Woman Quits Her Job After Being Constantly Reminded She Can Be Fired Any Moment, Leaves Boss In “Fumes”
The recent report from GoodHire found that 82% of workers across 10 industries say they would quit their jobs due to their manager’s poor behavior, including not being honest, micromanaging, and disrespecting personal time. That doesn’t mean that employees don’t try to suck it up and deal with the toxic management, which doesn’t last for long.
This is what happened to Redditor u/Public_Pressure_4516 who recently shared a story from her job as a teller at a bank. The author was new to keeping a till, so she had difficulty with keeping her register balance. “As if that shame wasn’t bad enough, my supervisor, ‘Mel,’ would remind me that I worked ‘at will’ and they could fire me at any time,” she wrote in a post on the r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit.
But one day the opportunity came to quit the job and leave the pressure behind, wrote the Redditor, and she wasted no time thinking. In the end, the supervisor got a taste of her own medicine, so scroll down below to see how the situation evolved.
Recently, a former bank teller shared how she quit her job without notice after the supervisor kept telling her she worked at will and could be fired any minute
Image credits: LukaTDB (not the actual photo)
Image credits: Elisa Ventur (not the actual photo)
And this is what people had to say about this whole situation
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Liucija Adomaite is a creative mind with years of experience in copywriting. She has a dynamic set of experiences from advertising, academia, and journalism. This time, she has set out on a journey to investigate the ways in which we communicate ideas on a large scale. Her current mission is to find a magic formula for how to make ideas, news, and other such things spread like a virus.
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Liucija Adomaite
Writer, Community member
Liucija Adomaite is a creative mind with years of experience in copywriting. She has a dynamic set of experiences from advertising, academia, and journalism. This time, she has set out on a journey to investigate the ways in which we communicate ideas on a large scale. Her current mission is to find a magic formula for how to make ideas, news, and other such things spread like a virus.

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I'm a Visual Editor at Bored Panda since 2017. I've searched through a multitude of images to create over 2000 diverse posts on a wide range of topics. I love memes, funny, and cute stuff, but I'm also into social issues topics. Despite my background in communication, my heart belongs to visual media, especially photography. When I'm not at my desk, you're likely to find me in the streets with my camera, checking out cool exhibitions, watching a movie at the cinema or just chilling with a coffee in a cozy place
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Ilona Baliūnaitė
Author, BoredPanda staff
I'm a Visual Editor at Bored Panda since 2017. I've searched through a multitude of images to create over 2000 diverse posts on a wide range of topics. I love memes, funny, and cute stuff, but I'm also into social issues topics. Despite my background in communication, my heart belongs to visual media, especially photography. When I'm not at my desk, you're likely to find me in the streets with my camera, checking out cool exhibitions, watching a movie at the cinema or just chilling with a coffee in a cozy place
"At will" employment is yet another reason I would never, ever, move to the US. When I was a child I thought the US was the thing to aspire to. Now I realise they're decades behind Europe in virtually everything. It's like a backwater of civilisation. So glad I'm not American.
I'm glad people are finally criticizing the US maybe it will help us change. We were indoctrinated at such a young age to believe we were the best country in the world therefore we believed the propaganda pushed on us. We're not taught truthful history or truthful facts about other countries if we're taught at all about other places.
Load More Replies...What I find fascinating is that with the internet, we can all learn about how things are in other countries and realise our country may not be as good as it was after all, and this includes the penny dropping for millions of online Americans.
It’s insane the way our public schools teach us indoctrination instead of actual facts. And it gets worse. American schools are literally just there to be factories that mass produce obedient workers and soldiers. I’m not even exaggerating, it’s literally what they’re for. Exhibit A: The Presidential Pacer Test.
I agree with you, with a caveat. It would be nice for BPers to stop generalizing that all Americans are idiots, jerks, obese, whatever. People should not judge 330 million people by the antics of the loudest few, and BPers should be above this kind of bigotry, since we tend to be above the average in intelligence, empathy, and inclusion. But somehow, it's always open season on Americans in general. Lastly, the US is more like the EU than one unified country, which makes the generalizations even worse. Imagine if you were French and we judged you by the antics of the Brexit idiots. THAT is what BPers do quite a lot. I live in New England and have almost nothing in common with someone from the Deep South, for example. We might as well be living in two different countries.
