Photographers Around The World #PrayForParis
"To the Free People of France and to the families of the victims,
As a French photographer, living in Vietnam, it is with the deepest sympathy and profound sadness that I learned today of the heinous and cowardly act of terrorism that took place in Paris and took the lives of so many. No country, no people, no family should have to experience the tragedy that you have gone through. I wish to extend my most heartfelt condolences to the people of France and let them know that millions of people around the world share their grief.
To express solidarity and in the name of freedom of expression, I would like to invite all photographers around the world to pray for Paris"
More info: rehahnphotographer.com | Facebook | Instagram
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#PrayForParis From Vietnam (Réhahn)
#PrayForParis From Vietnam (Réhahn)
#PrayForParis From Myanmar (David Lazar)
#PrayForParis (Lee Jeffries)
#PrayForParis From Vietnam (Réhahn)
#PrayForParis From Thailand (Isabelle Touyarou)
#PrayForParis From Myanmar (Joel Santos)
#PrayForParis From Myanmar (Drew Hopper)
#PrayForParis From Myanmar (Drew Hopper)
#PrayForParis From Myanmar (Drew Hopper)
#PrayForParis From Vietnam (JP Klovstad)
#PrayForParis From Thailand (André Alessio)
#PrayForParis From Malaysia (Fabien Astre)
#PrayForParis From India (Joel Santos)
#PrayForParis From Bali (Joel Santos)
#PrayForParis From Vietnam (Sylvain Marcelle)
#PrayForParis From Vietnam
#PrayForParis From Germany
#PrayForParis (Caragiverjapan)
#PrayForParis From Bangkok (m.christine Sanfins Reitz)
#PrayForParis From Cambodia (Scott Rozoll Photography)
#PrayForParis From Vietnam (Nguyen Vu Phuoc)
#prayforparis From Chilliwack, Bc, Canada By Dan Mansell
#PrayForParis From Vietnam (Sylvain Marcelle)
Willie Aames Photography ~ Motherhood In Madagascar- #prayforparis
#PrayForParis From Paris
#PrayForParis From Cambodia
#PrayForParis From Cambodia
#Prayforparis From Thailand
Young Hungarian Girl Light Candle For The Victims In Paris. Budapest, St. Stephen's Basilica
#prayforparis From Vietnam (nam Nguyen)
#prayforparis From Saigon Notre-dame Basilica, Vietnam (namnguyen)
Dealing with sentiments is hard for everyone, sometimes a written Facebook condolence message defines your feelings better. If anyone around you is going over and done with any difficult situation encourages him with Facebook Condolence Messages. Put some condolence statuses on the wall is a decent way to express sympathy. Share Facebook Condolence Messages on your friend’s wall and share your friends Sorrows, Pain and tell them you are always with them in the time of their need. Here we have some unique condolence messages, quotes, poems, greetings, statuses etc. Visit and share our condolence messages with friends and relief him in his/her pain. http://fbstatuses123.com/category/facebook-condolence-messages
#PRAYFORPARIS# PARIS please be strong we will get through this #PHILIPPINESLOVESPARIS#
Dealing with sentiments is hard for everyone, sometimes a written Facebook condolence message defines your feelings better. If anyone around you is going over and done with any difficult situation encourages him with Facebook Condolence Messages. Put some condolence statuses on the wall is a decent way to express sympathy. Share Facebook Condolence Messages on your friend’s wall and share your friends Sorrows, Pain and tell them you are always with them in the time of their need. Here we have some unique condolence messages, quotes, poems, greetings, statuses etc. Visit and share our condolence messages with friends and relief him in his/her pain. http://fbstatuses123.com/category/facebook-condolence-messages
#PRAYFORPARIS# PARIS please be strong we will get through this #PHILIPPINESLOVESPARIS#