This Instagram Account Shares Real Estate Listings ‘Gone Wild’ On Zillow, And Here Are 30 Of The Weirdest Ones (New Pics)
Odds are that if you’re living in the United States and you’ve ever wanted to buy, rent, or sell a home, you’ve gone on Zillow, the most visited real estate website in the country. It has a vast database of properties (roughly 110 million of them, but who’s counting?), but a surprising number of them are far from your usual fare. Welcome to the wacky and sometimes downright puzzling world of Zillow real estate listings, as featured on the incredibly popular ‘Zillow Gone Wild’ Instagram page.
The ZGW project has latched onto a recipe for success. A recipe to captivate the internet. The IG account shares the best (and weirdest!) listings on Zillow, and the sight is magnificent, something to behold. Some of these properties defy explanation and might drive decorators nuts, while others look like movie sets. Scroll down to see the best of the most bizarre, and upvote your fave homes. And be sure to give ‘Zillow Gone Wild’ a follow if you enjoyed the images. You’d be joining a vast community of 1.3 million people on Instagram and over 628k followers on Facebook.
From actual castles to people dressed up as knights, dinosaurs, and Bigfoots (Bigfeet?!), you're about to see it all.
Pssst, Pandas, over here! Once you’re done enjoying this list right here, you should definitely check out Bored Panda’s previous posts about the wackiest Zillow content around. Here’s Part 1 and the more recent Part 2 over here. Enjoy! Taste can be very subjective, as you’ll soon find out.
More info: Instagram | Facebook
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Dont Do This I Cant Resist Posting. $600,000
Water Tower House For Sale $4,950,000
The Perfect Castle Doesn’t Ex–is A Day Early This Week!! $2,299,000
A while back, I spoke to Daniel Oster, the listing agent for a property advertised on Zillow that featured lots of photos of Bigfoot going about its day. From cooking and gardening to exercising and working. According to Daniel, the idea to feature Bigfoot in the listing was spontaneous.
“During our initial photoshoot, the Bigfoot idea popped into my mind. The sellers immediately supported the idea, and we all hoped that it would bring a bit of levity to people on their home buying adventure,” he told Bored Panda.
Please Don’t Do This To Ur Listings I Can’t Resist!!!! $1,179,000
Now I feel stupid for wanting a Knight in shining armour to come with my home. I changed my mind, I want a dog.
Found Him. $299,000
I Don’t Know Where Warwickshire Is But Now I Need To Move There And Buy This Asap. The Home Includes Two Cottages. $5.7 Million In USD (£4,000,000)
“A lot of folks are under a lot of stress now, and we were hoping to lighten people’s day and make them smile. At the same time, hoping to spread awareness of their home for sale. And that does indeed seem to be happening. We’ve had an overwhelming amount of interest in folks calling to schedule appointments to see the property. And, we are anticipating offers soon,” Daniel, the listing agent, revealed to me at the time.
Today’s #zgwcastlefridays Starts With This One!! $485,000
This Doesn’t Seem Up To Code. $430,000
Our First Visit To Australia!!! $1,500,000
“I’ve been one of the most productive agents in my area since starting my career after college in 2003. I’ve never done anything like this before in my listings. Typically, just focusing on really high-end photography and targeted marketing approaches. With a combination of the right property for Bigfoot and the right timing, this seems to be going viral. I don’t anticipate doing this approach again because it could be overused. But it’s been a great success so far, and I love getting to use a bit of humor to market the property,” the agent said.
This Home Really Cares About Baths. $10,000,000
You Never Really Know What’s Happening In A Home. $550,000
I. Love. It. My dream of becoming Batman would a step closer. Then I would just need a few more billions to get all the gadgets, and a new athletic body, and detective skills, and a tragic background story to justify my crime fighting career, and an intelligent mind with borderline mental illness due to childhood trauma exposure. What a blast!
