There is nothing more tragic in this world than war and the fact that it seems to be neverending. While some risk their entire lives and future in order to protect their country, others might not understand the seriousness of it all, and it often sparks a debate whether or not anything that happens in war can be portrayed or interpreted by anyone who didn’t experience it.

Recently, Call Of Duty creators have been under a lot of criticism after revealing there might be a scene in the new game that will premiere this October where the player will be able to choose whether or not he wants to shoot an innocent baby while fighting a terrorist – if the player decides to do so, the game will somehow understand if he did it on purpose or it was an actual incident. What sparked an even bigger outrage was the fact that developers aim to recreate the actual grief somebody would experience after killing a child. This type of war portrayal did not sit well with those who have actually been to war and found this part of the game completely cruel and toxic. One Twitter user who is also a former U.S marine decided to share his opinion about this entire situation.

More info: mistermegative


    Many people agreed with his opinion and showed their support