Just wondering what kind of pets do you guys have?
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My Old Man!! He's Gonna Be 18 On May 5th!!
The Girls At 13. Orange Sarah Had To Stay At The Vet, Tabby Nini Must Have Been Lonely.
My Little Ingrid
My Beautiful Boy,i Think He's A Dog In A Cat's Body, Win-Win đĽ°
Our Baby
Bixit, Almost 1 Year Old, Giving Her Best Pose For This Shot
Lollie, Snuggled Up Under The Duvet In Bed.
Tomi Jumped Into Our Backyard And Our Hearts!
The Climber
My Very Sweet Cat, Billy
She Claimed Me
This makes sense. There is scientific proof cats domesticated us so she is following the natural order when she claimed you.
My Baby Gurl Marimar
The Crew (In Order Left To Right; Lenny, Bowie, Lovie, Tasha, Tate, Roo, Sassy, Dottie, Lucy, Fred, Ginger, Minnie)
No Pets Right Now, Just Feed The Birds
One Happy Kitty
Two Colored Eyes, Leyka.
Our Salt And Pepper Rescue Boys (From Left - Harpo And Brutus)
My Crazy Lil Pupper
My Little Duckling That Hatched. Named Her Penguin.
Cleopatra The Pawerfull And Purrrfect
Lola, My 8 Y/O Rescue Tortie
Cat Who Decided To Live With Us And Have Babies With Us, We Call Her Tiger.
My Bun Neil
My Dragonscale Betta, Flame
A Giant 2 Year Old Golden Retriever We Call Buttersđś
My Sweet Girl Star!!
Taking A Nap With Cherry Girl
The Ground Is Beneath Him, Apparently
Cats will seek a high advantage point to look down onto any possible threat and where they also feel safe.
This Is Spidercat. He Is Extremely Handsome And Fluffy!
My Sisterâs Big Boy Ragnar, Looking Like He Just Realized His Favorite Toy Isnât Really Alive.
My Two Sweethearts!sentinel Andmischief
Go On, I Dare You...
Don't worry, I won't. Unless it means you don't want me to pet you, because I'm going to try anyway.
My 14 Year Old Baby Girl, Wolfie. She Sees My Camera And Either Runs Away Or Strikes A Pose!
Ginger And Domino
Mine likes to lie in her bed on the couch and is cat-tivated by the Aquarium Channel.
Baby Enzo
Sally Sausage. On Her Own Stool.
She Loves To Climb
A Rare Image Of My Very Shy Foster
Serpent Kittuh
Gina! Female Cat, Born In Last Year's April
+ she lived in not-that-nice conditions, with another cat - and they weren't able to sort out their rank and stuff, therefore were fighting every day over everything you can fight over at all - places, food, ... everything. Her previous humans were ... well, I don't wanne be such a guy. Her current, third (or more) home, her last one, will neither ignore her will, nor abandon her, nor apply any kind of pressure. Her life is meant to be enjoyed, that is her task. She's allowed whatever isn't dangerous and pops up in her mind. Loves to play, cuddled a cloth butterfly, who's attached to a string and stick, and still plays with him - she hunts him, catches him mid-flight 4 or 5 feet above ground. Also loves those little ropewrapped mice, brings them back to their throwmachine (doubles as food dispenser, triples as poop removal device, quadruples as scratching machine, pentubles as her agent towards the outside world, currently occupied by mainly me.
Lovely Mona
My Bombay Cat: Coltrane Keanu Cat Kirk
Skip The Toys. Her Favorite...catnip
Meeko The Ferret
Zooey & Bowie
My Daughters Hamster. She Named Her Sweetie Pie
Jacob My Golden Retriever Puppy
Loki Is My Little Weirdo!
My Babygirl Wolfie Enjoying The Warm Spring Air. She Just Turned 14.
Our Two Naked Girls Basking In The Sun.
They Really Miss Dad After A Long Day At Work
This Queen! Sheâs 10 Years Old And Has The Softest Meows
My Dog Shilo In A Quiet Thoughtful Mood
Here Be Waffles
My Grandson Merlins Bread
This Is My 11 Year Old Girl Bob.
2 Of Our 4 Pets
Also My Cat Nina! I Don't Have A Picture Of Her And My Dog Stella Together Because They Hate Each Other :/
My Boy Boo
My 2 Raskals Now, I'm At My Mothers Place To Renovate The Beach Cabin So I Took This Pics Now While Coffee Break.
One of them HAVE to be blurry that's a kind of annoying mathematical rule 20210423_1...0e2450.jpg
Penelope And Her Goat Brothers
My Turtle Herman In Superman Position
I'm More Of A Reptile Lover𼰠Roxy
CUTE ! I have a soft spot for Lizards after by chance watching two lizards make love on a sunny wall in my garden. Afterwards they stayed to-gether side by side in such a loving way for quite a long time...I just melted...
This Is Herbie Gherkin And His Bee. His Bee... And The Other Dogs Better Stay Away.
Don´t worry Herbie,they know....especially the mutt next door...
R.i.p. Maggieđ
River The Weimaraner. 6 Years Old.
