Put a finger down if you ever canceled your plans because you didn’t feel like going.
Introvert life hack: You don't have to cancel plans if you don't make any
Put a finger down if you talk to yourself.
Put a finger down if you’ve ever mistakenly thought somebody was waving at you.
Put a finger down if you procrastinate.
Put a finger down if you ever cried in public.
All the darn time. Can’t handle any form of stress without breaking down. 8 fingers down
Put a finger down if you’ve ever worn somebody else’s clothes.
Isn't that literally the whole point of Savers, Goodwill, the Salvation Army and other retailers?
Put a finger down if you ever purposefully waited to text someone back.
Put a finger down if you’ve had your heart broken before.
Put a finger down if you ever faked sick to stay at home.
Umm, yah, I’m sick right now, not just tired of life, that’s why I’m on the couch binge watching tv and scrolling on bp
Put a finger down if you’ve ever accidentally worn clothes inside out.
Just before I walked into the office, I went to put my hands in my pocket and realized my stylish knit, elastic waistband pants were on backwards
Put a finger down if you have ever had a negative bank account balance.
I refuse to answer on the grounds of not remembering how many times 🙃 It's just so difficult to balance my net income with my gross lifestyle
Put a finger down if you texted someone “I’m on my way” but you still were in your house.
Put a finger down if you ever laughed so hard that you spit out your drink.
Put a finger down if you ever looked yourself up on Google.
Put a finger down if you know 10 colors.
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, brown, khaki, cerulean
Put a finger down if you cried because of seeing someone else cry.
Put a finger down if you ever got lost.
Put a finger down if you’ve ever pretended to be asleep when someone is talking to you.
Put a finger down if you read an entire book in a day.
Put a finger down if you’ve ever been camping.
Put a finger down if you own more than 10 pairs of shoes.
Put a finger down if you ever lied to impress someone.
In elementary school, when injuries were cool, I faked a broken ankle. Naive children, my friends believed me. The day I stopped was when a parent brought me homemade cookies as a get well present. I felt so bad I cried. Never lied to impress someone since.
Put a finger down if you ever dropped your phone on your face.
Put a finger down if you used a pencil to poke holes in an eraser.
Put a finger down if you ever cried in the car.
Put a finger down if you have shoplifted.
A lip gloss from Claire's when I was 12. They called the cops and everything the cops even took me to the station in the back of the car to the station get finger printed and photos taken. I was always in trouble to get attention. And they say middle child syndrome doesn't exist. I lived it and made bad choices.
Put a finger down if you ever wrote your name on a foggy window.
Put a finger down if you’re scared of public speaking.
This might be the only one that I don't have to put a finger down. Too bad I'm already out of fingers
Put a finger down if you have dated someone older than you.
I dated someone twice my age. Me 21, He 42. Best kisser I ever kissed
Put a finger down if you know all the words to your own national anthem.
Yes I do. We sing it everyday before starting class in the morning
Put a finger down if you ever watched a raindrop race.
Put a finger down if you dug through dirty laundry to pick something to wear.
Put a finger down if you’ve ever caught a fish.
Put a finger down if you laugh when kids fall.
Put a finger down if you can ride a bike.
Put a finger down if you’ve ever cheated on a test.
Put a finger down if you’ve ever eaten a Krispy Kreme doughnut.
My FB profile pic was my son and I at KK, paper hats and all. Yummy!
Put a finger down if you often zone out during a fun time with friends.
I don’t know if this is normal or not, but at random moments I get this weird feeling that I’m imagining it. I’m partly light headed, and everything kind of echos. It feels kind of like a dream, but I know it’s not. I don’t know if I’m the only one
Put a finger down if you’ve ever gone to the movies by yourself.
Put a finger down if ever worn something that was uncomfortable for you but you continued to wear it because you thought it was cool.
Put a finger down if you shaved your toes.
Put a finger down if you’ve ever been to a drive-thru movie theater.
Put a finger down if you’ve ever danced on the street.
Put a finger down if you walked into a sliding glass door because you thought it was open.
Put a finger down if you have gotten a speeding ticket.
