People Are Calling This Student Racist After She Posts Photos Of Her Prom Dress Online
Keziah Daum is an 18-year-old girl who recently received a lot of hate online for her dress. Many people were not happy about Keziah’s choice to wear a stunning Chinese qipao to her high school prom. Things got really bad on April 22nd when she posted a picture of herself in the dress on Twitter. People started calling her dress a form of ‘cultural appropriation’ and ‘casual racism’. Others defended Keziah, saying that her dress is about people sharing their cultures and traditions, and bullying and an 18-year-old girl just because of her dress is not a form of justice.
Cultural appropriation is defined as “the act of taking or using things from a culture that is not your own, especially without showing that you understand or respect this culture.” It is always a divisive subject, with elements of power, inequality and colonialism playing a part. When does appreciation of another culture’s traditions become appropriation? The line is a thin one and is heavily dependent on perspective, which is why cases like this always provoke such heated debate.
While Keziah was apparently not aware of the historical background to the dress when she bought it at a vintage store in Salt Lake City, there appears to be no disrespect on her part. “I simply found a beautiful, modest gown and chose to wear it,” she told the South China Morning Post. “I am sorry if anyone was offended. That was never my intention. I am grateful I was able to wear such a beautiful dress.”
What may have been in bad taste was, however, the photo of Keziah and her friends in a stereotypical, hands-together-bowing pose. This gesture has been used to mock Chinese people and culture over the years, and doing it, knowingly or not (they were apparently copying a pose from an H3H3 meme) may have contributed largely to perceptions of her cultural insensitivity and the negative reactions she has received.
Keziah appears to have the support of many Chinese social media users however. “Culture has no borders,” one Weibo user wrote. “There is no problem, as long as there is no malice or deliberate maligning. Chinese cultural treasures are worth spreading all over the world.”
“It is not cultural theft,” another person commented. “It is cultural appreciation and cultural respect.”
Despite receiving a massive backlash online, Keziah decided to stand up for herself by declaring that she did not disrespect Chinese culture in any shape or form. She also said that she would not delete the post or pictures. “To everyone who says I’m ignorant, I fully understand everyone’s concerns and views on my dress. I mean no harm.”
Scroll down to see how it all turned out, and comment what you think about the whole situation. Should Keziah been more sensitive and understanding about the history and cultural importance of her dress? Or was she right to believe that a beautiful dress is simply that, something beautiful for all to enjoy? Join the discussion!
More info: Twitter
Keziah Daum is an 18-year-old girl who recently had her senior prom
On April 22nd she posted pictures from the big event which she attended wearing a stunning Chinese qipao
The pictures she shared quickly went viral and people had a lot to say about them
Many were very unhappy about Keziah’s choice of attire
People started calling her dress a form of ‘cultural appropriation’ and ‘casual racism’
Others were quick to defend Daum and criticize the backlash she received
Keziah decided to stand up for herself and clarify her stance on the subject
Share on FacebookSome people just cannot stop themselves from being endlessly outraged. I guess that it gives them a feeling of self-worth.
Yep. It's just that they are miserable cry babies, who are unhappy with every single goddamn thing! I'm not a patriot, but if someone wore traditional Bulgarian folk costume on a prom, I would find it to be a lucky chance and quite interesting, but not the slightest bit insulting, I might even be happy that someone promotes my country's traditions!
Load More Replies...Well said (written). I like to ask the people yammering about cultural appropriation if they use/eat/wear (X). Because they're "culturally appropriating" it. It used to be we cared about multiculturalism, sharing culture. Now? Good grief.
I suspect that some people are just spoiling for a fight. It's disturbing that more of them don't spend more time focussing on genuine issues of disparity of culture and race, such as indigenous disadvantage and fair treatment of refugees.
If these whiners actually sat down and thought about it... "traditional", wearing one's historically cultural clothing ONLY from their race or culture, at a prom would leave, some folks with a choice of ... um, well, Google it...
I mean in Titanfall 2 I get frustrated when I'm killed by lower levels and get a big head killing higher levels
Maybe this is just my opinion but that dress is a part of American culture, now. Chinese people began immigrating in large numbers to the US in the 1800s. Like every other group of immigrants that came here, they brought their culture with them. And like every other group we adopted some of their culture. We are only 200 years old. Combined culture is our culture. We've adopted food, music, clothes, etiquette, architecture and more from every country that has settled here.
Yup - I don't see the restaurant owners complaining about our love of Chinese food. Why should clothes be any different?
Load More Replies...Well said, thank-you. Most of the negative posts I read were more about hiding their own passive aggressive racism.
I am an Asian born of Chinese ancestry. I have no problems with the girl wearing the qipao. Your opinion of it being considered an American culture now is probably taking it too far. You can adopt things, but that Qipao design is traditional. And no country can settle in another country. Maybe citizens or ex-citizens of a country but definitely not THE country.
It will become part of their culture eventually. For example, in India, Mughal cusisine which was introduced in the 14th-15th century is now part of our culture. Similarly, in the 5th century, Indian martial arts influenced the development of the Shaolin style of Kung Fu. The point is, take the good things out of every culture and add it to you own, thats hiw cultures evolve.
That's a good and valid point indeed. America was discovered mere 6 centuries ago, after all.
Uhm.....someone was already living there, so technically it was not 'discovered' ....
The continent of North America was discovered about 6 centuries ago, but The United Stated of America isn't quite 250 year old yet.
First you complain people don't integrate with other cultures, then you complain it is not appropriate when they do anything with other cultures.Ethan klein comment is 100 % on point. Maybe jeremy lam should not wear western clothes that is culturally "inappropriate". Baseball cap culture is NOT his goddamn twitter profile. S**t, i got sucked into unnecessary boredpanda drama.
Here is a request for those who are outraged by this one: Unless you are of Mexican, or Native American, origin, please abstain from eating chocolate, turkey, tomatoes, potatoes, avocados and corn in all their forms (and this is only a partial list). Unless your family is from Ethiopia, please abstain from drinking coffee. Unless you are Italian please refrain from eating pasta and pizza (and even if you are Italian, keep in mind that tomatoes are out, as that too would be cultural appropriation) I could go on, but I think you get the general idea... or maybe you could just back off and mind your own business.
I am Dutch and I think everyone should refrain from eating cheese. Because that offends me tremendously. Or whatever.
Load More Replies...Unless you're American, don't wear a baseball cap, cowboy hat, denim jacket either.
Pasta pre-dates Italy. So that’s out, too. Potatoes have origins in South America, so Mexicans can’t have those.Maybe we should make an app to keep track? We’ll make millions!
And forget eating that food from a ceramic plate because the technology for ceramics has been "appropriated" many times over from many different locations around the world, from people discovered it pretty much simultaneously...
so it's a dress, for wearing. it's not like she's set it on fire or she's put on a mask and pretended to be something she isn't, done something insulting. I wasn't aware of the history of the dress, but now I am, it's interesting. She's done nothing wrong to the culture and history of China. Now, if China could go ahead and give Tibet back to its people, that'd be just great.
Calling stuff like this racist diminishes those instances when racist behavior actually occurs, and that's not ok. I happen to like if people from other countries wear a Romanian traditional blouse, for instance, especially if they know where it comes from. How on Earth is that even remotely racist?
I'm enjoying all of the considered and intelligent replies here. I really hope that the pearl-clutching Twitter folk are directed to this thread.
I think it's idiotic to be offended by someone wearing clothes based on another's culture. There was no ill intent. Leave her alone she's beautiful in that dress. Disclosure, I'm Korean and I wore a kilt while in Scotland, the response was overwhelmingly positive. I was also raised in the US, does that mean I can only wear Korean clothes? I grew up wearing Levi's, Hang Ten, OP shorts( yeah I'm old). Get a f*****g life people. Those who complain, look at your own life and see the things you use EVERYDAY that originated in a different culture.
Same. Are you going to kill me every time I wear jeans and a tee-shirt to school? What to you expect me to wear, a full 5 layer hanbok, when it's 80 degrees outside?
Load More Replies...You people, stop confusing the issue with unassailable logic! :-)
Besides some of our toys, makeup, clothes, etc are made in China and other Asian countries
Wearing that dress isn't racist, but it is racist to think that girl is not allowed to wear a certain cut of dress because she is not of the correct race. I mean those outraged posts accused her of mudding Chinese culture up by wearing that dress. Sounds f@$king racist to me, and it's gross that it's okay for people to be so unashamedly racist.
To those complaining of "cultural appropriation": Okay, then YOU stop appropriating OUR culture. Stop using the English language. Stop wearing Western style apparel. Stop consuming Western foods. No more use of Western technologies, give up your car, your use of public transportation based on Western technology, electricity, indoor plumbing, HVAC, and everything else you are probably using that belongs to Western culture. No more Western based entertainment, such as films, television, photography, music, musical instruments, theater, art, public museums, parks, gardens and festivals etc. that are based upon Western culture. No Western medicine. No Western education or institutions. Stop using Western based culture! Just STOP. Once YOU do that, then even though your arguments will still be idiotic, at least they won't be mind-bogglingly hypocritical and irrational.
... and stop being called "Jeremy", which is certainly not a chinese name.
Load More Replies...So is it racist to east Chinese food if you are not Chinese? Same thing in my opinion.
I have seen times when cultural appropriation is offensive, but people have always been influenced by the food, dress, art and music of other people. Many older people here in the American Southwest have Native American art and jewelry that they can't wear -- how many people who used to make this jewelry are having to turn to less creative careers (casino work, for example) because of this hysteria? I also think the idea that white westerners are the "dominant culture" is quickly becoming anachronistic. When China and India pass the US in wealth and prestige, will we get mad when they celebrate our holidays, speak our language, and wear T-shirts from our movies?
I will never be able to understand this. You wear Native American jewelry because you think it's beautiful and you admire the work. What's wrong with that?
Load More Replies...No, this new definition of racism being only systematic and therefore not being able to be perpetrated by non-whites towards whites is only a recent internet phenomenon originating from a book written in the 60s. Racism certainly comes in different forms, but trying to change the definition of it in order to fit a political agenda is utter b******t and you bought into it.
Another "hysteria / outry / scandal on social media" posting. While a debate about the influence of Western culture (why is a suite the world's "official" formal dress, although many other forms of traditional and contemporary formal dresses exist?), those scadalising what a (sorry to say: more or less random) teen did and what ended on social media prevent this. There are enough problems in this world that _actually_ need attention.
o.O Wait, I thought racism was when you, among other things, don't allow people of a different race to do the things that are okay for your race to do. Kind of like...saying that a white girl cannot wear a Chinese dress, perhaps?
It's just a dress people... REALLY. I'm Chinese and I don't see what the problem is!?
Suddenly everything involving other cultures is racist... I say it's actually honoring the Chinese. Much better than the things the kids at my school say about them...
So, then Chinese shouldn't wear casual or formal western clothing either? I'm not sure who "invented" the tuxedo, but quite sure it wasn't a Chinese - but still Chinese wear it. Shouldn't Westerners then complain about the Chinese not respecting their history and culture? This is ridiculous.
I think those people raising hate against the girl loiter around all day just to find someone to pick on. Qipao is NOT really a traditional Chinese dress. It does NOT have a long history. It derives from Manchu traditional wear and was modified to suit the needs of modern society by Sun Yat-Sen in the 20th century. Yet, as you can see, some think it has "long history" "rich cultural meanings". They are wrong and it shows their own ignorance of Chinese culture. In fact, just recently we had a national festival celebrating our true national-clothes. Try google"中国华服日" :)
Who gives a flying flip what someone wears to a prom. If you are that offended then stay off the Internet!!! If you are offended by every little thing then you may find it necessary to just move onto a deserted island. I am beginning to think life was much better before social media and all we had were alpha pagers and bboards. The dress is beautiful by the way.
If this young lady said she was unfamiliar with Asian culture, had no interest in it, she'd be branded as criminally ignorant. But if she knows of and wears something from Asian culture and now she's stealing and occupying their culture. To this crowd who is mad about this white people are supposed to know about other cultures but never use anything from another culture. A rule which they of course don't apply to any other group of people doing any cultural borrowing. When Asian young people love American or British fashion brands? Oh this same crowd loves that! Will strongly defend the cultural freedom others must have to borrow our culture. This is why people voted for Trump. Not this white guy, but it's why a lot of white people did. Stupid s**t like this.
The world is falling apart and still people find a way to fight over small things.
Falling apart? Open up a history book, Claudia. This is the safest, most abundant, most educated, least armed conflicted time in the history of the world. It's literally never been better to be alive pretty much all over the world. Seriously, you should look into it. You'll be surprised. By almost every metric you can think of, the world is better now than it's ever been.
there is cultural appropriation and there is cultural APPRECIATION, i don't think she meant to take offense to anyone, i choose to believe she picked out that outfit simply because she admired the dress and the culture so there's that...
i agree, but cultural appreciation is more along the lines of wearing a sari at an Indian wedding if you're in the wedding party, where the people getting married are of Indian descent. there weren't any Chinese people in that prom picture and it wasn't a prom put on by Chinese people to celebrate Chinese culture, so I think it was cultural appropriation
I think she’s just a kid who got targeted by an internet troll. She didn’t post these pics for mass media attention just a regular ol prom post like every other kid does. I feel bad for her. She found a vintage dress and was unaware of the cultural connection she obviously isn’t trying to be an inconsiderate jerk.
So as a Chinese American, I'll say I don't have a problem with the dress, but that group pose w the bowing hands... I can almost hear the gong going off. She and her friends may not intend malicious racism here but ignorantly casual cultural appropriation is a little too close for my personal comfort.
