Having the wit it takes to come up with a humorous reply—especially in a matter of seconds—is a talent not everyone is lucky to have. That’s why witty people are something we should cherish and appreciate, especially in the online world, where funny comments often become a source of great joy and laughter.
Plenty of such comments can be found on the X (formerly Twitter) page ‘Rare Insults’, some of which we have put on this list for you today. Scroll down to find the applause-worthy responses and see for yourself just how creative and witty some netizens can be.
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Even though the ‘Rare Insults’ X page was founded less than two years ago, it already has nearly two million followers who get to enjoy “the most unique insults on the internet”, as reads the page’s description.
And while these unique insults are not all too hurtful, many comments online are. As a matter of fact, nearly a quarter of netizens have reportedly left a malicious comment on the net, with 18 to 34-year-olds being the most keen on arguing in the comment section.
Highlander did this on in the TV series. If you live for hundreds of years, just deposit $1000 in 1865 and live like a billionaire 150 years later.
Now used in many shapes and forms, from witty comments online to hilarious punchlines in comedy shows, and beyond, humor developed alongside humans. According to research on its origins, some factors seemed to have a stronger influence on it than others, the former including the origins of language, cognition underlying spiritual feelings, the group size of individuals—or their predecessors—and primate teasing.
The research also suggested that despite animals showing signs that could be somewhat related to humor, only humans seem to fully possess the cognitive mechanisms necessary to engage in it. “The use of rich complex symbols within the framework of a universal syntactical structure, in combination with a high-powered working memory, invariably leads to intricate conceptualizations,” it read in part. “This ability—to quickly manipulate multifaceted symbols in the service of even more intricate conceptualizations—may be an essential distinguishing feature of Homo sapiens.”
I hope she's wearing a flesh coloured body suit under there!
Further studies seem to prove that humor is highly intertwined with Homo sapiens’s cognitive mechanisms, as research has found that intelligence is linked to humor production ability. Not only that, such ability in turn is linked to one’s mating success; findings show that males seem to possess a higher average humor ability.
And then they go on a date and fall in love and get married with 3 kids and live happily ever after :)
While many people—both male and female—are often considered to be great jokesters, it’s important to remember that what one finds funny is highly subjective. Though there are some things that might be more acceptable to a certain group of individuals, such as people of the same nationality, for instance.
Summarizing the findings of numerous studies on humor, the research publisher Frontiers emphasized that people from different cultural backgrounds may see humor in different ways; despite humor being a universal human activity, important cultural influences can shape the way humor is used and in what situations it is considered appropriate.
Frontiers pointed out that the way humor is perceived in Western and Eastern cultures, for instance, is way different. While westerners have a long-history of appreciating and embracing humor as an expression of amusement or a positive character trait, their Eastern counterparts are seemingly far less fond of it.
In China, for instance, the culture disparages humor and focuses more on restriction and seriousness instead. “Chinese are reluctant to admit they are humorous out of fear of jeopardizing their social status,” Frontiers suggested, adding that people in the country typically don’t consider humor a desirable personality trait.
While people in some countries seem to enjoy humor more than in others, it’s not easy to determine where they appreciate or engage in it the most. But there have been attempts at figuring that out; a poll carried out back in 2011, for instance, suggested that the US is the funniest nation, with Germany at the other end of the spectrum.
The Brits, often considered to have a rather unique sense of humor, were voted "not as funny as they think". However, a later poll regarding how funny countries in Europe were deemed Britain worthy of being on the very top of the list.
If you’re trying your luck at being funny with someone face to face, there are telltale signs that show whether or not they find you amusing. Known as the ‘Duchenne’ laughter or ‘Duchenne’ smile, they refer to the way our facial expression changes when we’re sincerely amused by something.
Such an expression, named after the French neurologist Guillaume Duchenne, is evoked by the joint action of two facial muscles: the zygomaticus major muscle responsible for lifting the corners of one’s mouth, and the orbicularis oculi, which raises the cheeks, revealing the laugh lines at the outside corners of one’s eyes.
The authors of the witty comebacks on this list couldn’t see whether or not they’ve elicited a Duchenne smile on anyone’s face, but the fact that their comments were picked up by ‘Rare Insults’ shows that they at least belong to some of “the most unique insults on the internet”.
If you’d like to see more of such insults, make sure to check out Bored Panda’s previous edition on the X page here.
When the power goes out, their teeth will be a good source of light
He's Aquafresh: https://www.target.com/p/aquafresh-cavity-protection-toothpaste-5-6oz-3ct/-/A-83550071
Ok seriously people, enough with the smooth brain "taxation is theft" BS. Either we live in a society where everyone pays their fair share of taxes(including the billionaires and multi-millionaires in a better, just world) so that we can all benefit from public education, transportation, emergency services, and maybe health care OR we go the asinine way where there's zero taxation and EVERYTHING is privately owned. Want a basic 1-12th grade education? Pay for a private school. Want to drive ANYWHERE? Pay the toll on EVERY road . House on fire? PAY the firefighters to put it out. Can afford them? Bye bye house. I don't even need to explain the health care scenario because we are "lucky" enough to be living in that hell right now... Taxes can be a HUGE benefit to society as long as WE THE PEOPLE are in control of our elected policy makers and government!
Why call a radio station when you can make an AITA post on reddit?