Hurricane Harvey is currently devastating southeastern Texas, including the city of Houston. Disastrous flooding, winds gusting up to 95 km/h, and even tornadoes have already caused billions of dollars in property damage, and have reportedly claimed at least 9 lives. Since Harvey made landfall at Rockport, Texas, in the early hours of August 26th, the Internet has become inundated with harrowing photos and stories from affected areas - stories of tragedy, rescue, community and generosity. We're bringing you the ones that are making headlines, and stirring hearts, worldwide.
If you would like to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey, Houston mayor Sylvester Turner has set up an emergency relief fund which can be found here.
Scroll down the see the storm that is being called "the worst disaster in Texas history" for yourself. Our thoughts are with all those touched by this event.
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A Furniture Store In Texas Is Providing Shelter And Food For Hurricane Victims
A Dog Named Otis Is Walking Around Sinton Tx Carrying A Entire Bag Of Dog Food With Him
This Policeman Worked Countless Hours Helping Victims Of Hurricane Harvey Until He Passed Out From Exhaustion
Dog Hanging On During Houston Flooding. She Was Rescued!
Texans Refuse To Leave Pets Behind As They Flee
Floater Baby - Mother Who Was Waiting For Rescue During The Hurricane Shared A Picture Of Her Baby Floating In A Large Plastic Container
Joe Garcia Carries His Dog Heidi From His Flooded Home
This Is Houston
America 2017 In One Picture
My Friends Out Rescuing People And Pets In Houston Today And Taking A Break For Donuts. Closed Unfortunately. Good People!
Getting Home After A 49,5 Hour Shift Working Hurricane Harvey
A Rescue Helicopter Hovers In The Background As An Elderly Woman And Her Poodle Use An Air Mattress To Float Above Flood Waters From Tropical Storm Harvey While Waiting To Be Rescued From Scarsdale Boulevard In Houston, Texas
Steve Culver Cries With His Dog Otis As He Talks About What He Said Was The, ' Most Terrifying Event In His Life,' When Hurricane Harvey Blew In And Destroyed Most Of His Home While He And His Wife Took Shelter There
Isiah Courtney Carries His Dog Bruce Through Flood Waters In Beaumont Place, Houston, Texas
Harris County Sheriff's Office Deputy Carries Two Children To Safety
No, that's an official jacket. You can see the white lettering on the back. They're making sure people are getting out, and into shelters.
Alexendre Jorge Evacuates Ethan Colman, 4, From A Neighborhood Inundated By Floodwaters From Tropical Storm Harvey On Monday
Texans Refuse To Leave Pets Behind As They Flee
Houston Police SWAT Officer Daryl Hudeck Carries Catherine Pham And Her 13-Month-Old Son Aiden After Rescuing Them From Their Home Surrounded By Floodwaters From Tropical Storm Harvey In Huston
Seniors In La Vita Bella Nursing Home In Dickinson Texas Waiting To Be Rescued
Doggo Keeps An Eye Out On The Flood. Been Stuck At Home Surrounded By Water For 2 Days Now In Friendswood Texas
Sam Speights Tries To Hold Back Tears While Holding His Dogs And Surveying The Damage To His Home In The Wake Of Hurricane Harvey
Shardea Harrison Looks At Her 3-week-old Baby, Sarai, As Dean Mize, Right, And Jason Legnon Use An Airboat To Rescue Them From Their Home In Houston
Hurricane Harvey Is Pictured Off The Coast Of Texas
Intersection Along San Houston Pkwy. In Houston, Water About 17 Feet Deep
When U Flooded,and Don't Wanna Get Electrocuted, But Hopeful
People Make Their Way Down Partially Flooded Roads In Galveston, Texas
we had one of those when the floods hit us early this year 20224-59a5...c9b646.jpg
Lisa Rehr Holds Her Four-Year Old Son Maximus, After They Lost Their Home To Hurricane Harvey, As They Await To Be Evacuated With Their Belongings From Rockport
Man Sits On Bench With His Dog During Hurricane Harvey
Now there's a picture. Looks like he's disgusted with the whole mess and just decided to just sit awhile. Hopefully he and his dog and family if he has one made it out okay.
24 Hour Difference In Houston From Harvey 2017
Jesus Rodriguez Rescues Gloria Garcia After Rain Flooded Pearland, In The Outskirts Of Houston
My Friend Fishing From His Balcony In Houston
Residents Use Boats To Evacuate Flood Waters Along Tidwell Road In East Houston, Texas
This Poor Dog Was Left Chained Without Any Hope To Escape
Neighbors Used Their Personal Boats To Rescue Jane Rhodes In Friendswood, Texas
Barb Davis, 74. Is Helped To Dry Land After Being Rescued From Her Flooded Neighborhood After It Was Inundated With Rain Water, Remnants Of Hurricane Harvey
The expressions on both their faces is so sweet. I love the way he's grinning like she just cracked a good joke, and he's like "Whut?!"