Soooo, wearing a dress from another "culture" is racism? Not accepting cultures = racism, yet being inspired and/or wearing/using something from that culture is also racism? Get a grip. Stop trying to find racism everywhere and stop being offended by every stupid little thing. All the haters might want to look in their homes to make sure they're not (mis)using something from another culture and stop eating other cultures food too.... (( Also the "white audience" - 'white spouses" - "white people", this always kinda bothers me lately... if it said another color instead of white, everyone would be raging but it says "white people" so it's okay? ))
To a 18 year old beauty, Senior Prom is one of the most important and memorable event, so how is wearing a Cheongsam/Qipao offensive to Chinese culture? I really don't get it. I am a Singaporean Chinese, i am very surprise (happy kind of surprise) and honor that she chose to wear it. Moreover, she wore it so beautifully. For those who see this as inappropriate, switch off your internet, close your eyes, move to a remote island.
I went out to a Chinese restaurant the other night and ate a lot of traditional Chinese food. I could have gone to another restaurant and had my country's (Ireland) traditional dish of bacon cabbage and mashed potato but chose the Chinese option instead. Does that make me racist.? I bet in America there are millions of people eating Chinese food whe are not Chinese but they wouldn't be called racist. So why is it different for a dress?
I am from Europe and I never encountered the word 'cultural appropriation' until I read about it on an American website. I have traditional Chinese, Moroccan, Egyptian and Indian dresses and I wear them on special occasions because they are beautiful and I admire the cultures that bring forward this kind of elegance. The only thing Chinese, Moroccan, Egyptian and Indian women should worry about is that the dresses don't fit me as nicely as they would fit them.
I always loved that kind of fashion. So if someone decides to buy a chinese style blouse/dress, are they racist? Asking for a friend.
No, thry arent. Thats the point. Its fashion, shes not pissing on it saying "F**K CHINESE PEOPLE!" Shes wearing it with love and because she loves the style and background of the dress. This is the whole point, people are ridiculous with this stuff.
Kids are dying from brain cancer, let's focus on that instead of this girl's incredible a*s.
So I guess all asians wearing western clothes are racists? Black people not walking around naked is racist? Inuit not walking around with a 50lbs winter coat is racist? Hello? Do these people even know what "racist" means?
"Hey nobody cares about my culture, everybody's racist!" Is now replaced by "hey everybody is adopting my culture, that's a shame, everybody's racist". I thibk that's stupid. As long as it's not disrespectful, I don't see the issue
All these comments on the dress ! Millennials have truly lost their minds when it comes to identifying racism. Every little thing is offensive. This poor girl could have been politely told why this is offensive but nooooooo people had to put on their douchebag hats and throw stones
Emma Watson wore a similar dress to a movie premier, and all anyone said was it was beautiful. Going back even further, Grace Kelly wore one to the Golden Globes in the 50s. This person ranting about her stealing their culture needs to wake up. to quote the girl "It's a F****** Dress."
I didn't see anything wrong with the dress. The issue was the pose and the pic. What's the point of the 🙏? Only one person had on the dress. It's things like that can be offensive.
As someone who is a bit more than half Asian......to those complaining, I better not see you eating food from other countries, ya morons! Food is a part of culture so stop appropriating. This world has lost its natural mind. This girl looks great in the dress.
Oh for stupidity's sake. It's a DRESS, & she's rocking it. My own ancestry is Polish & Japanese. I suppose I should be offended every time I see my blue-eyed Slavic dad using chopsticks. Witless shitstains addicted to outrage. Grow the eff up.
Indescribably pathetic. She looks gorgeous and frankly if people are so damn obsessed with protecting their own culture... Stay put and don't emigrate. I think that a Westerner choosing to wear that is a complement. It's a stunning fashion statement. Minority groups want inclusion and equality one minute and insist they're unique and require special recognition the next. We're one family: race, gender, sexuality, age etc. Get over yourselves!
I had a friend who was a very professional seamstress. However, she is quite tall, very busty and heavier than average. She sewed herself a lovely Chinese shirt that was tailored to her dimensions. When we went to an event where she wore this shirt, a Chinese woman (older than we were then) burst out of the crowd and kept saying "That's professional!" She felt the fabric and examined the sewing. Of course this was in the 1980s before manufactured outraged had taken over the airwaves and there was no social media. We just communicated face to face back then. Things were much less fraught.
I am very very curious how much Jeremy Lam actually knows about his own culture. Especially with his Anglo/American first name.
While I very much understand your point and how you're trying to fight back against hate, I'll like to point out that this is not a very well considered idea as the reason many of us have American names is because the Western World is.... very large? I don't know how to say this. And many European speakers have trouble pronouncing our names and will mess up. Some more rude people might make fun of the name. Having an American name is for an Asian living in the Western countries to better assimilate. It is very likely that he also has another Chinese name that Chinese people know him by.
Load More Replies...Hmm, there doesn't seem to be a reply button directly to you, Pax Humana, so I guess it'll have to be like this. "There are things like Google Translate and Reverso, among other language translation websites, so that is not an excuse, Lindsay." Okay, I don't understand what this is trying to say. What is the "that" in the sentence "that is not an excuse?" What's not an excuse for what? "so things like that CAN and DO happen in the real world as well." Once again, I was confused on what the "that" was refering to, but I'm taking a stab in the dark and saying it's refering to the statement: "I am very very curious how much Jeremy Lam actually knows about his own culture." In that case, I'm sorry my friend, but you typed that whole cartoon evidence for nothing. I never said that it can not happen. What kind of name you have have nothing to do with how much of a culture you know. So it's really kinda irrelevant to what I'm saying.
I went to school in Korea for a month, and everyone there has both a Korean name and an "American" one. I was friends with an Angelina and a Margaret, living in the center of Seoul, where everyone spoke Korean. Take myself, I have an English first name, and a Korean middle. What's wrong with having several names?
The people commenting were the real racists. Quiping your culture for yourself and not allowing others to enjoy it is also a form of racism.
To katana if she ever reads this: It's not "some" Chinese who are okay with it, MOST are. You are very much a minority when it comes to whether this is cultural appropriation or not. I think actual Chinese people and not whiny SJW Chinese-Americans like you know what offends them better than you do. And while on the subject of cultural appropriation, you're Chinese and yet you have a Japanese word as your user name.
Oh for Pete's sake, everything these days is Made in China, do we, by buying their stuff, appropriate their culture?
I think this debate is ridiculous and senseless. I think the teen looks beautiful in the dress. The argument to me is akin to saying that people should stick to their own ethnic food when dining out.. How ridiculous and I am Asian.
So an asian guy called "Jeremy" is offended because someone wore an oriental dress. At that point the statement becomes ridiculous.
If this dress has so much cultural importance then why is so cheap on AliExpress?
What a load of c**p - where's the outrage of the 100's of million Asians, Africans, Middle Easterns, etc that wear Western Style Business Suits. OMG they're stealing our culture. And we all know there's a limited amount of culture so whatever will we do if someone steals it all. Geeeeesh people are too stupid to believe anymore.
Im a white looking american but who knows what mixes i have or the struggles of my ancestors. But i think they would be embarrassed of me if i insulted an innocent young lady dressed to the nines on prom night. I think she looks elegent, happy and beautiful. Who thinks her intention was to humiliate anyone. Change is now ppl. Our ancestors didnt bring us this far to hurt other ppl the way theyve been hurt. Let it go and love the good. You dont mistreat someone an earn any badges or crowns.
She looked stunning and maybe she loves Asian things...good grief it’s a prom dress not a culture statement!
As a Chinese person, I love how she looks in that dress but that pose is a little disrespectful. Growing up people would make fun of me and other Asian kids with that pose, and it has a history of being used as an insult or a way to mock people of Asian descent. I think she should try to be more careful in this regard.
The hands together? Yeah, thats also an "East side" symbol, notice none of her other friends are wearing a Chinese dress and theyre putting their hands together? Yeah, the pose has f**k all to do with the dress
It's funny because in China, they have adopted Western clothing, and they wear it on a daily basis, yet no one is talking about their "cultural appropriation"?
wth it's a dress calm down. also I would totally wear a traditional irish dress to prom that sounds funny as hell
If you were wondering about the one person who sparked this whole issue, Jeremy Lam is most definitely a racist...this is only one of his disparaging anti-white posts, the dude is a hypocrite https://twitter.com/jere_bare/status/784361827123666944
According to all those people, sushi is for Japanese people only, pizza - for Italians and etc. I have very mixed ancestry, but eventually don't look like some of my ancestors at all. I have Native American bloodlines, and I look like a snowflake. In that case, where is the line, when can we rightly use the cultural heritage of our ancestors? Or will we consider the percentage of "clean blood"? I remember something like that a long time ago. Nothing good was come of this.
I do understand that cultural appropriation is a serious thing but this is not cultural appropriation and I have a valid reason as to why: cultural appropriation is wearing/using something that was important/sacred/special in another culture just for fun or as a joke (ex. Non Native Americans wearing headdresses) and of course this is a problem. That's why if you want something that's from another races culture you can't always get a genuine one because people of that culture believe it is special to them. In this case wearing a qipao isn't cultural appropriation because they are available to anyone, and not just fake ones that are made in factories who don't give a rat's derrière about the product itself, I've seen genuine ones for sale before in China so if it was offensive why would they be so readily available? Well that's my two cents, anyone who disagrees please let me know, I'm always open to different opinions
There was nothing wrong with this, people have to to get over this everyone is out to get me i'm a victim boohoo mentality. it's getting old. Everything in the world is not an attack on someone else. Let go of this unnecessary hate and there is half the battle done.
It's a little confusing. It's a traditional dress used for special occasions. She's seen the dress that she likes and has chosen to wear it to what her cultures consider a special occasion. Asian countries have proms sometimes - so should they never wear western prom dresses. What about all the western style clothing that is arguably traditionally western - surely this means Asian counties should stick to wearing their traditional clothing. What about all the asians, especially in Japan, that have FAKE weddings - yup...they have fake western style churches, where they can choose the 'western package', have a fake white priest to do fake vows, where they can wear white wedding dresses -- all because their traditional wedding doesn't seem as exciting or exotic. Oh well
I don't think you guys get it, its not the dress,its her action....the praying hand pose. As a chinese we find that very offensivem we DO Not do that hand thing, but its stereotype onto us.
It's also a stereotype to Amricans that all they do is drink beer and go mudding, yet they don't get offended by that. It's just a hand gesture and they are teens joking around, lighten up.
I'm MUCH more annoyed by the stupid Vape Nation hand signs in the back row
Asian Americans are the only ones who get angry, ask the Asians from the countries the dresses come from and they love you to wear their styles (who do you think sells the clothes). I buy many clothes direct from China, India and Japan. Clothes aren't a culture, they're part of them. All clothes we wear were invented in someone else's culture for the most part. As long as people aren't insulting the culture or disgracing the clothes. Enjoy.
The very claim of "Cultural appropriation", is a racial slur in itself, proving that the people claiming it, is in fact as racist as anyone can be, by stating that - it's not part of our culture, and we don't want it intermingled, as it doesn't fit with us. Keep it out!! Yet, the very same people is very happy to eat kebabs, indian food, chinese food, potatoes (yup!), and many other things that is not part of the native culture of theirs, but that, they have no opinion of, and there are many other things that can be said in addition to that. Bigotry at it's best and finest. |If you want to wear that dress, take care to use it in the right setting and occasion, showing the respect for and knowledge of the culture you are adopting, and it will be fine. Don't mock it intentionally - that is where it becomes the wrong thing. Personally, I enjoy many things from many cultures, and I truly enjoy it, and I am thankful for the contributions, as our own culture would be quite dull without.
I don't even get how culture is tied into race? And "culturally appropriating" someone is racist? It's about their culture, not their race!
I had met my future husband once before the weekend I went to a fancy dress party wearing a Chinese gown. My future husband was there. I'm Caucasian and my husband is of Chinese background . He didn't mind me wearing the dress. His mother gave me a gorgeous Chinese jacket. We have now been married for 31yrs and we have two gorgeous kids.
Wow! May be these people need to chill out OR go bully the directors for their f****d up movies that stereotype and "bastardize" all kinds of culture- Chinese mafia, Russian prostitutes, Colombian drug lords, Indian rajs, African warriors... And I dont get those who said they would never wear a dress of another culture...WHAT THE F**K is wrong with you? When I visited Mexico, I tried on a Mexican traditional dress, put flowers on my head and took a "a la Frida Kahlo" photos- am I racist?! People are so f****d in the head these days!
Of course she is disrespectful, everybody knows that you can't appreciate other cultures that's just sooooo racist!!
God I hate ppl like that. So If a black girl dyes her hair blonde she should be attacked? Or me, that Im a Jazz drummer, Im racist? Oh wait, i like anime and draw them too, Im racist? Worst of this all, its all keyboard warriors, none of them would say a thing face to face. Stupid ppl
Wow I didnt realize how stupid and racist people still are. quit being a bunch of babies. if you think your culture is being diminished because a white person wore a chinese dress then your culture must not be very rich..... and also full of pussies.
Just think about what a safe and egalitarian society we live in where people can afford to spend their time worrying about such trivialities. Besides which, actual Chinese people discussing this in China and Taiwan are overwhelmingly supportive of the girl. Almost all of this kind of outrage comes from American born descendants of Chinese or Philippine immigrants, who seem to be trying to make up for their own feeling of cultural inadequacy.
White people started this whole "let us get offended by everything on behalf of everyone". I insist that people of other races stop appropriating this part of our culture by getting offended by things.
