Albert Einstein once said that “intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death,” reminding us of the importance of learning and improving throughout our lives. However, with millions of things going on daily, it can be hard to reserve some time to educate ourselves on something new. 

To help with that, we have a list of fresh facts from the ‘Today I Learned’ subreddit. They’re guaranteed to pique your curiosity and who knows, they may even lead you to a rabbit hole of new knowledge. To find these amazing facts, all you have to do is scroll down!

While you're at it, don't forget to check out a conversation with mindset psychologist Dr. Rebekah Wanic, who kindly agreed to share a few tips on how to find motivation for learning.


Lions lounging on grass in the savannah during golden hour, a fascinating wildlife scene to learn from. TIL in 2005, three lions rescued a girl of 12 kidnapped by men who wanted to force her into marriage, chasing off her abductors and protecting her until she was rescued by Ethiopian police.

MonkeyIncidentOf93 , Getty Images / unsplash Report


    Young woman in a red dress standing outdoors, offering an opportunity to learn something new about diverse cultures. TIL that in the Pirahã language, speakers must use a suffix that indicates the source of their information: hearsay, circumstantial evidence, personal observation, etc. They cannot be ambiguous about the evidentiality of their utterances.

    Cogitotoro , Smithsonian Channel Report


    50 Facts People Just Learned That Are So Awesome They Had To Share (New Pics) TIL that George Washington ordered smallpox inoculation for all troops during the American Revolution. “we have more to dread from it than from the sword of the enemy.”

    luthiengreywood , James Gathany / wikimedia Report

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    Green Tree
    Community Member
    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    250 years ago and leaders supported vaccination. Oh how far we have fallen

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    With our busy schedules, finding the energy or brain capacity to be motivated and learn something new can be challenging. To find out how we can better motivate ourselves for the benefit of our personal development, we reached out to mindset psychologist Dr. Rebekah Wanic.


    But before we dive into the expert's recommendations, we first have to understand how motivation works in order to harness it.


    Portrait of an older woman with a serious expression, representing the opportunity to learn something new today. TIL Marie Curie had an affair with an already married physicist. Letters from the affair leaked causing public outrage. The Nobel Committee pressured her to not attend her 2nd Nobel Prize ceremony. Einstein told Marie to ignore the haters, and she attended the ceremony to claim her prize.

    HandsomeDim , Henri Manuel / wikimedia Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why is it always the women who bare the brunt of the hate and distain when two adults are having an affair. Do they force the men to cheat on their wives?

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    Jar of sourdough starter, showcasing a bubbly texture, offers a fascinating fact to learn something new about fermentation. TIL that Sweden has a "sourdough hotel" where people can deposit their sourdough starters to be fed and cared for while they are on vacation.

    amateurfunk , Maryam Sicard / unsplash Report


    Four people standing together on stage, smiling, with arms around each other, in a lively event setting. TIL that Coldplay has never had any lineup changes or used Touring musicians. It's been the same 4 guys playing and touring together since the inception of the band, almost 30 years ago

    Werewolf_Nearby , Raph_PH / wikimedia Report

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    Panda McPandaface
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The German band Rammstein have had an unchanged line-up for more than 30 years.

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    "Motivation is the drive state fueled by internal or external factors that compel us to take action," explained Dr. Wanic.

    When we are internally driven to do something, meaning that a specific activity is so exciting and interesting, we don't need additional stimuli to perform it, it's called intrinsic motivation. It comes from our inner desire to accomplish a goal.


    A historical figure with glasses, wearing a decorated military uniform; learn something new about history today. TIL that when Stalin was dying, his doctor was unavailable because he was being tortured by the secret police. Paralyzed and unable to speak, Stalin lay untreated for 12 h while his terrified subordinates debated calling a doctor, fearing he might recover and punish them for acting without orders.

    yooolka , Historical:Izvestia / wikimedia Report


    Ancient etching depicting three figures in dramatic poses within an ornate interior, showcasing fascinating historical art. TIL that the rapture, the evangelical belief that Christians will physically ascend to meet Jesus in the sky, is an idea that only dates to the 1830s.

