Some future mothers-in-law get pretty creative when it comes to testing their daughter’s boyfriends: a New Zealander Daniel Gray came to visit his girlfriend’s family in Canada for the holidays and was asked to build a rainbow igloo in the backyard. The igloo was built out of almost 500 ice bricks that were made by freezing colored water in milk cartons. The whole process took around 150 hours. Even the rest of the family and a neighbor were summoned to help out, all with -25 °F (-31 °C) outside!

Brigid Burton, the mother-in-law, was pretty enthusiastic about her idea to keep Daniel busy: “(I said) to Dan, you know if you want my daughter’s hand you have to complete this, and he did it!” Kathleen Starrie, Daniel‘s girlfriend, said such ideas were pretty typical of her mom: “I wasn’t really too shocked. It wasn’t presented as an optional thing,“ she said with a laugh. Even though Daniel was excited about the challenge, he was happy to be done with it: “It was a lot of work so, it’s nice to actually have it there.” Now that’s a guy, worthy of his girl!

Via: & twistedsifter


    How To Build a Rainbow Igloo Using Milk Cartons

    500 milk cartons were filled with colored water and left them to freeze. After removing the paper they would form colored bricks.