Perhaps the angry Jeremy Lam ought to concider not using his first name, as it is a Christian name, not a Chinese one. It's kind of insulting to the Jewish/Christian culture that an Asian person uses a name from the Bible. Kind of racist, actually. There's a long tradition behind that name, and it shouldn't be used by someone from another culture, just to appear exotic... ...Jeez, what a kill-joy! Find a GOOD cause to fight, an IMPORTANT one, for f**k's sake! Make sad people happy, not the opposite! There should be plenty of worthy causes to choose from!
Here we go...again. Must we all be reminded (again) that our great country was founded on great people and cultures from around the world? Come on people, quit being so sensitive! It's embarrassing! I travel the world with the privilege of experiencing new people/cultures, and the number one impression of Americans on a global perspective is that we are a nation of hypersensitive, entitled, weak crybabies that are also an unfunny joke. Grow a spine and quit being so sensitive. Jeez!
lol Twitter is such a f*****g joke. Millions of idiots looking for something to hurt their butts on.
I just can not be mad at this. Personally I think this is getting ridiculous. This example, or shaming a child for wanting to be a non white Disney princess. I am part Japanese, I am part Native American. I would find no insult in someone wearing a kimono because they wanted to feel beautiful. Unless I misunderstand the dress, it's a beautiful dress, it's unique and it was special. There are ways to wear clothes from other cultures with appreciation and respect and there are ways to wear the same items disrespectfully. Wanting to feel beautiful is not disrespectful.
Basically, the people calling her racist are the racist ones. I think she looks great in that dress and she should be proud that that was the dress to wear to her senior prom. The comment that especially pissed me off what the one that said: "White people are not a part of that." So the hell what. It doesn't matter what ethnicity you are, your clothing doesn't assign that to you.
My father was born in Austria. As children, my brothers wore lederhosen, and my sister and I wore the dirndle dresses. As a Tyrolean-American, I hereby give all my blessing to wear either! Knock yourself out!
I respect her for wheeling such a dress and I think it’s amazing that she did. But I do see why it is a sensitive topic that she was wearing a traditional dress for something like prom. I guess it’s just differences in what we deem to be a special enough occasion to were a traditional dress. But I dont see anything wrong with her wearing something that reflects the beauty of another culture. I just think the occasion is not something some tradition Chinese woild deem as appropriate for such a highly valued dress
Not gona write anything after the last "fake racist accusation" post had been deleted from panda...
I feel like it's easy to say "get over it," because as a Latin American brown (yes I said brown) woman I faced a lot of ignorant comments and racism. I'm all for sharing my culture however, for some there's a lot of pain when it comes to people who just want to wear my culture as a joke (Halloween) versus those who truly love it like say wearing a bag or scarf. You can't villinize people who find this offensive because as a person who love their culture I want to keep it my own. As for this girl, some may think my idea is ridiculous, but maybe explaining her view on it first then posting it would have been a good idea, especially in this political climate. Peace and love.
I think its hilarious you put "peace and love" at the end of your paragraph after policing what people wear on HALLOWEEN. Its ridiculous. You cant villinize people for Halloween costumes, period. Its a dress up day, its makebelieve, its pathetic you find offense in that. "Peace and love" man, stop being a prick and ruining peoples fun over nothing
Does the hater ever wore western style clothings to a prom, a wedding, other parties? How's that ok?
I think she looks very nice, and I don't consider the dress to be a problem. I felt that the group picture could be considered to be mocking the history of where the dress came from. Cultural appropriation is mostly characterized by a minority group adopting traits from the majority. The idea of cultural appropriation is considered negative because a dominant culture can come in and snuff out the local culture. In this case, she really wasn't being malicious or even particularly disrespectful. She thought something was beautiful so she bought it and put it on. The merchant didn't stop her. Friends didn't stop her. Strangers didn't stop her. So you have all these people that could've stepped in and said that it isn't ok, but they didn't. I think it's better to let your culture spread and be viewed as something beautiful and attainable for the common man than to say hell no this culture is going with me to my grave.
Back in much safer (politically) times....1973....I wanted to wear a qipao, a gorgeous blue one with white embroidery all over it. I knew where it was from, which peoples wear it, how to respect it, etc. The only thing that prevented me from buying it and then wearing it was my hideously bigoted soon to be MIL. That witch didn't like me, definitely didn't like what I wanted to wear, and because he was a Mommy's boy, fiance took her side and said I had to wear a white dress. Because I truly was a virgin, I went ahead and got one---and happily danced around the fire as I burned it nine years later! I would never have burned a qipao; they're far too beautiful to treat that way.
If she wore that in Greater China (PRC, Taiwan, Hong Kong), she would be admired and praised. Frankly, it looks great on her, and most Western women can't pull it off. Chinese are very generous and love to share culture with all. It seems that the people who get most upset about "cultural appropriation" are unsure of their roots in that culture.
Some people need to take a goddam chill pill. She admires the culture, it's not like she is going around saying "ching chang" or racist crap like that!
This is absurd.In the 50s and 60s and even the 70s people wore what they believed to be beautiful. It has nothing to do with all this other Bs. End of story.
Anyway, if someday all of the world like to wear qipao and behave like a real chinese lady, I'd say I am very glad.
It is not the qipao that make sense, it is the behavior of the girl that doesn't fit qipao. I am traditional chinese woman, i like wear Qipao too. Here in China, qipao means elegant. I think what makes our chinese unpleasant is that the girl is doing some bold action that's not combine with our qipao culture.
IMO its bad when the item of clothing makes something that is sacred or extremely special a casual fashion statement (Hindu gods on forever 21 clothing, native American headdresses at Coachella, etc) but a qipao is just a style of dress from China, its not linked to a specific ceremony, religious celebration, or anything like that. so I think this is totally fine.
This is annoying. Years ago people wanted everyone to learn other cultures and experience them. Now it's "No, no! You cannot enjoy anything from our culture you need to gtfo and stay in your own."
I wore a beautiful traditional cream and celadon silk kimono to my Senior Ball 30 years ago. The dress was given to my mother, by her brother, when he was stationed in Japan. The kimono was unique and lovely, not a statement to dishonor the country of Japan, the War or it's people. If anything, it was to honor their tradition.
I am proud that you stood up for yourself and sorry for all of the hate you received. You looked gorgeous in that dress. Hang in there sweetie!
Nothing is wrong with the dress nor the young woman wearing it so why as it been labeled racist !!!!!!!!!!
It’s a f@#*ing dress! People need to lighten up, quit making every little thing into a controversy. It’s exhausting
It was worn to a formal affair wear formal attire is required.Not to a costume party .If it had been a costume party yes maybe some offense should be taken.I think girls want to dress as pretty as possible and apparently this is what she thinks of this dress .Be proud that people look up to your culture.
I am Chinese, I don't get offended by this girl. Why can't she wear the Chinese traditional dress? I am happy to see my culture being accepted by other race. She think the dress is beautiful and it makes she feels good when she wears it, why is that a bad thing? Chinese should be proud of it.
okay there are like 8 billion people in the world and what like 1000 people are offended? so let's make an article and start a race war over 1000 mad people because the rest of the world, the normal society DOESN'T CARE. The dress is cute, she looks beautiful, and if I could pull it off I would too. I love Chinese/Japanese culture especially in their art and fashion. If I wear or buy a piece of art I buy it because I like it. She wears this dress because she's likes it. If she was wearing it and mocking Chinese people I might could understand, but no. She is wearing it to look cute and guess what, she does! SERIOUSLY STOP WITH THE PC POLICE. I believe in the 1st amendment but you social justice I get offended over everything needs to take a one way flight to Mars. Make your own planet of everything offends us do so we stay inside and be sad.
People need to start having better tings to complain about, who cares if she's wearing a Chinese style dress. If anything we should be proud as Asians that other people are admiring our culture. Not getting pissed because its being "stolen" The SJW movement needs to end. Its the downfall of our society
Isn't telling someone "you can't were this dress because you are white" racist? According to that logic there are so many things that Asian people are not allowed to use because they are not caucasian. For example, rephrasing one of the bullies "jeans and T-shirt have long history and Asian people are not behind it".
This generation is boooring. Chinese dresses look amazing in every women they are pretty, beautiful and sexy. The channel SerpentZA did a video about that, he lives in China and he go out on the street asking what chinese people thing about foreings weating chinese traditional clothes. The chinese people said those king of answer: No problem, whatever, looks good, I'm happy that they like our culture. In general, the problem is this generation of europeans and americans who gets offended by absolute every f*****g thing.
this is just me, i wouldn't be offended if someone from another country would wear our traditional costume, as long as this wasnt used in any vulgar or wearing it in an insulting way. she is proud to be wearing that traditional dress and she felt complete and happy during her prom. she wore the dress with pride and she looked happy with it. i guess thats the most important picture some people missed to see. again this is just me, im writing this not to offend whatsoever.
I'm Chinese and not offended in any way. Damn she looks good in that dress, and I'm glad my culture is going worldwide. If Chinese girls get to wear white wedding gowns, why can't Americans wear our dresses to prom?
I have an idea... Stop going online to seek affirmation. Then, nobody has dumb comments to make.
Surely saying people can only wear clothes that suit the culture they are born into is racist and dangerous and will lead to further segregation of societies? I think she looks amazing and fair play to her, people these days seem to think its cool to be offended and make a big deal throwing toys out of prams online, get over it and live your life.
We do not have control of the way our choices may be interpreted. Sometimes we accidentally cause offense. The offense may or may not be justified. This young lady handled the situation well. She explained that she didn’t intend to offend anyone, and that she regretted inadvertently offending anyone. She stressed her respect, admiration, and love for all. Sometimes in life accidents happen. What matters is how we behave after the fact..
Am I missing something here?.. Sorry, guys, I don't get what all the fuss is about. If I saw a pic of some girl or guy wearing a traditional dress from my country at a prom or other social event for fun, I'd be like hey, nice choice))) As long as the person just wants to have fun, why do you care? It's like cosplaying, I see a nice/fancy/exotic thing, it strikes me as beautiful, I wanna try it on. I would only be upset if people used it for some offensive, political purposes, posing in some clearly provoking situations. Or if they wore some globally unapproved, like white KKK gowns or Nazism symbols. Otherwise... If I dressed like a samurai, I would primarily refer to their courage and loyalty, despite knowing about all the cruelties that were raging in Japan at that period.
I'm Ukrainian, if someone wore traditional Ukrainian dress I would think it was cool and an opportunity for discussion. But offensive? F#%K off!
Dear mr. Lam are you perhaps wearing western clothing in your profile picture? That's a clear attack to my culture, and an aggressive one I say. I'd appreciate if you would come towards my position, I'd like to teach you some of our wester gentle manners. Yours, Luca
I vote for 100% Universal Integration: Everyone gets to wear clothing that they like and eat food that they like and have religion that they like and grow plants that they like and have furniture that they like in houses that look the way they like.......no matter what the original culture was that invented them. And they get to mix and match everything, too. Just enjoy whatever you want to: art, literature, culture, food, ideas--all of humanity's gifts to all of humanity.
Maybe all you haters should throw out all your blue jeans (pants for that matter ) and baseball hats and athletic foot wear and and watches.....just saying
Get a life people! I demand that people from other cultures quit dressing like Americans........you are all required to ONLY dress from your “culture”. No more eating foods from any other cultures too!
And our culture and our countries, occident, (where all these haters live) are based (among other things) on the freedom of wearing whatever the f*** you want.
I don't see anyone complaining when foreigners come to our country and start wearing our clothes, or wear our clothes in other countries. The fashion industry as a whole has been the most constant medium for the exchange of ideas and designs for centuries, but all of a sudden people want to keep their clothing designs just for them.
Loved the part where someone said "I wouldn't wear a traditional Irish or Greek dress", well honey, if you wear clothing at all, you wear something that has been adapted out of those cultures and into the mainstream. F*****g fools. Shut the hell up. I wear what I want and you have nothing to say.
Hey, look, a white person to call a racist for an outlandish reason. GET HER!!!!
Hey, look, a white person to call racist for NO REASON WHATSOEVER!!!! LETS GET HER!!!! I wonder if these people realize that they were all the REAL racists, but of course because shes WHITE its ok.
With so many things wrong in the world today, I do find it odd that so many people will spend so much time spewing hate on a stranger for any reason. It's not like she was using it as a halloween costume or even making light of the culture with it, she saw a beautiful dress and wore it beautifully to a monumental event in her life, and as far as I'm concerned she did it justice. There are always people looking to be offended by something and it is so unnecessary. I'm in north america and I don't become offended when I see people wearing jeans, t shirts or other clothing that is commonly associated with our culture here.
If it's a TRADITIONAL dress then yes, it may offend some. I for one am not fluent in Asian culture. But if it's a FASHION dress, then it's just a prom dress. It's okay to appreciate and be inspired by certain cultures but understand some culture do have sacred and important aspects only meant for rights of passage
Does that mean only 'Western' people can wear 'Western' clothing and all Chinese should wear cheong-sams? "...The cheongsam, also known as a qipao, is a close-fitting dress that originated in 1920s Shanghai. It quickly became a fashion phenomenon that was adopted by movie stars and schoolgirls alike. The history of this iconic garment reflects the rise of the modern Chinese woman in the twentieth century..." https://theculturetrip.com/asia/china/articles/a-brief-history-of-the-cheongsam/
A beautiful girl wearing a beautiful dress. She looks awesome. It's the haters that are being so racist. So it's OK for these narrow minded idiots to wear 'westernised' clothing, [including jeans and t-shirts etc] but not ok for anyone else to wear 'eastern' style clothing? Are these people really that stupid? I'd much prefer her innocence instead of their ugly arrogance. Pull your heads out of your backsides....
