The Broke Agent is a media brand that creates entertainment for real estate professionals. But the beauty of it is that you don't have to be in the industry to enjoy its content. Sure, that would unlock a deeper level of understanding and appreciation but it's not necessary.
Just look at its project Real Estate Fails, for example. Full of ridiculous architectural and interior design hiccups, it shares pictures from the ridiculous side of the housing market, proving that some agents don't have everything under control. Whether it's due to their own fault, the owners, or unfortunate circumstances, there are plenty of things that might deter potential buyers.
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We managed to get in touch with Eric Simon, founder of The Broke Agent, and he was kind enough to have a little chat with us.
"Just over six years ago, I started posting as The Broke Agent on Instagram, producing content that focused on the 'inner monologue' of a struggling realtor in Los Angeles. As a licensed realtor, I basically started making fun of everything that was happening to me and put it online in blog form, YouTube Videos, and short-form content like memes, tweets, and Facebook posts. It blew up really quickly and now has well over half a million followers across all platforms."
Even if we were to talk solely about its target audience, there's still room for The Broke Agent to grow as there are over 2 million active real estate agents in the U.S.
Who Needs Inspections?
We had a good example here at work. Dude owned a camping site with houses. The firefighters did a surprise inspection. Dude got fined for not having any fire alarms or smoke detectors. He then proceeds to glue smoke detectors to ceilings without connecting them to anything. The firefighters came back, opened the detectors and found his little scam. Dude got fined AGAIN and then called us to install things properly. 😂
Apparently The Description Read “Stainless Steel Appliances”
Simon started Real Estate Fails to grow The Broke Agent brand and to reach people who aren't necessarily just real estate agents but he quickly realized that it's just a really fun account to manage.
"Everyone likes looking at housing pics, especially luxury or real estate 'fails,' so it resonated with an audience outside of the real estate industry as well as real estate agents."
"Real estate agents love the account because it exposes marketing blunders, property description errors, and other mistakes agents make when uploading their marketing online. It also gives them a platform to submit all the crazy stuff they see in the field and out on showings. The account also casts a wider net on the industry, attracting contractors, appraisers, inspectors, handymen, etc."
This Might Be The Worst One Yet
Sick Flat Screen
Seen In Nebraska
According to Simon, curating the account is pretty straightforward because by now the community around it has gotten big enough for him to receive a steady stream of content.
"Most of my posts come from other realtors in my DMs, but I also get submissions in my Discord, through The Broke Agent and in our real estate Facebook pages and groups," he explained. "Like I said above, most of the photos come from agents actually spotting these crazy fails in the field on showings, inspections, or open houses. We also have a series called #ThingsWeSeeAtShowings on The Broke Agent stories."
Nah Nobody Will Notice
My Worst Nightmare
Get a doormat. If that is an important vent, get one with holes.
When Your Stager Goes A Little Nuts With House Plants
You couldn't find another person more suited to run the project. "Because I am a licensed realtor, I have developed a good eye for what is 'out of the ordinary' and what will perform well as a post," Simon said. "Also, I've been looking at and posting real estate content every day for 6 plus years so that helps with my judgment for what to post."
"The best performing content on Real Estate Fails is toilet content and anything that's sexual. If it looks like a penis or is provocative in any way, the audience goes crazy for it."
Another successful ongoing theme is staging fails where people try to cover up eye sores or contracting issues. The keyword here is 'try'.
omg i swear to god this is probally the hardest i laughed at a buffalo bob joke
This made me audibly giggle. Then reminds me that only 5 yrs ago my husband watched that movie for the first time and never understood the line before, now he gets excited when he hears this line because he knows where it's from and what it refers to. Thanks for the giggle and the nice memory to reminiscence about.
upvote for upvote for upvote for upvote for upvote for "hot crispy Kentucky fried fu-"
Used to be a regular at a bar with a similar design in their bathrooms... and on the stairs that led down to the bathrooms. Thank God they at least had handrails because after a certain hour I'd be hanging on for dear life.
Load More Replies...I've had this weird yakov smirnoff synchronicity going on all day, i swear. Third time he's come up in entirely unrelated contexts.
Load More Replies..."Uncle Mike? Got sucked into the vortex back in 2012. We told him to be careful, but when you've got the runs I guess you throw caution to the winds"
Just what I was thinking! Would it make my mini bathroom look bigger?
Load More Replies...Sometimes when you stare into the void long enough; it will stare back.
Is it, though? It's either exceptionally good art, or it's real. The lighting and the scuff/stain marks all depict very realistic looking edging and that hole may not be as deep as it looks, but I am pretty sure there is still at least some of a hole - and why have a drainage point on a completely flat floor?
Load More Replies...Can you imagine dropping acid and once it kicks in, having to go pee - I'd have to crawl on the floor.
