50 Times People Spotted The World Glitching Out And Just Had To Take A Photo (New Pics)
You might remember the 1999 Sci-Fi action film The Matrix. Keanu Reeves plays a computer programmer and hacker that goes by the name of "Neo". He's always wondered about the reality of the world around him. Thanks to a "glitch in the matrix", he finds out that humanity is indeed stuck in a simulated reality run by intelligent machines.
It appears Neo isn't the only one who has come across glitches in his world. People have been sharing photos online where their surroundings appear less than real. Bored Panda has compiled a list of our favorites. Some look like glitches. Others could pass for bad renders. A few might even make you wonder if you're living in a simulated reality.
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Super Trippy Plant I Walked By Today. No Filter Or Nothin
Cool Ice Effect After Flood
Dog Through A Window
"Hacktivist" group Anonymous describes a glitch in the matrix as "moments when our perception of reality falters, hinting that our world might not be as solid and predictable as we believe", adding that the experiences could suggest something is amiss in the fabric of reality itself.
Flying Kayak
I Took This Long Exposure Photo Of Wind Turbines, Felt Like It Fit Here
Zig Zagged Bricks Making A Zig Zagged Shadow
This Is Flat Farmland In Eastern Colorado With Wind Blown/Melted Patches Of Snow Creating A Crazy 3D Illusion
My Cat Seems To Have Misplaced His Body Somewhere
The Shadow On His Shirt Makes It Look Like The Guy In The Back Is Badly Photoshopped Into The Picture
My Picture Made It Seem Like I Was A Locked Character
Caught This Interesting Contrast In Cloud Formations Today
A Friend On Social Media Spotted This One Pixel Glitch In The Matrix, India
Flying Cruise Ships Illusion (Fata Morgana)
Grass Area Looks Like It's In A Cup
This Photo Looks Like Somebody Has Poorly Inserted Another Photo Into It
The Way These Trees Appear Pixelated (Mt St Helen's Forest Regrowth)
Loopless Hose With A Loop
Floating Bin
Ah this is the lodging of the genie who got stuck with me, it all makes sense
This Photo I Took Of My Blueberries Look Fake And Made Of Velvet When I Used Flash
This Reflection Of The Sky On A Building Looks Like The Sky
This Building Looks 2D From Certain Angles (Singapore)
The Sun Is A Lightbulb
The Chair Is Propped Up On The Wall
Shadow And Slope Makes It Look Like He’s Floating
Overcast Made It Look Like I Photoshoped In A Few Orange Barrels
Cat With Only Head But No Body
Took A Picture On Snapchat & The Photo Glitched Out And Now It Looks Like My Cat Is Looking At My Dog From Heaven
This Mosque In Istanbul Looks Like It Was Rendered On The Lowest Settings Possible
It Was Taken From The Outside, The Landscape Is A Reflection On The Glass
This Tree That Somehow Looks Pixelated
Sailing Through The Sky
I think Peter pan/ aladdin got rich and upgraded to a flying cruise ship instead of a carpet and a pirate ship lol 😆
My Eyes Hurt
Cool Optical Illusion On The Side Of These Stairs
This Dog With No Body!
No Shadow Day In Bangalore, Objects Look As If They're Photoshopped Because There's No Shadow
This happens everywhere from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn. Twice a year the sun will be perfectly overhead (solar noon) so the only part of any object that isn't directly in the sun's rays are the parts that are on the ground. Hence, no direction from which to cast a shadow. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lahaina_Noon
Photograph Of An Abandoned Hotel
My Floating Cat
The Lighting In This College Canteen That Casts A Perfect Pixelated (And Slightly Trippy) Shadow
These Peeled Scraps Of Butternut Squash Look Pixelated
Was Looking On Marketplace
It Looks Like The Beer Is Photoshopped In With My Cat, Gary
This Wall Seems To Have Lost A Dimension
Levitating Tree
Building Looks Like A Wall
The Reflection In The Glass Shelter Wall Makes This Pillar Look Transparent
Our Neighbors Broom Seems To Be Levitating
My Sushi Looks Poorly Photoshopped On My Plate
I Hate It When Assets Clip Through Each Other
This Man's Hat Looks Photoshopped
This Image Looks Like It Is Badly Photoshopped
Tree.exe File Is Corrupted
Found Two Clipping Chairs. Can’t Wait For The Michiana Area To Be Patched
My Coworker Thought This Was A Glitch Picture And Said I Should Post Here
Poll Question
Do photos that resemble 'bad renders' make you question your perception of reality?
Yes, definitely
Somewhat, but not significantly
Not really
I have never experienced that
OK, I'm done here, at least for a while. The ads are making the page glitch and crash so badly that it took about 25 tries to get to the bottom of this list. I'll check back in a week or so, but if it's still broken I probably won't be back again after that. I hope they're enjoying the declining engagement numbers.
I hate to see you go, but I believe a number of us are looking at leaving also. The fact that they can't handle trolls alone is enough to make one reluctant to come here, but the absolute drop in quality as well as the glitching pages is fast becoming a fatal flaw . . . . .
Load More Replies...Makes it more understanding how people in the past believed in witchcraft, sorcery, and so forth.
Is a coworker somebody who orks cows? How do you ork a cow? (Just asking for a friend.) I'm so confused. Oh, here's the nurse with my bedtime meds.😵💫
If tin whistles are made of tin. What do they make fog horns out of?
Load More Replies...OK, I'm done here, at least for a while. The ads are making the page glitch and crash so badly that it took about 25 tries to get to the bottom of this list. I'll check back in a week or so, but if it's still broken I probably won't be back again after that. I hope they're enjoying the declining engagement numbers.
I hate to see you go, but I believe a number of us are looking at leaving also. The fact that they can't handle trolls alone is enough to make one reluctant to come here, but the absolute drop in quality as well as the glitching pages is fast becoming a fatal flaw . . . . .
Load More Replies...Makes it more understanding how people in the past believed in witchcraft, sorcery, and so forth.
Is a coworker somebody who orks cows? How do you ork a cow? (Just asking for a friend.) I'm so confused. Oh, here's the nurse with my bedtime meds.😵💫
If tin whistles are made of tin. What do they make fog horns out of?
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