People Walk Through Water To A Staging Area To Evacuate In Dickinson, Texas
A Stranded Motorist Escapes Floodwaters On Interstate 225 In Houston, Texas
Wilford Martinez, Right, Is Rescued From His Flooded Car By Harris County Sheriff's Department Richard Wagner Along Interstate 610
Guy Saves His Bmw From The Harvey Flood Waters
A Texas National Guard Soldier Carries A Woman On His Back As They Conduct Rescue Operations In Flooded Areas Around Houston
Julius Verret, 14, Floats In Street Flooding In Lake Charles
Looks like he's having a great time but be careful of snakes, gators, fire ants, and bacteria from the water. You CAN GET HURT. God Bless he's safe.
A Flooded Graveyard In Pearland
Cattle Are Stranded In A Flooded Pasture On Highway 71 In La Grange, Texas
People Are Rescued From Flood Waters From Hurricane Harvey On An Air Boat In Dickinson
Lovin the lady with the glasses.... There may be bad times but you can still enjoy the ride!!....
An Elderly Man Is Carried After Being Rescued In East Houston, Texas
In ancient Greek mythology, a young man called Aeneas carried his father on his back, and his son to Italy, after Troy was his by a huge tidal wave. When he and other people with him got there, the founded a city, which eventually became Rome (after it was renamed by Remus).
Two Kayakers Try To Beat The Current Pushing Them Down An Overflowing Brays Bayou From Tropical Storm Harvey In Houston
Residents Wade Through Flood Waters From Tropical Storm Harvey In Beaumont Place
A Cow Struggles To Keep Its Head Above Floodwaters Near Fulton
Dusk In Houston’s Meyerland Area On Sunday Night
People Use An Inflated Mattress To Evacuate Their Homes
A Man Walks Through Floodwaters And Onto The Main Road After Surveying His Property
People Evacuate A Neighborhood Inundated By Floodwaters From Tropical Storm Harvey On Monday
I just love the guy that it's almost neck deep into the water but he carries an umbrella. Can't get them curls wet, man.
People Push A Stalled Pickup To Through A Flooded Street In Houston
Why all the trouble, his right insurance will pay for it. Unless you don't have insurance???
My House In Meyerland During Harvey
Melani Zurawski Cries While Inspecting Her Home In Port Aransas
A Person Walks Through A Flooded Street With A Dog
Sterling Broughton Is Moved From A Rescue Boat Onto A Kayak In Dickenson, Texas
Residents With A Dog Sit In The Back Of A Truck While Waiting To Be Rescued From Rising Floodwaters In Spring, Texas
I think I would have waited upstairs in the house, but maybe it's not their house.
A Car Is Submerged On A Freeway Flooded By Tropical Storm Harvey
Area Residents Use A Kayak To Rescue Motorists Stranded On Interstate Highway 45 In Houston
Police Block Traffic Following Closure Of The I-10 Freeway Leading Into Houston
A Helicopter Lifts A Person During Evacuation Of Houston's Meyerland Area
Interstate Highway 45 Is Submerged In Houston
Texas National Guard Soldiers Aid Residents In Heavily Flooded Areas In Houston
Rescue Workers And Civilians Waited For Emergency Crews In The Meyerland Area Of Houston
Searchers Patrol The Upscale River Oaks Neighborhood Of Houston For Stranded Residents
People Evacuate A Neighborhood In West Huston
An Eighteen Wheel Tractor Trailer Is Stranded On Interstate Highway 45 Which Is Submerged From The Effects Of Hurricane Harvey Seen During Widespread Flooding In Houston, Texas
Karen Preston Was Carried To Safety After Evacuating Her Flooded Neighborhood On The Outskirts Of Houston
A Dead Dog Lies Out Of The Passenger Window Of An Overturned Pickup Truck After Hurricane Harvey Landed In The Coast Bend Area In Port Aransa
Daisy Graham Reacts To The News That A Friend Of Hers May Still Be In An Apartment That Was Destroyed By Hurricane Harvey In Rockport
A Woman Uses A Coat Hanger To Try And Retrieve An Item From A Destroyed House In Fulton
This is why I'm so glad I live in South Africa. Our houses are built with bricks and cement. God help them
A Man Uses A Trash Bag As Cover From The Rain While Wading Through Flood Waters In East Houston, Texas
People Stand On A Sinking Boat Awaiting Rescue From A U.S. Coast Guard Helicopter Near Port Aransas
A 366 ton tractor tug?! Tugs are typically pretty stout! I am surprised it sank.