Let's have a quick look through some wedding photos and how many Kilts do I see? There's one, and another, and another, oh look another. I'm a Scot and you can wear whatever the hell you like! I don't care who you are, where your from or what you believe in. If you look good and feel good in something, wear it! Now, I'm off to work in my high heeled sequined fishing boots, which are my driving shoes!
These dresses and style was literally worn by everyone in the late 90's early 2000's in the form of purses, headbands, skirts, dresses...Everyone from Lizzy Maguire -the Olsen twins-Destiny's Child-Rachel on friends....they even used to sell chopsticks for your hair in every store from limited two to Delia's. Need to get over it
Because "cultural appropriation" is only an outrage when it happens to a non-white culture.
Maybe some idiot misunderstand prom as porn?? That's why they making a ruckes out of it...
This is ridiculous. As long as it's not a religious garment there's literally no reason to be offended. People who get offended over stuff like this have no idea what actual oppression looks like
I'm middle eastern and if I saw a white girl wearing clothes that were traditionally middle eastern, as long as it's not a hijab/burka/other religious garment, I would not find it offensive at all or at least not enough to make angry comments over
Load More Replies...Or if it was worn as a costume that'd be cause for offense but it was worn seriously to a special occasion so ???
The funny thing is there is a movenpment in China supporting her the person that says a few Chinese people supporting her doesn’t speak for the rest she’s stupid the entire country of China is supporting her f*****g r****d bet she and the guy who found this hasn’t even been to china
She seemed to wear it with respect, and not in a mocking way. Thumbs up from this Asian. Gorgeous.
It was a bonehead move, but she’s still in the throes of the Teenaged Stupids. Tempest, meet teapot.
I'm at a loss with this one. I did find that one picture a bit on the rude side. I realize that style of dress has a very special meaning to many, and she must have worn it in the wrong context which is why people are angry. She screwed up
Very Elegant! Go with it. I seriously doubt too many folks would be so annoyed with a young Chinese woman wearing what might be considered an outfit typical of European culture. Silly people!
As long as people of Chinese decent do not commit "cultural appropriation" by wearing jeans, beret's, cowboy boots, tam's or tee shirts, then I guess I don't have a problem with this.
There are culturally insensitive people out there. We have to deal with that. Its just the world. There always is an obnoxious person out there. So what?
She stood up for herself really well! It's like when someone copied you when you were little and you got mad and frustrated that someone was copying you, but then momma stepped in and said "hey, they just love the way you do things and want to be more like you." Then what momma said just made you feel special. People can be real overprotective about their culture sometimes guys. Don't be like them. The culture is beautiful and that should be an honor that the seniors want to use this as their dress for prom. But I do understand why their feeling mad. But I also think you should always assume for the better.
Idiots. To counter that, we could say that Asians shouldn’t wear western clothes because it’s bastardisation of our western culture. How ridiculous is that.
I live in China and they wear a dress like this as a wedding dress, because red is an important colour in their culture. The design usually has more to it though. I think most people living in China would love the idea that someone wants to wear something from their culture. This cultural appropriation thing that gets thrown about so often lately is not a thing Chinese people waste their time thinking about. It seems you have to leave the place to be educated on how to be offended. I'm Irish. I see them trying their best to celebrate St Patrick's Day every year, even once seeing a terrible imitation of Irish dancing, but I admire these things.
I don't know what my opinion is on this. As an Asian-American, I am not offended in any way what so ever. The dress looks fantastic on her, but I didn't like the last photo where all the kids at the prom were doing the thing with their hands. If she wants to wear something different, go ahead! She just wants to embrace other people's cultures and learn more about them. As long as she doesn't make us look bad and she is not portraying us in a negative light then I can't really call this racist.
I think this cultural appropriation stuff is ridiculous. How about all the Asian people who will pay a large amount of money for used Levis? I guess they shouldn't do that, because it's so American. Jeez. How about we all start caring about things that actually harm people?
Does this mean people in japan can't wear western clothes? You're going to have a hard time getting blue jeans and suits away from them.
Why does everyone need a reason to get offended? She obviously found it beautiful and people need a reason to attack that? F*****g psychos. People go on the internet and search for reasons to get offended.
Idiots have lost all sense and have absolutely no idea what racist actually means. It doesn't mean you can't borrow other people's cultural ideas, that's how new ideas and new cultures evolve - nothing comes from nothing. This has gone wayyyy to far. Time to tell them in not so uncertain terms and enjoy each other's differences.
Oh man, now are we supposed to hate Kate Capshaw in Indiana Jones?
I've seen cheap, short, ugly versions of these dresses for "white people" in Buenos Aires' China Town for over a decade. The same Chinese told me I could use it as pajamas (?) when she found me looking at them: she was trying to convince me to buy it. So there's the respect the very own Chinese feels for their traditional dress: a short cheap version that can be a night dress OR PJ's. Get offended now.
What foolishness is this protesting the fabric design for fashionable clothing! Get a life people and protest life and death issues, not fabric design for clothing that you are under no order to wear or even purchase!
It's just a dress and she looks beautiful! People have a lot more to worry about in this world than a dress!! Relax folks!
Cultures take influence from other cultures all the time, especially things like food. To claim something as belonging to your culture that others can't use because their skin colour isn't the same as yours sounds like the ultimate racism.
I wouldnt say skin color but everything else i agree with because I dont think skin color has very much to do with this
At what point did segration go from being a view held primarily by racist, to view associated with civil rights? The problem with the internet is that it takes only two members of any group for the hold group to be outraged, offended, upset etc etc.
what has the world come to? now we cant even don a different culture's traditional dress? I cant see why its such a big deal. I mean, I'm from a multiracial country, and here the chinese people also wear my culture's tranditional dress. I actually think its cool, and a great to share with others.
My Grandmother brought 3 of these back from China when she and my Grandad visited in 1969. They were more than happy to sell these dresses to anyone with the money. I have one still in the box (She paid $80 US$).
I'm Chinese, and I don't get why people are so outraged by this. I'm happy that someone from a completely different cultural background is able to appreciate our traditional design. And she's obviously not presenting the dress in a discriminatory way. That new Netflix show, Legend of the Monkey, however, I do find annoying (It is based on a Chinese novel, but the story is completely changed, and none of the main cast is Asian). No one is talking about how outrageously wrong the show is, yet they are pissed over a dress???
I understand the side of the people who are offended, but for such a large number of people to attack this girl is unreasonable and completely counterproductive. Have a conversation with her; bring to light an issue. Don't rally the internet to tear a person down when they just bought a dress they adored and cherished. She's a human being, too.
Cultural Appropriation has got to be the stupidest this I have ever heard of. Who decides why it is wrong? If I want to wear a head dress for halloween, I'm going to do it. If I want to get chinese letters for a tattoo because I like what they say, then damn right, I'm going to do it. Don't like it? get over yourself, and stop being a special snowflake that gets offended over everything.
People are not paying attention to the definition of cultural appropriation. It's taking something from someone and re-stamping it, to fit your needs or to profit from it, while obliterating it from it's original source. It's easy enough to understand. A prime example is what the Romans did to the Greeks, using their Gods and giving them Roman names. Wearing an Asian dress is not appropriation. If so, then everybody outside of the U.S. is also not allowed to wear jeans and sneakers. Every time somebody does this, I feel like they're just creating another Republican.
I'm sorry but it's a bit ridiculous. So what, someone outside of US wearing a pair of jeans is also "cultural appropriation" ? Wearing a mini-skirt outside of France ? Damned, I at swedish meatballs, what will sweden think ? It's JUST A DRESS. She wore it because she found it pretty. Get over it. People are SO touchy about everything now that it's really annoying, it feels like there is an army checking you every moves and waiting to blame you for everything.
She looks beautiful. Leave her alone. Should the white people start boycotting Chinese restaurants now?
When my daughter was very young her best friend was Japanese, in Los Angeles they have a large cerebration sharing their culture and traditions. One of the programs is young girls doing Japanese dances, these girls work all year to prefect these dances. My daughter's friend included my daughter in her dance group, she did the dances so well she was asked by the instructor to perform at the celebration. Is this considered culture appropriation?
I'm the kind of person who can think of this kind of thing as "cultural appropriation", but cultural appropriation doesn't immediately equal "bad". It's happened throughout history, pretty much as long as there were countries to trade with. Hell, the Chinese don't really have room to judge considering that they wear a lot of western-style clothing! Or does it only count when it's white people? I don't want to make it a "race issue", but I DO feel like white people get called out on cultural appropriation more than any other "race". I understand the impacts of European colonialism, but that shouldn't mean that Europeans NOW can't have things related to other cultures or else it's racist.
Honestly, I don´t see a reason to be mad about this. I´m sorry If my comment is offensive to anyone, but I see a beautiful dress that anyone might wear...
I don't think it's a good choice for a prom dress (because, in context, it looks a little costume-y). But all this cultural appropriation stuff is s**t. Pure and simple. If you marry into a Chinese (or any culture) family and adopt their recipes, clothing, decor, that's not cultural appropriation. But for a random person to wear a dress, it's not OK? My father visited China in the 60s (as a merchant marine) and brought back my mother all kinds of dresses and robes just like that. I remember her wearing them. And we also had Chinese souvenirs and vases, etc., in the house. We can't have an open, tolerant world where people freely move about the planet AND be possessive about clothes, music and food. Grow up!
calling this racist is beyond ludicrous. i remember a trend in the 90s where a chinese style dress was fashionable among young white women. it made them look beautiful. these "offended" idiots need to p**s off and leave people alone.
Is it a modern fashion to get offended and outraged at the slightest pretext, or what? One cannot say or do anything today without touching somebody's sore point. Why make life more complicated than it already is?
I'm not gonna pretend I know the culture behind the dress (chinese culture does interest me tho) but to my white boi eyes (they're blue, actually) it looks beautiful. I don't think I'd mind other ethnicities doing flemish culture-stuff, not that there's a lot of traditional flemish outfits to share without looking like a Renaissance Fair extra.. which is fine.
I´m surprised how good they can speak and insult in other country´s culture languaje.
I wore a vintage cheongsam to my prom that belonged to my grandmother and I'm very White. Cultural appropriation is the term most people are looking for when they call this racist. I don't think this is an instance of racism or cultural appropriation. Western and Eastern cultures share a lot of fashion trends and she wore a dress that was influenced by Chinese culture. China is a world power and their fashion is making an impact on the rest of the world. There are plenty of instances where Chinese customs or styles can be made offensive (I'm looking at you weirdly slutty geisha inspired costumes), but this is a modest dress that she wore because she liked the style.
I feel sorry for her. And I'm reminded that many people from different cultures (including from my on family) choose to have two wedding dresses, one whatever is traditional in their culture and one western style white dress, and that's all OK with me. They are just clothes.
I can imagine though that her dad said "where do you think you're going in that dress?" Or casually cleaned his shotgun in front of her date...
I'm a shame for people who even doesn't understand what the words means. First learn your language (maybe use a dictionary if you need)! She was beautiful in that dress. Really have to make something against cyber bullies!
Be mad at the people that either hired it to her or sold it to her if you want to be mad at someone. I suppose the bloke that started it did not even bother to reach out and discuss this with the young lady in the dress, but decided to try and shame and ridicule her. That is NO way to educate people. Bully. Plain and simple.
I'm getting outraged about all the people outraged about every little Mickey Mouse thing.
Being offended is the only emotional state that someone chooses to feel like. Pain, hunger, illness. You can't choose to feel it. But being offend is a choice of your own. Everyone should stop choosing that.
I'm Scottish and have absolutely no issue with anyone wearing our national dress, I can't see a problem with someone showing their appreciation for it and that's what this was. I do have a problem with people saying "White People" shouldn't be wearing it, Imagine I'd turned that around for any other race or creed?
I have seen many pictures of Chinese people wearing Western wedding dresses. Is this cultural appropriation? Of course not. It is a choice to wear clothes that you love the look of on a special occasion. Many people wear kilts when they are not Scottish - if you appreciate the beautiful fabrics and styles, why not wear them?
The internet is "divided" between reasonable people and loudmouth pirate yahoos.
Where are the jobs? Are we lacking of? Go clear a lot and stop whining....
Good looking girl. Good looking dress. Not racist although the group scene could be interpreted as a little patronising.
She should have said "I'm sorry you chose to be offended" because that's all it is. She likes the style of the dress, it's not like it's an outfit reserved for priestesses or something. And just an aside, what the heck is so wrong with "cultural appropriation" - showing you like and appeciate aspects of another culture. A quick look at the complainers twitter and I see a denim jacket - are the cowboys going to complain you appropriated their culture? Get a grip and invest your energy in fighting real racism fool.
Her response might have been more effective if she had done it without cursing.
Although , personally, I am a fun fact type of gal and like look into other cultures of the world, especially when it comes to vintage or ancestrial artifacts, not one of us, no matter from which culture we re from, have any right to judge this young lady whom looks astonishing in this beautiful Chinese attire! Although she may not have understood the history or cultural aspects behind wearing it doesn't mean you bash her dor doing so. We as human being deserve to given a chance to explain reason behind the things we have a choice freely to do! And as she apologizes meaning no harm for representing and astounding piece if clothing, you that so badly criticise her for wearing it, should not being so ugly and hateful but teach her your culture and give her stories or places she can enlighten herself with the knowledge and ways of your people! We are all human and find ways nit to adapt but to stand out uniquely from one another! It's life! Get over it already! No more hate!!!!
She did nothing wrong. This entire thing about "appropriating" culture. as if it is a bad thing is is ridiculous. Look up the ways that throughout history cultures intermix and form ever new beautiful things in fashion, art, music etc. It is only wrong if ridicule or debasement are the object. It is quite interesting to trace various countries who contributed to various art forms and languages.