    ICanStopTheRain , Jan Luyken / wikimedia Report

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    LooseSeal's $10 Banana
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    2 days ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The Thessalonians verse that is often cited for the rapture is more likely an historical allusion to a victorious, returning King. The people go out (are called up) to meet the King and they then return with the King not to some distant, other realm, but to their home city. The idea being that when Christ returns victorious, we welcome his return and then we, with him, come home to a fully redeemed earth. That's the whole idea of "on earth as it is in heaven."

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    Black and white portrait of a man with a thoughtful expression, wearing a tweed jacket and tie. Opportunity to learn new facts. TIL Alan Turing, the father of modern computing, was an elite runner who nearly qualified for the Olympic marathon with a time of 2 hours 46 minutes—averaging an impressive 6:20 per mile

    Smooth_Record_42 , Elliott & Fry / wikimedia Report


    We could also be encouraged to perform something by external factors, like having a reward (a sweet) after achieving something (reading a chapter of a book). This is called extrinsic motivation, which over time can turn into internal motivation, if used in moderation, of course.

    Neither type of motivation is better than the other—they both play a crucial role in the learning process.


    A person writing an equation on a chalkboard, illustrating fascinating facts and learning opportunities. TIL that to persuade his first wife to accept a divorce, Einstein promised her the entire financial reward from his Nobel Prize. Three years later, he won the prize and transferred all the money to her.

    yooolka , Associated Press / wikimedia Report


    Plaque commemorating Abraham Lincoln's famous "Lost Speech" site, offering a chance to learn something new. TIL that Abraham Lincoln once captivated reporters with a speech so riveting that the audience stopped taking notes and we have no record of what he said! It has since been known as "Lincoln's Lost Speech"

    SupermarketOk2281 , IvoShandor / wikimedia Report

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    Jay Scales
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I bet everyone thought: 'Someone else will be taking notes...'

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    Gorilla sitting on grass, munching on leafy greens, in a natural habitat. TIL that gorillas fart almost nonstop due to their fibrous diet

    katscarlettx , Getty Images / unsplash Report


    "Motivation is crucial for learning because it determines the level of engagement, persistence, and effort put into a task," explained Dr. Wanic.

    "The more motivated, the more likely people are to continue to put in effort, even when they face challenges. It helps learners push through when energy wanes, stay consistent and practice regularly, and can even increase enjoyment of the learning process."


    Bread slices topped with butter and chocolate sprinkles, showcasing an opportunity to learn new culinary facts. TIL An estimated 750,000 chocolate sprinkle and butter sandwiches (Hagelslag) are eaten each day in the Netherlands

    Fauked , Amin / wikimedia Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    At first I thought those sprinkles in the photo were bugs and became very concerned.

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    Bearded man with long hair, wearing a suit; learn something new about his historical significance. TIL that Dmitri Mendeleev, who is credited with creating the Periodic Table of Elements was nominated for a Nobel Prize in Chemistry 9 times but never won. His awarding was blocked each time by the 1903 winner, Svante Arrhenius, who held a grudge against Mendeleev for criticizing one of his papers.

    TriviaDuchess , Germansociety2014 / wikimedia Report


    50 Facts People Just Learned That Are So Awesome They Had To Share (New Pics) TIL that "Disaster Girl" Zoe Roth, who was 4 in the meme photo, sold an NFT of the pic in 2021 for a little under a half million dollars. She used the $ to pay off student loans after earning a BA in Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

    karmatiger Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So happy she was able to get paid by duping some rich a*****e, lmao

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    However, our motivation can be fragile and susceptible to many factors that can hinder it. "There are many factors that can reduce motivation, including lack of perceived interest in the material, lack of confidence in one's ability to accomplish the task, and feeling time constraints," said Dr. Wanic.


    Rows of empty office cubicles with gray partition walls, offering a glimpse into modern workspace design. TIL that all 7,000 corporate employees at Costco's headquarters are assigned cubicles. The CEO's cubicle is slightly larger than the others.