Yeah none of that bothers me bc I know they're being obtuse. I know they know we're not all the same. Calling out the worst our society has can only raise awareness to what's happening here and maybe those tourists that do act like the stereotype will think twice before feeling entitled in another country. We're all human we're not different from each other. England has their brexiters we have our trumpers I know for a fact not all people from England are idiots like the brexiters even though they are the stereotype. I know what kind of person I am, calling me names or generalizations do not bother me never have bc it's not true.
Which is again another problem with the US. No 2 states agree on how they should be, so why do you try to promote yourselves as ONE country. Other countries act as one, why can't you?
Nope. Many of us BP'rs are members of marginalized communities, and LIVE the experiences often written about that you seem to think only come from a "small" fraction of Muricans. When millions of people are EXPERIENCING every "ism" in the book in various forms from micro to blatant, we don't NEED the 'media' to 'lead' any thought on what "America the Great" IS for US.
Yes, it's only through sites like Bored Panda that I've realised that the USA is more like Europe than a stand alone country.
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Whatever Nikki, go and eat another beefburger and go to Disneyland.
In all fairness there are so many more better things to eat at Disney. The dole whip, kitchen sink, the waffles, the cannolis, the Mac n cheese hot dogs lol. All way better than the beef burgers. I hope one day you get to visit one of the disneys they are absolutely fun and magical.
I would rather take a big s**t in my hands and clap for 30 seconds than go to any Disney resort.
Hating Disney and all that nonsense has got nothing to do with anger and insecurity you dunce. F**k you and your Mickey Mouse b******t.
I've been trying to convince my wife to leave this country for years. I'm an immigrant here, so I have no particular loyalties. But for Americans, it's like leaving an abusive relationship. There's always some BS reason to stay. I've tried everything. Even agreed to mine to an English speaking country. Found jobs in Ireland an NZ, but nope. Too scary to change. Now I'm afraid I'm too old to be attractive anywhere. Very depressed about it, like need meds depressed. Meanwhile our healthcare sucks, and our kids have active shooter training in school. I hate living here.
Good. Spread the word. Then maybe some of our Troglodytes will STOP with the trope, "tehn, tell muh why erbody tryin ta come here all de time!?" I like to remind them that the bs propaganda is FAR reaching, and those with rose colored glasses get a quick awakening AFTER they get here.
Not every state is "at will." Mainly, if the state has lots of unions, they probably are not "at will." Washington State is famous for their unions. Most people are required to give 2 weeks notice.
Hey now, I agree with the majority of what you are saying. However, we are not a backwater of civilization. Sure there are some less desirable areas of the U.S. but you can say that for any country. And America is still the place where anyone has an equal shot for success. That is why my great- grandparents came here and worked their butts off, because Europe had nothing to offer except starvation. That is why my grandfather, father and brother in law fought for this country. Not for the politics, but for the men and women at their sides. I am proud to be American.
this is the propaganda that we're taught. You sound like an American war poster. The america you're describing is long gone and that america only existed for some not many. Equal opportunity exists in most countries now and it comes w free healthcare we are legions behind all first world countries now.
K if you are so truly disturbed by the state of this country you are more than welcome to leave at any time. Or even better would be to vote people into office that will make a difference. Or, the best option, do something yourself within your community that actually starts helping people. I'm tired of people complaining about something when they do absolutely nothing to make it better.
Who says he isn't? That's more "murican" propaganda, the whole c**p you are on about. Besides, when is the US going to name the country? All you have is a description
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Well, "Fat" there are many reasons for not living in a country. After 73 years here and visiting multiple European countries, I'm staying here and it's fine for you to stay there. Did you even visit or have your based it on boredpanda and social media? My success has been my own and I have parks, beautiful countrysides, wonderful people, up to date medical facilities and more. One thing I don't have is a disgust for other countries like you do.
