
50 Painfully Funny Posts Of Kids Ruining Their Parents’ Days, As Shared On This Online Group
InterviewWhether or not to have children is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make in life. But even if you’re the biggest family person in town, you can’t deny that there are moments when you wonder if your kid might be moonlighting as a demon in disguise, sent to torment you. Maybe they spat a chicken nugget right into your morning coffee, destroyed your expensive camera, or tore up their allowance, angry you didn’t give ‘em more cash.
It’s moments like this that can make someone reconsider parenthood. And it’s exactly this feeling that the spicily named, humor-focused ‘Living Condom Advertisements’ subreddit aims to capture. It’s an online community that’s dedicated to sharing examples of children behaving in the very worst, entitled, and yucky way possible. Check out the worst offenders below. Keep in mind, Pandas, that the r/KidsAreCondomAds subreddit focuses entirely on comedy, not hate.
Bored Panda got in touch with the friendly team running the subreddit, and one of its moderators, redditor u/neuroticsmurf, was kind enough to share their thoughts on the community, humor, and what they'd tell overwhelmed parents. "The idea behind the community was always to appreciate the humor in the toughest of parenting moments," they said. You can check out the full interview below.
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$25.00-$30.00 Down The Shitter!
We were interested to learn more about the idea behind the r/KidsAreCondomAds subreddit, and moderator u/neuroticsmurf told us all about it. According to them, the focus lies on learning to appreciate the humor in some of the toughest parenting moments you'll ever run into.
"Those moments when your kids exasperate you so much, you begin to question whether you made the right choice to become a parent in the first place," the mod told Bored Panda.
"When you look back on those moments with the benefit of hindsight, they’re usually pretty funny. They were awful at the time, but tragedy + time = comedy!" the redditor urged everyone to look at these sorts of situations from a broader perspective.
This Made Me Laugh A Little Too Hard
Nice Try Kiddo
Humor is an incredibly powerful thing that can help turn even the gloomiest situation into something palatable. Moderator u/neuroticsmurf shared a story from their school days with us that shows this.
"When I was in high school, I had a friend who wasn't a great student. Each time our algebra teacher handed back our graded quizzes, my friend would take a look at his grade, let out a defeated chuckle, and just bury his head on his desk. Our teacher finally asked him why he always laughed. She didn't think his grades were very funny. In response, he said, 'Well, I can't cry about it.' No one is going to hate a kid for being a kid. But we can laugh about it," they told Bored Panda.
Coffee, Now Including Ammonia And Urea!
Meanwhile, the mod also had some advice for new parents who feel entirely overwhelmed, overstressed, and exhausted beyond belief. "When you have a moment as a parent that makes you question your decision not to wear a condom that time long ago, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and consider what a great story you’ll be able to tell at your kid's wedding someday," they pointed out that having a long-term view can help parents see the comedic aspect of it all.
"And remember: Stories are always best accompanied by pictures, so get that camera phone out!" they urged everyone to share these moments of others to help turn tension and stress into laughter.
As we’ve covered on Bored Panda before, actually wanting to be a parent is one of the things that will help you get through the toughest of times. In other words, you have to enjoy the idea of being a mom or a dad. Otherwise, you might feel frustrated and even resent your kids for having to put them first, well, pretty much all of the time. To oversimplify things a tad, nobody enjoys being forced to do something that they dislike, whether it’s parenting or anything else.
And though parenting is incredibly rewarding, any of your bleary-eyed, tousle-haired friends will tell you that it can be beyond exhausting. They’re not just juggling parenting and housework. They’re also likely working, trying to maintain a semblance of social life, taking care of their health, and using the few moments of leisure they have to remind themselves that, hey, they have hobbies and passions like everyone else.
We Found My Wife’s Phone In The Toilet Yesterday. We Weren’t Sure Which Of Our Three Kids Put It There.......until My Wife Scrolled Through Her Pictures Today
S**t Like This Is Why I'm Not Taking Advice From Those Parenting Books
Oh Boy
From a practical standpoint, what really helps is knowing how to ask for help. Talk to your partner about dividing up the housework more fairly or them looking after the kids while you take a half-day to unwind. You can then reciprocate once you’re feeling like a human being again. Remember, you're supposed to be a team, not a solo superhero.
If your partner is just as overwhelmed as you are, talk to your family and friends—maybe they could do a spot of babysitting so the both of you can get some well-deserved sleep or go on a date night. If everyone’s busy, consider hiring a nanny. It shouldn’t be seen as a weakness that you want a small break from being a mom or dad. You’re a parent, yes, but you’re not just a parent. And it bodes well to remember that you’re not doing anyone any favors if you’re sacrificing everything for the family and working yourself to exhaustion.