Once! And my son got to pee holding a police traffic wand... Looong story there
Put a finger down if you're scared of rollercoasters or heights.
Put a finger down if you ever screamed into a fan.
Put a finger down if you’ve ever dyed your hair a crazy color.
Put a finger down if you ever played with a magnifying glass on a sunny day.
Put a finger down if you’ve ever skinny-dipped.
Put a finger down if you embarrassed yourself trying to look cool in front of people.
Put a finger down if you’ve ever farted loud in public.
Put a finger down if you own your own home.
Put a finger down if you ever stuck your arms into a t-shirt and pretended you’ve lost them.
Put a finger down if you are still sleeping with your stuffed animals.
All fingers down. My stuffed animals are sitting right next to me now
Put a finger down if you’ve ever climbed a mountain.
Put a finger down if you’ve ever been to a tropical island.
Put a finger down if you ever pretended to be in a music video while listening to it.
Put a finger down if you ever gone on a blind date.
Put a finger down if you like to sing in the shower.
Put a finger down if you’ve ever pooped in the woods.
Put a finger down if you tried to communicate with a friend telepathically.
Put a finger down if you have appeared on TV.
I have! Twice! Going to random places, just happened to be interviewed!
Put a finger down if you’re scared of needles.
I always tell my kids that it's human nature to be anxious when someone is planning to stab you with a sharp object.
Put a finger down if you are scared of heights.
Put a finger down if you have gotten a speeding ticket.
Put a finger down if you planned an elaborate move to another country with your best friend.
Put a finger down if you went to college just because your parents wanted you to.
Yes and had to pay for it by myself. $30k later I dropped out and started working. Parent no longer speaks to me. Found out years later that I got a full scholarship to a university further away but parent hid the letter so I wouldn't leave home.
Put a finger down if you have eaten dirt.
I got my head pushed in it when I was 5. The taste is overall not bad, you have to look out for the texture though.
Put a finger down if you have jumped into a trash can or dumpster.
Put a finger down if you have ever created a fake social media account.
Put a finger down if you’ve ever peed your pants in public.
My kids first day of school in kindergarten he was standing in line to go inside and he peed in his pants. So right there being the badass father that I am, I peed in my pants too in front of everybody and I picked him up took him home we both changed our clothes and then I took him back to school. I received high praise from the teachers and other parents for that.
Put a finger down if you never climbed a tree.
I have been climbing trees since I can remember, idk why my parents let a 2 year old do that
Put a finger down if you have more than one job.
Currently working 3 and still too poor to buy holiday gifts for the household...rural American life, y'all....
Put a finger down if you’ve ever gotten into a catfight.
Put a finger down if you have eaten from a bowl, like a dog, to see what it was like.
Put a finger down if you slept in your partners clothes while they were away.
Put a finger down if you have used someone else's toothbrush.
Put a finger down if you are the life of the party.
Put a finger down if you have said, "My dog ate my homework."
No but, had a Parrot (yrs. ago) that would eat my mail! I just thought I wasn't getting my mail. 😂
Put a finger down if you have ever sent a racy text to the wrong person.
Put a finger down if you ever ate a worm.
Put a finger down if you ever saved a picture of you crying.
Put a finger down if you only listen to country music.
Put a finger down if you have ever drawn a moustache on my face.
Put a finger down if you have done karate.
Put a finger down if you consider yourself athletic.
Put a finger down if you can whistle with your fingers.
Put a finger down if you’ve ever had a dream about being a chicken.
Put a finger down if you’ve ever been in the military.
Put a finger down if you think “The Bachelor” is a realistic depiction of modern romance.
Only six of these I couldn't put my finger down for. It's a pretty high score. Anybody else feel like they needed more hands for this even after curling your toes
Put a finger down if the list was so long you bailed about half way through and jumped to the end.
It feel like somebody asked me a bunch of questions and then had me take a test about the same questions they asked
Put a finger down if the list was so long you bailed about half way through and jumped to the end.
It feel like somebody asked me a bunch of questions and then had me take a test about the same questions they asked