You can't know what a place is like by visiting. You really need to stay at least a few years. Have a job there, a doctor, a dentist. Go shopping, buy furniture, get an apartment. A week in Paris does not a Parisian make. I have lived in the US for 15 years. I've also lived in Europe, Latin America, and Africa. My Dutch friends say the US is a third world country. Nah, i say. We had universal access to healthcare in the third world. The US is a falling empire, so convinced of its greatness it can't see the ground rushing to meet it.
Do we really have up to date medical facilities? Our mortality rate is higher, we did worse than a lot of places during the pandemic. I dunno, maybe. We certainly pay more for basic health care.
It’s always amazing how people like that get into manager positions. I worked at a restaurant once where we had a manager who loved to bully people. She only really bullied people who didn’t speak english well tho. After 7 yrs and her firing people left and right on a whim, getting managers to leave..etc I having been there 1 yr wrote a letter to corporate detailing her misconduct got 28 people to sign (basically the whole restaurant) and she was gone within 2 weeks after a formal investigation. Karma is a B. The irony was she hired me. :)
It baffles me how anyone still accepts at-will employment laws, why are they still allowed? Please don't try the BS about it giving employees extra freedom, they don't have any more freedom that employees who live in states with proper employment laws have. The only people who benefit from at-will employment are employers.
The "reasoning" is that it's good for employees, because when companies are not afraid to hire and fire, it means it's easier to find work and be more mobile. The reality is more complex, but it's not entirely untrue. There's a reason whole companies in places like the US and South Korea can grow so large and pay high wages (and I can attest that my salary in the US is 2-3 times what i can make elsewhere). But there are many downsides too. Large companies become too big to fail, and become employment monopolies that exploit their workers. Also why most Americans are beholden to their employers for healthcare and time off.
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because you are no more entitled to be paid by them as they are entitled to your labor. At will laws allow each party to terminate when they feel like it. If you dont want to be at will, you have a contract stating otherwise, which in at will states, overrides the at-will part. BTW as much as labor unions have fought at-will laws, a study by GMU found that at-will states have higher rates of unionization than non at-will states. People are more likely to unionize and join a union. the reason why the unions dont like it, is those law also allow people to vote to de-unionize at will, and also allow them to switch unions (such as you and your co-workers dont like being in Union A, you can switch to Union B by a vote, even if they are from a different industry).
Sorry, but that just sounds like b******t excuses to keep the system as it is. You do not need at-will employment to have unions. Here we have both very strong and well enforced employment laws as well as effective unions. You can also choose whether to join a union or not, or to switch to another union that covers your industry, you can have employees at the same company being members of different unions, for example where I work we have members of Unite, Unison and GMB as well as non-union members like me. I am a head of department for a healthcare company and there are very strict rules and procedures I have to adhere to when it comes to employee disciplinary and employment termination. If I break those rules and procedures I can face civil and even criminal sanctions. My employees also have rules and procedures that they must adhere to, but they have fewer restrictions and can pretty much choose to terminate their own employment for any reason they wish at any time.
Mmm no, if you are working in a company, say a hospital where it had never had a union, and the workers decide to unionize, even if you did not want to be a part of it you are essentially forced into joining that union if you want to continue working there. Unions used to have a purpose, now all they do is take money and keep bad people in jobs and make it really hard to fire the people that deserve it. Like police unions.
Police unions are a completely different beast than, say, the unions that work in hotels or on television production sets. I would bet there are plenty of teachers who would want a union helping them out as they were pushed back into the classroom with no Covid protocols in place.
"At will" employment is yet another reason I would never, ever, move to the US. When I was a child I thought the US was the thing to aspire to. Now I realise they're decades behind Europe in virtually everything. It's like a backwater of civilisation. So glad I'm not American.
I'm glad people are finally criticizing the US maybe it will help us change. We were indoctrinated at such a young age to believe we were the best country in the world therefore we believed the propaganda pushed on us. We're not taught truthful history or truthful facts about other countries if we're taught at all about other places.
Load More Replies...What I find fascinating is that with the internet, we can all learn about how things are in other countries and realise our country may not be as good as it was after all, and this includes the penny dropping for millions of online Americans.
