Artist Shows What Women Have To Go Through Almost Everyday And How To Deal With It In 115 Illustrations
There are so many different kinds of artist and while some focus on creating beauty, others want to make a difference.
Carol Rossetti is a 30-year-old artist from Brazil who has been drawing illustrations about strong women and their struggles for over four years.
"I started drawing when I was a very young child," Carol told Bored Panda. "But, then again, I guess all kids like to draw. I did develop other artistic interests as I grew up, like acting and sculpting, but they really didn't work that much, so I kept on drawing."
"I started working with illustration a couple of years after college. I created a page on Facebook to post a drawing every day, as a way for me to build up a portfolio and get better at drawing. Only my mom and a few friends followed my page back then, of course... But then came the Women project."
This project went viral, and we even wrote about it in 2014. "Through the Women project, I wanted to start a dialogue about feminism with people from outside of the activist movements. The messages in those illustrations are clear, easy to read and somehow comforting - but also very fast and very short. It's not aimed at people who are already familiar with the concepts of body positivity, freedom of choice, LGBTQI pride, intersectionality, social equality and human rights. I mean, these people are always welcome to feel comforted and represented as well. But I wanted to start talking about feminism with my aunt, my grandmother, my mother, the women in my life who were scared of the word "feminism". So it's more like a call for a debate, an invitation to talk about how sexism affects our lives every day."
"The first characters were based on people I knew (or, at least, the stories, cause the character design were mostly fictional), but soon women from all over the world started sending me their stories and experiences, so the project got wider and more interesting."
When asked what's the best part about drawing, Carol said: "I believe the best part is to learn so much and know that my work has touched some people so deeply. I never imagine it would happen." And what's the worst? "The worst part... well, I wouldn't call it "worst" since there's only one bad side to all of it. When we talk about feminism and human rights in general, you can bet you'll also get angry, aggressive backlash from conservatives. It's something we learn how to deal with, but I can't say it doesn't hurt. It does. Luckily, the love I got has always been greater than the hate."
Scroll down to see some of the amazing illustrations by Carol Rossetti and check out the links below to see even more.
More info: carolrossetti.com.br | Facebook | carolrossettidesign.tumblr.com | Instagram | kickstarter.com
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Since I am a standard hetero I have a hard time "understanding" homosexuality - but then again, I have a hard time to understand what it is to be Chinese, or brown-eyed, or six feet tall, you know, all of these attributes we simply are because we were born that way. Live and let live, love and let love. And no, ignorant shepherds 1500 or 2000 or 3000 years ago did NOT know better.
That's true. Love yourself and you will be loved. For who you are and for how you look: because (thanks to the beautiful diversity of mother nature) there are lovers for all kind of bodytypes.
A lot of my friends were surprised that I had been abused as I hid it quite well. You never know what is going on in someone's private life when you're not around. Some people learn how to hide abuse and trauma because it's the only way for them to keep going and pushing their way through life.
People do not know how to deal with grief--sometimes they say horrible things that only make it worse. I think we need a book or manual for what to say--it would help a lot.
cellulite was never anything to be embarrassed about before advertising companies made it so--everyone has it. There's no reason to be ashamed
Me and my boyfriend get funny looks when we go out, yeah he's white. I don't get it.
Honestly, people need to start adopting more. There are too many kids in this world without homes! I wish more than anything in this world that I could adopt!
First, it's child sexual abuse and torture. Period. Second, since its intention is to make sex less pleasurable for women so they won't cheat on their husbands, an idea obviously thought up by a man, it's domestic sexual abuse that extends to when the little girl grows up. There's just no cultural justification for it. If the Hindus could abolish the practice of suttee (widow immolates herself on husband's funeral pyre), then FGM, which is not required by any religion btw, should also be abolished.
Any negative comment about your appearance is simply bullying unless you asked for that person's opinion.
I have a lazy eye too, currently 13 ☺ bullied a lot, but it's none of their business 😃
i remember i was so embarassed by acne when i was a teenager! of course the problem is almost gone now but it still can happen sometimes. i wish my teenager me was able to give half the heck i'm giving now - that would have made it sooo much easier :D
hahahah this is so me! i've been sporting blue hair for 20 years and counting, and some people seem to never get tired of asking me that question! :D
I know men who will call their women incomplete even though they have all body parts. Toxic relationships should be ended ASAP, but I know from first hand how difficult it can be. Stay strong and believe in yourself, because you are NOT worthless and stupid and nothing without your man. If he tells you that, then HE is NOTHING.
And why should she smile if she doesn't feel like it ? To make other people comfortable ? Why should she ?
How can you say that to a person who has had to hide something so fundamental about herself her whole life?