This One Is Special And A Lil Nsfw. $399,900
As I was scrolling I was going eww, eww, eww until I cackled from the last image. Still eww but funny.
Previously, my colleague spoke to the founder of the ‘Zillow Gone Wild’ project. They talked about the roots of the Instagram page, why unusual home designs are a thing at all, and more.
The founder told Bored Panda that they came up with the idea for ZGW when they noticed some interesting and unusual properties on Zillow, such as “homes with bowling alleys, indoor pools, jail cells.”
According to the founder of the project, one home they noticed even had a mining shaft. And from all of these small bizarre examples, ‘Zillow Gone Wild’ was born!
I Honestly Love This So Much. $305,000
Magic wand + bucket paint the selection. I would've been more acceptable if they've done a copy/paste random photo od a swimming pool
What’s Happening Here I’m So Scared. $1,650,000
Even Though I’ve Never Been There Before This Seems Sooooo Oregon. $697,000
I'm just picturing people jumping from the mezzanine and into the pool.
In their opinion, it’s a “combination of taste and money” that leads to such unusual and weird home designs. What’s more, where the property is located can mean that you can get a lot more done with the funds available to you. That means you can experiment and test the boundaries of taste.
This Is Being Called “The Mullet House” And You’ll See Why. $750,000
We Haven’t Seen A Good Old Fashioned One Of These In A While. $1,395,000
“For me, it’s been fun to see all the interesting homes that are out there. I’m surprised at how many people have built actual castles and how many insanely large mansions there are in places like Utah and Ohio,” the person behind ZGW shared with Bored Panda.
However, they wouldn’t like to live in a huge property themselves. “I’d worry about having to vacuum all of that space,” they joked.
I’m So Scared. $1,340,000
Mill Neck, NY. $11,499,000
This Home Gets Better And Better After Every Pic. $1,347,000
The ‘Zillow Gone Wild’ project has been growing non-stop. In January of 2021, the account had just over half a million followers. In the span of 11 months, it’s grown to encompass nearly three times that number of fans on Instagram. And it looks like the growth won’t stop any time soon. Not as long as people keep coming up with unusual designs for their homes.
This Is A Lot Of Things. $254,900
They Built A House On This Roof In Chicago. $699,000
All I Can Say Is Omg. Colorado Springs, Co. $590,000
Nah, just paint. Rip the carpets up anyway. Floors look like they need refinishing too. Cabinets are already ugly. Nothing that didn't need fixing.
If I remember correctly, the evicted renters also unplugged a freezer full of meat in the basement before they left, so the stench is amazing.
They also pissed and shat all over the home and smeared it all over the carpets and walls....this made like online national news headlines when the real estate company posted it a few months ago.
I know of an eviction where the angry squatters did that. Disgusting. They waited until the last moment to leave, when the sheriff's department had to escort them out the door. I became an innocent victim in that mess. Long story. Absolute scumbags. It was also in Colorado Springs.
no, they didn't pay rent for over a year, once the eviction stays were lifted they were evicted and that's what they did to the house. Imagine being so pissed off that you were getting evicted when you REFUSED to pay rent for over a year. People are ridiculous and strange. What did they think was going to happen once that was lifted? Landlords were just gonna be like "nah I've been without income for over a year, it's cool fam" ummm no.
Saw this on IG back in the summer. Renter was really mad about being evicted so left this mess. Also left a deep freeze full of spoiled meat that made the house nearly impossible to go in due to the smell. Feel bad for the owner.
https://www.instagram.com/p/CQL8UxosUrp/?utm_medium=copy_link Here you go. If link doesn't work look under Zillow gone wild June 16. More pics there too if you really wanna see them.
Load More Replies...I couldn't find it in IG, it must have timed out or my search skills suck (likely).
I could do so much with that nice house. Sand and paint the walls, replace the carpets, good as new.
creepy: i had a dream that i was staying in a house that looked like this, had all the graffiti and everything...
