I Illustrate The Problems Of Modern Society, And Here Are My Newest 30 Works
What are the things that bother you most about the world today? Is it the wars and economic problems made by powerful people that make others suffer so much? Is it the constant bickering and lack of empathy on social media? Or just the everyday injustices that don't get talked enough about? My name is Daniel Garcia, and I'm a professional illustrator that asks himself these questions all the time
I'm always producing new stuff, and after the success of my previous posts on Bored Panda, I've decided to show you yet another selection of my best works. As always, I'd love to know about your own questions, maybe I can do a drawing about it! What do you think is wrong with the world nowadays? Let me know in the comments! And also, click here, here, and here to see my previous articles!
More info: Instagram | danielgarciaart.com | Facebook | Twitter
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America And Guns
I'm passionate about political, cultural, and human issues. With a long experience collaborating with more than 100 publications and companies in more than 22 countries, I believe in the transformative power of image in society.
The Money Machine
If it's any consolation, the fat cats responsible won't survive Doomsday. Even if they make it to their bunkers, they'll be delaying the inevitable because sooner or later they'll have to come out into a world that has no place for them, only anger and loathing.
Antisocial Media
Society has always been made of inequalities. Despite progress, is it still divided between those with power and those without, those who have and those who have not? Those in power always try to portray the world as a fair place where everyone is equal. Many artists, including me, try to balance this by showing the issues and the hypocrisy that lies within the cracks of the system.
Tax Justice
Sadly dead on! We need to rise up and fight this - and we can. We are many, they are few.
Russia, NATO And Innocent People
I have no method for choosing the specific issues or themes to portray, sometimes I draw inspiration from current news and events, and sometimes clients from publications commission me to illustrate a text and I’m free to come up with a conceptual idea.
Air Pollution
The World Is Melting
Everyone has a different way to see the world. Some people like what I do, and some really don’t, but if I can draw attention to the issues and most importantly, start a discussion, I’m already a happy person.
Political Chess
Fuel Poverty
I do see my illustrations as a form of activism but I also try to make responsible choices in real life as a consumer and a citizen to be part of the solution. I don’t see the need for balance between the artistic expression with the advocacy aspect because for me they are not conflicting ideas, just different pieces of a whole.
Many people say art shouldn’t be political, just pleasant. That’s not true. Art, like life, can be anything you make out of it.
Writer's Block
Ok but seriously. Blank pages: terrifying. It's like an empty vacuum that needs to be filled with words, and YOU need to fill this impossible vacuum. Writing is difficult.
Diabetes Around The World
Gun Control
Smartphone Fights
"Peace Loving" Putin
War Crimes
Arms Race
Social Media Is Dead
Covid & Asthma
Long Covid
I have autoimmune diseases. Basically I have no immune system.Went from March 2020 until October 2021 isolated and masked anytime I went out. I caught COVID19 on Oct 8,2021. Right now I am at day 10 of my THIRD case of COVID and the flu combined this time. I can't catch enough time between to get fully vaccinated. But at least this time I have 2 vaccines under my belt which means I can get the Evushield. Antigen infusion. But what really scares me....is that Monkeypox can be transmitted on surfaces and by sneezing/coughs...nobody masks up anymore and there are seldom wipes to disinfect carts at stores
Eat Healthy
Vaccine Inequality
Covid & Tuberculosis
"Peace Loving" Putin
How We Sleep
Psychology In Sports
It's exactly like corporate handbook art and it's very obvious some images were just drawn over digitally. It's like if a corporation pretended to care about your political views for upvotes.
It's exactly like corporate handbook art and it's very obvious some images were just drawn over digitally. It's like if a corporation pretended to care about your political views for upvotes.