It’s insane the way our public schools teach us indoctrination instead of actual facts. And it gets worse. American schools are literally just there to be factories that mass produce obedient workers and soldiers. I’m not even exaggerating, it’s literally what they’re for. Exhibit A: The Presidential Pacer Test.
I agree with you, with a caveat. It would be nice for BPers to stop generalizing that all Americans are idiots, jerks, obese, whatever. People should not judge 330 million people by the antics of the loudest few, and BPers should be above this kind of bigotry, since we tend to be above the average in intelligence, empathy, and inclusion. But somehow, it's always open season on Americans in general. Lastly, the US is more like the EU than one unified country, which makes the generalizations even worse. Imagine if you were French and we judged you by the antics of the Brexit idiots. THAT is what BPers do quite a lot. I live in New England and have almost nothing in common with someone from the Deep South, for example. We might as well be living in two different countries.
Yeah none of that bothers me bc I know they're being obtuse. I know they know we're not all the same. Calling out the worst our society has can only raise awareness to what's happening here and maybe those tourists that do act like the stereotype will think twice before feeling entitled in another country. We're all human we're not different from each other. England has their brexiters we have our trumpers I know for a fact not all people from England are idiots like the brexiters even though they are the stereotype. I know what kind of person I am, calling me names or generalizations do not bother me never have bc it's not true.
Which is again another problem with the US. No 2 states agree on how they should be, so why do you try to promote yourselves as ONE country. Other countries act as one, why can't you?
Nope. Many of us BP'rs are members of marginalized communities, and LIVE the experiences often written about that you seem to think only come from a "small" fraction of Muricans. When millions of people are EXPERIENCING every "ism" in the book in various forms from micro to blatant, we don't NEED the 'media' to 'lead' any thought on what "America the Great" IS for US.
Yes, it's only through sites like Bored Panda that I've realised that the USA is more like Europe than a stand alone country.
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Whatever Nikki, go and eat another beefburger and go to Disneyland.
In all fairness there are so many more better things to eat at Disney. The dole whip, kitchen sink, the waffles, the cannolis, the Mac n cheese hot dogs lol. All way better than the beef burgers. I hope one day you get to visit one of the disneys they are absolutely fun and magical.
I would rather take a big s**t in my hands and clap for 30 seconds than go to any Disney resort.
Hating Disney and all that nonsense has got nothing to do with anger and insecurity you dunce. F**k you and your Mickey Mouse b******t.
I've been trying to convince my wife to leave this country for years. I'm an immigrant here, so I have no particular loyalties. But for Americans, it's like leaving an abusive relationship. There's always some BS reason to stay. I've tried everything. Even agreed to mine to an English speaking country. Found jobs in Ireland an NZ, but nope. Too scary to change. Now I'm afraid I'm too old to be attractive anywhere. Very depressed about it, like need meds depressed. Meanwhile our healthcare sucks, and our kids have active shooter training in school. I hate living here.
Good. Spread the word. Then maybe some of our Troglodytes will STOP with the trope, "tehn, tell muh why erbody tryin ta come here all de time!?" I like to remind them that the bs propaganda is FAR reaching, and those with rose colored glasses get a quick awakening AFTER they get here.
Not every state is "at will." Mainly, if the state has lots of unions, they probably are not "at will." Washington State is famous for their unions. Most people are required to give 2 weeks notice.
Hey now, I agree with the majority of what you are saying. However, we are not a backwater of civilization. Sure there are some less desirable areas of the U.S. but you can say that for any country. And America is still the place where anyone has an equal shot for success. That is why my great- grandparents came here and worked their butts off, because Europe had nothing to offer except starvation. That is why my grandfather, father and brother in law fought for this country. Not for the politics, but for the men and women at their sides. I am proud to be American.
this is the propaganda that we're taught. You sound like an American war poster. The america you're describing is long gone and that america only existed for some not many. Equal opportunity exists in most countries now and it comes w free healthcare we are legions behind all first world countries now.
K if you are so truly disturbed by the state of this country you are more than welcome to leave at any time. Or even better would be to vote people into office that will make a difference. Or, the best option, do something yourself within your community that actually starts helping people. I'm tired of people complaining about something when they do absolutely nothing to make it better.