    Overall-Register9758 , CubeSpace / wikimedia Report


    Image of the Declaration of Independence, dated July 4, 1776, featuring historical facts and text. TIL that in 1989, a man bought a painting for $4 at a flea market and discovered an original copy of the Declaration of Independence hidden behind it.

    [deleted] , William Stone / wikimedia Report


    50 Facts People Just Learned That Are So Awesome They Had To Share (New Pics) TIL that the children’s choir in “Another Brick in the Wall” was paid with a concert ticket, an album, and a single; their school received £1,000. Only 25 years later, after the copyright law changed and the choir members were tracked down, did they receive royalties.

    [deleted] , mongchilde Report

    "Additionally, one's mindset has an important impact—if you view challenge as an important part of learning and growth, you will be more likely to be motivated and see pushing through as a valuable behavior in achieving your long-term goals," she noted. "If you view challenge as something that prevents you from getting what you want, then your motivation will be hindered."


    Two people sword fighting in a dimly lit room, wearing period clothing, as an opportunity to learn new fencing techniques. TIL Hans Zimmer had trouble timing the score for Jack Sparrow and Will Turner's fight in "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl," until an assistant making coffee asked to be given a shot, and that's how Ramin Djawadi ("Game of Thrones," "Iron Man," "Pacific Rim") got his career.

    Giff95 , Walt Disney Pictures Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    the "assistant" was an intern, who has a music degree and the industry internships worked that you worked under someone for 2-3 years just observing and watching before you got a shot at creating your own. He was a intern, not an assistant, and did more than make coffee, this is demeaning to him

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    Young girl with glasses holding a fork and knife, learning something new at mealtime. TIL UK teenager Olivia Farnsworth has a rare condition known as chromosome 6 deletion, which causes her to not feel hunger, pain, or a sense of danger. She is the only known person in the world who possesses all three of these symptoms together.

    tyrion2024 Report

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    Joe Reaves
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That must be terrifying for her parents, especially as she becomes a teenager and then a young adult. God knows most parents, especially of girls, feel enough concern when they head off to live on their own that someone might hurt them as it is. Imagine your child not feeling any sense of danger.

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    50 Facts People Just Learned That Are So Awesome They Had To Share (New Pics) TIL Isaac Newton was Master of the Mint in England for the last 30 years of his life. Although it was intended as an honorary title, he took it seriously—working to standardize coinage and crack down on counterfeits. He personally testified against some counterfeiters, leading to their hanging.

    TriviaDuchess , Godfrey Kneller / wikimedia Report

    After finding out what motivation is and what can interfere with it, we come to a point where we need to figure out how to find it in ourselves so we can start learning something new.

    "Motivation to start learning starts with finding value in the outcome you seek to achieve. This will set the stage for viewing the learning tasks as important steps to gain abilities, skills, or new behaviors," said Dr. Wanic.


    Cartoon baby on a colorful cushion, wearing a striped shirt and diaper, outdoors. Opportunity to learn new facts. TIL while voice actor Tara Strong was recording crying noises for her character Dill Pickles on Rugrats, the producers stopped her because her crying was so real that she made a woman in the studio lactate

    SaltyPeter3434 , Nickelodeon Report


    50 Facts People Just Learned That Are So Awesome They Had To Share (New Pics) TIL IKEA’s founder, Ingvar Kamprad, had dyslexia, so he used Swedish names instead of numbers for products—making them easier to remember and now a signature part of the brand.

    Dismal_Angle_1735 Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "Doc, I have an obsession with buying IKEA furniture." "You have Stockholm Syndrome."

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    50 Facts People Just Learned That Are So Awesome They Had To Share (New Pics) TIL Vincent Van Gogh left art school shortly after an incident where he was assigned to draw the Venus de Milo and instead drew the nude torso of a peasant woman. When confronted by his teacher Van Gogh protested that a woman must have "hips, buttocks," and "a pelvis in which she can carry a baby."

    Ill_Definition8074 , Vincent van Gogh / wikimedia Report

    "Building in small checkpoints and rewards along the way can keep you motivated, as you will have both short- and longer-term aims to help guide and sustain motivation," she advised. "This will also provide feedback on whether your methods are working and give you information about what you might want to change if you aren't seeing results with your current strategy."