How Did He Even Get His Head In There??
I hate to laugh when he is clearly scared… but we know he’s fine and this is pretty funny. Why is this the case. I would stick my head in the railing of my stairs and then never could get it back out. How? How does it go one way but not the other. The lesson is also…. Never learned. Honestly did it again and again. It just looks too fun.
Absolutely Smashing
Durex With The Smart Advertising
Originally founded in May 2020, the r/KidsAreCondomAds subreddit currently has 27.4k members. According to the information shared on the sub, the online group is now “under new management."
The group primarily focuses on showing the humorous side of misbehaving kids, and there’s plenty of that to go around. It can make you really respect the amount of patience and perseverance that parents have (or it can temporarily put you off from having kids at all).
Oh Poor Car
An 8 year old with a search history? Call me a boomer, but kids need to be watched and net nannies need to be installed!
White Brownies
Before you start posting random memes and screenshots, you’ve got to familiarize yourself with a few rules. Thankfully, there are only a few. The team running the ‘Living Condom Advertisements’ sub explains that the content that’s shared has to go beyond kids “just being stupid.”
“We want kids destroying people's things, making messes, misbehaving, etc. We want moments that make you not want kids/regret having them,” they point out.
My Toddler Found A White Ink Pad And Immediately Turned Into Saruman
My 11 Month Old Son Just Hit Me In The Face With His Toy And Broke My Tooth In Half
I like seeing the mother's love come through in this unfortunate moment. The kid has a good mom.
Me And The Baby Powder
Meanwhile, all the members of the community are urged to be kind to each other. There’s no need to be a jerk when there’s so much comical content to share. What’s more, you should strive to post original stuff—don’t share anything that’s already been posted within the last three months.
The moderators also stress the fact that the sub is all about humor. “Take the hatred elsewhere,” they point out that there’s a zero-tolerance approach to child hatred.
Too Late For Birth Control
Sounds About Right
Kids Trash Thrift Shop's Toy Section, Parents Don't Care
What really helps weather the jaw-droppingly awful moments featured in this list is shifting your perspective and focusing on the silver lining. Namely, the humorous side of things. Sure, you might have just realized that your munchkin is more like a goblin than an innocent angel, but if you manage to laugh when things get tough, you’re effectively saying ‘no’ to stress and anxiety.
Let's Paint The TV! Great Idea
Kids Will Be Kids
Ultimate Logic
The best thing you can do for the environment and the future of our planet is to not have kids. Here's 63 examples of why this is such a good idea.
What you do next will depend a lot on your parenting style. There are four main ones: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved. Though all families are unique and there are no one-size-fits-all answers, authoritative parenting is generally the best out of the four because it leads to kids growing up to be self-reliant, cooperative, friendly, and achievement-oriented.
Dad I Saw Them Do This At The Gas Station
Does This Count As A Condom Ad?
All The S**t My Son Has Put Down The Air Conditioning Vent In The Last 6 Years
This style focuses on moms and dads setting firm limits for children while also valuing being nurturing, responsive, and supportive. Authoritative parents explain what the rules are like and why they’re like that and they’re open to listening to their kids’ points of view (even if they might not accept it). Clarity and a mix between firmness and friendliness are key here.
What A Hell?
I Don't Think He Will Be Trusted With Technology For A While
Repost But I Think It Belongs In This Sub
Well, if he has hair on them he is old enough to understand ownership. Also old enough for him and his balls to be grounded!
Which of these pics made you laugh and cringe the hardest, Pandas? Do you have any kids of your own? What do you do when they make a massive mess? We'd love to hear your thoughts, so drop by the comment section. And feel free to vent or share some similar stories, too.
A Condom A Day Keeps The Children Away
I stoped taking pictures like this, the album is full of this. Bread, fruit, nuggets, chips.
My 7 Year Old Just Broke Something I’ve Had Since I Was Younger Than Him
And There Go All The Saving For College
Thank You Children Very Cool
Tell them "this is why you won't get Xmas presents" and see what they say inatead
My Kid Was Playing Workshop While I Fixed The Garage Door Yesterday. Super Glad I Checked My Shoe Before Putting It On
Argg... You know the little turd did it because they thought it would be funny
Grabby Grabby
He’s Sonic
Finally Found My Missing AirPods! It Turns Out My Daughter (4 Yr) Got Ahold Of Them And Put Them In The Toaster
This Kid In Home Depot
The irony is that the people who'd probably make the best parents are the one who don't want kids.......
