Our lives have this interesting quirk: They can always be improved in one way or another. Even applying the smallest new habit or so-called hack can make a significant difference, just as a game can be improved with a cheat code. 

Today we’re combining these two things and giving you a full-blown list of life cheat codes that you can start using right away. And while they might not fill your pockets full of money, as some game cheats do, they still can improve your life, even if only a little bit.

More info: Reddit


“Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) Talk positive about people behind their backs.

Wheeljack7799 , Darlene Alderson Report

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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is such an amazingly powerful tool. I do it all the time. Even if its someone I dont particularly like but have to deal with anyway. Nice things will always get back to the person and their attitude towards you will noticeably change.

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    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) Don’t put who an email will be sent to until after you have it ready to send so you can’t accidentally send an unedited or unfinished emails.

    chronically-awesome , Getty Images Report

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    Rali Meyer
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Never press "send" after two glasses of chardonnay" (P-D Uys)

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    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) Admit your mistakes quickly and without undue apologies/ self-flagellation. Not only will people trust you more, you’ll usually move on from the mistake much faster.

    throwaway4work4 , Alex Green Report

    If you’re a gamer, it’s likely that you know what a cheat code is. As an example, we could use the well-known game The Sims. Besides its iconic gameplay and storylines, the game is also famous for its popular cheat codes, like “motherlode”, which gives a playing household 50,000 simoleons (Sims money) or “bb.moveobjects on”, which helps the player to move objects wherever they want. 


    Cheat codes can be implemented either by game developers themselves, third-party software or hardware. At the same time, other games implement measures to disallow these codes, as they don’t want the players to get something by cheating instead of paying for it.

    But did you know that cheat codes aren’t only applicable to video games? You can apply them to your life, too! Sounds ridiculous? Well, hear us out. 


    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) Clean while you’re cooking.

    anon , RDNE Stock project Report

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    Lili Octopus
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Even better: cook while you are cleaning! Then you have a clean house, and lovely meal to enjoy in it

    Lisbeth Guz
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What if you clean while I cook and we share a glass of wine and some conversation before dinner?

    CrunChewy McSandybutt
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I agree with the sentiment, but I'm going to need y'all to get out of the kitchen while I cook.

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    Nitka Tsar
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Damn, so I can‘t do the cook apprenticeship* after all. *an apprenticeship in Germany means 3 years paid learning. Halve the time you learn the practical side of the craft in the company and halve the time you learn theory in trade school. It‘s paid with all the usual benefits like 30 days paid vacation and stuff

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If it is good enough for Captain Pike, it is good enough for me!

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    (I think he shares this advice while cooking with Spock at the beginning of "A Quality of Mercy" IIRC)

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds great in theory. IRL it's usually cleaning right away while the food is finishing cooking.

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    CAYG. The very first rule I learned working in a restaurant kitchen.

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    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) If you want to change the subject in a conversation, discreetly but noticeably drop something. Make it look accidental. It will break the train of thought of the other person and allow you to restart the conversation. Old dark psychology trick.

    Shadowfoxx757 , Nabi Söhrablı Report


    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) Have friends generationally older and younger than yourself.

    missbethd , Getty Images Report

    Around 6 months ago, Reddit user u/itsliightz asked an interesting question on r/AskReddit: “Which real-life cheat codes do you know?” It showed that people online know many of them, as currently the post stands at 7.8K replies. Basically, a whole handbook of cheat codes. 

    Since likely no one is going to read through that many replies, we decided to make a list out of the best of them. And that’s what you’re in right now. 

    Still, you might wonder how a video game quirk can be applied to real life. After all, we aren’t characters with several lives on their hands, we’re real people with only one life. 


    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) People like talking about themselves more than they like hearing about you. If you interact with people for work memorize 1 thing about them, could be a kids name, a sport they like, a hobby they do, their job, etc.

    Ask them about it every once in a while. People are always surprised and appreciate your interest in them.