    50 Facts People Just Learned That Are So Awesome They Had To Share (New Pics) TIL Robert Kehoe discovered reports that the chemical benzidine caused bladder cancer. His client, DuPont, made benzidine. Instead of alerting the American public, Kehoe stuffed the report in a box. The moldy records were unearthed decades later when DuPont’s employees, stricken with cancer, sued.

    Away-Lynx8702 , Snoopywv / wikimedia Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This sort of thing is pretty much par for the course for any large corporation.

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    50 Facts People Just Learned That Are So Awesome They Had To Share (New Pics) TIL Florence Foster Jenkins (1868–1944) believed she was a great opera singer despite being completely tone-deaf. She performed in extravagant costumes, including tinsel wings, and dismissed laughter as jealousy. Her famous quote: “People may say I can't sing, but no one can ever say I didn't sing.”

    MrInexorable , Bain News Service / wikimedia Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There's a 2016 movie about her, with Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant, titled "Florence Foster Jenkins"

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    Smiling man in a maroon shirt inside a vehicle, surrounded by greenery, opportunity to learn something new today. TIL in 2022 a man won a free drink in an air-guitar competition while on a cruise, which is his last memory before waking up overboard in the Gulf of Mexico without the ship in sight. He treaded water for 18 hours & was stung by two swarms of jellyfish all over his legs & arms before being rescued.

    tyrion2024 Report


    50 Facts People Just Learned That Are So Awesome They Had To Share (New Pics) TIL that when Dan Shechtman discovered quasiperiodic crystals in 1982, he got mocked and shamed. Nobel prize winner Linus Pauling spoke of the discovery, saying "There is no such thing as quasicrystals, only quasi-scientists." In 2011 Shechtman won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his discovery.

    LocksmithPurple4321 , Phillip Westcott / wikimedia Report

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    Jill Rhodry
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Unfortunately Linus Pauling died in 1994 so Dan Shechtman was robbed of a really satisfying moment - yes, I'm that petty

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    Elderly wizard in a white robe with long white hair and beard, set in a medieval battle scene. TIL that ''The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King'' was nominated for 11 Oscars and won all of them, which makes it the largest sweep (winning awards in every nominated category) in Oscars history

    friendlystranger4u , Warner Bros Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Every time I read "Today I Learned" I feel like I'm at the closing meeting at an inpatient rehab when everyone reads their journal lol

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    Man in a suit discussing a tax chart, pointing to data; an opportunity to learn new economics facts today. TIL Prior to the Reagan era trickle down economics was called Horse and Sparrow Theory, as in feed the horse lots of oats and the sparrows get to pick it out of their poop.

    distelfink33 , Reagan White House Photographs / wikimedia Report

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    2 days ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Actually originally Trickle Down was what Keynes called his theory of Govt spending. Till today, no Free Market economist or Free Market text has ever referred to their theory as Trickle Down. And this claim it was called "horse and sparrow" was long debunked, as this claim was invented in 1995 using the writing of John Kenneth Galbraith, who used the term in his criticism of Free Market economics. it was invented by a critic, and he did so during the 1980s, the term did not exist before then. The term for it was originally called "Down Stream Tributary Theory (a term that was used as early as the 1930s by von Mises, to mean that by adding in more water to the stream, more will flow off in the side tributaries. The term came from irrigation

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    50 Facts People Just Learned That Are So Awesome They Had To Share (New Pics) TIL Ludwig von Beethoven's associates used notebooks to hold conversations with the composer after he became functionally deaf, to the point where historians can roughly piece together whole conversations the composer had based on what was written.

    res30stupid , Joseph Karl Stieler / wikimedia Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If they wrote down things in notebooks, why can historians only roughly piece together the conversation?

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    50 Facts People Just Learned That Are So Awesome They Had To Share (New Pics) TIL: When someone important to you abruptly leaves you, your brain has a similar response to physical pain

    vandom , Klara Kulikova / unsplash Report


    Scrabble board game in progress with various letter tiles arranged. Fun opportunity to learn something new. TIL That many competitive Scrabble players quit playing competitively after hundreds of “offensive” words were banned, including racial slurs, sexuality and gender insults.