I Gave My 10 Y Old Bro My Laptop Which He Needed For “School”. Punched It While Playing Fortnite…
He wouldn't be touching a computer till he was 16 and his allowance would go to fixing it
Ah Yes, Paint Blood
My Beautiful Children (2/4) Drew Me A Picture.... On My Car.... With Rocks
My father-in-law had a 68 camaro that he took to shows. Gdad insisted on taking my 3 year old down to the shop to help him work on the Camaro. My child was returned 20 minutes later after beating on the car door with a screwdriver
Slpt_how To Reduce Screen Time
3-Year Old Poured A Can Of Soda Into My $2k PC
Why is a 3 year old chugging soda? And why are they let near the pc with it?
Down The Toilet
Just... Why?
This is why I keep my instruments in a case that kids can’t get into
Fucking Stupid Kid Starts Pulling Out Passenger's Leg Hairs
Yay, So Much Fun... Thanks, Kids
That isn't a quiet thing... What the heck were the parents (apparent photographer) doing?
But They‘Re Like, So Worth It
Skateboarding In The Kitchen
I'm so pissed off after reading these. Most of the examples are straight up due to lack of supervision and parenting! People should have to pass a test to be allowed to have children 🤦🏻♂️
Try babysitting two hyperactive kids for an hour. One hour. They will either do something horrible, or "fall" off a cliff.
Load More Replies...All the commenters pretending they were perfect children, and never did anything wrong. Think of the worst thing you did as a child, then imagine your parents putting it online for others to define you by your worst moment, not the other 99.99% of the time.
I asked my parents and the dumbest thing I ever did was punch my dad lol
Load More Replies...If this isn't an ad for not having kids I don't know what is! Partner and I don't want them and this has confirmed it, we'll stick to cars... much cheaper
Don't have kids if you don't want them, a perfectly reasonable thing to do. BUT none if this is #kids being kids. It's all poor parenting
Load More Replies...What the fück is wrong with y'all and automatically blaming the parents? There are other influences in a child's life
No s**t. Not to mention that these aren't all from the same parent. It is unreasonable to expect a child to not do something crazy EVER. It's equally unreasonable to demand that parents supervise 100% of the time. Judging the entirety of a person's parenting skills by one moment captured on camera is not going to net you an accurate assessment.
Load More Replies...I AM NEVER BECOMING A PARENT!!!! Most of these things the kids are doing come from a lack of understanding, which often times people pass off as stupidity. However, the most important thing is supervision, and to have patience with kids, because their brains aren't fully developed. However. I do not posses the patience, among other qualities, to be a good parent. lol
That one post asking why we have decided not to have kids. this is why
I’m never having kids. If my kid did anything in this list, I’d get mad and probably traumatize the poor kid
So, in other words.....I'm happily childless because with some of these kids I would have been incredibly angry and probably not responded appropriately.
"Why do parents let..." Look, no one 'lets' their kids do this s**t. You can't be a helicopter 24/7, parents have to go to the bathroom, or make dinner, or let the dog out. And the kids just...do stuff. The pictures are cathartic, in a we'll look back and laugh some day kind of way.
more than half of these are the parents fault, if you dont want your child to pour coke on your computer, dont give them coke at 2 years old, same with scissors and hammers!
This is why my brother and sister in law bought a trampoline (with nets and everything.) When they need to, they throw the kids outside and make them jump on it. Also helps to give kids a particular place to get messy or play with messy things. You want to play with legos? Use a marker set? You can only do it in this spot. That way kids can do it and the chaos is somewhat controlled.
The amount of hatred I have for small children is honestly concerning at this point
I save these articles for whenever anyone decides to lecture me about being "selfish" and/or "evil" for not having kids.
i guess i got lucky. worse thing my kid did was take all of the stuff (mostly towels and dish rags) out of the bottom kitchen drawer and crawl into it
You people are wound way too tight. These are minor things that happen with all kids. It’s not irresponsible parents or demon children, shít happens
This is an old one, not mine but read it somewhere but can't remember. The parent said their child had put a sandwich into VCR!
I am so glad I don't have kids. Many of the parents of the kids in these photos don't deserve to be parents if they don't set limits on their behaviour.
It looks like most of these are parent fails. Take care of the kids before you take photos.
The drawing on consoles might be something i'd do because I was bored lol. To my own s**t not others.
Honestly this really makes me want to not have kids in the future lol. I don’t think I could be a responsible enough parent to supervise them and graciously deal with the property damage. I’m more impressed by parents every day.
God this makes me wonder if I'm right wanting kids. This thread just pisses me off
Downvote. 95% of this post should be labeled "Parental Fails". I found myself asking, "WHERE are the parents ???" on nearly all of them. And i didn't find ANY of them to be cute or endearing. Many might be considered to be child abusers for compromising their unsupervised children to paint and all manner of danger. The more money it cost the parents, the more I salivated.