    ShowerShoe77 , Elle Hughes Report

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    Dizzie D
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is exactly how I choose new friends since I was young. You ask them about themselves, show interest and sympathise but if this person straight up goes on and on and on without ever asking about how you are or your life when first meeting, you are in for a long ride of simply being a new shoulder to offload on. Choose friends based on mutual interest and respect. It's absolutely exhausting having anyone in your life who constantly talks about themselves and their problems. Who needs that extra stress? Works both ways. They should be there for you and you should always be there for them. Weedle the bad ones out in the beginning.

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    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) Automated phone systems don’t understand nonsense. If you need to speak to a person answer the prompts with things like “chicken nuggets”. Or “ shoelace”. It will assume an error in its language system and route you to a person.

    Phantom_61 , Antoni Shkraba Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I normally start dropping the F bomb at it being an automated piece of s**t

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    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) A fluorescent jacket, a bogus lanyard and a clipboard will get you access to 2/3 of the places that usually aren't accessible.

    phoenixxl , Mikael Blomkvist Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    True. I still have an old coat with reflection stripes and a company logo ..... the effect it has still amazes me. Like step in the street and hold out your hand. Traffic will stop and not question your sanity.

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    Well, in reality, these cheatcodes maybe aren’t as drastic as in some games; there isn’t a “motherlode” you can type into your life (but imagine if you could, how fun would that be?). The real hacks are on a smaller scale, but that doesn’t mean they can’t make a big difference in the long run. Or just simply improve your minor day-to-day activities. As long as it’s useful, why not try it, right?

    For instance, taking sugary drinks out of your everyday rotation for weight loss. Plus, doing so not only helps to lose weight, but saves your health too, as it is a well-known fact that sodas and other similar beverages can lead to diabetes, heart, kidney and many other diseases. 


    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) **Managers:** give your employees the credit they deserve for everything they do, especially talk them up to *your* bosses.

    This is a literal win/win. Your employees love you for respecting them, and your boss loves you for successfully managing a great team.

    Too many times I see bad managers bring their own egos into the mix, feeling like they need to compete with their own employees to take credit for jobs well done. This does not have the effect they think it has.

    Homitu , Christina Morillo Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One manager's bragging rights to "I hire the best people and I stay the f#ck out of their way."

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    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) When your alarm goes off in the morning, do not think. Only react. If you sit up immidiately and start getting out of bed, it becomes a reflex. No more lying in bed for hours "trying to wake up". Now I hear my alarm and brain is alert and ready.

    StragglingShadow , stockking Report

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    Bean Driller
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Here's some depressing info: After 53 years of loving to sleep in, I can no longer sleep past 6am. The worst part, I was a night shift nurse for 17 years and I can't fall asleep until after 11 or 12.

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    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) Confidence can get you super far. Like, if you just act extremely confident and normal and totally fine about whatever it is you're doing, anything nearly, people wont question it. You're supposed to be here, just walk on in. Or out, or whatever. That's the attitude to have. I cannot believe how well this works for some of the nicest people as well as the biggest jerks alive. It works.

    rockeatingchaosqueen , Andrea Piacquadio Report

    This article alone provides 50 additional cheat codes, like learning a new language by watching kids' shows, bringing a healthy snack to work or not comparing yourself to others. Then, there are Reddit threads like the one discussed today. If you want, you can surely find a hack that you would like to try out yourself.

    As you can see, real-life cheat codes can vary from serious to completely silly ones. It’s up to each person to see how any of them fit into their life and (hopefully) improve it. 

    Do you know any real-life cheat codes that weren’t mentioned in this list? Share them with us in the comments!


    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) Do a little bit every day.

    Legendary_Lamb2020 , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I do a lot of housework like this. Walk in my room? Put away at least 3 pieces of clothing. Walk in the kitchen? Unload at least 3 dishes? Walk in the living room, take out 3 things that don't below & put them away. I usually end up doing the whole thing, but because I know I don't have to all of it now, it's easier to just say, "Ooooh, one more."

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    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) I got a job as security at a concert venue because ticket prices were getting to be insane and I wanted to see some shows. Turns out I also got to meet some rock stars!

    hot_ho11ow_point , Wendy Wei Report

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    Geoffrey Scott
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Daughter was security at the local Casino. She saw a lot of acts, was goofed on by Sinbad, was respected by the ones who weren't ashholes,and got us primo seats and meet and greets.