Never shaved in three years and I have more hair on my legs than some men!. Either I don't get bad looks or I don't notice them - but I also do live in Nicaragua. They are not so judgemental about how women should look like
I'm bisexual, so that means I can't be friends with anyone. There is only prey.
I honestly don't understand this middle school dress code with it saying "oh it'll distract the boys/girls" and I'm like "what."
Good that some believed onyl that she won't be happy. In most cases those "some" would believe she either was lying, or that she provoked or w/e else.
I'm shocked that there are even gay people who judge people for bi/pansexuality. I understand if you don't "get" it but there's nothing wrong with it!
Haveing sex is just one of the aspects of love. It's not like love = sex. Nor that sex = love on that matter...
OOH! That's a big one I don't hear talked about enough. I totally agree though, in the same line as circumcision or FGM you shouldn't change someone physically if they can't / don't consent to it. (Unless of course, there's an actual medical issue with leaving things as-is)
My grandparents got married at 18. They have been happily married for 60 years. Age when married has nothing to do with it.
It's not just bigger women who can have body image struggles. Skinny women can too. As a very skinny person I wish more people realized this.
this make you such an easy target for people who really want to hurt you. the last time i was hospitalized i was told to "enjoy my holidays" since i was going to the cinema or out to dinner or for a walk while in the hospital. my doctors do insist that, while iin my time off medication routines and IV treatment, i must go out and enjoy my day to avoid depression and apathy, which are not helping in any condition. mocking me up like that only highlighted the lack of empathy and understanding these people have in spite of claiming they love me and they care.
Exactly, I never understood the thought behind baptisms, I mean if a god is going to condemn you to an eternity of punishment for things you didn't do and were passed down to you, then you need to evaluate what you are worshiping. That's like getting sent to jail because your great, great, great, great, grandfather killed someone.
i've got a huge scar running from my breasts to my groin. it used to bother me A LOT at first and i was considering cosmetic surgery. then i got used to it, and now i'm glad i kept it.
Never forget Princess Leia has the force too! It wasn't just luke and anakin
Americans really need to stop obsessing about skin colour so much (in this context). Two people with vastly different appearances can easily be of the same culture/ethnicity. It may be unusual in some cases, but it's not impossible.
i'm always so uncomfortable when people do this to me. i've started saying that i'm a witch just to make them go away.
I don't know if it's because I'm too old/too fat/too ugly or if I just don't notice because I'm too much in my own head, but I never had a problem with street harrassment. I mean, catcalling and such. Wonder why and wonder if I'm such an exception ?!
Scary thing is that in Africa there are places where they kill albinos poeople and make charms from their body parts.
People really expect girls not to ike or play football when it's the most popular sport in the world???
A long distance is to love what wind is to fire : it extinguishes the little ones and makes the big ones even greater !
Women and gay men go through horrible experiences in the military that are constantly covered up because acknowledging them is "unpatriotic". Everyone should have the right to be in the military without fearing their own team.
Very funny how religious people are all "love thy neighbor", -Gay people shows up- "No, not you".
Not to mention the ability to easily deck anyone who tries to violate it. More power to you!
I support the Nordic model, which decriminalises all those who are prostituted, provides support services to help them exit, and makes buying people for sex a criminal offence, in order to reduce the demand that drives sex trafficking. Complete legalization has been shown to increase human trafficking, as the demand skyrockets. Human bodies shouldn't be a commodity.
What the heck could be more important than feminism ? Capitalism ?!
if u love someone, then you do!!! itśnot a matter of money or race!
Why on earth would anybody assume that? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. People need to know someone before making accusations.
Hell, I'm physically a woman, and identify as such, yet I have had men tell me that same thing, because of the way I act, think, and talk. So what exactly ARE the criteria for being---and acting, thinking, and talking like---a "real woman", anyway? Probably something arbitrarily decided by men, in order to keep women from surpassing them. Which we easily do at every opportunity. And which they hate. And which we don't give a fat rat's a*s if they do. Which they also hate. Too damn bad.
I agree people shouldn't comment on her decisions, but I don't see this as anything positive or to be celebrated. We should work on changing the culture that tells people their natural features are ugly and need to be changed.
Reading this i realized how stereotypical and ignorant i usually am, i'm going to make a real effort to change
Good on you for noticing and intending to try harder. Most people will just pretend they're not doing anything wrong at all, it takes a lot to recognize your own thoughts.
Load More Replies...Reading this i realized how stereotypical and ignorant i usually am, i'm going to make a real effort to change
Good on you for noticing and intending to try harder. Most people will just pretend they're not doing anything wrong at all, it takes a lot to recognize your own thoughts.
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