    DystopianAdvocate , Antrikshy / wikimedia Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I mean, they are technically words regardless of what they actually mean. I once put down "D**K" while playing in school, insisting that it also alluded to a detective and I wasn't trying to be dirty (I was just desperate).

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    50 Facts People Just Learned That Are So Awesome They Had To Share (New Pics) TIL that an early Irish legal text allowed for a pregnant woman to steal limited amounts of food if she had a craving for it

    Editor's note: However, her husband or family still had to pay for the food

    SavioursSamurai , Lukas Menke / unsplash Report


    50 Facts People Just Learned That Are So Awesome They Had To Share (New Pics) TIL that Andrew Lloyd Webber so so 'emotionally damaged' after seeing the 2019 adaptation of his musical 'Cats', he bought himself a dog.

    SheppJM96 , Universal Pictures Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Andrew Lloyd Webber is the absolute worst. He was granted a peerage and ONLY ever shows up to vote when conservatives are going to lose a vote that would increase his taxes

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    50 Facts People Just Learned That Are So Awesome They Had To Share (New Pics) TIL in 1863, Union General Joseph Hooker significantly boosted troop morale. He issued soft bread 4 times a week, fresh onions or potatoes twice a week, and dried vegetables once a week. He also improved sanitation, requiring bedding to be aired and soldiers to bathe twice a week.

    TriviaDuchess , Unknown / wikimedia Report


    50 Facts People Just Learned That Are So Awesome They Had To Share (New Pics) TIL that when the small town of Delton, Michigan received a foreign exchange student, the host family thought the Austrian boy had exaggerated his size. Bernhard Raimann a) was 6' 6" tall and b) wanted to play American football. He dominated local teams, got a college scholarship, and is in the NFL.

    TMWNN , Ailura / wikimedia Report

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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    today i learned that apparently foreign exchange programs ask for your size...

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    A plate of spaghetti with tomato sauce, captured mid-serving, showcasing a delicious pasta dish. TIL in 2008 a 20-year-old Belgium student died after reheating and eating leftover spaghetti that had been left out on the kitchen counter for five days. A bacteria called bacillus cereus was found to be the cause, which is an extreme type of food poisoning called “Fried Rice Syndrome”.

    tyrion2024 , Krista Stucchio / unsplash Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    5 DAYS?? How was it not growing visible mould. And, well, gross!

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    50 Facts People Just Learned That Are So Awesome They Had To Share (New Pics) TIL in 2006 thieves in Buenos Aires tunneled underneath a bank & entered its vault. After a 7-hour standoff with 23 hostages, authorities entered to find $20m missing, a row of toy guns, & a note that said "In a neighborhood of rich people, without weapons or grudges, it's just money, not love."

    tyrion2024 , Brock Wegner / unsplash Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There’s an excellent Duolingo podcast on this in case anyone wants to be thoroughly entertained while improving their Spanish.

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    Soccer player in white and blue uniform on the field, representing fascinating sports facts. TIL that Ahn Jung-hwan, the South Korean footballer who scored the winning goal against Italy at the 2002 World Cup, was playing for an Italian team at the time and had his contract terminated by the teams owner, citing his goal as the reason.

    ModenaR , Alexchen4836 / wikimedia Report

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    Group of women seated around a table, engaging in conversation, wearing elegant attire. Fascinating social gathering scene. TIL that First Lady of the United States does not have to be the President’s wife and other women have held the title when the President was a widower or single. Most commonly a daughter, niece, or sister of the President.

    Capital_Tailor_7348 , Barbara Kinney / wikimedia Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The original purpose of the title was to signify that she was the hostess for White House events, as per the custom of the "lady of the house" in high society at the time. And like in High Society at the time if the Man was unmarried, widower or divorced, a female relative stepped in for that role.