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    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) Diarrhea is the best excuse to get out of anything. No one questions it and no one expects you to go to a doctor for it.

    FooJenkins , vgstockstudio Report

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    R Dennis
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No. I very nearly had an issue in the car. I started speeding up and was pulled over. I was nauseous, sweating, and almost in tears. The cop who wrote me the ticket took his time. I got off at the next stop and just barely made it into the McDonald's. (That was the closest bathroom, so that was where I was trying to go.) Maybe people tell him that all the time, but I wasn't lying...

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    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) Obeying the rules when you drive dramatically reduces your chances of crashing.

    Hydraulis , Pixabay Report

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    Sarah Suelzle
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Although technically true, and not just for driving ... "obeying the rules" is not a Life Hack.

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    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) Cutting out daily drinks with sugar like sodas or frappacinos really helps with weight loss if you do nothing else.

    rayrayrayray , Emre Akyol Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Cutting out sodas, which I used to guzzle down like water, helped me lose 25 lbs in a year—-without making any other changes to my diet!

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    Make people laugh within a minute of meeting them. They will remember you and help you.

    dontlookatme1234567 Report


    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) Very hot water temporarily takes away the itchiness of bug bites and poison oak/ivy/sumac.

    Just listening to people is almost as good as being able to read minds. Most people will cheerfully reveal exactly what they're thinking if you just listen quietly. It could be through what they say, what they don't say, or their body language.

    Your own ego causes 99% of the trouble you face.

    evil_burrito , Karolina Grabowska Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In technical terms, the heat de-natures the itchy juice.

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    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) If it takes less than five minutes, do it right away.

    JoanofArc5 , Mat Brown Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah, well ... until I learned some tasks are measured in microsoft-minutes

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    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) Always play dumb, always. Don’t let them know your moves.

    anon , Israelzin Oliveira Report


    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) Being willing to show up and work is more valuable than being the most knowledgeable or skillful.

    anon , Rebrand Cities Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is 100% true. I'm in construction and finding reliable help in my small rural area is a nightmare. As long as you can walk and breathe at the same time, I will hire you if you can show up everyday, I don't always need smart, just need that extra set of hands.

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    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) The more you understand, the less you have to memorize. Understanding is a knowledge compression algorithm.

    ex: pythagorean theorem = distance formula = formula for a circle.

    Independent-Bike8810 , drobotdean Report

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    Bean Driller
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I get into trouble for always asking why. It is how I remember things-why I am doing them. Why it works that way. Mindless memorization is so hard for me.

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    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) For me it was “maintain a healthy weight” which most people think is to help your overall health, and yes that’s very true, but from a pain standpoint it’s really great.

    Like several of you (I’m sure) I’m just in pain all the time. Maybe it’s my back, or my neck, or my knees, but god damn if getting from the beginning of the day to the end of the day doesn’t hurt.

    Turns out, losing weight and keeping that under control (which means adding in the gym a few times a week and watching what I eat for 4-5 days a week) makes all that pain go away. And in hindsight I knew this but to actually feel it was a world of difference.

    Someone once told me “you suffer alone” and it’s true. You also feel good alone. So, better to have the latter of the two options.

    KarateKid1984 , Kenny Eliason Report

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    2 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Plus, if you diet and exercise like crazy but can’t seem to lose weight, get your thyroid checked. Avoid endocrinologists, as they’re more concerned with diabetes, and really not up to snuff for hypo- or hyper- thyroidism. Try a hormone specialist instead. The endo will only do a TSH test, which is a joke and doesn’t really tell them (or anyone) anything. The hormone specialist will do the full range of thyroid tests, and will get a more accurate picture of what’s going on. I have hypothyroidism, which was epigenetically triggered by menopause. The endo I went to first actually f****d up, gave me the worst wrong meds, made everything way way worse to the point where I was in so much pain and so exhausted all the time that I just wanted to curl up and die—-and their only solution was to increase the dosage of those wrong meds! Doctors should be in the business of making you feel better, not so much worse that death would be preferable! So I fired them and went to a hormone specialist, who absolutely saved me, by accurately diagnosing my issue and putting me on the only thyroid meds that worked. I’m 64 now, and have been on them for almost ten years now. I’m at the right weight for my height without starving myself, there’s no real pressure on my joints, any old age aches and pains are minimal (and I had tendon surgery on my left knee several years ago, plus fractured that ankle when I was a teenager), and I honestly feel better than I did when I was in my forties. Sometimes weight issues are not just a matter of eating less and exercising, but are a legitimate medical condition.