Dogs Lucy And Linus, Bird Rio, Gecko Max, Bunny Cocoa And Fish Pennywise
Her Imperial Highness Nasa, 12 Years Old.
My Trash Panda Doggo
Number 7 - Walter.
My Middle Aged Boy! He Will Be 8 In July
Oliver And Bella-Booboo
Boo, My Love-Bug, Showing Some Toe Beans...
Maja The Lady Cat
Dig, Dig, Dig...
Our Handsome Goldendoodle, Enzo.
Returning Home After Splashing In Puddles
Curled Up And Ready To Get Pet
A Classic Example Of A Greyhound Not Allowed On The Couch...
Tinxy The Lynx Point Siamese
Delilah And Roxy
Thrashos The King.
Our Ragdoll, Oreo. Nicknamed Flop As That's What He Does All Day: Flop Around The House.
Don't Want To Forget One Of My Big Kids...millie, One Of My Arabian Horses. She Stares At Me Through The Kitchen Window (Which Is A Good 200 Yards Away From The Field) When She Wants To Come Inside. Then All The Horses Are Waiting By The Gate!
Baby Diego
Santa Claus's Rudolph Mini Edition
Santa,I swear I have been a good Boi...don´t bother to ask the cat...she is such a liar.!.
Chris, 12, Yorkshire Terrier
The Rare Angry Pupicorn Holly
...and Her Younger Sister Following In Her Pawprints
My Cat
Our House Is Full Of Cats And Rabbits! Here's Our Boys, Squark And Rex!
Rabbit: Step 1 world domination, get cats pizza boxes. They will then be my servants of destiny ;o)
Tabbers Looking Out The Window
My Kitty And The Puppies She Use To Watch Them... While They Sleep...
âIâm Modeling For The Camera.â
My Living Pompom Jasper The Friendly Dog
My Babies Jack, Mika & King
Giorgio The Shar Pei Puppy.
I Have Nine Cats, A Horse And A Pony, Here Is My Pony:
She Dictates, It Is Time For A Break!
This Dumbo...he Is 7 Yrs Old...if Itâs A Bag He Will Find His Way Into It
Oliver, Charlie Mae & Harley Quinn. Never Can Get All 3 In The Same Picture
She's Not Dead, This Bright Bulb Would Regularly Sleep Like This While She Had On The Cone.
Sparky (Aka Spud) On Her Bed, Surrounded By Cushions.
Flynn The Magnificent
Cali The Destroyer (Of Spider Plants)
Our Snowshoe Mando Loves His Big Brother Solo. Sadly, I Donât Think Solo Shares The Sentiment
Best Friends Forever !
Pepper Kitty, The Beauty
We're Not Sure How Old Zeta Is, We Adopted Her As A Grown Dog. 13?
Seems she ended up in the absolutely right family..shiny coat and playful...perfect end to her story..
My Sweet Little Princess Zoe--She Is A Princess..just Ask Her!
Zarek, Rescued 5 Years Ago From The Pound.
Bonnie & Clyde, Theyâll Be 17 This Summer đĽ°
....but not too old for one more heist...looks like they are plotting something....
William Turned 6 This April.
Stella Taking A Siesta...
Pandorica Eloise Showing The World How To Truly Live
Cold Is A Pitbull Mixed With Dalmatian
My Girls - Arrived One Month Ago And They Already Feel At Home!
Numbers 3 & 4 - Pippin And Splodge
Almost A Pet. My Nightly Visitor (When Not Hibernating) For The Past 5 Years
One Of My Many Many Babies!!
Hereâs My Ball Python, French Fry
Perla And Suzy, My Mice! (Mice Move Quickly-This Is The Best Pic I Have Of Them)
El Chapo Having Lunch
Born Yesterday - Inky, Blinky, Pinky, Clyde And Alexandra. The Others Just Know Alexandra Will Become A Drama Queen So They Plan To Just Fly Away One Day.
I have a nesting family of blackbirds in my Ivy....makes me feel rich..
Mouth Flap.
This Is Tucker
My Mini Goats!
Our Cole Who Turns 16 May 1st! Deaf, Poor Vision And His Back Legs Are Wonky. Love Him To The Moon And Back
British Short Hair. Brother And Little Sister. She Seems To Be Sad All The Time.
Rex. 16 Years. Rescued On A Rainy Night In Texas.
My Handsome Man, Frankie.
From Top To Bottom: Trick, His Brother Treat, And Stevie.
Miss Mouse; Chaos And Coco Remi Sing Me That 4.30pm Is Dinner Time!
Not Sure If All Three Are Visable...calico Is Sweety, One Eyed Tux Is Pippy )he Was Born That Way, He Could Even Hunt In His Prime), And Lean Tux With Fire In Her Eyes (Zoom In, I Used Flash) Is Gidget
My Two Boys!
My Baby Girl, Penny. The Couch Belongs To Her.
Elliot Loves To Sit On Shoulders
My Mao... My Rescued Cat, But He Actually Saved Me
Top To Bottom: Muffy The Fluffy, Mister Jones, And Wyatt The Twitch.
Our Precious Mau
The Blue Eyed Fluff Ball !
Murphy On His Outdoor Couch
I recognize the tell-tale sign of his improvement of said couch...a work in progress...lol