My daughter also wore a Chinese dress to her prom. The reason for that, was that prom dresses are very expensive, plus she was, at the time, a big girl. We found a company online that would make her a dress to our measurements and we got to choose the fabric, and it turned out beautifully! The price was very reasonable, and it didn't take long to receive the dress. Guess where this company was--China! My daughter looked (and felt) beautiful in this dress, and only received compliments, was never called racist.
It’s only an outrage to the perpetually triggered. She appreciated the beauty of the dress and rocked it for prom. If anything those of Chinese heritage should be happy that clothing, and the artistry displayed in it is appreciated by people the world over, where as she could have worn any number of other dresses instead.
How would this guy feel about me eating my ramen with chopsticks? Or about my Chinese GF.......XD
I think people need to grow up. Finding a dress even if it's from another culture and deciding to wear it because you think it's pretty is hardly racist. Everyone's outrage is constantly misplaced and it's getting pathetic. Here's a radical idea...let's get outraged over...oh shucks, I dunno...actual racism? Like ideas and policies that hold entire groups of people back for no f*****g reason? Remember when THAT was kind of s**t we were outraged by?
Who gives a flying F??? You can't even wear a prom dress without criticism. People, get a life!!! If you are so easily offended then you need to get off of social media and stay in bed with your head under the covers. Better yet, find a deserted island and stay there. I am tired of the constant criticism of people on social media. I am to the point where I think life was just better with the old alpha pagers and bboards.
Some people just cannot stop themselves from being endlessly outraged. I guess that it gives them a feeling of self-worth.
Yep. It's just that they are miserable cry babies, who are unhappy with every single goddamn thing! I'm not a patriot, but if someone wore traditional Bulgarian folk costume on a prom, I would find it to be a lucky chance and quite interesting, but not the slightest bit insulting, I might even be happy that someone promotes my country's traditions!
Load More Replies...Well said (written). I like to ask the people yammering about cultural appropriation if they use/eat/wear (X). Because they're "culturally appropriating" it. It used to be we cared about multiculturalism, sharing culture. Now? Good grief.
I suspect that some people are just spoiling for a fight. It's disturbing that more of them don't spend more time focussing on genuine issues of disparity of culture and race, such as indigenous disadvantage and fair treatment of refugees.
If these whiners actually sat down and thought about it... "traditional", wearing one's historically cultural clothing ONLY from their race or culture, at a prom would leave, some folks with a choice of ... um, well, Google it...
I mean in Titanfall 2 I get frustrated when I'm killed by lower levels and get a big head killing higher levels
Maybe this is just my opinion but that dress is a part of American culture, now. Chinese people began immigrating in large numbers to the US in the 1800s. Like every other group of immigrants that came here, they brought their culture with them. And like every other group we adopted some of their culture. We are only 200 years old. Combined culture is our culture. We've adopted food, music, clothes, etiquette, architecture and more from every country that has settled here.
Yup - I don't see the restaurant owners complaining about our love of Chinese food. Why should clothes be any different?
Load More Replies...Well said, thank-you. Most of the negative posts I read were more about hiding their own passive aggressive racism.
I am an Asian born of Chinese ancestry. I have no problems with the girl wearing the qipao. Your opinion of it being considered an American culture now is probably taking it too far. You can adopt things, but that Qipao design is traditional. And no country can settle in another country. Maybe citizens or ex-citizens of a country but definitely not THE country.
It will become part of their culture eventually. For example, in India, Mughal cusisine which was introduced in the 14th-15th century is now part of our culture. Similarly, in the 5th century, Indian martial arts influenced the development of the Shaolin style of Kung Fu. The point is, take the good things out of every culture and add it to you own, thats hiw cultures evolve.
That's a good and valid point indeed. America was discovered mere 6 centuries ago, after all.
Uhm.....someone was already living there, so technically it was not 'discovered' ....
The continent of North America was discovered about 6 centuries ago, but The United Stated of America isn't quite 250 year old yet.
First you complain people don't integrate with other cultures, then you complain it is not appropriate when they do anything with other cultures.Ethan klein comment is 100 % on point. Maybe jeremy lam should not wear western clothes that is culturally "inappropriate". Baseball cap culture is NOT his goddamn twitter profile. S**t, i got sucked into unnecessary boredpanda drama.
Here is a request for those who are outraged by this one: Unless you are of Mexican, or Native American, origin, please abstain from eating chocolate, turkey, tomatoes, potatoes, avocados and corn in all their forms (and this is only a partial list). Unless your family is from Ethiopia, please abstain from drinking coffee. Unless you are Italian please refrain from eating pasta and pizza (and even if you are Italian, keep in mind that tomatoes are out, as that too would be cultural appropriation) I could go on, but I think you get the general idea... or maybe you could just back off and mind your own business.
I am Dutch and I think everyone should refrain from eating cheese. Because that offends me tremendously. Or whatever.
Load More Replies...Unless you're American, don't wear a baseball cap, cowboy hat, denim jacket either.
Pasta pre-dates Italy. So that’s out, too. Potatoes have origins in South America, so Mexicans can’t have those.Maybe we should make an app to keep track? We’ll make millions!
And forget eating that food from a ceramic plate because the technology for ceramics has been "appropriated" many times over from many different locations around the world, from people discovered it pretty much simultaneously...
so it's a dress, for wearing. it's not like she's set it on fire or she's put on a mask and pretended to be something she isn't, done something insulting. I wasn't aware of the history of the dress, but now I am, it's interesting. She's done nothing wrong to the culture and history of China. Now, if China could go ahead and give Tibet back to its people, that'd be just great.
Calling stuff like this racist diminishes those instances when racist behavior actually occurs, and that's not ok. I happen to like if people from other countries wear a Romanian traditional blouse, for instance, especially if they know where it comes from. How on Earth is that even remotely racist?
I'm enjoying all of the considered and intelligent replies here. I really hope that the pearl-clutching Twitter folk are directed to this thread.
I think it's idiotic to be offended by someone wearing clothes based on another's culture. There was no ill intent. Leave her alone she's beautiful in that dress. Disclosure, I'm Korean and I wore a kilt while in Scotland, the response was overwhelmingly positive. I was also raised in the US, does that mean I can only wear Korean clothes? I grew up wearing Levi's, Hang Ten, OP shorts( yeah I'm old). Get a f*****g life people. Those who complain, look at your own life and see the things you use EVERYDAY that originated in a different culture.
Same. Are you going to kill me every time I wear jeans and a tee-shirt to school? What to you expect me to wear, a full 5 layer hanbok, when it's 80 degrees outside?
Load More Replies...You people, stop confusing the issue with unassailable logic! :-)
Besides some of our toys, makeup, clothes, etc are made in China and other Asian countries
Wearing that dress isn't racist, but it is racist to think that girl is not allowed to wear a certain cut of dress because she is not of the correct race. I mean those outraged posts accused her of mudding Chinese culture up by wearing that dress. Sounds f@$king racist to me, and it's gross that it's okay for people to be so unashamedly racist.
To those complaining of "cultural appropriation": Okay, then YOU stop appropriating OUR culture. Stop using the English language. Stop wearing Western style apparel. Stop consuming Western foods. No more use of Western technologies, give up your car, your use of public transportation based on Western technology, electricity, indoor plumbing, HVAC, and everything else you are probably using that belongs to Western culture. No more Western based entertainment, such as films, television, photography, music, musical instruments, theater, art, public museums, parks, gardens and festivals etc. that are based upon Western culture. No Western medicine. No Western education or institutions. Stop using Western based culture! Just STOP. Once YOU do that, then even though your arguments will still be idiotic, at least they won't be mind-bogglingly hypocritical and irrational.
... and stop being called "Jeremy", which is certainly not a chinese name.
Load More Replies...So is it racist to east Chinese food if you are not Chinese? Same thing in my opinion.
I have seen times when cultural appropriation is offensive, but people have always been influenced by the food, dress, art and music of other people. Many older people here in the American Southwest have Native American art and jewelry that they can't wear -- how many people who used to make this jewelry are having to turn to less creative careers (casino work, for example) because of this hysteria? I also think the idea that white westerners are the "dominant culture" is quickly becoming anachronistic. When China and India pass the US in wealth and prestige, will we get mad when they celebrate our holidays, speak our language, and wear T-shirts from our movies?
I will never be able to understand this. You wear Native American jewelry because you think it's beautiful and you admire the work. What's wrong with that?
Load More Replies...No, this new definition of racism being only systematic and therefore not being able to be perpetrated by non-whites towards whites is only a recent internet phenomenon originating from a book written in the 60s. Racism certainly comes in different forms, but trying to change the definition of it in order to fit a political agenda is utter b******t and you bought into it.
Another "hysteria / outry / scandal on social media" posting. While a debate about the influence of Western culture (why is a suite the world's "official" formal dress, although many other forms of traditional and contemporary formal dresses exist?), those scadalising what a (sorry to say: more or less random) teen did and what ended on social media prevent this. There are enough problems in this world that _actually_ need attention.
o.O Wait, I thought racism was when you, among other things, don't allow people of a different race to do the things that are okay for your race to do. Kind of like...saying that a white girl cannot wear a Chinese dress, perhaps?
It's just a dress people... REALLY. I'm Chinese and I don't see what the problem is!?
Suddenly everything involving other cultures is racist... I say it's actually honoring the Chinese. Much better than the things the kids at my school say about them...
So, then Chinese shouldn't wear casual or formal western clothing either? I'm not sure who "invented" the tuxedo, but quite sure it wasn't a Chinese - but still Chinese wear it. Shouldn't Westerners then complain about the Chinese not respecting their history and culture? This is ridiculous.
I think those people raising hate against the girl loiter around all day just to find someone to pick on. Qipao is NOT really a traditional Chinese dress. It does NOT have a long history. It derives from Manchu traditional wear and was modified to suit the needs of modern society by Sun Yat-Sen in the 20th century. Yet, as you can see, some think it has "long history" "rich cultural meanings". They are wrong and it shows their own ignorance of Chinese culture. In fact, just recently we had a national festival celebrating our true national-clothes. Try google"中国华服日" :)
Who gives a flying flip what someone wears to a prom. If you are that offended then stay off the Internet!!! If you are offended by every little thing then you may find it necessary to just move onto a deserted island. I am beginning to think life was much better before social media and all we had were alpha pagers and bboards. The dress is beautiful by the way.
If this young lady said she was unfamiliar with Asian culture, had no interest in it, she'd be branded as criminally ignorant. But if she knows of and wears something from Asian culture and now she's stealing and occupying their culture. To this crowd who is mad about this white people are supposed to know about other cultures but never use anything from another culture. A rule which they of course don't apply to any other group of people doing any cultural borrowing. When Asian young people love American or British fashion brands? Oh this same crowd loves that! Will strongly defend the cultural freedom others must have to borrow our culture. This is why people voted for Trump. Not this white guy, but it's why a lot of white people did. Stupid s**t like this.
The world is falling apart and still people find a way to fight over small things.
Falling apart? Open up a history book, Claudia. This is the safest, most abundant, most educated, least armed conflicted time in the history of the world. It's literally never been better to be alive pretty much all over the world. Seriously, you should look into it. You'll be surprised. By almost every metric you can think of, the world is better now than it's ever been.
there is cultural appropriation and there is cultural APPRECIATION, i don't think she meant to take offense to anyone, i choose to believe she picked out that outfit simply because she admired the dress and the culture so there's that...
i agree, but cultural appreciation is more along the lines of wearing a sari at an Indian wedding if you're in the wedding party, where the people getting married are of Indian descent. there weren't any Chinese people in that prom picture and it wasn't a prom put on by Chinese people to celebrate Chinese culture, so I think it was cultural appropriation
I think she’s just a kid who got targeted by an internet troll. She didn’t post these pics for mass media attention just a regular ol prom post like every other kid does. I feel bad for her. She found a vintage dress and was unaware of the cultural connection she obviously isn’t trying to be an inconsiderate jerk.
So as a Chinese American, I'll say I don't have a problem with the dress, but that group pose w the bowing hands... I can almost hear the gong going off. She and her friends may not intend malicious racism here but ignorantly casual cultural appropriation is a little too close for my personal comfort.
Soooo, wearing a dress from another "culture" is racism? Not accepting cultures = racism, yet being inspired and/or wearing/using something from that culture is also racism? Get a grip. Stop trying to find racism everywhere and stop being offended by every stupid little thing. All the haters might want to look in their homes to make sure they're not (mis)using something from another culture and stop eating other cultures food too.... (( Also the "white audience" - 'white spouses" - "white people", this always kinda bothers me lately... if it said another color instead of white, everyone would be raging but it says "white people" so it's okay? ))
To a 18 year old beauty, Senior Prom is one of the most important and memorable event, so how is wearing a Cheongsam/Qipao offensive to Chinese culture? I really don't get it. I am a Singaporean Chinese, i am very surprise (happy kind of surprise) and honor that she chose to wear it. Moreover, she wore it so beautifully. For those who see this as inappropriate, switch off your internet, close your eyes, move to a remote island.
I went out to a Chinese restaurant the other night and ate a lot of traditional Chinese food. I could have gone to another restaurant and had my country's (Ireland) traditional dish of bacon cabbage and mashed potato but chose the Chinese option instead. Does that make me racist.? I bet in America there are millions of people eating Chinese food whe are not Chinese but they wouldn't be called racist. So why is it different for a dress?
I am from Europe and I never encountered the word 'cultural appropriation' until I read about it on an American website. I have traditional Chinese, Moroccan, Egyptian and Indian dresses and I wear them on special occasions because they are beautiful and I admire the cultures that bring forward this kind of elegance. The only thing Chinese, Moroccan, Egyptian and Indian women should worry about is that the dresses don't fit me as nicely as they would fit them.
