25 “Pretty Privilege” Experiences By Men That Prove How It Affects Them Just Like Women
If you’ve spent enough time online, it’s quite likely you have heard of the term “pretty privilege.” And if you haven’t, it’s still likely you have encountered this phenomenon in real life – the only question is whether on the privileged side or not.
Well, in today’s list, we’re going to delve into the experiences that men have had related to “pretty privilege.” Whether they come from their personal experiences or from the things they’ve observed from the side, it doesn’t change the fact that all of them are pretty eye-opening about how this phenomenon influences seemingly unrelated aspects of life.
More info: Reddit
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Shy attractive guy not saying much? ooh, he's mysterious. Shy average guy not saying much? best case he's invisible, worst case he's a creep.
I knew a guy who literally looked like an actor, he was handsome and perfectly dressed. He was hired as a CTO for a startup company I was working for—because handsome men are presumed to also be intelligent and personable.
Dumb as a f*****g bag of rocks.
“Just go talk to them, it always works for me!"
I had a friend who INSISTED that all you had to do is tell women you had an apartment and were gainfully employed and they'd be interested in you. He didn't get that we didn't all look like him. It got really annoying.
Whether we like it or not, our society is heavily based on appearances. In fact, many people believe that a person’s looks can make a statement about their personality, values, interests, and many other things.
One of the best examples of this is the phenomenon called “pretty privilege.” In a nutshell, it occurs when people who are considered to be conventionally attractive are awarded significant societal advantages.
Women will find your niche hobbies and nerdy passions interesting instead of weird.
Pretty guy or not, i would find the giant plastic doll chilling on your couch weird
It might sound extremely stupid, but I learned only recently (late 20s) that some guys have other people randomly approach them and strike conversations with them. I had genuinely no idea.
I've been both attractive and unattractive at varying points in my life and I believe people just treat you better generally when you're better looking; they cut you more slack when you make mistakes, they're more helpful, they're friendlier and they're more respectful.
Granted, what is considered conventionally beautiful, as history shows, is changing rather quickly. In ancient Egypt, men were expected to have a reddish-brown skin tone and angular bodies with broad shoulders.
Then, in the Elizabethan Age (1558-1603), men with powerful legs, shapely thighs and strong calves were considered to be the epitome of masculine anatomical perfection. They were also encouraged to wear long and curly hair.
Of course, the time between these two periods is not small, but it still shows how absolutely different beauty standards can be.
You can be unemployed and get laid or married.
Seriously. The notion that men only care about beauty is just false.
Hybristophilia. Plenty of women will forgive/ignore any conceivable red flag you display, and will try to vouch for you against all logic, if you're charming and good-looking enough.
Even extends to criminals and k*****s. Look no further than Cameron Herrin (struck and k****d a young woman and her baby daughter while illegally street racing) and Wade Wilson (strangled one woman to death and then strangled and ran over another woman later that same day).
Both have gone viral for being hot once their faces were made public.
Nerdy + attractive = "smart guys are so hot"
Nerdy and average = "what a dork"
I've realized a couple times in my life a girl was only pretending they were interested in asking me about engineering, or maybe genuinely interested but only because she would be interested in pretty much whatever I had to say and I could do no wrong. It's a weird combination of incredibly flattering and mildly unsettling. Like I'm being defrauded but feeling amazing about it.
Nowadays, what is considered beautiful is changing even faster, and social media plays a big part in this. Modern trends, which current beauty relies pretty heavily on, die out and change very fast, leading to standards changing at a pace that’s impossible to catch up with.
Yet, some folks still go out of their way to describe what characteristics make a modern person conventionally attractive, despite speedy trends. Usually, things like clear skin, a symmetrical face, a fit body, and other things are mentioned in lists like that.
So, technically, if a person checks the boxes for being conventionally attractive, it is quite likely they get that aforementioned pretty privilege. You might wonder – what kind of privilege can looks bring?
You chatting up coworker is cute rather than creepy.
Not always. I worked with a guy that was pretty decent looking. And he was still perceived as creepy. It was his personality. He radiated creepiness. Typical nice guy. Despite being tall, decent looking and decently built (at least in the beginning) girls just didn't want to date him.
I sat next to a man in first class last year. He was a good looking man. The flight attendants (all female) were waiting on him hand & foot, while I (a man who struggles to be a 7), went thirsty and ignored. After the 5th time he was attended to and I was ignored, I stared at him, waiting for him to turn my way. He finally saw me and smiled saying, "It's always like this." He shrugged his shoulders and went back to his drink and snacks.
you can just talk to flight attendants and ask for something, especially if they cone by to check on your neighbor all the time anyway.