Who says he isn't? That's more "murican" propaganda, the whole c**p you are on about. Besides, when is the US going to name the country? All you have is a description
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Well, "Fat" there are many reasons for not living in a country. After 73 years here and visiting multiple European countries, I'm staying here and it's fine for you to stay there. Did you even visit or have your based it on boredpanda and social media? My success has been my own and I have parks, beautiful countrysides, wonderful people, up to date medical facilities and more. One thing I don't have is a disgust for other countries like you do.
You can't know what a place is like by visiting. You really need to stay at least a few years. Have a job there, a doctor, a dentist. Go shopping, buy furniture, get an apartment. A week in Paris does not a Parisian make. I have lived in the US for 15 years. I've also lived in Europe, Latin America, and Africa. My Dutch friends say the US is a third world country. Nah, i say. We had universal access to healthcare in the third world. The US is a falling empire, so convinced of its greatness it can't see the ground rushing to meet it.
Do we really have up to date medical facilities? Our mortality rate is higher, we did worse than a lot of places during the pandemic. I dunno, maybe. We certainly pay more for basic health care.
It’s always amazing how people like that get into manager positions. I worked at a restaurant once where we had a manager who loved to bully people. She only really bullied people who didn’t speak english well tho. After 7 yrs and her firing people left and right on a whim, getting managers to leave..etc I having been there 1 yr wrote a letter to corporate detailing her misconduct got 28 people to sign (basically the whole restaurant) and she was gone within 2 weeks after a formal investigation. Karma is a B. The irony was she hired me. :)
It baffles me how anyone still accepts at-will employment laws, why are they still allowed? Please don't try the BS about it giving employees extra freedom, they don't have any more freedom that employees who live in states with proper employment laws have. The only people who benefit from at-will employment are employers.
The "reasoning" is that it's good for employees, because when companies are not afraid to hire and fire, it means it's easier to find work and be more mobile. The reality is more complex, but it's not entirely untrue. There's a reason whole companies in places like the US and South Korea can grow so large and pay high wages (and I can attest that my salary in the US is 2-3 times what i can make elsewhere). But there are many downsides too. Large companies become too big to fail, and become employment monopolies that exploit their workers. Also why most Americans are beholden to their employers for healthcare and time off.
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because you are no more entitled to be paid by them as they are entitled to your labor. At will laws allow each party to terminate when they feel like it. If you dont want to be at will, you have a contract stating otherwise, which in at will states, overrides the at-will part. BTW as much as labor unions have fought at-will laws, a study by GMU found that at-will states have higher rates of unionization than non at-will states. People are more likely to unionize and join a union. the reason why the unions dont like it, is those law also allow people to vote to de-unionize at will, and also allow them to switch unions (such as you and your co-workers dont like being in Union A, you can switch to Union B by a vote, even if they are from a different industry).
Sorry, but that just sounds like b******t excuses to keep the system as it is. You do not need at-will employment to have unions. Here we have both very strong and well enforced employment laws as well as effective unions. You can also choose whether to join a union or not, or to switch to another union that covers your industry, you can have employees at the same company being members of different unions, for example where I work we have members of Unite, Unison and GMB as well as non-union members like me. I am a head of department for a healthcare company and there are very strict rules and procedures I have to adhere to when it comes to employee disciplinary and employment termination. If I break those rules and procedures I can face civil and even criminal sanctions. My employees also have rules and procedures that they must adhere to, but they have fewer restrictions and can pretty much choose to terminate their own employment for any reason they wish at any time.
Mmm no, if you are working in a company, say a hospital where it had never had a union, and the workers decide to unionize, even if you did not want to be a part of it you are essentially forced into joining that union if you want to continue working there. Unions used to have a purpose, now all they do is take money and keep bad people in jobs and make it really hard to fire the people that deserve it. Like police unions.
Police unions are a completely different beast than, say, the unions that work in hotels or on television production sets. I would bet there are plenty of teachers who would want a union helping them out as they were pushed back into the classroom with no Covid protocols in place.