I always loved that kind of fashion. So if someone decides to buy a chinese style blouse/dress, are they racist? Asking for a friend.
No, thry arent. Thats the point. Its fashion, shes not pissing on it saying "F**K CHINESE PEOPLE!" Shes wearing it with love and because she loves the style and background of the dress. This is the whole point, people are ridiculous with this stuff.
Kids are dying from brain cancer, let's focus on that instead of this girl's incredible a*s.
So I guess all asians wearing western clothes are racists? Black people not walking around naked is racist? Inuit not walking around with a 50lbs winter coat is racist? Hello? Do these people even know what "racist" means?
"Hey nobody cares about my culture, everybody's racist!" Is now replaced by "hey everybody is adopting my culture, that's a shame, everybody's racist". I thibk that's stupid. As long as it's not disrespectful, I don't see the issue
All these comments on the dress ! Millennials have truly lost their minds when it comes to identifying racism. Every little thing is offensive. This poor girl could have been politely told why this is offensive but nooooooo people had to put on their douchebag hats and throw stones
Emma Watson wore a similar dress to a movie premier, and all anyone said was it was beautiful. Going back even further, Grace Kelly wore one to the Golden Globes in the 50s. This person ranting about her stealing their culture needs to wake up. to quote the girl "It's a F****** Dress."
I didn't see anything wrong with the dress. The issue was the pose and the pic. What's the point of the 🙏? Only one person had on the dress. It's things like that can be offensive.
As someone who is a bit more than half Asian......to those complaining, I better not see you eating food from other countries, ya morons! Food is a part of culture so stop appropriating. This world has lost its natural mind. This girl looks great in the dress.
Oh for stupidity's sake. It's a DRESS, & she's rocking it. My own ancestry is Polish & Japanese. I suppose I should be offended every time I see my blue-eyed Slavic dad using chopsticks. Witless shitstains addicted to outrage. Grow the eff up.
Indescribably pathetic. She looks gorgeous and frankly if people are so damn obsessed with protecting their own culture... Stay put and don't emigrate. I think that a Westerner choosing to wear that is a complement. It's a stunning fashion statement. Minority groups want inclusion and equality one minute and insist they're unique and require special recognition the next. We're one family: race, gender, sexuality, age etc. Get over yourselves!
I had a friend who was a very professional seamstress. However, she is quite tall, very busty and heavier than average. She sewed herself a lovely Chinese shirt that was tailored to her dimensions. When we went to an event where she wore this shirt, a Chinese woman (older than we were then) burst out of the crowd and kept saying "That's professional!" She felt the fabric and examined the sewing. Of course this was in the 1980s before manufactured outraged had taken over the airwaves and there was no social media. We just communicated face to face back then. Things were much less fraught.
I am very very curious how much Jeremy Lam actually knows about his own culture. Especially with his Anglo/American first name.
While I very much understand your point and how you're trying to fight back against hate, I'll like to point out that this is not a very well considered idea as the reason many of us have American names is because the Western World is.... very large? I don't know how to say this. And many European speakers have trouble pronouncing our names and will mess up. Some more rude people might make fun of the name. Having an American name is for an Asian living in the Western countries to better assimilate. It is very likely that he also has another Chinese name that Chinese people know him by.
Load More Replies...Hmm, there doesn't seem to be a reply button directly to you, Pax Humana, so I guess it'll have to be like this. "There are things like Google Translate and Reverso, among other language translation websites, so that is not an excuse, Lindsay." Okay, I don't understand what this is trying to say. What is the "that" in the sentence "that is not an excuse?" What's not an excuse for what? "so things like that CAN and DO happen in the real world as well." Once again, I was confused on what the "that" was refering to, but I'm taking a stab in the dark and saying it's refering to the statement: "I am very very curious how much Jeremy Lam actually knows about his own culture." In that case, I'm sorry my friend, but you typed that whole cartoon evidence for nothing. I never said that it can not happen. What kind of name you have have nothing to do with how much of a culture you know. So it's really kinda irrelevant to what I'm saying.
I went to school in Korea for a month, and everyone there has both a Korean name and an "American" one. I was friends with an Angelina and a Margaret, living in the center of Seoul, where everyone spoke Korean. Take myself, I have an English first name, and a Korean middle. What's wrong with having several names?
The people commenting were the real racists. Quiping your culture for yourself and not allowing others to enjoy it is also a form of racism.
To katana if she ever reads this: It's not "some" Chinese who are okay with it, MOST are. You are very much a minority when it comes to whether this is cultural appropriation or not. I think actual Chinese people and not whiny SJW Chinese-Americans like you know what offends them better than you do. And while on the subject of cultural appropriation, you're Chinese and yet you have a Japanese word as your user name.
Oh for Pete's sake, everything these days is Made in China, do we, by buying their stuff, appropriate their culture?
I think this debate is ridiculous and senseless. I think the teen looks beautiful in the dress. The argument to me is akin to saying that people should stick to their own ethnic food when dining out.. How ridiculous and I am Asian.
So an asian guy called "Jeremy" is offended because someone wore an oriental dress. At that point the statement becomes ridiculous.
If this dress has so much cultural importance then why is so cheap on AliExpress?
What a load of c**p - where's the outrage of the 100's of million Asians, Africans, Middle Easterns, etc that wear Western Style Business Suits. OMG they're stealing our culture. And we all know there's a limited amount of culture so whatever will we do if someone steals it all. Geeeeesh people are too stupid to believe anymore.
Im a white looking american but who knows what mixes i have or the struggles of my ancestors. But i think they would be embarrassed of me if i insulted an innocent young lady dressed to the nines on prom night. I think she looks elegent, happy and beautiful. Who thinks her intention was to humiliate anyone. Change is now ppl. Our ancestors didnt bring us this far to hurt other ppl the way theyve been hurt. Let it go and love the good. You dont mistreat someone an earn any badges or crowns.
She looked stunning and maybe she loves Asian things...good grief it’s a prom dress not a culture statement!
As a Chinese person, I love how she looks in that dress but that pose is a little disrespectful. Growing up people would make fun of me and other Asian kids with that pose, and it has a history of being used as an insult or a way to mock people of Asian descent. I think she should try to be more careful in this regard.
The hands together? Yeah, thats also an "East side" symbol, notice none of her other friends are wearing a Chinese dress and theyre putting their hands together? Yeah, the pose has f**k all to do with the dress
It's funny because in China, they have adopted Western clothing, and they wear it on a daily basis, yet no one is talking about their "cultural appropriation"?
wth it's a dress calm down. also I would totally wear a traditional irish dress to prom that sounds funny as hell
If you were wondering about the one person who sparked this whole issue, Jeremy Lam is most definitely a racist...this is only one of his disparaging anti-white posts, the dude is a hypocrite https://twitter.com/jere_bare/status/784361827123666944
According to all those people, sushi is for Japanese people only, pizza - for Italians and etc. I have very mixed ancestry, but eventually don't look like some of my ancestors at all. I have Native American bloodlines, and I look like a snowflake. In that case, where is the line, when can we rightly use the cultural heritage of our ancestors? Or will we consider the percentage of "clean blood"? I remember something like that a long time ago. Nothing good was come of this.
I do understand that cultural appropriation is a serious thing but this is not cultural appropriation and I have a valid reason as to why: cultural appropriation is wearing/using something that was important/sacred/special in another culture just for fun or as a joke (ex. Non Native Americans wearing headdresses) and of course this is a problem. That's why if you want something that's from another races culture you can't always get a genuine one because people of that culture believe it is special to them. In this case wearing a qipao isn't cultural appropriation because they are available to anyone, and not just fake ones that are made in factories who don't give a rat's derrière about the product itself, I've seen genuine ones for sale before in China so if it was offensive why would they be so readily available? Well that's my two cents, anyone who disagrees please let me know, I'm always open to different opinions
There was nothing wrong with this, people have to to get over this everyone is out to get me i'm a victim boohoo mentality. it's getting old. Everything in the world is not an attack on someone else. Let go of this unnecessary hate and there is half the battle done.
It's a little confusing. It's a traditional dress used for special occasions. She's seen the dress that she likes and has chosen to wear it to what her cultures consider a special occasion. Asian countries have proms sometimes - so should they never wear western prom dresses. What about all the western style clothing that is arguably traditionally western - surely this means Asian counties should stick to wearing their traditional clothing. What about all the asians, especially in Japan, that have FAKE weddings - yup...they have fake western style churches, where they can choose the 'western package', have a fake white priest to do fake vows, where they can wear white wedding dresses -- all because their traditional wedding doesn't seem as exciting or exotic. Oh well
I don't think you guys get it, its not the dress,its her action....the praying hand pose. As a chinese we find that very offensivem we DO Not do that hand thing, but its stereotype onto us.
It's also a stereotype to Amricans that all they do is drink beer and go mudding, yet they don't get offended by that. It's just a hand gesture and they are teens joking around, lighten up.
I'm MUCH more annoyed by the stupid Vape Nation hand signs in the back row
Asian Americans are the only ones who get angry, ask the Asians from the countries the dresses come from and they love you to wear their styles (who do you think sells the clothes). I buy many clothes direct from China, India and Japan. Clothes aren't a culture, they're part of them. All clothes we wear were invented in someone else's culture for the most part. As long as people aren't insulting the culture or disgracing the clothes. Enjoy.
The very claim of "Cultural appropriation", is a racial slur in itself, proving that the people claiming it, is in fact as racist as anyone can be, by stating that - it's not part of our culture, and we don't want it intermingled, as it doesn't fit with us. Keep it out!! Yet, the very same people is very happy to eat kebabs, indian food, chinese food, potatoes (yup!), and many other things that is not part of the native culture of theirs, but that, they have no opinion of, and there are many other things that can be said in addition to that. Bigotry at it's best and finest. |If you want to wear that dress, take care to use it in the right setting and occasion, showing the respect for and knowledge of the culture you are adopting, and it will be fine. Don't mock it intentionally - that is where it becomes the wrong thing. Personally, I enjoy many things from many cultures, and I truly enjoy it, and I am thankful for the contributions, as our own culture would be quite dull without.
I don't even get how culture is tied into race? And "culturally appropriating" someone is racist? It's about their culture, not their race!
I had met my future husband once before the weekend I went to a fancy dress party wearing a Chinese gown. My future husband was there. I'm Caucasian and my husband is of Chinese background . He didn't mind me wearing the dress. His mother gave me a gorgeous Chinese jacket. We have now been married for 31yrs and we have two gorgeous kids.
Wow! May be these people need to chill out OR go bully the directors for their f****d up movies that stereotype and "bastardize" all kinds of culture- Chinese mafia, Russian prostitutes, Colombian drug lords, Indian rajs, African warriors... And I dont get those who said they would never wear a dress of another culture...WHAT THE F**K is wrong with you? When I visited Mexico, I tried on a Mexican traditional dress, put flowers on my head and took a "a la Frida Kahlo" photos- am I racist?! People are so f****d in the head these days!
Of course she is disrespectful, everybody knows that you can't appreciate other cultures that's just sooooo racist!!
God I hate ppl like that. So If a black girl dyes her hair blonde she should be attacked? Or me, that Im a Jazz drummer, Im racist? Oh wait, i like anime and draw them too, Im racist? Worst of this all, its all keyboard warriors, none of them would say a thing face to face. Stupid ppl
Wow I didnt realize how stupid and racist people still are. quit being a bunch of babies. if you think your culture is being diminished because a white person wore a chinese dress then your culture must not be very rich..... and also full of pussies.
Just think about what a safe and egalitarian society we live in where people can afford to spend their time worrying about such trivialities. Besides which, actual Chinese people discussing this in China and Taiwan are overwhelmingly supportive of the girl. Almost all of this kind of outrage comes from American born descendants of Chinese or Philippine immigrants, who seem to be trying to make up for their own feeling of cultural inadequacy.
White people started this whole "let us get offended by everything on behalf of everyone". I insist that people of other races stop appropriating this part of our culture by getting offended by things.
Perhaps the angry Jeremy Lam ought to concider not using his first name, as it is a Christian name, not a Chinese one. It's kind of insulting to the Jewish/Christian culture that an Asian person uses a name from the Bible. Kind of racist, actually. There's a long tradition behind that name, and it shouldn't be used by someone from another culture, just to appear exotic... ...Jeez, what a kill-joy! Find a GOOD cause to fight, an IMPORTANT one, for f**k's sake! Make sad people happy, not the opposite! There should be plenty of worthy causes to choose from!
Here we go...again. Must we all be reminded (again) that our great country was founded on great people and cultures from around the world? Come on people, quit being so sensitive! It's embarrassing! I travel the world with the privilege of experiencing new people/cultures, and the number one impression of Americans on a global perspective is that we are a nation of hypersensitive, entitled, weak crybabies that are also an unfunny joke. Grow a spine and quit being so sensitive. Jeez!
lol Twitter is such a f*****g joke. Millions of idiots looking for something to hurt their butts on.
I just can not be mad at this. Personally I think this is getting ridiculous. This example, or shaming a child for wanting to be a non white Disney princess. I am part Japanese, I am part Native American. I would find no insult in someone wearing a kimono because they wanted to feel beautiful. Unless I misunderstand the dress, it's a beautiful dress, it's unique and it was special. There are ways to wear clothes from other cultures with appreciation and respect and there are ways to wear the same items disrespectfully. Wanting to feel beautiful is not disrespectful.
Basically, the people calling her racist are the racist ones. I think she looks great in that dress and she should be proud that that was the dress to wear to her senior prom. The comment that especially pissed me off what the one that said: "White people are not a part of that." So the hell what. It doesn't matter what ethnicity you are, your clothing doesn't assign that to you.