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    Tan military vehicle on a road, highlighting fascinating facts about its design and function. TIL Arnold Schwarzenegger was the first civilian in the United States to purchase a Humvee military vehicle. He loved it so much that he pushed its manufacturer to develop a street-legal, civilian version, which was released in 1992 as the Hummer H1.

    spicynugget5 , Lance Cpl. Olivia G. Ortiz / wikimedia Report


    50 Facts People Just Learned That Are So Awesome They Had To Share (New Pics) TIL the last Blockbuster in Bend, OR is still open, makes 80% of it’s income from merchandise, and has to buy its movies from Walmart and Target because DVD vendors have minimum orders far too large for their store.

    ThickBoxx , UpdateNerd / wikimedia Report

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    2 days ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I went to Bend as a kid and visited the high desert museum. Im from Oregon and I pronounce it like the musical instrument the organ.

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    A woman smiling with pearl earrings, capturing a moment of curiosity and thoughtfulness. TIL that in her 2019 testimony to stop paparazzi from endangering her children, Jennifer Garner described a “solid decade where there were five or six cars minimum, and easily up to 15 or 20 on the weekends, outside of my house at all times.”

    TriviaDuchess , Gage Skidmore / wikimedia Report


    50 Facts People Just Learned That Are So Awesome They Had To Share (New Pics) TIL a finance worker was scammed for $25 Million through a Deepfake video conference. The worker thought he was on a call with multiple of his colleagues (who he recognised) and the company's CFO, but all of them were fake.

    RaichuGirl , Wesley Tingey / unsplash Report


    50 Facts People Just Learned That Are So Awesome They Had To Share (New Pics) TIL that Set, the ancient Egyptian god of chaos, is depicted with the head of an animal that is consistently rendered but bears a resemblance to no known creature. The, "set animal," is also sometimes depicted sitting or standing in fully animal form.

    Blenderhead36 , Neithsabes / wikimedia Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He's always looked like an anteater to me. But I'm no Egyptian scholar.

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    50 Facts People Just Learned That Are So Awesome They Had To Share (New Pics) TIL William Shatner told Star Trek fans to "get a life". In a 1986 'Saturday Night Live' skit, the actor tells obsessed fanboys "it's just a TV show!" The SNL segment accurately portrayed Shatner's feelings about Trekkies, who had unrelentingly pestered him since the original 1960s 'Star Trek'.

    TMWNN , NBC Television / wikimedia Report

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    Smeghead Tribble Down Under
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ''Unrelentingly pestered'' him. Yeah, fans showing their love and the reason for his success. He's such a w a n k e r. And I say that as a die-hard Trekkie.

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    50 Facts People Just Learned That Are So Awesome They Had To Share (New Pics) TIL Henry, a Cardinal and Grand Inquisitor of the Catholic Church unexpectedly inherited the throne of Portugal when he was 65 years old. He petitioned the Pope to release him from his vows so he can marry and produce an heir, but his request was refused

    Ainsley-Sorsby , Domenico Tintoretto / wikimedia Report

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    Michael Largey
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    2 days ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Of course it happened unexpectedly. Nobody expects the Portuguese I*********n.

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    50 Facts People Just Learned That Are So Awesome They Had To Share (New Pics) TIL in 1985 Michael Jackson bought the Lennon–McCartney song catalog for $47.5m then used it in many commercials which saddened McCartney. Jackson reportedly expressed exasperation at his attitude, stating "If he didn't want to invest $47.5m in his own songs, then he shouldn't come crying to me now"

    tyrion2024 , White House Photo Office / wikimedia Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For a little background, McCartney was the one who introduced Jackson to the idea that buying the publishing rights to music was a good investment. Jackson then turned around and outbid McCartney for the rights to his own music. So, yeah, it’s understandable that Paul was a little salty about the whole thing.

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    TIL that the can-can was originally considered scandalous, and attempts were made to suppress it and arrest performers. The dance involves high kicks, and women’s underwear at the time had an open crotch.

    [deleted] Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It was more like a bloomer with a split, so not what is on your mind when you think of it in today’s lingerie options

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    TIL In South Korea, a 16th-century letter written by a grieving pregnant widow to her late husband Yi Ŭngt'ae was found in his grave in 1998, resting on his chest.

    charmer143 Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Silly, it would be too dark to read it once the lid was nailed on.