Rockport, Texas Resident Aaron Tobias In What’s Left Of His House
People Walk Down A Flooded Street As They Evacuate Their Homes After The Area Was Inundated With Flooding From Hurricane Harvey
Several Neighborhoods And Suburbs Of Houston Were Evacuated Sunday Due To Flooding Brought By Tropical Storm Harvey
A Car Crushed By A Huge Tree In Rockport
Shelves At An Austin-area Grocery Are Empty After Owners Secured Essential Items For Rationing
A Road Sign In Corpus Christi On Friday Warns Travellers Of The Approaching Hurricane Harvey
Some people just don't know what they are talking about.......Barbara.
Members Of The Duong Family Walk Through Flood Waters On The Feeder Road Of Interstate 45 In Houston
Evacuees Are Unloaded From The Back Of An Open Bed Truck At The George R. Brown Convention Center
A Plane Lies Upside Down At The Airport Near Fulton
The Duong Family Walks Along Interstate 45 While Escaping Flood Waters In Houston, Texas
A Resident In The Meyerland Neighborhood Of Houston Took To A Rooftop As Floodwaters Inundated The Area
A Man Struggles With His Umbrella As He Tries To Walk In The Wind And Rain On Friday In Corpus Christi, Texas
Pedestrians Tried To Escape Along Interstate 610 As Harvey Flooded Houston On Sunday
A Destroyed Motor Home On State Highway 188
I hope the occupants were ok, or that it overturned after they left it.
People Who Were Rescued From Houston’s Meyerland Neighborhood On Sunday Waited To Be Taken To A Shelter
Rhonda Worthington Is Lifted Into A Boat While On Her Cell Phone With A 911 Dispatcher After Her Car Become Stuck In Rising Floodwaters
Residents Use A Truck To Navigate Through Flood Waters In Houston
A Car Surrounded By Floodwaters In Point Comfort
A Man Looks At Boats Damaged By Hurricane Harvey
This is pretty sad and all, but if I'm not mistaken POTUS denounced the Paris agreement because global warming is BS and there's no hard scientific proof of this global warming nonsense. Well, there's part of your proof, mr. Trump. Probably more to come. But hey, it's not global warming, it's God's will.
One my best friends went to Houston to visit her mom right before Harvey hit. She's now stuck in her house (house is not flooded but neighborhood is so can't leave) and can't return home for several weeks. Another friend of mine is down there with his boats and jet skis (owns a rental company) and is rescuing ppl. Meanwhile, I'm stuck in Ohio. I've been super sick for about 2 weeks now and I can't do anything but read about what's happening from online 😔 Born and raised 7th generaton texan I know how strong Texans are and that if anything this will bring us closer together. I hope and pray everyone will be ok, stay safe.
I am also someone with lots of family in Houston trapped because of Harvey and I live in southwest Ohio . And I'm sick too because of my allergies .
Load More Replies...I have a question- this happens in US a lot...Why do people still build their homes from wood which get blown away & destroyed so easily? I know someone explained to me that wood is cheaper...But is it worth to keep losing everything every time this s**t happens? Im not from there, and dont know all the details, so please someone explain this to me. (Prayers go out to all people in Texas)
Well, the damage from this storm came from excessive rain and flooding, and so unless you built your house on stilts, nothing would prevent the damage. For wind damage from hurricanes and tornadoes, the answer mostly lies in less expensive construction. You can get a lot more house for the money with wood than with stone or concrete. Although in South Florida after Hurricane Andrew in 1992, building codes were changed to require more concrete. Also, developers are often to blame, and lax codes, basically greed. Everyone's just gambling that the worst won't happen to them.
Load More Replies...One my best friends went to Houston to visit her mom right before Harvey hit. She's now stuck in her house (house is not flooded but neighborhood is so can't leave) and can't return home for several weeks. Another friend of mine is down there with his boats and jet skis (owns a rental company) and is rescuing ppl. Meanwhile, I'm stuck in Ohio. I've been super sick for about 2 weeks now and I can't do anything but read about what's happening from online 😔 Born and raised 7th generaton texan I know how strong Texans are and that if anything this will bring us closer together. I hope and pray everyone will be ok, stay safe.
I am also someone with lots of family in Houston trapped because of Harvey and I live in southwest Ohio . And I'm sick too because of my allergies .
Load More Replies...I have a question- this happens in US a lot...Why do people still build their homes from wood which get blown away & destroyed so easily? I know someone explained to me that wood is cheaper...But is it worth to keep losing everything every time this s**t happens? Im not from there, and dont know all the details, so please someone explain this to me. (Prayers go out to all people in Texas)
Well, the damage from this storm came from excessive rain and flooding, and so unless you built your house on stilts, nothing would prevent the damage. For wind damage from hurricanes and tornadoes, the answer mostly lies in less expensive construction. You can get a lot more house for the money with wood than with stone or concrete. Although in South Florida after Hurricane Andrew in 1992, building codes were changed to require more concrete. Also, developers are often to blame, and lax codes, basically greed. Everyone's just gambling that the worst won't happen to them.
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