My father was born in Austria. As children, my brothers wore lederhosen, and my sister and I wore the dirndle dresses. As a Tyrolean-American, I hereby give all my blessing to wear either! Knock yourself out!
I respect her for wheeling such a dress and I think it’s amazing that she did. But I do see why it is a sensitive topic that she was wearing a traditional dress for something like prom. I guess it’s just differences in what we deem to be a special enough occasion to were a traditional dress. But I dont see anything wrong with her wearing something that reflects the beauty of another culture. I just think the occasion is not something some tradition Chinese woild deem as appropriate for such a highly valued dress
Not gona write anything after the last "fake racist accusation" post had been deleted from panda...
I feel like it's easy to say "get over it," because as a Latin American brown (yes I said brown) woman I faced a lot of ignorant comments and racism. I'm all for sharing my culture however, for some there's a lot of pain when it comes to people who just want to wear my culture as a joke (Halloween) versus those who truly love it like say wearing a bag or scarf. You can't villinize people who find this offensive because as a person who love their culture I want to keep it my own. As for this girl, some may think my idea is ridiculous, but maybe explaining her view on it first then posting it would have been a good idea, especially in this political climate. Peace and love.
I think its hilarious you put "peace and love" at the end of your paragraph after policing what people wear on HALLOWEEN. Its ridiculous. You cant villinize people for Halloween costumes, period. Its a dress up day, its makebelieve, its pathetic you find offense in that. "Peace and love" man, stop being a prick and ruining peoples fun over nothing
Does the hater ever wore western style clothings to a prom, a wedding, other parties? How's that ok?
I think she looks very nice, and I don't consider the dress to be a problem. I felt that the group picture could be considered to be mocking the history of where the dress came from. Cultural appropriation is mostly characterized by a minority group adopting traits from the majority. The idea of cultural appropriation is considered negative because a dominant culture can come in and snuff out the local culture. In this case, she really wasn't being malicious or even particularly disrespectful. She thought something was beautiful so she bought it and put it on. The merchant didn't stop her. Friends didn't stop her. Strangers didn't stop her. So you have all these people that could've stepped in and said that it isn't ok, but they didn't. I think it's better to let your culture spread and be viewed as something beautiful and attainable for the common man than to say hell no this culture is going with me to my grave.
Back in much safer (politically) times....1973....I wanted to wear a qipao, a gorgeous blue one with white embroidery all over it. I knew where it was from, which peoples wear it, how to respect it, etc. The only thing that prevented me from buying it and then wearing it was my hideously bigoted soon to be MIL. That witch didn't like me, definitely didn't like what I wanted to wear, and because he was a Mommy's boy, fiance took her side and said I had to wear a white dress. Because I truly was a virgin, I went ahead and got one---and happily danced around the fire as I burned it nine years later! I would never have burned a qipao; they're far too beautiful to treat that way.
If she wore that in Greater China (PRC, Taiwan, Hong Kong), she would be admired and praised. Frankly, it looks great on her, and most Western women can't pull it off. Chinese are very generous and love to share culture with all. It seems that the people who get most upset about "cultural appropriation" are unsure of their roots in that culture.
Some people need to take a goddam chill pill. She admires the culture, it's not like she is going around saying "ching chang" or racist crap like that!
This is absurd.In the 50s and 60s and even the 70s people wore what they believed to be beautiful. It has nothing to do with all this other Bs. End of story.
Anyway, if someday all of the world like to wear qipao and behave like a real chinese lady, I'd say I am very glad.
It is not the qipao that make sense, it is the behavior of the girl that doesn't fit qipao. I am traditional chinese woman, i like wear Qipao too. Here in China, qipao means elegant. I think what makes our chinese unpleasant is that the girl is doing some bold action that's not combine with our qipao culture.
IMO its bad when the item of clothing makes something that is sacred or extremely special a casual fashion statement (Hindu gods on forever 21 clothing, native American headdresses at Coachella, etc) but a qipao is just a style of dress from China, its not linked to a specific ceremony, religious celebration, or anything like that. so I think this is totally fine.
This is annoying. Years ago people wanted everyone to learn other cultures and experience them. Now it's "No, no! You cannot enjoy anything from our culture you need to gtfo and stay in your own."
I wore a beautiful traditional cream and celadon silk kimono to my Senior Ball 30 years ago. The dress was given to my mother, by her brother, when he was stationed in Japan. The kimono was unique and lovely, not a statement to dishonor the country of Japan, the War or it's people. If anything, it was to honor their tradition.
I am proud that you stood up for yourself and sorry for all of the hate you received. You looked gorgeous in that dress. Hang in there sweetie!
Nothing is wrong with the dress nor the young woman wearing it so why as it been labeled racist !!!!!!!!!!
It’s a f@#*ing dress! People need to lighten up, quit making every little thing into a controversy. It’s exhausting
It was worn to a formal affair wear formal attire is required.Not to a costume party .If it had been a costume party yes maybe some offense should be taken.I think girls want to dress as pretty as possible and apparently this is what she thinks of this dress .Be proud that people look up to your culture.
I am Chinese, I don't get offended by this girl. Why can't she wear the Chinese traditional dress? I am happy to see my culture being accepted by other race. She think the dress is beautiful and it makes she feels good when she wears it, why is that a bad thing? Chinese should be proud of it.
okay there are like 8 billion people in the world and what like 1000 people are offended? so let's make an article and start a race war over 1000 mad people because the rest of the world, the normal society DOESN'T CARE. The dress is cute, she looks beautiful, and if I could pull it off I would too. I love Chinese/Japanese culture especially in their art and fashion. If I wear or buy a piece of art I buy it because I like it. She wears this dress because she's likes it. If she was wearing it and mocking Chinese people I might could understand, but no. She is wearing it to look cute and guess what, she does! SERIOUSLY STOP WITH THE PC POLICE. I believe in the 1st amendment but you social justice I get offended over everything needs to take a one way flight to Mars. Make your own planet of everything offends us do so we stay inside and be sad.
People need to start having better tings to complain about, who cares if she's wearing a Chinese style dress. If anything we should be proud as Asians that other people are admiring our culture. Not getting pissed because its being "stolen" The SJW movement needs to end. Its the downfall of our society
Isn't telling someone "you can't were this dress because you are white" racist? According to that logic there are so many things that Asian people are not allowed to use because they are not caucasian. For example, rephrasing one of the bullies "jeans and T-shirt have long history and Asian people are not behind it".
This generation is boooring. Chinese dresses look amazing in every women they are pretty, beautiful and sexy. The channel SerpentZA did a video about that, he lives in China and he go out on the street asking what chinese people thing about foreings weating chinese traditional clothes. The chinese people said those king of answer: No problem, whatever, looks good, I'm happy that they like our culture. In general, the problem is this generation of europeans and americans who gets offended by absolute every f*****g thing.
this is just me, i wouldn't be offended if someone from another country would wear our traditional costume, as long as this wasnt used in any vulgar or wearing it in an insulting way. she is proud to be wearing that traditional dress and she felt complete and happy during her prom. she wore the dress with pride and she looked happy with it. i guess thats the most important picture some people missed to see. again this is just me, im writing this not to offend whatsoever.
I'm Chinese and not offended in any way. Damn she looks good in that dress, and I'm glad my culture is going worldwide. If Chinese girls get to wear white wedding gowns, why can't Americans wear our dresses to prom?
I have an idea... Stop going online to seek affirmation. Then, nobody has dumb comments to make.
Surely saying people can only wear clothes that suit the culture they are born into is racist and dangerous and will lead to further segregation of societies? I think she looks amazing and fair play to her, people these days seem to think its cool to be offended and make a big deal throwing toys out of prams online, get over it and live your life.
We do not have control of the way our choices may be interpreted. Sometimes we accidentally cause offense. The offense may or may not be justified. This young lady handled the situation well. She explained that she didn’t intend to offend anyone, and that she regretted inadvertently offending anyone. She stressed her respect, admiration, and love for all. Sometimes in life accidents happen. What matters is how we behave after the fact..
Am I missing something here?.. Sorry, guys, I don't get what all the fuss is about. If I saw a pic of some girl or guy wearing a traditional dress from my country at a prom or other social event for fun, I'd be like hey, nice choice))) As long as the person just wants to have fun, why do you care? It's like cosplaying, I see a nice/fancy/exotic thing, it strikes me as beautiful, I wanna try it on. I would only be upset if people used it for some offensive, political purposes, posing in some clearly provoking situations. Or if they wore some globally unapproved, like white KKK gowns or Nazism symbols. Otherwise... If I dressed like a samurai, I would primarily refer to their courage and loyalty, despite knowing about all the cruelties that were raging in Japan at that period.
I'm Ukrainian, if someone wore traditional Ukrainian dress I would think it was cool and an opportunity for discussion. But offensive? F#%K off!
Dear mr. Lam are you perhaps wearing western clothing in your profile picture? That's a clear attack to my culture, and an aggressive one I say. I'd appreciate if you would come towards my position, I'd like to teach you some of our wester gentle manners. Yours, Luca
I vote for 100% Universal Integration: Everyone gets to wear clothing that they like and eat food that they like and have religion that they like and grow plants that they like and have furniture that they like in houses that look the way they like.......no matter what the original culture was that invented them. And they get to mix and match everything, too. Just enjoy whatever you want to: art, literature, culture, food, ideas--all of humanity's gifts to all of humanity.
Maybe all you haters should throw out all your blue jeans (pants for that matter ) and baseball hats and athletic foot wear and and watches.....just saying
Get a life people! I demand that people from other cultures quit dressing like Americans........you are all required to ONLY dress from your “culture”. No more eating foods from any other cultures too!
And our culture and our countries, occident, (where all these haters live) are based (among other things) on the freedom of wearing whatever the f*** you want.
I don't see anyone complaining when foreigners come to our country and start wearing our clothes, or wear our clothes in other countries. The fashion industry as a whole has been the most constant medium for the exchange of ideas and designs for centuries, but all of a sudden people want to keep their clothing designs just for them.
Loved the part where someone said "I wouldn't wear a traditional Irish or Greek dress", well honey, if you wear clothing at all, you wear something that has been adapted out of those cultures and into the mainstream. F*****g fools. Shut the hell up. I wear what I want and you have nothing to say.
Hey, look, a white person to call a racist for an outlandish reason. GET HER!!!!
Hey, look, a white person to call racist for NO REASON WHATSOEVER!!!! LETS GET HER!!!! I wonder if these people realize that they were all the REAL racists, but of course because shes WHITE its ok.
With so many things wrong in the world today, I do find it odd that so many people will spend so much time spewing hate on a stranger for any reason. It's not like she was using it as a halloween costume or even making light of the culture with it, she saw a beautiful dress and wore it beautifully to a monumental event in her life, and as far as I'm concerned she did it justice. There are always people looking to be offended by something and it is so unnecessary. I'm in north america and I don't become offended when I see people wearing jeans, t shirts or other clothing that is commonly associated with our culture here.
If it's a TRADITIONAL dress then yes, it may offend some. I for one am not fluent in Asian culture. But if it's a FASHION dress, then it's just a prom dress. It's okay to appreciate and be inspired by certain cultures but understand some culture do have sacred and important aspects only meant for rights of passage
Does that mean only 'Western' people can wear 'Western' clothing and all Chinese should wear cheong-sams? "...The cheongsam, also known as a qipao, is a close-fitting dress that originated in 1920s Shanghai. It quickly became a fashion phenomenon that was adopted by movie stars and schoolgirls alike. The history of this iconic garment reflects the rise of the modern Chinese woman in the twentieth century..." https://theculturetrip.com/asia/china/articles/a-brief-history-of-the-cheongsam/
A beautiful girl wearing a beautiful dress. She looks awesome. It's the haters that are being so racist. So it's OK for these narrow minded idiots to wear 'westernised' clothing, [including jeans and t-shirts etc] but not ok for anyone else to wear 'eastern' style clothing? Are these people really that stupid? I'd much prefer her innocence instead of their ugly arrogance. Pull your heads out of your backsides....
Let's have a quick look through some wedding photos and how many Kilts do I see? There's one, and another, and another, oh look another. I'm a Scot and you can wear whatever the hell you like! I don't care who you are, where your from or what you believe in. If you look good and feel good in something, wear it! Now, I'm off to work in my high heeled sequined fishing boots, which are my driving shoes!
These dresses and style was literally worn by everyone in the late 90's early 2000's in the form of purses, headbands, skirts, dresses...Everyone from Lizzy Maguire -the Olsen twins-Destiny's Child-Rachel on friends....they even used to sell chopsticks for your hair in every store from limited two to Delia's. Need to get over it
Because "cultural appropriation" is only an outrage when it happens to a non-white culture.
Maybe some idiot misunderstand prom as porn?? That's why they making a ruckes out of it...
This is ridiculous. As long as it's not a religious garment there's literally no reason to be offended. People who get offended over stuff like this have no idea what actual oppression looks like
I'm middle eastern and if I saw a white girl wearing clothes that were traditionally middle eastern, as long as it's not a hijab/burka/other religious garment, I would not find it offensive at all or at least not enough to make angry comments over
Load More Replies...Or if it was worn as a costume that'd be cause for offense but it was worn seriously to a special occasion so ???
The funny thing is there is a movenpment in China supporting her the person that says a few Chinese people supporting her doesn’t speak for the rest she’s stupid the entire country of China is supporting her f*****g r****d bet she and the guy who found this hasn’t even been to china
She seemed to wear it with respect, and not in a mocking way. Thumbs up from this Asian. Gorgeous.