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    A couple embracing in a kitchen, providing an opportunity to learn something new about relationships. TIL in 2001 army major Charles Ingram cheated his way to £1,000,000 on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire by having a fellow contestant cough every time he read the right answer. For one question the coughing came from Ingram's wife. All three were convicted of fraud.

    rocklou , Threaders / wikimedia Report

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    2 days ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The thing was the man was so openly stupid, it was obvious he was unable to win the show without some form of help

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    TIL Gavrilo Princip, the student who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, believed he wasn't responsible for World War I, stating that the war would have occurred regardless of the assassination and he "cannot feel himself responsible for the catastrophe."

    Die_Nameless_Bitch Report

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    Green Tree
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    To be fair he is not wrong. He might have been the spark but the powder keg had already been packed.

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    TIL triple murderer Melvin Chelcie Carr accidentally asphyxiated himself while gassing his three victims to death in 1977. His wife came home and found them all dead in the garage.

    CatPooedInMyShoe Report


    TIL that the last person to be executed in the Tower of London was Josef Jakobs in 1941. He was a German spy who parachuted into England but was quickly captured. When arrested, he was found carrying £500, forged papers, and a German sausage.

    TriviaDuchess Report

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    LooseSeal's $10 Banana
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He was in a real pickle. He was hoping they wouldn't ketchup with him. The Brits mustard up the strength to toast the buns of that sorry sauerKraut. That's enough. Have you ever sausage a list of puns?

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    TIL in 1702, a British admiral attempted to attack a French naval squadron, but some of his captains refused to help, leading to the French escaping. The French admiral later wrote to the British admiral recommending that he execute the cowardly captains. He took his advice, shooting two of them.

    Spykryo Report

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    Fred L.
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For the records, he did not just shoot any of them. 6 of his 7 Captains were to get a proper court martial - one died before his, two were suspended for a while, one was cashiered and two were sentenced to death and accordingly shot in 1703 after royal confirmation. Meanwhile Admiral Benbow himself, who had been gravely wounded, died before they did.

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    TIL that Eleanor Roosevelt’s maiden name was Roosevelt. She was Teddy Roosevelt’s niece and FDR’s fifth cousin once removed.

    [deleted] Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But her family pronounce 'd it Roosevelt instead of Roosevelt.

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    TIL Apple's first CEO, Michael Scott, once personally fired forty Apple employees, believing they were redundant. Later the same day, he gathered employees around a keg of beer and stated, "I'll fire people until it's fun again." Following this event, he was demoted to vice chairman.

    nuttybudd Report


    TIL that aside from telling Frodo "And you have my bow", Legolas never speaks directly to Frodo at all in the entire "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, including the extended editions.

    Giff95 Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    TIL in 2012 a Navy SEAL accidentally shot himself in the head while trying to prove to his date that his gun wasn't loaded

    here_is_no_end Report


    TIL two men conned €55m from wealthy people by asking for aid posing as French minister Jean-Yves Le Drian in online meetings by wearing a silicone mask of Le Drian & sitting at a fake official desk. They only duped 3 of 150 targets, but one wired $47m, thinking it was ransom money for journalists

    tyrion2024 Report

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    Person holding an empty wallet, offering an opportunity to learn new personal finance insights. TIL in 2015 an unemployed 30-year old Princeton grad k**led his rich father when his allowance was cut down from $1,000/week to $300. He received a 30 year prison sentence

    ProudReaction2204 , Towfiqu barbhuiya / unsplash Report


    TIL In the original BBC version of The Office, Ricky Gervais's character David Brent frequently used the double-entendre punch line "as the actress said to the bishop". When the show was adapted for American audiences, the phrase was changed to Steve Carell's memorable "that's what she she said"

    freddledgruntbugly Report

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    Allen Beloe
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's surprising how often it would be possible to use the phrase as a response in conversation

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    TIL in 2015, Thomson Reuters experienced a "reply all" email storm when an employee located in the Philippines accidentally sent an email requesting his phone to be re-activated to over 33,000 coworkers. Seven hours later, the original email resulted in nearly 23 million emails.

