30 Times People Dropped ‘Rare Compliments’ That Were So Funny And Weird, They Went Viral (New Pics)
Some of the best wordsmiths that ever lived wrote classic novels and poems that stood the test of time. But in today’s digital age, you will find many of them in comment boxes all over the internet.
Enter the Rare Compliments subreddit, which collects screenshots of the most uniquely worded praises you will read online. Many of these may induce amused laughter while making you wonder, “How did they come up with that?”
We’ve compiled the best ones from the group, showing that comment sections aren’t always filled with toxicity. They may also inspire you to be more creative the next time you give someone a verbal pat on the back.
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Was Told This Might Go Here?
Rip Jimmy Carter
The tangerine toddler and his right-hand man Elon mush are c*****g so many important things. A$$holes.
Load More Replies...What the heck. Even normal word like cutting is subjected to censor now? That's ridiculous. Maybe every freaking word in the future will be censored because it is remotely related to crimes and death. *Edit: wait, mine isn't censored. Was yours just one-off thing? Weird nonetheless.
There are types of self harm that include cutting themselves, especially prevalent among teenagers.
That is still not a reason. Censorship and avoidance of "triggering" has literally been scientifically proven to cause more damage than good... As when you give a "trigger" warning. It not only introduces the same kind of bad reaction of the people who would be "triggered" but now it has a bigger "AOE" as in it will damage MUCH MORE since you kinda hit all the traumas and phobias imaginable... Above all it is just simply f*****g dumb... The kind of ppl who can be triggered have to get treatment and not force the entire world to bend... As the world is not the one we see in that 80ies movie "demolision man"... If it was... it would be a f*****g nightmare too...
Ben, it’s not done to avoid “triggering.” It’s an advertiser requirement because they don’t want their ads appearing next to certain topics. The script merely looks for the presence of words and not the contact (though this will change as scripts use AI libraries). Meanwhile, all the b******g in the world won’t change anything,
These are non profits organizations. The only way a president could interfear with them is if they can proove there is corruption going on. Maybe it is one such case but ppl are blinded by the "orange man baddd" or "biden is a pedooo" political tribe b******t going on in the usa? Can you explain why this is a bad/good thing then? What are the reasons stated behind the seizing of billions? If orange just doing this JUST to be comically evil? or is it a money laundering scheme like many of and i mean A FUCKTON of non profits?
Revenge on the American people or instructions from Putler are my top two guesses. And, btw- I completely agree that the Democrats should have had a strategy in place starting 2 years ago when P2025 was first publicized. Instead Pelosi & Schumer were more concerned with keeping the progressive people off of committees. A lot of what is happening is due to their lack of leadership.
It took all of 15 seconds to find a bunch. I chose Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/senators-seek-answers-epa-effort-claw-back-20-billion-climate-funds-2025-02-24/
No comments on the uncanny resemblance bt Carter and Johansson. You ppl are obsessed.
It is uncanny, but what's going on in USA is way uncannier. If I were an american citizen couldn't stop thinking about it either
I think about it zero. I don't pay attention to the fear mongering news or listen to idiots on the internet. The amount of people who are able to see the long game knows what's going on but for the sake of coming here and enjoying things, keep your political bullcrap to yourself. I don't know you all, i don't care to know a majority of you, stop shouting off garbage you're just parroting from the same news networks run by those billionaires you hate so much. Want a true cause. Get behind right to repair. Get behind causes that actually makes differences in everyone's life for the better, just not one specific group.
It would be fascinating to trace the DNA back. A common ancestor would not be a surprise.
I wonder if Scarlett will look like Jimmy as she gets older?
A Wonderful Compliment For A Wonderful Man
While this list is about rare compliments, how they were delivered draws more attention here. The unique blend of wit and humor made these comments worthy of a screenshot and share.
Journalist and Harvard University lecturer James Geary published a book in 2018 titled Wit’s End: What Wit Is, How It Works, and Why We Need It. In it, he mentioned that wit essentially establishes a common ground between entirely different ideas.
Funny Rare Compliment Found On R/Rareinsults
Actually, I've seen this video. She's talking to a scammer, messing with him.
Wholesome And Unique
The Best Compliment A Goth Girl Could Get
See, you can make a positive comment about a women with exposed skin without being a sexist or smutty.
“(Wit) consists in binding together remote and separate notions, finding similarity in dissimilar things (or dissimilarity in similar things), and drawing the mind from one word to another,” Geary wrote.
Geary adds that a witty person’s brain has far fewer inhibitions and “uncensored access to associations.”
What A Compliment
I Found This On An R/Askreddit Thread Where The Question Was "What Is Your Biggest Flex?"
Sometimes Youtube Comments Are Wholesome
Not everyone may have the same sharp wit as the commenters on this list. Fortunately, it’s a skill you can develop if you feel like you lack it. In an interview with Boston.com, Geary gave some tips, beginning with practicing puns.
In the interview, Geary gave this simple pun as an example: “‘What branch of the army do babies join? The infantry.” It is easily understood, which draws an easy laugh. As Geary explains, it puts everyone on the same wavelength.
Task Failed Successfully
A Mustache Fit For A Villain
Winter Of George
Taking things literally is another way to sharpen your wit. Geary says interpreting daily symbolisms at face value allows for clever delivery.
As an example, he used one of comedian Steven Wright's famous one-liners: “When everything is coming your way, you’re in the wrong lane.”
Saving The Planet One Tweet At A Time
Andrew Tate has been detained following the video he made in response to Greta's tweet, so he won't be able to drive the 33 cars he owns.
Could Have Been In Shrek
Found Another Gem On Youtube
I picked a psychologist at random for a free consultation. Got berated and criticised so badly after 10 min of taking. She wouldn't let me answer her questions or correct her. Later, I checked her description and she wrote she doesn't believe in accidents, so if you choose her, it's for a reason. Yeah, a reason to finally lose faith in humanity.
One point Geary made is that wit and humor don’t necessarily have to go hand in hand. In a 2019 talk at the Chautaqua Institution, he explained that the slight difference is that the former requires more mental exercise.
“Like juggling, wit is keeping a lot of different ideas, a lot of balls, in the air at the same time,” he said, emphasizing that wittiness is about “finding novel combinations about things.”
About Snarky Puppy's Drummer
Not Mine. I Saw This Comment On Youtube
The Man Did Indeed Have A Nice Voice
My dad used to say someone had a telephone book voice, a voice so beautiful you would happily listen to him (usually a him) read the telephone book. For those of us who remember telephone books.
At First I Was Like Huh? Then I Get It
Creative And Rare Compliment Found On Youtube
Too Effortlessly Cool For Me
Now i wanna know what song this is so i can feel feeble and inferior compared to its awesomeness
On An Elvis Blue Suede Shoes Post On Yt
Listen to him sing "lord you gave me a mountain to climb" genuinely able to hit those notes and hold them
Gets Who's Back?
Racc Vibes
On A Video Of A Robot Experts Explaining Robotics
Strange Complement, But Honestly Yeah
On A Video Featuring Dale The Tiktok Self Defense Instructor
One Of The Nicest Compliments I Have Gotten On Reddit. :)
I have love for Bob Ross... Only discovered him in the last decade, but he was posthumously a legend to me straight away.
Anyone Remember The Gta 6 Leaks
Poll Question
How do you feel about finding unique compliments in online comment sections?
It's great, positivity is needed
I enjoy the creativity
It's surprising but welcome
I prefer traditional compliments
Please do more lists like this! The world needs warm fuzzies in the midst of, well...*gestures broadly*
Please do more lists like this! The world needs warm fuzzies in the midst of, well...*gestures broadly*