 99% of all tattoos suck. And this is especially true on a pretty girl with a gorgeous body. If you are gorgeous, please don't get a tattoo. You don't need it. But if you are a feminist, please get a tattoo on your forehead that says "Feminist" so I know to avoid you. Thanks for your consideration.
I’m taking this list to a tattoo artist and telling them, “One of each, please!”
If alcohol didn’t exist, this article would consist of one picture: a tattooed LIVESTRONG bracelet.
When I was a young metal head (13) my Grandad knew I was looking at tattoos and that I wanted one when I turned 18 (legal age for tattooing in the U.K.) and he gave me some good advice. Choose a tattoo you like, draw it on to paper, stick it in your pocket, later my wallet, look at it every now and again over a year, if you still like it after a year then the rest of your life will be fine. I didn’t get my first tattoo until I was 28, ten years over my target and many, many designs. Each time I knew what I didn’t like about what I’d chosen and tried to find a tattoo design that avoided what I’d got wrong. I’ve now got plenty of ‘em and regret none. Still got a collection of images (now on my phone) and I’m still giving them a year. Not impulsive or exciting but his advice was good for me! Thanks Grandad y’ wise old bird 😀🤘
that's the advice my uncle gave my older brother
Load More Replies...It's funny so many "super Christian" people get tattoos to cement their faith.. when their own book (Leviticus 19:28 as I posted under a couple of them) states they are not to mark their skin :)
Don't you dare try bringing logic and common sense into anything to do with religion.
Load More Replies...Moms advice: If you want to make a permanent change to your body, try a temporary one first to see if it looks OK. That is why I don't have tattoos, piercings and I don't wear a hat
Most of these don't fit the title of "should have researched the tattoo artist better." Most of these are just bad choices on the part of the person being tattooed.
Exactly. Probably more than half of these were talented artists tattooing stupid ideas or designs.
Load More Replies...I know it's a persons choice, but feel it should be illegal to tattoo on the face :(
Too many repeats of just a week ago. Maybe only allow 30 for each posting and put one out every wednesday.
Friend of my Uncle has a tattoo on his @ss of Emler Fudd pointing a gun at his @sshole and saying "Come out of that hole that silly Wabbit!!". Supposedly he lost a bet while he was in the Navy and was only given the choice of where the tattoo would go, not what it would be of. He thought if it was on his @ss no one would see it, so it wouldn't matter what is was and he wouldn't get into any trouble for it. Still not sure who outsmarted who on that one.
Man these tattoos all suck. Of course, in my opinion, 99% of all tattoos suck. And this is especially true on a pretty girl with a gorgeous body. If you are gorgeous, please don't get a tattoo. You don't need it. But if you are a feminist, please get a tattoo on your forehead that says "Feminist" so I know to avoid you. Thanks for your consideration.
I’m taking this list to a tattoo artist and telling them, “One of each, please!”
If alcohol didn’t exist, this article would consist of one picture: a tattooed LIVESTRONG bracelet.