    LookAtThatBacon Report

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    Geoffrey Scott
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The CEO of Nestle' waters sent an "all" email looking for a remote control he misplaced at headquarters in Connecticut . It went world wide too. My favorite was the pic of a Chocolate Lab with a remote in it's mouth.

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    TIL Goalkeeper Tommaso Berni spend 6 years under contract to Inter Milan, reportedly earning around €200,000 a year. During those 6 years, he never made a single appearance for the club but managed to get a red card on two occasions, one for sarcastically applauding the referee and one for dissent

    Ainsley-Sorsby Report


    TIL that in the past decade, some obese patients were sent to zoos for MRI and CT scans because standard hospital machines couldn't accommodate their weight. Zoos have larger scanners designed for big animals, making them a practical solution in these cases.

    Patient-Freedom-9284 Report


    TIL that chess player and Twitch streamer Anna Cramling created her own opening, "The Cow", in 2023. In 2024 she for the first time played an opponent who used the opening. Cramling lost.

    TMWNN Report

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    Sally Moen
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Chess players must have incredible visual memories of plays and strategies

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    TIL boxing legend Evander Holyfield lost almost every cent of the estimated $200m (AU$320m) he earned during his career through reckless spending, bad business deals & "even worse" financial advice. As of 2019, he earned up to $106K/month through personal appearances, but was still "basically broke"

    tyrion2024 Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So pretty much the opposite of George Foreman, who -- according to him -- made more money off of his George Foreman Grill than he did throughout his entire boxing career. RIP, George.

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    TIL in US, millions of people sell their blood plasma for income, and the "donation stations" have business model designed to make the "donors" come back as much as possible.

    lhzvan Report

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    Ron Man
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, the more you donate the more $$ you get. The amount of $$ you get also depends on the quality of the plasma. Centers tell you to eat a full meal before coming in if you want the best quality. You sit there for 2 hours while blood is taken out, plasma removed and the blood put back in. You can do this twice a week. The plasma is sold for medical research.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    TIL that during SNL’s first season, it was just called “Saturday Night” because there was another show airing with the “Saturday Night Live” name. That’s why they say “Live from New York, it’s Saturday Night!” at the beginning of every episode.

    ICanStopTheRain Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The other "Saturday Night Live" was a variety show hosted by Howard Cosell, of all people. It ran for 18 episodes, staring in 1975.

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    TIL the British pet massacre was a week-long event in 1939 in which an estimated 400,000 cats and dogs, a quarter of England's pet population, were k**led so that food used for animals be reserved to prepare for World War II food shortages.

    gullydon Report

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    Kira Okah
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It was essentially the result of a social panic - a need to be seen as doing something for the war effort. Experts knew that it was completely unnecessary, and even told people so, but people still did it. Multiple times. Completely pointless.

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    TIL that there's a skydiving center in California where 28 people have died since 1985. It's still open.

    JimmyMcGinty24 Report

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    Ron Man
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A lot more people have died at Disneyland and other amusement parks in California and they're all still open too.

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    TIL That we only know about MKUltra because 20,000 pages of records were filed incorrectly

    Mohingan Report


    TIL that the fbi has a database of photos of peoples faces that are involved in trafficking and constantly asking for public assistance to help ID

    PaulyG714 Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    TIL the FBI considers the top terrorist threat to our country and Democracy are white militia groups. I wonder if now they will also add Trump to that list of threats to democracy.

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    TIL that Navy Bean Soup Has Been On The Menu of the Senate Dining Room Every Day Since 1903

    Overall-Register9758 Report


    TIL Vin Diesel’s real name is Mark Sinclair

    whakerdo1 Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Alice Cooper is Vincent Furnier, Ozzy is John, I'm tired.

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    TIL an artist displayed 10 goldfish in individual blenders in a Danish museum and allowed visitors to turn on the machines. Some did.

    suddenly-scrooge Report

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    Marie Clear
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds like the Danish artist who recently planned to allow 3 piglets to starve to death. They were stolen and saved. Great basis for an art heist movie AND a prison sentence.

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