Well, most of the time, good-looking people are considered smarter, more capable, trustworthy, and simply as just better people. It all comes down to something called the “halo effect.” Basically, it’s when a good impression in one area, in this case, looks, influences positively the view of other areas, in this case, the character of an individual.
The thing is that this privilege doesn’t only apply to things like dating; it applies to many sides of life. For example, economic advantages can come from it – attractive people are more likely to receive raises and promotions. Also, good-looking people are less likely to be convicted, or at least are more likely to get less harsh sentences, for the crimes they commit.
I was the second least experienced guy in my law firm, but I probably dressed the best and I'm pretty okay looking. They asked me to basically head a new office when it opened and also asked that I attend all the local business networking events.
People in general just have a positive outlook towards you or choose to interpret the things you do in the best possible light. And while I do think I'm genuinely hardworking, I have no doubt that it's helped me in my career a lot.
The benefit of the doubt.
For more examples, in fact, more specific ones, you can take at today’s list. It was collected from answers netizens provided in a thread under the question “What are examples of ‘pretty privilege’ for men?” The question suggests that most of them apply to men’s experiences, which is just as important to talk about in relation to this topic as women’s.
At the same time, some of these experiences could just as well be applied to women too, as they’re more about attractiveness overall, not gender. So, make sure to check out the list and express your opinion about it by upvoting and maybe even sharing your examples in the comments!
Tons of people want to befriend them, even though the guy is boring
How in meetings, everyone looks to them for answers. My colleague is a 6’6” Greek Adonis. He turns heads everywhere we go. In meetings, they always look to him for answers even if he’s not the team lead. They say his name constantly wanting his affirmation. It reminds me of those hostage situations where they say the victims name over and over to make them seem like a real person and not an object.
He’s a smart guy, but often delivers terribly because he can’t read a room to save his life. But, it’s always ok because he’s so pretty.
Being able to have options when it comes to dating and also you don't need several decades of self-improvement to be enough for women to date you.
Handsome often DO need a lot of self improvement. A pretty face will get you noticed, but it's nothing in the long run if you're stupid, unpleasant, selfish, dishonest etc.
I had a friend who became single in his early 30s. He was not unattractive but his age was starting to show a bit. He wanted to hit up the bars to meet women and I went along as a wingman.
This dude had ZERO game. He had like negative game.
Yet all throughout his 20s he was constantly with very attractive women.
It was just that he was SO attractive that women would approach him. THEY would pick HIM up.
Being offered a woman’s phone number without asking for it!
Being given store discounts when I didn’t ask if there were any! 🤭😂😂
Getting texted randomly by different girls with the words I want you, shopkeepers will give me small free things like candy or raspberries or something, they’ll throw in stuff for free when I buy s**t. You have a longer leash at any job you do as well can arrive late and eat breakfast at work and it be fine while others get chewed out.
Being able to partake actively in hookup culture.
There's no handsome homeless
Women will actually treat you like a human being and bend over backwards for you.
the wording on this one makes me a bit iffy, i get the point but conflating 'being treated as a human being' and 'being bent over backwards for' in the same sentence as if they are equivalent rubs me the wrong way
Poll Question
Do you think 'pretty privilege' affects men in similar ways as it affects women?
Yes, definitely
No, only women are affected
Sometimes, in different ways
Not sure
So many of these are a long version of "I don't get all the s*x / every woman I want". Guys, if you're like that, it's not your face. It's your mindset. Loot at Mr "women treat you like a human being". In comparison to what? People are 90% just polite to others. They might not swoon at your feet, but they are friendly and give you the same effort and attention they give every other stranger. But apparently, that's not enough. That's "inhumane". Who wants a person who thinks like that?
It sounds like you're saying that men who are attractive don't have an advantage over those who are not?
Load More Replies...So many of these are a long version of "I don't get all the s*x / every woman I want". Guys, if you're like that, it's not your face. It's your mindset. Loot at Mr "women treat you like a human being". In comparison to what? People are 90% just polite to others. They might not swoon at your feet, but they are friendly and give you the same effort and attention they give every other stranger. But apparently, that's not enough. That's "inhumane". Who wants a person who thinks like that?
It sounds like you're saying that men who are attractive don't have an advantage over those who are not?
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