What the hell is it? A hole...a shower...a shower hole? Where's my ladder? It's making me dizzy.
Ngl, this is horrible but I love it (aside from for it being horribly dirty)
Imagine coming home drunk and having to deal with this!
Tell me that's an optical illusion and there really is not a crater there too
Every time I view linoleum, rugs or carpeting with that pattern I immediately get anxious. Even just the picture will do that to me.
And here we have an adorable powder room... Complete with Wonderland Hell Pit Vortex, a must-have for new homeowners!
take a dump in the hole in the ground like when ya gotta take a bush wee
Imagine the toilet gets clogged and u grab the Dookie and yeet it into the hole.
The "Drunk" people at your house warming party are going to "Trip" out.
After half a dozen tequilas, it would be a bit confusing. I'm just going on a trip to the centre of the earth.
Imagine being absolutely hammered & needing to pop to the loo & seeing this. If you weren't there to upchuck to begin with you are now. 🍻🌚🤮🤮🤮🤮
Ok, now image stumbling into this bathroom inebriated or with a brain-frying fever.
This one is actually pretty cool! I would love that on my bathroom floor!
If at a bar, no doubt drunk men would try to piss in it, or panic if they thought they were slipping into it. Hilarity would ensue.
Well.....I finally figured out how I am redoing my bathroom. Thanks BP
Good thing there's a toilet next to it, cos I'd be shitting myself seeing that optical illusion.
these retro floors are cool but they must have shopped at the "other"Loews its called "BUNDYS" "FOR THAT SPECIAL SERIAL KILLER IN YOUR LIFE ,DONT FORGET FRIDAYS 2 FOR1 BAGS OF LIME PURCHASES OF 50 OR MORE GETS A FREE SHOVEL "!
This with morning sickness or a hangover sucks!Is the drain REAL?
I would totally do this if I had a drain in the floor and a clue how to go about it!
I wonder how many people have tried peeing down the drain since it looks like it's in a hole.
I like it. I would avoid that bathroom if I were feeling nauseous, though.
There are party people still trying to stand and get out of that bathroom.
that is so weird it looks like it is very deep im not sure if im seeing things or not
The F**k Is This?
The Most Insane Apartment Complex Of All Time?
Simon constantly searches for ways to engage his followers. "The best way to [do it] on these posts is to say something in the caption like 'describe this like it's in a property description.' That way, agents can put their humorous twist on a housing feature and highlight it in a positive light like a realtor would do in their marketing."
The man behind the show also highlighted that The Broke Agent has much more to offer; it's a full-on real estate media company with Podcasts (The Over Ask Podcast), blogs, YouTube videos, contributors, and more. "Our goal is to make real estate professionals laugh through the daily stress of the industry and also help improve their business with our marketing, consulting, and content platform."
Light Mold
congratulations! you just got yourself a free houseplant! or dinner, if you’re feeling lucky
The Things We See At Showings…
bad idea, good execution. at least whoever thought of this was pretty good at drawing
You Keeping This Or Updating?
Thoughts On Photoshopping A Ferrari Into Your Listing Pics?
Wtf Is This
What The Hell Is This A Pyramid?
"Beautiful Balcony Looking Over The Palatial Entertaining Area"
Look Away
Genius Listing Photo Marketing
Is It?
Maybe this is the bathroom from the story a few days ago about the anti-masturbation family.
What In The Fresh Hell Is This?
Ah yes, the sideways toilet. Sometimes you make it in the bowl, sometimes you hit the TP.
“4th Bedroom”
It's a room. There's a bed in it. The car's been repossessed anyway, so what the heck
Staging In Tampa...
I faked a bed in an empty bedroom with cardboard boxes and a couple of blankets. It's pretty common when occupants have already moved.
More Of This
at least they’re being honest…? unless it does suck of course
Nothing To See Here
"Most Hectic Homes"? ..." I do not think that word means what you think it means." — Inigo Montoya
Well, the Bored Panda staff is Lithuanian, so...
Load More Replies...I have been correcting the title in my head, figuring out what they really wanted to get at: eclectic perhaps? Lithuania...intriguing...
you killed my father.. prepare to die!
I've heard Aussies use "hectic" this way. As in generally messed up.
I don't know. Imagine a house filled with teenagers making a run at some of those bathrooms. Imagine living in Mother Nature's vomit emporium. Or tending to the emotional needs of people so needy they built a lofty balcony indoors so that they can look down on others, be looked up to. This is all the opposite of Feng shei and good sleep hygiene.
I want to briefly visit the minds who made some of these disasters, just to have some chance of understand what they were thinking, if anything.
Jo, can I listen in, on your conversation, it's bound to be interesting !!!
Load More Replies...I encourage you to visit a region at Iberian Peninsula called Galicia, and visit houses as if you were to buy them. You will get the chance to speak to home designers as good as this, if not better.