"Cozy cottage in cul de sac. May need light wall retouching and carpet cleaning".
It was an angry renter, they got evicted when they stopped paying rent and decided to trash the place. It was on the news one night.
I saw one like this north of C. Springs once. A nice house out away from town/people and it looked like various people used it as a place to have parties. Graffiti, holes in walls, flooring torn up. If I remember correctly it was right around $500K and I estimated it would have taken another $100K to $200K to fix it.
Well at least they can repaint the walls and put down new carpeting. All is not lost. Someone must sure dislike the owners.
From what other BP members have commented, I'm thinking this place needs to be completely gutted before the interior can be rebuilt and redecorated... shame.
I am going to guess this is a bank sale of a house that got foreclosed upon and was invaded by vandals/squatters once the original owners were gone. People can be such jerks.
Unfortunately not. Angry tenant I believe was the case here.
Load More Replies...Thanks for the info. Our neighboring house had been repossessed about a year before we bought. The owners did a lot of damage, not unlike this. Maybe worse.
This was called the slice of hell house. It made nationwide news. It is now being listed after extensive renovations: https://www.denverpost.com/2021/12/08/slice-of-hell-house-colorado-springs-renovations/?utm_email=846BA491E572E465742E92DE29&g2i_eui=zyIK%2bEqyWZKa31QZrjcBYQ8yXPPxsvJ5&g2i_source=newsletter&lctg=846BA491E572E465742E92DE29&active=no&utm_source=listrak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=https%3a%2f%2fwww.denverpost.com%2f2021%2f12%2f08%2fslice-of-hell-house-colorado-springs-renovations%2f&utm_campaign=denver-breaking-news&utm_content=alert
I might not be vandals, could be the former owners who went into foreclosure, seen this done before.
I thought that this was my neighbor's condo in the 2nd photo. This was why I opened this series.
I believe this house did eventually sell and it went for closer to $700,000...
WHat? Seriously they couldn't fix the vandelism first? I'd be afraid to move there.
Angry renter/s that were evicted did this....made front page news locally in Colorado when the real estate company posted the house up.
You Really Never Know What’s Going On Inside A Home. Taylorsville, Ut. $599,000
I Think We Found Where @floridaman Lives. Lighthouse Pt, Fl. $3,850,000
It's good that some people release their stress and apply the energy of various distrubs on decorating their houses
Derek Jeter’s Home In Upstate NY. $12,750,000
$149,500. Metairie, LA
I Really Don’t Know What’s Happening Here Or How To Even Feel About It. $975,000
Who the hell comes up with this kind of colour scheme and thinks this is great.
Found A Home For @johncena $325,000
There’s a terrible housing shortage in the US, but no shortage of terrible houses.
*So much time and money to experience and find your purest bad taste*
When I see houses like this, I realise how conservative and minimalist my own taste in interior design and architecture is...
They may be horrible, but they're still enormous mansions compared to what you'd get for the same money in London.
Some great correctives here for those who still think money can buy taste. The 'castles' are particularly awful.
Sometimes when people insult mansions like this, I wonder if they're secretly jealous.
These mega large houses are ridiculous. No one needs that much space. Clearly, everyone here needs taste.
Yeah... I think I will pass. My plain old house looks better than this. I dont have this kind of money but I do have taste.
There’s a terrible housing shortage in the US, but no shortage of terrible houses.
*So much time and money to experience and find your purest bad taste*
When I see houses like this, I realise how conservative and minimalist my own taste in interior design and architecture is...
They may be horrible, but they're still enormous mansions compared to what you'd get for the same money in London.
Some great correctives here for those who still think money can buy taste. The 'castles' are particularly awful.
Sometimes when people insult mansions like this, I wonder if they're secretly jealous.
These mega large houses are ridiculous. No one needs that much space. Clearly, everyone here needs taste.
Yeah... I think I will pass. My plain old house looks better than this. I dont have this kind of money but I do have taste.