It was a bonehead move, but she’s still in the throes of the Teenaged Stupids. Tempest, meet teapot.
I'm at a loss with this one. I did find that one picture a bit on the rude side. I realize that style of dress has a very special meaning to many, and she must have worn it in the wrong context which is why people are angry. She screwed up
Very Elegant! Go with it. I seriously doubt too many folks would be so annoyed with a young Chinese woman wearing what might be considered an outfit typical of European culture. Silly people!
As long as people of Chinese decent do not commit "cultural appropriation" by wearing jeans, beret's, cowboy boots, tam's or tee shirts, then I guess I don't have a problem with this.
There are culturally insensitive people out there. We have to deal with that. Its just the world. There always is an obnoxious person out there. So what?
She stood up for herself really well! It's like when someone copied you when you were little and you got mad and frustrated that someone was copying you, but then momma stepped in and said "hey, they just love the way you do things and want to be more like you." Then what momma said just made you feel special. People can be real overprotective about their culture sometimes guys. Don't be like them. The culture is beautiful and that should be an honor that the seniors want to use this as their dress for prom. But I do understand why their feeling mad. But I also think you should always assume for the better.
Idiots. To counter that, we could say that Asians shouldn’t wear western clothes because it’s bastardisation of our western culture. How ridiculous is that.
I live in China and they wear a dress like this as a wedding dress, because red is an important colour in their culture. The design usually has more to it though. I think most people living in China would love the idea that someone wants to wear something from their culture. This cultural appropriation thing that gets thrown about so often lately is not a thing Chinese people waste their time thinking about. It seems you have to leave the place to be educated on how to be offended. I'm Irish. I see them trying their best to celebrate St Patrick's Day every year, even once seeing a terrible imitation of Irish dancing, but I admire these things.
I don't know what my opinion is on this. As an Asian-American, I am not offended in any way what so ever. The dress looks fantastic on her, but I didn't like the last photo where all the kids at the prom were doing the thing with their hands. If she wants to wear something different, go ahead! She just wants to embrace other people's cultures and learn more about them. As long as she doesn't make us look bad and she is not portraying us in a negative light then I can't really call this racist.
I think this cultural appropriation stuff is ridiculous. How about all the Asian people who will pay a large amount of money for used Levis? I guess they shouldn't do that, because it's so American. Jeez. How about we all start caring about things that actually harm people?
Does this mean people in japan can't wear western clothes? You're going to have a hard time getting blue jeans and suits away from them.
Why does everyone need a reason to get offended? She obviously found it beautiful and people need a reason to attack that? F*****g psychos. People go on the internet and search for reasons to get offended.
Idiots have lost all sense and have absolutely no idea what racist actually means. It doesn't mean you can't borrow other people's cultural ideas, that's how new ideas and new cultures evolve - nothing comes from nothing. This has gone wayyyy to far. Time to tell them in not so uncertain terms and enjoy each other's differences.
Oh man, now are we supposed to hate Kate Capshaw in Indiana Jones?
I've seen cheap, short, ugly versions of these dresses for "white people" in Buenos Aires' China Town for over a decade. The same Chinese told me I could use it as pajamas (?) when she found me looking at them: she was trying to convince me to buy it. So there's the respect the very own Chinese feels for their traditional dress: a short cheap version that can be a night dress OR PJ's. Get offended now.
What foolishness is this protesting the fabric design for fashionable clothing! Get a life people and protest life and death issues, not fabric design for clothing that you are under no order to wear or even purchase!
It's just a dress and she looks beautiful! People have a lot more to worry about in this world than a dress!! Relax folks!
Cultures take influence from other cultures all the time, especially things like food. To claim something as belonging to your culture that others can't use because their skin colour isn't the same as yours sounds like the ultimate racism.
I wouldnt say skin color but everything else i agree with because I dont think skin color has very much to do with this
At what point did segration go from being a view held primarily by racist, to view associated with civil rights? The problem with the internet is that it takes only two members of any group for the hold group to be outraged, offended, upset etc etc.
what has the world come to? now we cant even don a different culture's traditional dress? I cant see why its such a big deal. I mean, I'm from a multiracial country, and here the chinese people also wear my culture's tranditional dress. I actually think its cool, and a great to share with others.
My Grandmother brought 3 of these back from China when she and my Grandad visited in 1969. They were more than happy to sell these dresses to anyone with the money. I have one still in the box (She paid $80 US$).
I'm Chinese, and I don't get why people are so outraged by this. I'm happy that someone from a completely different cultural background is able to appreciate our traditional design. And she's obviously not presenting the dress in a discriminatory way. That new Netflix show, Legend of the Monkey, however, I do find annoying (It is based on a Chinese novel, but the story is completely changed, and none of the main cast is Asian). No one is talking about how outrageously wrong the show is, yet they are pissed over a dress???
I understand the side of the people who are offended, but for such a large number of people to attack this girl is unreasonable and completely counterproductive. Have a conversation with her; bring to light an issue. Don't rally the internet to tear a person down when they just bought a dress they adored and cherished. She's a human being, too.
Cultural Appropriation has got to be the stupidest this I have ever heard of. Who decides why it is wrong? If I want to wear a head dress for halloween, I'm going to do it. If I want to get chinese letters for a tattoo because I like what they say, then damn right, I'm going to do it. Don't like it? get over yourself, and stop being a special snowflake that gets offended over everything.
People are not paying attention to the definition of cultural appropriation. It's taking something from someone and re-stamping it, to fit your needs or to profit from it, while obliterating it from it's original source. It's easy enough to understand. A prime example is what the Romans did to the Greeks, using their Gods and giving them Roman names. Wearing an Asian dress is not appropriation. If so, then everybody outside of the U.S. is also not allowed to wear jeans and sneakers. Every time somebody does this, I feel like they're just creating another Republican.
I'm sorry but it's a bit ridiculous. So what, someone outside of US wearing a pair of jeans is also "cultural appropriation" ? Wearing a mini-skirt outside of France ? Damned, I at swedish meatballs, what will sweden think ? It's JUST A DRESS. She wore it because she found it pretty. Get over it. People are SO touchy about everything now that it's really annoying, it feels like there is an army checking you every moves and waiting to blame you for everything.
She looks beautiful. Leave her alone. Should the white people start boycotting Chinese restaurants now?
When my daughter was very young her best friend was Japanese, in Los Angeles they have a large cerebration sharing their culture and traditions. One of the programs is young girls doing Japanese dances, these girls work all year to prefect these dances. My daughter's friend included my daughter in her dance group, she did the dances so well she was asked by the instructor to perform at the celebration. Is this considered culture appropriation?
I'm the kind of person who can think of this kind of thing as "cultural appropriation", but cultural appropriation doesn't immediately equal "bad". It's happened throughout history, pretty much as long as there were countries to trade with. Hell, the Chinese don't really have room to judge considering that they wear a lot of western-style clothing! Or does it only count when it's white people? I don't want to make it a "race issue", but I DO feel like white people get called out on cultural appropriation more than any other "race". I understand the impacts of European colonialism, but that shouldn't mean that Europeans NOW can't have things related to other cultures or else it's racist.
Honestly, I don´t see a reason to be mad about this. I´m sorry If my comment is offensive to anyone, but I see a beautiful dress that anyone might wear...
I don't think it's a good choice for a prom dress (because, in context, it looks a little costume-y). But all this cultural appropriation stuff is s**t. Pure and simple. If you marry into a Chinese (or any culture) family and adopt their recipes, clothing, decor, that's not cultural appropriation. But for a random person to wear a dress, it's not OK? My father visited China in the 60s (as a merchant marine) and brought back my mother all kinds of dresses and robes just like that. I remember her wearing them. And we also had Chinese souvenirs and vases, etc., in the house. We can't have an open, tolerant world where people freely move about the planet AND be possessive about clothes, music and food. Grow up!
calling this racist is beyond ludicrous. i remember a trend in the 90s where a chinese style dress was fashionable among young white women. it made them look beautiful. these "offended" idiots need to p**s off and leave people alone.
Is it a modern fashion to get offended and outraged at the slightest pretext, or what? One cannot say or do anything today without touching somebody's sore point. Why make life more complicated than it already is?
I'm not gonna pretend I know the culture behind the dress (chinese culture does interest me tho) but to my white boi eyes (they're blue, actually) it looks beautiful. I don't think I'd mind other ethnicities doing flemish culture-stuff, not that there's a lot of traditional flemish outfits to share without looking like a Renaissance Fair extra.. which is fine.
I´m surprised how good they can speak and insult in other country´s culture languaje.
I wore a vintage cheongsam to my prom that belonged to my grandmother and I'm very White. Cultural appropriation is the term most people are looking for when they call this racist. I don't think this is an instance of racism or cultural appropriation. Western and Eastern cultures share a lot of fashion trends and she wore a dress that was influenced by Chinese culture. China is a world power and their fashion is making an impact on the rest of the world. There are plenty of instances where Chinese customs or styles can be made offensive (I'm looking at you weirdly slutty geisha inspired costumes), but this is a modest dress that she wore because she liked the style.
I feel sorry for her. And I'm reminded that many people from different cultures (including from my on family) choose to have two wedding dresses, one whatever is traditional in their culture and one western style white dress, and that's all OK with me. They are just clothes.
I can imagine though that her dad said "where do you think you're going in that dress?" Or casually cleaned his shotgun in front of her date...
I'm a shame for people who even doesn't understand what the words means. First learn your language (maybe use a dictionary if you need)! She was beautiful in that dress. Really have to make something against cyber bullies!
Be mad at the people that either hired it to her or sold it to her if you want to be mad at someone. I suppose the bloke that started it did not even bother to reach out and discuss this with the young lady in the dress, but decided to try and shame and ridicule her. That is NO way to educate people. Bully. Plain and simple.
I'm getting outraged about all the people outraged about every little Mickey Mouse thing.
Being offended is the only emotional state that someone chooses to feel like. Pain, hunger, illness. You can't choose to feel it. But being offend is a choice of your own. Everyone should stop choosing that.
I'm Scottish and have absolutely no issue with anyone wearing our national dress, I can't see a problem with someone showing their appreciation for it and that's what this was. I do have a problem with people saying "White People" shouldn't be wearing it, Imagine I'd turned that around for any other race or creed?
I have seen many pictures of Chinese people wearing Western wedding dresses. Is this cultural appropriation? Of course not. It is a choice to wear clothes that you love the look of on a special occasion. Many people wear kilts when they are not Scottish - if you appreciate the beautiful fabrics and styles, why not wear them?
The internet is "divided" between reasonable people and loudmouth pirate yahoos.
Where are the jobs? Are we lacking of? Go clear a lot and stop whining....
Good looking girl. Good looking dress. Not racist although the group scene could be interpreted as a little patronising.
She should have said "I'm sorry you chose to be offended" because that's all it is. She likes the style of the dress, it's not like it's an outfit reserved for priestesses or something. And just an aside, what the heck is so wrong with "cultural appropriation" - showing you like and appeciate aspects of another culture. A quick look at the complainers twitter and I see a denim jacket - are the cowboys going to complain you appropriated their culture? Get a grip and invest your energy in fighting real racism fool.
Her response might have been more effective if she had done it without cursing.
Although , personally, I am a fun fact type of gal and like look into other cultures of the world, especially when it comes to vintage or ancestrial artifacts, not one of us, no matter from which culture we re from, have any right to judge this young lady whom looks astonishing in this beautiful Chinese attire! Although she may not have understood the history or cultural aspects behind wearing it doesn't mean you bash her dor doing so. We as human being deserve to given a chance to explain reason behind the things we have a choice freely to do! And as she apologizes meaning no harm for representing and astounding piece if clothing, you that so badly criticise her for wearing it, should not being so ugly and hateful but teach her your culture and give her stories or places she can enlighten herself with the knowledge and ways of your people! We are all human and find ways nit to adapt but to stand out uniquely from one another! It's life! Get over it already! No more hate!!!!
She did nothing wrong. This entire thing about "appropriating" culture. as if it is a bad thing is is ridiculous. Look up the ways that throughout history cultures intermix and form ever new beautiful things in fashion, art, music etc. It is only wrong if ridicule or debasement are the object. It is quite interesting to trace various countries who contributed to various art forms and languages.
My daughter also wore a Chinese dress to her prom. The reason for that, was that prom dresses are very expensive, plus she was, at the time, a big girl. We found a company online that would make her a dress to our measurements and we got to choose the fabric, and it turned out beautifully! The price was very reasonable, and it didn't take long to receive the dress. Guess where this company was--China! My daughter looked (and felt) beautiful in this dress, and only received compliments, was never called racist.
It’s only an outrage to the perpetually triggered. She appreciated the beauty of the dress and rocked it for prom. If anything those of Chinese heritage should be happy that clothing, and the artistry displayed in it is appreciated by people the world over, where as she could have worn any number of other dresses instead.
How would this guy feel about me eating my ramen with chopsticks? Or about my Chinese GF.......XD
I think people need to grow up. Finding a dress even if it's from another culture and deciding to wear it because you think it's pretty is hardly racist. Everyone's outrage is constantly misplaced and it's getting pathetic. Here's a radical idea...let's get outraged over...oh shucks, I dunno...actual racism? Like ideas and policies that hold entire groups of people back for no f*****g reason? Remember when THAT was kind of s**t we were outraged by?
Who gives a flying F??? You can't even wear a prom dress without criticism. People, get a life!!! If you are so easily offended then you need to get off of social media and stay in bed with your head under the covers. Better yet, find a deserted island and stay there. I am tired of the constant criticism of people on social media. I am to the point where I think life was just better with the old alpha pagers and bboards.