Hello, friends! I am the creator of a little punny webcomic called Comedy Viking. I started this passion project in early 2021, and I've been enjoying making people cringe and laugh with the lamest puns I can come up with. I've always enjoyed dad humor and Norse mythology, so I figured "why not combine the two!?" I gathered a handful of my favorite comics to share, and I hope you enjoy/loathe them as much as I do! Just remember, a bad pun is inherently a good pun.
More info: Instagram | comedyviking.com
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Spooky Stories
For as long as I can remember, I've always loved different types of mythologies and folklore. The same goes for comedy. Laughing is one of my favorite activities, and I really wanted to create something that would bring those two worlds together. My goal is to introduce others to the crazy world of Norse mythology while also adding my own twists and pun-smithing.
Investigating Cattle
Now, see this is funny despite a VERY old, overused pun because of the absurd illustrations.
Observing The Elderly
One of the beautiful (and annoying) things about Norse myths is that there aren't a lot of recordings of the actual stories or beliefs the Vikings had. Most were recorded and interpreted by travelers visiting those parts of the world during that time. This kind of opens up the floor for me a bit, where I can put my own twist on some of the stories and characters that have been recorded without feeling like I'm going against the grain too much. I don't have to worry about making one of my stories too weird or absurd, because I really can't outdo the wild and craziness of the original Norse stories themselves!
Inspecting The Crops
Correcting Grammar
My process for creating my comics is pretty simple: take a pun, then write a brief story around it. I have a (somewhat lengthy) list of puns I've collected over the years that I've either come up with myself during random occasions or have heard in an old joke. It's probably not the most effective way of doing things, but it's been working out so far! It does get trickier when I want to write a multi-part story, since each pun has to relate to the overarching story in some way. That's all part of the fun though, and it feels very rewarding once something finally comes together. My favorite pun I've used in a comic still might be the very first Comedy Viking comic I ever wrote, where Lars asks if an elderly woman can see that well, then naturally, she falls into a well.
Avoiding Trouble Makers
Fishing Trip
I'd say my comic has a pretty niche target audience; people who enjoy Vikings and people who enjoy punny humor. When I first came up with the idea for this comic, my only goal really was to create something I myself would enjoy (selfish, right!?). So when I started posting it online, I was happily surprised to see how many others enjoyed that combination, as well. I know my jokes hurt sometimes, or often, but getting responses from readers who share how it made them cringe or roll their eyes is what I live for.
Explaining Types Of Chicken
Thor's Hammer
Mjolnir mjolfar, wherever you are.......the touch of thor shall go onnnnnnn!! Lol 😆 Now just imagine thor dressed as Celine dion in the third installment to the franchise, and the laughing 😃 goats in the distance hahhaha!! 😆
History Of The Gods
Dead End
Safe Hiking Practices
Etching Runes
Fresh Prints
Horses For Sale
Crafting Friends
Meating New People
Searching For Bees
Rocking Out
Holiday Sweater
Exploring The Fire Realm
Getting A Leg
Being Neighborly
Trading Souls
That’s not hel, hel is hela beautiful on one side, and hela ugly on the other
Asking For Directions
We almost named our dog Heimdall because he has gorgeous blue eyes but there weren’t any good nicknames.
Baking Bread
Odin's Ravens
Confusing Tasks
Confusing Bridges
Meeting A Dwarf
Having A Hoot
Discovering New Empires
Checking Out Pumpkins
Starting Traditions
Witnessing A Sign
hmm yea i don't know why it just popped in my head that the raven could be a sign of odin
Having Nightmares
Providing First Aid
Pandas, can we give Ms. M the award for most amazing puns in the entire solar system?
Pandas, can we give Ms. M the award for most amazing puns in the entire solar system?