Police Recruits New Puppies, And The Internet Is Having Serious Cuteness Overload
Meet Lucky Star, Schumann, Feida, Brother, AJ, and Full Moon – the newest and the most adorable puppy additions to Taiwan’s Police K-9 units. These cuddly and sleepy puppies are about to start their police training and will eventually have a serious role in the NPA’S K-9 Anti Bomb And Drug force and Blood Detection units based in Taipei.
It seems that being police dogs runs in their blood. “The cute puppies’ mom, named Yellow, is in the K-9 unit… the department that [deals with] anti-drug and anti-bomb [issues],” a spokesperson from the NPA told Mashable.
“We hope that in the future the puppies can be like their police officer mother Yellow, that they can pass through service dog training successfully and enter the force,” the NPA said in a post on Facebook.” The Labradors’ dad Leader is a working dog, too.
However, for now, the 1-month-old puppies are still more into sleeping and eating than special dog training, fighting crimes, and saving the world. “Sometimes, [Lucky Star] would fall asleep while eating, and then he would wake up suddenly and carry on eating as nothing happened. How could people not love something as cute as that?” asks Captain Pan from Taiwan’s Police.
More info: Taiwan’s National Police Agency | Facebook (h/t: mashable)
Meet Lucky Star, Schumann, Feida, Brother, AJ and Full Moon – the most adorable police officers ever
The doggies are the newest additions to Taiwan’s Police K-9 units
These sleepy puppies are about to start their training and will eventually have a serious role…
In the Anti Bomb And Drug force and Blood Detection units, fighting crime and saving the day
Working to fight the bad guys is in their blood – both of their parents are sniffing dogs
“We hope that in the future the puppies… can pass through training successfully”
However, for now the 1-month-old babies are still more into sleeping and eating than preserving the law
“Sometimes, [Lucky Star] would fall asleep while eating, and then he would wake up suddenly…”
“And carry on eating like nothing happened…”
“How could people not love something as cute as that?”
Share on FacebookJust think, Taiwan recently passed a law making it illegal to use dogs for food. And its a felony to engage in selling or trafficking them. And now this. Finally, something more worth celebrating! cheesywink...1a314a.gif
Just broke in a bodega, i'm guilty, please send 10 or 15 of this puppies to arrest me <3 PLEASE!
Just think, Taiwan recently passed a law making it illegal to use dogs for food. And its a felony to engage in selling or trafficking them. And now this. Finally, something more worth celebrating! cheesywink...1a314a.gif
Just broke in a bodega, i'm guilty, please send 10 or 15 of this puppies to arrest me <3 PLEASE!