Every one of these articles just reaffirms my decision to have a vasectomy.
there should be a stupidity test for every person to see if they are fit for parenting
My kid's thing was destroying literally everything they could get their hands on, especially paper. Their favorite was books. We had to remove all of our bookshelves and lock the books away in closets. They tore paintings off the wall too, so we had to have bare walls.
1. Don't have children. 2. If you're not listening to good advice and still do, train them.
I'm so pissed off after reading these. Most of the examples are straight up due to lack of supervision and parenting! People should have to pass a test to be allowed to have children 🤦🏻♂️
Try babysitting two hyperactive kids for an hour. One hour. They will either do something horrible, or "fall" off a cliff.
Load More Replies...All the commenters pretending they were perfect children, and never did anything wrong. Think of the worst thing you did as a child, then imagine your parents putting it online for others to define you by your worst moment, not the other 99.99% of the time.
I asked my parents and the dumbest thing I ever did was punch my dad lol
Load More Replies...If this isn't an ad for not having kids I don't know what is! Partner and I don't want them and this has confirmed it, we'll stick to cars... much cheaper
Don't have kids if you don't want them, a perfectly reasonable thing to do. BUT none if this is #kids being kids. It's all poor parenting
Load More Replies...What the fück is wrong with y'all and automatically blaming the parents? There are other influences in a child's life
No s**t. Not to mention that these aren't all from the same parent. It is unreasonable to expect a child to not do something crazy EVER. It's equally unreasonable to demand that parents supervise 100% of the time. Judging the entirety of a person's parenting skills by one moment captured on camera is not going to net you an accurate assessment.
Load More Replies...I AM NEVER BECOMING A PARENT!!!! Most of these things the kids are doing come from a lack of understanding, which often times people pass off as stupidity. However, the most important thing is supervision, and to have patience with kids, because their brains aren't fully developed. However. I do not posses the patience, among other qualities, to be a good parent. lol
That one post asking why we have decided not to have kids. this is why
I’m never having kids. If my kid did anything in this list, I’d get mad and probably traumatize the poor kid
So, in other words.....I'm happily childless because with some of these kids I would have been incredibly angry and probably not responded appropriately.
"Why do parents let..." Look, no one 'lets' their kids do this s**t. You can't be a helicopter 24/7, parents have to go to the bathroom, or make dinner, or let the dog out. And the kids just...do stuff. The pictures are cathartic, in a we'll look back and laugh some day kind of way.
more than half of these are the parents fault, if you dont want your child to pour coke on your computer, dont give them coke at 2 years old, same with scissors and hammers!
This is why my brother and sister in law bought a trampoline (with nets and everything.) When they need to, they throw the kids outside and make them jump on it. Also helps to give kids a particular place to get messy or play with messy things. You want to play with legos? Use a marker set? You can only do it in this spot. That way kids can do it and the chaos is somewhat controlled.
The amount of hatred I have for small children is honestly concerning at this point
I save these articles for whenever anyone decides to lecture me about being "selfish" and/or "evil" for not having kids.
i guess i got lucky. worse thing my kid did was take all of the stuff (mostly towels and dish rags) out of the bottom kitchen drawer and crawl into it
You people are wound way too tight. These are minor things that happen with all kids. It’s not irresponsible parents or demon children, shít happens
This is an old one, not mine but read it somewhere but can't remember. The parent said their child had put a sandwich into VCR!
I am so glad I don't have kids. Many of the parents of the kids in these photos don't deserve to be parents if they don't set limits on their behaviour.
It looks like most of these are parent fails. Take care of the kids before you take photos.
The drawing on consoles might be something i'd do because I was bored lol. To my own s**t not others.
Honestly this really makes me want to not have kids in the future lol. I don’t think I could be a responsible enough parent to supervise them and graciously deal with the property damage. I’m more impressed by parents every day.
God this makes me wonder if I'm right wanting kids. This thread just pisses me off
Downvote. 95% of this post should be labeled "Parental Fails". I found myself asking, "WHERE are the parents ???" on nearly all of them. And i didn't find ANY of them to be cute or endearing. Many might be considered to be child abusers for compromising their unsupervised children to paint and all manner of danger. The more money it cost the parents, the more I salivated.
Every one of these articles just reaffirms my decision to have a vasectomy.
there should be a stupidity test for every person to see if they are fit for parenting
My kid's thing was destroying literally everything they could get their hands on, especially paper. Their favorite was books. We had to remove all of our bookshelves and lock the books away in closets. They tore paintings off the wall too, so we had to have bare walls.
1. Don't have children. 2. If you're not listening to good advice and still do, train them.