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    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) When reheating rice in the microwave, put a little bit of water in the bowl so it heats up fluffy again.

    Stargaze_Melody , Pille R. Priske Report

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    Ron Man
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This works for a lot of things, not just rice. Microwaves heat water and cause it to evaporate, so putting a little extra in there helps replace what gets evaporated.

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    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) To learn something repeat it to yourself three times on the day you learn it, two more times the next day, once the day after that, and you know it (most of the time).

    gandolffood , Wes Hicks Report

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    Shelby Moonheart
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My husband tells me every morning, "Good Morning, I love you." Three times. Faith comes by hearing. What you hear, you have faith in. So be careful what you listen to.

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    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) When someone's wrong on the internet, type out what you want to say, then delete it once you've got it out of your system. It's incredibly cathartic; As you organize your sources and logic, you get the time to sort out what you think and why, and you can calm down a bit as you let reason take the wheel instead of your emotions, which lets you realize that nothing you say matters to them anyway.

    If you find that your finished product is particularly well-written, feel free to save it off to the side as a sort of personal study, if you want.

    Excellent zen hack.

    ninthtale , cottonbro studio Report

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    2 months ago

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    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) Worked at a call center for a credit card company. If you ever get hit with a late fee, politely call customer service and ask if there’s a possibility of getting it waived. We didn’t have to ask a supervisor or anything, just pushed it through.

    Have done this multiple times now for my own cards. Don’t pay late fees!

    Editing to add: if you do call customer service and they help you out PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stay on the line and fill out the survey and give them all perfect scores. We got big bonuses on our scores and it really meant a lot when people took the time to do it.

    If you want to complain do it in the comments box not on the actual scores. One bad score can tank the bonuses even if it was a bad rating on the product and not the service provided by the agent.

    hunbabubba2134 , Antoni Shkraba Report

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    2 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also, don’t yell and cuss and be nasty—-especially if you cross the line into personal verbal abuse. You really don’t get as far with that kind of behavior than you do if you’re calm and polite, but still firm in what you need. Plus, if you understand that the first person you speak to has the least authority, then you’ll also understand that your satisfaction may not be immediate. If they can’t help you, then nicely ask if there’s a supervisor available—but be sure to let them know it’s nothing they did but that you understand they can only do so much, so someone higher might have just enough authorization to do more to solve your problem. Please, please, please do NOT vent all your anger at that front line person, then have it all out of your system by the time you talk to their boss! You’re abusing the wrong person. Yell at the damned boss, ffs, as they’re probably more involved in whatever f**k up you’re complaining about than the poor kid who just answers the phone for a living. Save your anger for the person at fault, ffs!

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    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) Saying "hello" in an unexpected way knocks the person you're talking to out of their groove and changes how they interact with you. Instead of "how's it going?" I say "how's life treating you?" and get a more engaged interaction.

    gandolffood , Greta Hoffman Report


    Learnt this today in first aid: use a syringe to suction out a splinter.

    _Charliezard_ Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I might try this one next time I have a row with my cact..uses? Cactii? Them spiky cabbages!

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    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) Get enough sleep:.

    discostud1515 , cottonbro studio Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sure, unless you have a sleep disorder. Some of us would love to get enough sleep but the body isn't cooperating.

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    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) The Infinite yogurt glitch:

    All you need to make more yogurt is milk and a little yogurt. Repeat as necessary.

    1hipG33K , topntp26 Report

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    2 months ago

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    lousy recipe.... You milk and yoghurt. Then make as much and as often as you want.

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    “Which Real-Life Cheat Codes Do You Know?” (33 Answers) The ducks at the park are free.

    cata2k , Pixabay Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah sure, take one home and see what happens next ..............

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