I've seen every single one of these photos in multiple BP lists before. BP editors, get a grip. I certainly hope no one gets paid for this sh!t.
We just sold it so I can't take pics of it...wish I had...but our last house had some...interesting design choices. They left all of the paintings in the house when we moved in, and said paintings covered up some things like a misplaced vent, a corkboard, etc. There was a fully finished basement but the previous owners obviously failed at something because the shower was in the laundry room while the toilet and sink were in the other end of the basement. Oops. To make room in one of the basement rooms to call it a bedroom they put an indent into the furnace room to create the closet. We never used the room for anything but storage but I couldn't imagine being stuck between the furnace room and the stairs. Other than that it was a gorgeous house and we seriously sold it for twice what we paid for it because of location and the design of the house. But yes, we removed the paintings, we didn't want them to have the surprises we had.
I have not laughed so much in a long time! I feel sorry for the poor agents who had to try and sell those places!
How i become a lottery winner with the help of a spell caster calld Dr Ayoola, i meet this great man online when someone was talking about how this man help him to win lottery and immediately i contacted him and ask for help as well. and this great man promise to help me and assure me that i will win once he give me the lottery number, today i am here saying a big thank you to Dr yoola for helping me to win the sum of 50,000,000 dollars all thanks to you Dr Ayoola you can as well contact him today for help via or text or call +14809032128
This post, was one of the strangest, without a doubt, somewhat interesting, there must be a great number, of weird carpenters, or should I say, wanna be carpenters !!!
If I could pick some bits at the cost of a random bit being included, I would love to buy a house made of these.
You can hire Henryclarkethicalhacker for all your hacking needs which include clearing of criminal and driving records, credit hack fix, college grade changes, cloning phones, spying on anyone, hacking all social media accounts, etc,. Reach him via Henryclarkethicalhacker @ gmail. com Text him,, Whatsapp,,+18134211326.
"Most Hectic Homes"? ..." I do not think that word means what you think it means." — Inigo Montoya
Well, the Bored Panda staff is Lithuanian, so...
Load More Replies...I have been correcting the title in my head, figuring out what they really wanted to get at: eclectic perhaps? Lithuania...intriguing...
you killed my father.. prepare to die!
I've heard Aussies use "hectic" this way. As in generally messed up.
I don't know. Imagine a house filled with teenagers making a run at some of those bathrooms. Imagine living in Mother Nature's vomit emporium. Or tending to the emotional needs of people so needy they built a lofty balcony indoors so that they can look down on others, be looked up to. This is all the opposite of Feng shei and good sleep hygiene.
I want to briefly visit the minds who made some of these disasters, just to have some chance of understand what they were thinking, if anything.
Jo, can I listen in, on your conversation, it's bound to be interesting !!!
Load More Replies...I encourage you to visit a region at Iberian Peninsula called Galicia, and visit houses as if you were to buy them. You will get the chance to speak to home designers as good as this, if not better.
I've seen every single one of these photos in multiple BP lists before. BP editors, get a grip. I certainly hope no one gets paid for this sh!t.
We just sold it so I can't take pics of it...wish I had...but our last house had some...interesting design choices. They left all of the paintings in the house when we moved in, and said paintings covered up some things like a misplaced vent, a corkboard, etc. There was a fully finished basement but the previous owners obviously failed at something because the shower was in the laundry room while the toilet and sink were in the other end of the basement. Oops. To make room in one of the basement rooms to call it a bedroom they put an indent into the furnace room to create the closet. We never used the room for anything but storage but I couldn't imagine being stuck between the furnace room and the stairs. Other than that it was a gorgeous house and we seriously sold it for twice what we paid for it because of location and the design of the house. But yes, we removed the paintings, we didn't want them to have the surprises we had.
I have not laughed so much in a long time! I feel sorry for the poor agents who had to try and sell those places!
How i become a lottery winner with the help of a spell caster calld Dr Ayoola, i meet this great man online when someone was talking about how this man help him to win lottery and immediately i contacted him and ask for help as well. and this great man promise to help me and assure me that i will win once he give me the lottery number, today i am here saying a big thank you to Dr yoola for helping me to win the sum of 50,000,000 dollars all thanks to you Dr Ayoola you can as well contact him today for help via or text or call +14809032128
This post, was one of the strangest, without a doubt, somewhat interesting, there must be a great number, of weird carpenters, or should I say, wanna be carpenters !!!
If I could pick some bits at the cost of a random bit being included, I would love to buy a house made of these.
You can hire Henryclarkethicalhacker for all your hacking needs which include clearing of criminal and driving records, credit hack fix, college grade changes, cloning phones, spying on anyone, hacking all social media accounts, etc,. Reach him via Henryclarkethicalhacker @ gmail. com Text him,, Whatsapp,,+18134211326.